《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 15: New Rules
Harry Potter arrived at the Guild’s headquarters, fuming after the meeting with Lupin. He took deep breaths to calm himself when Luna approached him, not willing to lose his temper. With no words, she hugged him and he hugged the girl back, she always knew what he needed and she reminded him so much of Elizabeth it was hard to remain angry. Once he was calm she led him to where a portable wardrobe was and the others were lined.
“Are we in classes?” he teased.
“We will go in the order that we arrived,” she said, signalling the others and he raised an eyebrow at Marcus, he shrugged and he had to smile.
“She ordered my elf to kidnap me so here I am, I am glad though, Tubby is better doing paperwork,” Marcus explained with a sheepish smile.
“I guess it is my turn then,” Harry announced but Luna pulled him back by his sleeve before he could open the wardrobe.
“Not yet, you will be last and Theo first,” she told him and he nodded.
Luna opened the wardrobe and a replica of him emerged. The eyes of his replica were cold and his face conveyed fury, it walked towards Theo.
“Mmm, why did I even give you a chance? I don’t even know why I wasted my time with you, Theodore. You are useless,” his replica sneered.
Harry looked at the boy, he was taking hurried breaths and his hands were shaking. He walked towards him and placed a hand on his trembling ones. When Theo looked at him he gave him a small smile, trying to communicate without words how valuable he was.
“Riddikulus!” he exclaimed and his replica’s clothing became something the headmaster would approve of.
The boy smiled but still looked perturbed by what had happened. The next one was Daphne, who was looking even colder than normal. The boggart, much to his surprise was once again him, but this time he looked older, a disdainful sneer curled his lips.
“Ah, Daphne, after all this time you have proved me wrong, your father was right. You are a female; hence you are not powerful enough. Look at the others! They are doing great things for me and you... You dear, are nothing,” it announced.
Daphne did not react in any notable way, but her shoulders were tense and her hands in tight fists. The way he did with Theo he placed a hand in hers, drawing lazy circles in her fingers, she looked at him at last and he nodded.
“Riddikulus,” she whispered with a shaky voice, his doppelganger hair turned hot pink.
One by one the members of the Guild took their turns with the boggart, much to his bewilderment he turned out to be their greatest fear. Marcus’ boggart was him being expelled of the Guild for some terrible mistake that had harmed them. Draco’s boggart appeared as him in the border of death because the boy had failed him and Blaise’s was him sneering at the boy for being unable to perform at the standards he desired. The youngest twins fear was him punishing them, the same way their father and aunt once did, he understood the depth of both girls suffering when it started sprouting heinous threats.
Fred’s greatest fear was him dismissing him as yet another Weasley and George’s was to fail the Guild. Terrence was frightened of not being useful enough in the future and Adrian’s fear was Harry being disappointed because he had turned the way his father always wanted. Luna’s deepest fear was to not belong anymore and Neville’s was being not good enough to continue being a member of the Guild. One way or another, their deepest fear centred on them disappointing him... Until that moment he did not understand how deep the impact of his acceptance was in his friends, but he did now. They were loyal to him and he swore to himself to be loyal to them in exchange. He was the last one to confront the boggart; strangely enough, his look-alike emerged, he was surprised at him being his own fear.
However, the person that walked out of the closet was not him. His hair lacked those red highlights he loved and inherited from his mother, his features were not as perfect as his own... And its eyes were a dull emerald instead of his blazing ones. It did not speak and he, at last, understood what his fear was and a silvery laugh erupted from the depths of his chest.
“My greatest fear is to be normal,” he announced to the others with a smile. “I think we all have learnt something today, that our worst fears are ridiculous because they will never happen,” he told the others with a smirk and he looked at Luna.
“It is true, they will never happen because no matter what we do Harry will accept us, we are the Guild and we are family,” Luna said, in one of her rare serious moments, but then she began giggling in delight and hugged Marcus, much to his bewilderment.
That was the day the members of the Guild understood how deep their bond was, it was the day they understood they would always be accepted in their strange group of misfits that somehow fitted together in a perfect way. That was the day their tacit pact of loyalty was sealed.
