《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 3


Chapter 3

“………. And Rapunzel and the prince lived happily after.” I finish telling her the story. While I wait I hear Selly making sleeping sounds. “This girl” I think while shaking my head. I start leaning on my arms and look up in the sky. I will be ten years old tonight. Around 8-9 P.M. and when you’re 10 you will be able to recite your status. Every sentient being in the world has a status and it doesn’t matter if you’re an elf or a dwarf since everyone’s status had three things in common. First of all it was blue, second of all it was impossible to tinker with it and change the values and lastly your status showed you three things:

First the magical power of the being. However it is not just that. Magical power is made out of three components. Magic capacity, magic perception and magic density. Magical capacity practically means how much magic your body can hold. It is impossible to improve the capacity since you cannot change your body structure or at least there is no known method that could increase magic capacity.

After magic capacity, for short Mc, comes magical perception. This component shows how fast you regenerate your MP (Magical Power). It is not just regeneration alone. It also helps show you perceive magic. How higher your MPE (Magical Perception) is the better you can control magic and feel it. MPE is very important, but most people believe that Mc and Md (Magical Density) is even more important.

Lastly there is Magical Density or Md for short. How higher the Md is, the denser the magic is. How denser your magic is how more powerful it becomes. A fireball with a density of 10 will have a longer duration and it will be hotter than a fireball with a lower Md.

If you were to compare two status with each other it would look something like this


Subject #1 Subject #2 Magical Power: 100

* Magical Capacity: 50

* Magical Perception: 10

* Magical Density: 40

Magical Power: 100

* Magical Capacity: 20

* Magical Perception: 70

* Magical Density: 10

Subject 1 has a higher density so his spell do a lot more damage. Not just that he also has more capacity so he can shoot more spells. On the other hand subject #2 has an incredible MPE, because of this he will generate MP while fighting Subject #1. And he can perceive what kind of spells the other Subject will use. In short even though Subject #1 is more dangerous in the beginning, in the long run Subject #2 is more dangerous.

The second thing that the status reveals are powers and unique power. Every being is born with at least 1 power. These power can be something like enhanced physique or better perception. Hell it can even be Superior Digestion. All these powers are passive, except for one kind.

The unique powers.

A unique power is as it says unique. Only one person is able to possess such a power. He or she will also be the only one that will ever possess that power. After he or she dies that power will never show itself again. Unique powers are random and can be unbelievable strong or extremely useless. Or it is incredible powerful with a great catch or just plain weak.

You can be born with a maximum of ten powers, this is of course unbelievable rare. Nobles have over the course of centuries married their sons and wives to people that had great powers. When these couples gained a child, this child had a greater chance of inheriting both powers from his or her parents. Because of this noble children are most of the time born with four or five powers.

The last thing that the status shows you are skills. Skills are actions that you have gained through hard work. For example if you were to create an air bullet for a thousand times there is a chance that you could get the skill Air Bullet. This skill helps you out tremendously when it comes to creating an air bullet. You see, if two magicians were to shoot one air bullet towards each other the magician with the skill air bullet would win. The reason being that the magician only has to activate the skill air bullet as the other magician has to create a current, create its shape and even has to fill it up with magical power. Skills are actions that mostly helps speed up things. If it is for everyday life or a dangerous situation it does not matter. You can also “level up” your skills so that they become more efficient. Max level appears to be level 10, however no one has ever reached that level.


And today is the day that I will be able to see my own status. I sigh, even though I am happy at the same time I am afraid.

What if I have no powers, NO what if I have useless powers? How am I able to help my family out? Will I be able to have a happy life?

While these thoughts roam through my head I look at Selly’s face. Even though she is sleeping she looks angel-like. Selly is lucky, when she became 10 years old she gained four powers. That is unheard of for a commoner. She will have a great future ahead of her.

I start smiling. I remember the day when I heard of Selly’s status. It was a day like this. I was telling a story about a girl that met seven dwarfs. Then Selly suddenly interrupted me, which was extremely rare.

“Lian, what is this blue screen?” Selly asked me with a voice full of curiosity. I had stopped talking and looked at her surprised. “That is your status Selly. What does it say?”.

After I asked this she started answering as if what she said was nothing special.

Selene Magical power: 500

* Magical Capacity: 200

* Magical perception: 200

* Magical Density: 100

If this was the end I would have been relieved, however the little monster Selly wasn’t done yet. She began to recite her powers:

Selene Power:

* Superior Light affinity

* superior Holy affinity

* Superior Magic control

* Superior Poison resistance

Unique power:


Superior Light affinity

superior Holy affinity

Superior Magic control

Superior Poison resistance.

This may seem like it is not that strong, however you need to understand something. A normal magician has 70-100 MP. A hero has 600-800 MP. This meant she was almost as strong as a Hero!

She is such a cheat.

Furthermore about those powers. The highest possible grade is Superior. The chance that you will gain a Superior power is 1 in a 10.000.000 .

Do you understand it now?

She has four of those powers, and she even has the holy affinity. That is one of the rarest kind of affinities for magic.

After she told me this I was dumbfounded. After I recovered I, of course, took her to her parents and explained what happened. Her parents cried in joy and gave a great party.

Yeah that was one hell of a day.

I slowly start to shake Selly awake. After she opens her eyes I whisper into her ear: ”It is time to go home. our parents are both waiting”. Selly begins to giggle and jumps on her feet.

“Wanna bet that I am faster” she smiles with a tomboyish smile and starts to run away.

“Do you really think you can win” I yell after her and also start to run.

This way we went home while running, yelling and laughing.

Of course it goes without saying that I won in the end.

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