《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 5


I opened my eyes. What i saw was the ceiling of my room. I got up and started to get dressed. Brown pants and a brown shirt. It wasn’t anything impressive. My room is 4 by 4 meters long, with a bed with a cabinet and a small chair. For the rest it is empty. Quite the plain room actually.

I got out of my room and went to get some breakfast. When i entered the kitchen i found my mother and father sitting at the table.

“Lian, we want to have a talk with you”

My father sounded serious. This meant that they had something important to talk about.

“Wait one second”

I reply, while looking at some leftover soup. Well, i suppose i will eat some soup for breakfast. I get a bowl of soup and take a seat

“So what is it that you want to talk about?’’

I ask. I pick up a spoon and start eating.

“It is about your status. You see, we believe that it may be smart to hide the fact that you have an unique power”

I stop with eating and look at my mother.


That was the only question that i had. Of course I had already thought about this. Most of the people with unique powers are forced into military uses and politics.

“We don’t want you to get hurt son”

My father answers while looking me straight in the eye.

“We don’t want you to be killed or forced to do things that you do not want to do”

There is a short silence in the room before i speak

“Alright, I will keep it quiete about my unique power, however I will not hide the Eyes of Knowledge”

My mother and father start nodding and agree with my statement. After I am done with breakfast I pick up the MP stone. Last night I filled it up completely and now is the time to try out the Summoning of Viarsominator.


I leave the house and start walking towards the forest. While towards the forest I realise I have to be careful. The reason being that there were monsters inside the forest.

Monsters are creatures that are non-sentient and have a MP stone inside of them. Monsters can have all sort of shapes and they do not necessary have to be hostile. An example of this is the Wyvern. Wyverns are lesser dragons that are primarily used as transport. Be it walking or flying. They are of course tamed, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are monsters.

ten or twenty meters before the forest i come to a halt. I have no idea how this will work so I just say out loud

“Summoning of Viarsaminator”

The moment I say the name a blue text appears before me.

Summoning of Viarsaminator World: -

Item: -

Being: -

Magical power: -/?? Will you start the summoning? Y/N

The moment that I think of world a list appears inside my mind. I see hundreds of worlds. A One Piece world, a Six sense world and even a Harry potter world.

I go through the list and end with Lord of the Rings. After I select the world I go to items and again a list appears inside my mind. I start looking and stop when I see the item that I want.

After that I am done, but i did not press the button. I started to hesitate. What if it goes wrong?

This question kept circling around my head. What if it indeed goes wrong, what do I have to do?

Then I suddenly remembered something. I remembered Selly, the sweet girl that has a great future in front of her. If she has a great future because of her powers, than I am allowed to use my powers right?


I came to the conclusion that I was allowed to use my powers. Why did I even doubt in the first place?

I look at the blue screen and press the button start confident. Before I know what happens a circle appears right in front of me. It looks extremely complex with all sorts of runes and lines crossing each other. The circle is however not that big. A meter and a half at most. Then a white flash appears that made me close my eyes. The flash wasn’t big, i doubt that the people in the village could have seen it.

In front of me laid a piece of equipment. This piece of equipment was a ring and this meant one thing. The summoning had failed.

You see this was what I had entered in the blue panel

Summoning of Viarsaminator World: Lord of the rings

Item: Elven Sword

Being: -

Magical power: 230/?? Will you start the summoning? Y/N

That is right. I wished to summon an elven sword, instead in front of me was a ring. Wait, it couldn’t be. I look at it as fast as possible and start to concentrate and what I saw made me speechless.

The One Ring The One Ring is a ring that was forged by Sauron during the Second Age. The One Ring gives the owner the power of invisibility, furthermore it will stop the natural aging.

If you wear the ring for longer than 90 days The One Ring will grant you the power of mind-reading.

The bearer of this ring will slowly be corrupted until he or she goes insane.

I-I-I just summoned the ring. That wasn’t even my intention. Even so what is with the corruption part? Without that part this ring would have been overpowered.

While I am ranting to myself, I keep looking at the ring. It was after all strangely beautiful. Maybe, just maybe I will not be corrupted I wondered. Maybe I should just try it on.

Right before I pick it up I realise what is happening. I immediately turn around and start thinking for a solution.

I can’t leave this ring here, what if someone takes it and becomes corrupted, but i also can’t take the ring because I will otherwise be corrupted.

but what if, what if I were to bury it? I mean i am at the outskirts of the Forest of Faria. No one will come here. That decides it. I pick up the ring, making sure that i do not wear it, nor look at it. After I pass the first trees I stop and then I begin the dig with my hands. I keep on digging until I have created a hole that was at least 40 centimetres deep.

I then throw The Ring in the hole and start covering it up. After I am done i pick up some sticks and throw them on top of buried ring. I then walk out of the forest to the MP stone.

I sit down on the ground and pick up the MP stone and start charging it. While i am charging i suddenly hear a DING!

Because you have been controlling your Magical Power you have gained + 1 in Magical Perception

I stop for a moment while looking at the blue box before starting to charge it again. This time with more vigour. After an hour or two the MP stone is finally full again.

I get up and whisper:

“Summoning of Viarsaminator”

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