Remus Lupin was having an existential crisis while he nursed a bottle of cheap firewhisky. For the first time in his life, he dared to confront the man that for so long he had considered a hero, while he talked he noticed how blind he had been. It was obvious that Harry had told him nothing else than the harsh truth that for so long he refused to see. Now though, everything had changed in a few hours. He would send a letter to Sirius in order to apologize and talk with Harry tomorrow... Maybe he needed to speak with professor Flitwick, he remembered the man had not joined the order during the last war, he had judged the man harshly until he had seen him fighting at their side. He should ask him why had he not joined, it was time to hear the things he had ignored for so long. But that could wait until tomorrow; first, he planned on nursing his firewhisky and if possible take care of a hangover the next morning.
Next morning, he was woken by an elf that was muttering about ‘drunken masters and their lack of respect towards Lady Hogwarts’. Remus groaned. The last thing he needed was to be scolded by a disapproving house-elf. The elf scowled at him when he noticed he was awake and popped out of the room after giving him the stink eye. Remus sighed, the last day’s events were still present in his mind, thus, instead of procrastinating he began writing a letter to Sirius. Today he had to give classes most of the day, he would ask Harry to meet him after dinner, it was time to apologize and beg forgiveness. He decided to make himself presentable and speak with Flitwick before classes.
Filius Flitwick was enjoying a fascinating book about muggle physics when someone knocked on his door, curious on who may be visiting this early, he flicked his wand for it to open.
“Remus! It is a surprise to see you here,” the man squeaked at one of his ex-students.
“Good morning, I hope I am not interrupting.”
“Not at all, come on in! Do you want something to eat or drink?” he offered with a kind smile.
“No, I am fine, professor. I wanted to ask you a few things if you do not mind,” the young man requested looking anxious.
“Of course, go ahead, but please call me Filius,” the man said with a smile.
“I cannot do that; it would be too strange... What do you think of Harry?” he asked after taking a deep calming breath.
“Harry is one of my best students, like his mother he advances as much as you allow him to. During his first year, I had to give him more advanced material because he was bored during my classes. I gave the same opportunity to all his year mates, but the few who took it dropped it before the week was over when they noticed how complicated it would be. The chance I gave him is not free, he is working hard to earn his extra lessons,” he explained with a smile.
“So he is more Lily’s son than James’,” Remus stated with a small smile.
“I did not know James on a personal level so I have no idea, but he takes after Lily on many aspects. You know how intelligent she was, plus her work ethic, she turned into one of the most successful women I have ever met, despite of her young age.”
“Yeah, I remember how many offers for apprenticeships she had during our last years of school.”
“Indeed Remus, now why don’t you tell me the real reason you are here?” the old man asked with a gentle voice and the man in front of him sagged.
“I wanted to ask why you did not join the order?” he asked in a small voice, looking at his lap.
“Ah, I see. You know I am an old man, right? As a matter of fact, I met Albus when I was eighty years old; he was quite a supercilious young man. Throughout the years, he has overcome that particular trait; however, other even less sensible ones were cemented. I have no doubt Albus tries to be a good man, but he believes he knows what is the best and tends to forget that the ones surrounding him are not chess pieces, but people,” he explained with a benign expression.
“I realized some things that are hard to accept,” the younger man sighed, looking far too tired for his age and Filius smiled, one did not stop being a teacher because your students grew up.
“You realized he is a simple human; therefore, he is capable of committing mistakes,” he said and the other man nodded. Filius opened his drawer and took out his especial chest and opened it, the captivating scent of chocolate filled his office and the young man looked up in child-like curiosity. “I have these special treats for students who come to seek my help, if you want me to I can also animate it to imitate Albus,” he suggested and the other male chuckled.
“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Remus answered with mirth shining in his eyes.
“Shame, I enjoy doing that, impressions are my speciality,” he said handing him the small chocolate treat. “Now that you noticed Albus is human, ask forgiveness to the ones you have harmed believing he was a god. I would not blame you for resenting the man, but do not forget that the only one that would end up losing in that situation is you.”
“I will, thank you for the advice professor,” Remus said with a wide smile.
“No problem, maybe next time you will want to see one of my impersonations,” the man commented with a chuckle.
“Maybe next time, have a good day!” Remus told the man and left the office with raised spirits.
He went to his office and composed another lengthy letter at his best friend and a short one to Harry, to ask whether they could meet that day after dinner.
Harry Potter walked to Remus’ office, if he was honest he confessed being curious about why had the man asked him to come. However, no matter how curious he was he took all the necessary previsions in case the man decided to attack him to protect the honour of the headmaster. He knocked on the door and waited for a little before it was opened.
