《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 4


When I entered my house, I saw my mother cooking. I walk up to her and give her a hug. What? Sons are not allowed to hug? After I am done with hugging my mother I take a seat at the dinner table. While I am waiting until the food is ready I start fantasize about my status.

Suddenly two big hands fall on my shoulders, waking me up from my daydream.

“Hello son”

My father laughs, showing me a row of big white teeth.

“Are you ready for your status?”

My father asks me this while grinning. This bastard knows how tense I am and yet starts to tease me.

“Of course I am ready, John”

I on purpose say John instead of father to let him know I do not appreciate the teasing. My father, being my father splendidly ignores the John part.

“Great, great you know I would be very dissa…”

“John cut that out, can’t you see our son is nervous”

My mother suddenly cuts into our conversation, looking as if she’s about to hit my father with the wooden spoon.

“I am sorry honey ”

My father answers. Well at least he looks guilty. I know my father doesn’t mean it badly, but I am not in the mood to be teased. My mother puts a bowl right in front of me and my father before she sits herself.

“Well let’s eat”

My mother says before starting to eat.

While I am eating I look at my mother. My mother is a beautiful woman. She is in her thirties yet she looks like she is in her twenties. She has a slim figure and is quite short. She has beautiful blond hair and pure green eyes. Furthermore you could see her curves quite well. If you had to describe her you would say she is a noble or something close to that.


My father on the other hand looks and acts like a barbarian. Long dark hair, brown eyes and a huge physique. He is at least 2 meters long and is also very broad. He has well defined muscles and an aura that says I AM LOUD.

Just as I am about to bring the spoon full of soup towards my mouth I hear a DING!

You have become ten years old, you have gained access to your status

I slowly lower my spoon. My mother, seeing this realises that I have finally gained acces to my status.

“Honey, how about you share your Status with us”

My mother says while smiling gently. Sharing your status is something that you can do, however it is not recommended since the people that see your status will know everything about you.

Do you want to give Helena and John access to your status]


I mentally say yes and they see my status.


Lian Magical power: 40

* Magical Capacity: 10

* Magical Perception: 25

* Magical Density: 5 Powers:

Eyes of Knowledge

Minor eyesight

Unique Power:

Summoning of Viarsamitor


memorisation lvl 3

Storytelling lvl 6

I just stared at my status. Hell I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had three powers. Let me repeat that. THREE POWERS. This was more than I could have hoped for. I even had an unique power.

My father and mother were just as me dumbstruck. They just blankly stared into space until my father suddenly roared.

“YOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHAAAAAAAA!!!!! My son has three powers. My son is going to be a fine man.”

I didn’t even want to react to him. I checked my status again and realised something. Summoning magic wasn’t unheard of but it would cost a lot of magic. I on the other hand did not have a lot of magic.

My mother seemed to have reached the same conclusion as she became lost in thought. I was especially happy with the power Eyes of knowledge. This power was highly sought after since it allowed you to see the history and description of beings and or items. I looked at the soup that my mother had made.


bowl of vegetable soup

This soup is made by a loving mother and helps you satisfy your hunger

I looked at the floating box in front of me. It really did work. I wonder if I can examine my own unique power. I activated my status and then I look at my unique power.

Summoning of Viarsamitor The summoning of Viarsamitor gives the user the ability to summon any item and/or being from another world. These worlds however need to be of fiction and needs to have been written down. In this case a book, manga or comic. Furthermore other worlds that are created by anime and or series are also allowed. The chance of summoning the succesfull being or person is very low. In order to increase the chances of success more Magical Power is needed.

If you try to summon from an otherworld that world will become unavailable for 3 months.

The items that you summon will retain their original abilities, but can be configured to adept to this world.

No matter what happens you will summon SOMETHING.

200 magical power is minimal needed to use the Summoning of Viarsamitor

This unique power is strong, but I am a little bit concerned about the fact that I will always summon SOMETHING. What does it mean? As I am thinking about this my mother suddenly speaks up.

“A MP stone!”

While slamming her fist into her hand she looks at me

“A MP stone!”

“A what?”

“A MP stone, you know a stone that is able to store MP. You will be able to store magical power in it for your summoning”

I realised what my mother meant. If I had a MP stone, I could store enough mana inside of it to activate the Summoning of Viarsamitor. To be fair MP stones are not rare, if not common. I myself have a MP stone in my room for lighting. That MP stone is able to store 260 MP. Of course you’re probably thinking something along the lines of, Then don’t magicians have tons of them to draw out MP from them? The answer to this question is unfortunately no. You see, you can charge a MP stone, however you cannot retrieve the mana into your own Magical Capacity. Our bodies are not able to do that, monsters on the other hand can do stuff like that.

This however was the perfect solution. I went as quickly as I could to my room and searched for my MP stone. When I looked at it a blue box popped up.

Magic Power Stone [ medium] 17/230 Magical Power

It seemed like I was wrong about being able to hold 260 MP. Anyway I held the stone in my hands and started to fill the stone up with MP. After I was done the stone told the following:

Magic Power Stone [ medium] 27/230 Magical Power

My capacity was only 10 so It would take a while to charge it. While I was thinking that I checked my status again and saw something that surprised me.

Magical capacity 5/10

It had already regenerated half of my Mp after only two minutes.

I sat down and started to fill the MP stone up until I was empty and then I waited until I had regenerated all of my NP and began again.

I kept doing this until I fell asleep

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