《The start of a rookie summoner》Chapter 1


Chapter 1:

Close to a dense forest lies a settlement. This settlement has been named Lakoran by the first inhabitants. This village is realitvely small. It has one blacksmith, one inn and one small shop. It doesn’t even have a school, because there are just not enough children. close to the village, on the outskirts, is a house. It is a small house, it has a total of four rooms and that’s it. Inside this house a woman is screaming in pain. Besides this woman there is a man, if you were to look closely at him you would see the dark circles around his eyes and the anxious look in his eyes. This man was watching as his wife was giving birth to his son. He was desperate, the reason being that his wife has been trying to birth his child for the past 18 hours. He had heard from his friends that it was normal for a child to be born within 12 hours, however it has been 18 hours!

The man prayed to the gods that his son and child would be safe. He was anxious, yet hopeful. After what felt like an eternity the woman gave a last push and the child came safely into the world. The woman, greatly weakened, asked with a weak voice filled with excitement:” Please let me hold my child, give him to me.” The midwife gently scooped the child up and gave it to the mother.

“Look husband dearest, this is our child” The woman said. While she said this she was looking at her sleeping son. “He is beautiful” Says the man. Those in the room could hear the happiness from the man as if the Goddess of Light had descended. “What shall we name him?” asks the man, his eyebrows furrowed while thinking about a name for his child.


The room became silent. You could hear nothing, but the sounds of the breathing from the baby. Then the silence was broken by the voice of the woman. “Lian, that will be his name” answers the woman. There was a short silence before the man answers. “A strong name” agrees the father while looking lovingly at his wife and sleeping son. “A strong name indeed”.

When Lian became 6 years old it became clear that he was a bit different from the other kids. Not only was this because he had inherited his mother and father looks. This being black hair until his shoulders, with deep green eyes that looked really intense. A skinny, but strong build and a cold voice. No it was because he could read as if it wasn’t anything abnormal. This child could read the books in the house that were meant for adults, furthermore he understood it all.

The reason that this was so abnormal was because no one had taught him anything at all regarding reading. Sure the mother had read a few bedtime stories, which was already rare considering she was a villager, but she hadn’t showed him the letters at all. Because of this the father and mother were a bit suspicious, but loved their son nonetheless.

Three years went by and their son, Lian, was now nine. It appeared that Lian had quite the imagination since he would tell his mother and father stories about lands that didn’t exist or creatures for that matter, but that didn’t matter to his family. They would listen to him, since it seemed like it would make their son extremely happy.

Another year passed and Lian became ten years old. It was the day that he had hoped for. Today was the day that he would be able to recite his “STATUS”.

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