“Harry, come in,” the man said, he did not know what changed but something was different about him, a fact that put him on edge.
“Remus,” he said as a greeting and took a seat.
“I thought about what you told me about... You are right, until the moment I had the man in a pedestal, but not anymore. I already apologized to Sirius through a letter; we are meeting this weekend in Hogsmeade. I wanted to apologize to you; it is true that I told Dumbledore everything I knew about you. If it serves as consolation, he made you sound like a troublemaker, like a younger James if you would. I am glad you are more your mother’s son,” he said, his apology sounded sincere but it would take more than that to trust the man.
“You are forgiven for now Remus, I hope you won’t make me regret it,” he told the man, he thought for a small moment on ignoring the man’s apology, but something his mother had written stopped him. In her journal, she wrote about one of her biggest regrets, and that was not giving a second chance or trying harder to reconcile with her sister and her last boyfriend, who had been a friend longer than her partner. He understood what a heavy burden was to carry a grudge.
“I swear you won’t... I spoke with Flitwick and McGonagall, they tell me that you are an excellent student,” he inquired.
“I try to, mother was the best of her generation, and I want to be like her,” he explained.
“Lily was a great woman. When we were young your father fancied her from the moment he saw her at the sorting, he tried to ask her out ever since. In third-year, when he insulted her best friend, who at the time was Snape, she did not react but we had the worst week at school. Sirius' hair was full of split ends and he was about to go crazy, Peter tripped so much he was afraid to walk, I was unable to find any chocolate in school. But the funniest was your father, for a whole week he could tell nothing but the truth, never before he accumulated so many weeks of detention nor been almost mobbed by most girls in school,” he reminisced with a smile.
“You have never talked about my parents.”
“I know... I am sorry, Dumbledore asked me not to and as I fool I obeyed,” he sighed.
At the end of the meeting, Remus was smiling from ear to ear, remembering a time where the worst of his problems was lycanthropy. A time when James and Sirius were the biggest idiots in existence and earned the ire of Lily, who as gentle as she was, had a terrible temper if angered. Now that he remembered he noticed their particular bad luck in most occasions happened after one of the idiots insulted Snape. Thinking about the man he sighed, he needed to find a way of apologizing for the part he took on the man’s torment while they were students. It seemed the day would be marked by apologies.
Severus Snape was in his private quarters sulking. Ever since he had talked with Lucius he could not stop wondering about the possibilities, what if he joined no one this war? He snorted, as if he would be allowed to remain neutral. He had been a stupid teenager with delusions of grandeur when he joined, motivated by the idea of destroying Potter and impressing Lily.
It did not take long for him to see the reality was not what they were promised. They had been sent to the carnage in order to weed out the weak ones, which was a day he would never forget. He remembered Lily fighting against his group; he remembered Flitwick and a few other classmates... The only reason he had escaped with his life that day was because the professor had recognized him, never before he had felt so ashamed at the deep disappointment of the man, who disarmed him and fought the others. That was the day he understood he had no taken the right decision, because if he had fought Lily he had no doubt she would have killed him to protect her friends and that he was not among them. And yet he had remained loyal to the Dark Lord because he saw no other option to continue living.
That was until he heard the prophecy, instead of doing the right thing and telling Lily and her family for them to leave the country he had gone to his Lord in hopes of finally getting her. He understood how terrible his mistake had been when the man promised to forgive her life if she did not interfere; he knew the woman and she would not back down. However he still hoped to have her for him, thus he had gone to Dumbledore. Yet another terrible mistake because while one demanded servitude the other demanded eternal loyalty. Lily had still died and he knew it was his fault, he may not be the one who cast the killing curse, but he was the one who sent the egomaniac after them. That day he had not only lost her, but he had lost the last wisps of freedom he owned.
Days like these he wondered what had happened if he had been a better man. What if he had not insulted Lily when they were on fifth-year? What if he had gotten over his crush? What if he had accepted to go to the Mayan Empire to pursue his mastery? He did not know, but sometimes he dared to wonder and daydream.
Today had been harsh. He had spoken with Draco and it had not been what he expected. His godson had indeed chosen a different path than him or his father and he could not deny he was proud. However, there were things that unsettled him more than a little. The way the Carrow twins looked at Potter was too close to Bellatrix expression when she looked at the Dark Lord, pure devotion and utter veneration. Draco and the others were more subtle about it, but the sheer fanaticism shining in their eyes unsettled him more than he was willing to admit. He had tried to talk with his godson about his unhealthy relationship with his friends and the only thing he received in response was cruel rebuttals about how they were not death eaters, unlike other people. The only thing he obtained from that conversation was further disdain.
