《The start of a rookie summoner》chapter 2


Chapter 2

I laid back in a grassy field. I bet that if you were to look from above you could see my village close by. If you wonder how i look well I’ve got intense green eyes and a short build and black hair.The rest of me looks average, maybe a bit thin, but still average. My name? It s Lian.

I exhaled the air out of my lungs and started chuckling to myself. Today I can finally see my status. I started thinking back in these past ten years. I became conscious of myself when I was 2 years old. This was weird however this wasn’t the weirdest part yet. The weird part was that I somehow knew that I had lived another life. I, however, could not remember who I was or how I had died. I did, on the other hand, remember the books that I had once read and I even remembered manga’s and comics.

When I was three years old I stumbled upon a book, when I tried to look at the letters I realised something. I could read it, hell it was as simple as breathing. Furthermore for some reason I had this urge to tell all these stories that were inside my head. The person who I started telling stories to was my friend Selene, in short Selly. She is the daughter of a friend from my dad.

My dad, John, is a woodcutter and a muscle head." For some reason he wanted me to train my body when I was three years old.My mother, Helena, got mad about it and stopped my father.

I told her all kinds of stories like the story about Bob the Builder or Pimpilangkous. The last story is about a super strong girl that helps people. I of course didn’t tell her stories like Berserk or even Lord of the rings since I didn’t want to scare her.


Long story short, she got quite attached to me and started to call me Storyteller. Heck, that name is so embarrassing. I just recite the stories, I don’t want a nickname. Call me Lian like everyone else dammit.

Selly was quite the beauty even though she is just eleven years old. She has long blond hair and light blue eyes, a slender figure and an angel like face. It also doesn’t help that she has a personality that only sees the good in people.

We once had this accident where this murderer was escorted by knights through the village. He had to be judged in the capital or some crap like that. This accident however happened because Selly tried to free the murderer. We still have no idea how she got her hands on the key or how she got so close to the handcuffs of the man, but if the knights hadn’t reacted fast enough Selly would have let the murderer free.

After the knights captured Selly and questioned her it appeared that she believed that the man wouldn’t do it anymore and could lead a peaceful life. The knights called the villagehead and he called her parents and she got scolded. Point is she can’t or doesn’t want to see the bad side of people. It worries me quite a bit to be honest.

While I am thinking all this I start hearing something in the distance.




It was Selly that was screaming my name. She did not sound scared but excited instead. This could only mean one thing. She wanted to hear a story from me.

I raised my head from the ground and looked at Selly. She wore a simple green dress that seemed like it's dancing through the air. She smiled brightly at me while running towards me.


When she was a meter or two away from me she suddenly jumped towards me. I, taken by surprise, couldn’t react on time and Selly falls face first in my stomach. The air was forcefully pushed out of my lungs making me gasp for air.

Selly looks up from my stomach with a playful smile.

“Tell me a story, storyteller” she says.

“Stop calling me Storyteller” I grumble while putting my arms on the ground to position myself in a sitting stance. As I sit put my hand Selly’s shoulders and rotate her so that she lays on her back comfortable. I look downwards at her face while squinting my eyes.

Instead of looking guilty she starts even smiling brighter. It hurts my eyes, please stop.

I sigh and start looking for a fun story for Selly. Even though Selly is quite tomboyish she still liked stories about a prince saving a princess.

I smile at her and ask “Have you ever heard of Rapunzel?”. She just looks at me with big eyes and shakes her pretty little head.

“Good, you see once there was a kingdom…”

and I began to tell her a story.

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