Someone knocked on the door and he ignored it, but whoever was outside was quite insistent, with a scowl he walked to the door to kick out the moron that kept disturbing him... He did know who was expecting, but Lupin was not it.
“Goodnight Snape, I need to speak with you, may I come in?” the man asked looking nervous.
“No, anything you need to say can be told here,” he said with a sneer.
“Very well, I wanted to apologize for helping James and Sirius to bully you. I should have done that long ago but I did not have the guts, I am sorry,” he apologized with honesty; Severus was too astounded to react so he took a little while to compose himself.
“Why now?” he asked in bewilderment.
“It seems right, I have waited too long,” he explained.
“I don’t know what to say, but I appreciate it,” he said at last and the man nodded.
“Have a restful night,” he said and left the place.
Severus closed the door and proceeded to get drunk. The day had not only stressful and frustrating, now one of the persons he had loathed the most had the nerve to apologize, turning the already awful day into a bizarre one.
Lord Voldemort had once been a great wizard, but now he was reduced to this deplorable state. Bartemious Junior had searched for him the moment he had managed to escape his father. He had been on the gates of death, with no unicorn blood or body for him to possess. Barty had taken desperate measure and found a muggle baby for him to take and survive. Afterwards, he had searched for a ritual but he had few of the elements and trying to get them would cost him his only follower at the moment. Therefore he settled for a basic ritual with a weak wizard as the main ingredient, for a time it had worked but now it was beginning to fail. It did not matter though, he could wait for a new body and he had more important things to plan. His loyal death eaters were being nursed back to health; once they were ready he would call the others, the ones who had denied him... He would punish them and ensure they did not doubt his power, maybe he would even allow Bellatrix to have her fun.
He would make sure the world trembled at his feet, once his death eaters were ready he would announce to the vermin that inhabited magical Britain of his return. His glorious purpose would be accomplished, the ones who had been loyal would be rewarded and the ones who had dared to oppose him would perish a painful death. Yes, yes, that was right. Soon the world would know he was back and he would attack where it hurt the most.
Harry Potter still was astonished by the way his relationship with his friends had improved since the day they confronted the boggart. It was marvellous the way they could trust each other. Few things had happened ever since; however, there was a particular event that made pure wrath bubble under his calm demeanour.
He and his friends were walking to their headquarters after a hearty breakfast on a Sunday; on the surface, everything was normal, however, for some strange reason Luna looked uneasy and jumped at any sound. This put the whole Guild on edge, thing that he still believes ensured none of them resulted injured. He felt the curses coming before he saw them; on instinct, he created a powerful shield around them. From the corners of his eyes, he saw many people surrounding them, older students who belonged to his house and others as well.
“You Potter are a filthy mudblood and your friends are all disgusting blood traitors. We allowed you to rule our house for too long, not anymore!” one of the Slytherins hissed.
“Our Lord is back and soon our world will be cleaned of filth, we were promised his mark, but we will give him a gift and we will be rewarded!” another exclaimed with heavy breaths.
He analyzed the situation; he did not think he could take them all out in once. However this time he was not alone, this time he had people to rely on. After this stunt, they had the nerve to pull he would punish them one by one for daring to endanger or even threaten the Guild.
“Stun them all, but do not be afraid to cause any harm, either way, they will be punished,” he ordered his Guild, his eyes blazing in ire.
What followed few would consider it a battle; a more appropriate term would be carnage. Twelve people had the audacity to try to go against them; they expected to fight unprepared children not trained students. While the members of the Guild were no professional duellists, they had trained to the point of collapsing in exhaustion to protect each other. Daphne sent powerful curses that never missed her target, Blaise was unable to be detected until it was too late, Theo created the best shields and along with Draco, they covered everyone so no harm could be caused. The twins, true to their reputation, were devils when paired together, one defended and the other attacked, all in perfect synchrony. Terrence and Adrian had excellent teamwork and few would be able to escape them. To everyone’s surprise, little Luna and gentle Neville were ruthless in battle, not a single curse missed, not a single curse sent caused just mild pain. Harry observed with satisfaction as the others took care of the threats while he Accio the wands from the ones who were defeated. Far too soon the conflict ended.
“Each of you levitates one to our common room, except you, Theo. I want to call all the Slytherins to be present, please, also bring Marcus,” he ordered and the boy nodded.
The group strode to the room, an undeniable aura of power surrounding them. The door flew open and the ones who were lounging in the sitting places jumped when the group entered, many bodies were floating behind them. No one talked, there was no need, and everyone understood someone had defied the Guild... They would be punished and it was going to be a public affair. People walked in with caution, eyes widening at the pile of bodies in the centre of the room. No one spoke; the place was submerged in a sepulchral silence that turned the atmosphere even more nerve-wracking. At last Theo entered with a serious-looking Marcus by his side, the few missing Slytherins following with unsure steps, meekly they joined their house to witness what no one doubted would be a brutal punishment.
“Marcus, good to see you,” Harry greeted with no inflexion.
“So that is the vermin,” the older boy sneered.
“It is. Now that we are complete, incarcerate them and revive them,” the boy ordered and the others nodded, following his instructions with precise actions.
The witnesses observed as the people we surrounded by magical ropes and awaken with a spell. They observed their confusion and understanding, they had tried to rebel and lost. The Slytherins, having witnessed the kind of punishment the Guild granted were beginning to panic, knowing that soon pain would come. The ones who did not belong to the house looked confused and while understanding downed rage seemed to dominate them.
“You cowards! Untie us and I will show you why you filth should bow to us,” the only Hufflepuff in the group shouted and the witnesses paled.
“Oh my, since when is attacking from behind an act of bravery?” Daphne asked with a saccharine voice and condescending smile.
“If we were to tell the headmaster, what do you think it would happen?” Flora asked with a gentle smile that ensured the boy shut up.
“After all, you attacked many heirs today, and if that was not enough you also attacked the boy-who-lived,” Hestia said in faux surprise.
For the first time, the older students noticed the amount of trouble they were in, their family names would do nothing to protect them this time because names that are even more powerful were on the other side. No amount of money would be enough to save them and even if the Dark Lord accepted them, what use could they have? They understood how much this would affect their future... If the kids spoke, they would be expelled from school and prosecuted as the adults they were.
“Voldemort will not help you,” Neville whispered to them with mirth, it seemed the kindest people could be the cruellest while protecting the ones they loved.
“You must understand that punishing you do not cause us pleasure,” Luna said and looked around. “Well, perhaps it does, but that is not the reason you will be. If we do not show the others how following a man that enjoys rewarding his followers with a crucio will only end up ruin you, many will commit the same mistakes,” she said looking at Harry, who nodded in response.
“If I wish to, I can destroy your lives to the point you will beg for death, but I will be lenient this time,” Harry said in a honeyed tone that put them on edge. “I hope you all remember that the Guild can be kind in extreme and offer you amazing benefits, but it is our duty to punish you. Do not dare to defy any of us again,” he ordered looking around. “The first and second years will only observe the first part, and then you are to leave to your rooms. The others pay attention, because that is the fate you will avoid if you take the right decision.”
Harry approached the Hufflepuff boy, who was still looking angry. The boy began screaming in agony, he convulsed and contorted, he yelled until his throat was raw, yet the torture did not stop. One by one they followed, once everyone had their turns the youngest fled to their rooms. Some had unshed tears; others trembled to the point older students needed to help them. The lesson was engraved in their memory, never defy the Guild.
“Fred, please call a few school elves to attend the children. Adrian, there are enough potions in our room if they are needed, do show them where they are,” Harry said and both boys nodded, leaving the room.
“Please, no more,” begged a Ravenclaw girl in a strangled voice.
“I would have not, but you forced me to. We could have avoided this if you had followed our simple rules and come to us for help, but it seems your adoration for Voldemort interfered with your rational thinking,” he stated. “I know which families are housing death eaters, I know which of you were promised the dark mark, I can name person for person... But that is not my problem. If you believe him that is yours, but if you attack anyone under my protection you will regret it. Thanks to this event, another rule has been added to Slytherin: no one is allowed to have the dark mark, if you do... Look at them and remember that sight, you will wish for the same fate,” he promised, everyone nodded, once again screams filled the room.
That was a day no Slytherin would ever forget, it was the day they understood that while the Dark Lord promised the Guild fulfilled. It is true that they had benefits no other student in Hogwarts enjoyed, but they had forgotten the nature of the ones who ruled the house. Giving yet ruthless, their leader had offered them a chance and many would take it. After all, how dangerous could the Dark Lord be if he had been defeated by a toddler, a baby that had grown up to be even more powerful than him. That was the day many loyalties swayed and others were cemented, that was the day Slytherin changed...
Severus Snape had a terrible night, for some reason an illogical uneasiness took hold of him. He sneered at his breakfast with as much hatred as he could muster; he sighed and looked around the hall. Something had changed, a few older students in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff looked scared, beyond frightened would be a more appropriate description. He looked at his house and paled, the youngest students looked scared, but behind their transparent expressions, he could see undiluted awe. The older students were no different; however, the unmistakable respect and dare he say reverence with which a few were eyeing Potter and his friends filled him with dread. He did not know what had happened and no one would tell, but he had a few ideas.
The Dark Lord had called them at last; he could see many that had avoided Azkaban among them. It had been a brutal punishment, but once again they all swore allegiance to the man, most had offered their children as future servants. Children that would have been marked during Yule, children that today seemed to be scared of their own shadows...
Potter had done something to them, he was sure. Much to his chagrin, there were no other proofs than his observations, no one would believe in him and they would not talk even if their lives depended on it. He had to do something but he did not know what, he felt helpless and frustrated. His only satisfaction in life was helping and protecting his snakes, but it seemed he could not even do that now. He could not protect them from the Dark Lord or a boy who promised to be just as cruel.
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Nowhere Island University
Nathan Jacobs was just another kid from suburban US. No super powers, no special skills, and, more importantly, no direction. With his senior year of high school coming to an end, Nate is approached by representatives of the international law agency, UNIX. They want him, as well as a team of two other teenagers to infiltrate a college in the mid Pacific called Nowhere Island University. However, Nowhere Island University is not a normal school. Nate, due to enrolling in the Academy of Military Science as part of his mission, is thrust into the brutal Hell Semester, a special course for the people who want to be mercenaries. There, he meets mob hitmen, former child soldiers, mysterious martial artists, cat girls working for secret societies, and many more strange people. Meanwhile, events outside NIU are transpiring, threatening to destroy the world, or maybe just kill a huge amount of people. Can Nathan stop it? Or will he die in Hell Semester? Updates every Wednesday.
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How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis
What if you were transported to a fantasy world with no special abilities, no OP weapons and no status screen to boost your stats? Never mind finding the dragon’s treasure or defeating the Demon Lord, you only need to worry about one thing—how to stay alive. A group of young Brits wake up in a strange, fantastical land with creatures from myth and legend. They are given archaic weapons they don't know how to use and told to do their best. Convinced it has to be some kind of virtual reality RPG, all the people summoned form parties and set off on their adventures, leaving behind the people nobody wants in their group. Story of my life, thinks Colin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK 10: Welcome Home Chapters released twodays a week (Tuesdsay and Thursday). Early Access chapters available on Patreon. Mobile-friendly chapters can be found on MoodyLit.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For those wishing to support the author, Books 1-7 are now available to buy on kindle and epub: Book One|Book Two|Book Three |Book Four |Book Five |Book Six ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a moment, please vote for my story at Top Web Fiction. No signup required, just press the button. Voting refreshes every week. Vote.
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The god of gambling has decided to play a game with the world. Until someone survives his Quest to the end, every day will be subject to a roll of the cosmic Dice, and it's on the mortals to survive however they fall. The Kingdom of Man has sent the usual heroes, and the usual heroes cannot make it past the first dungeon. With the pressure mounting to solve the bizzare problem, and a single hint from above, they are forced to look for their saviors in the places where Heroes don't come from. Dungeons. Prisons. The Tower of Punishment. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge.]
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The Direwolf Sorcerer
Wilhem Blackburn is actively involved in wildlife preservation. While investigating the most recent rumor, he dies in an accident. Getting a one-way ticket to a fantasy-laden world, Prima. Prima, a world inhabited by a plethora of species, each with a unique way to survive. A world enriched with boundless mana, resources, and power-hungry entities. And to make it worse, 'SYSTEM' happened, promising power and glory. After millennia, the dust has settled, more and more settled for a peaceful living. Wilhem Blackburn, now goes by Garm, wanted nothing of it. He was content with his life back on Earth. He wasn't ready to live a second on. Peaceful settling was it then! Peace was hard for Garm, especially when the top brass was set to wipe him out of existence. Little did they know he was nigh unkillable! Author's note: Things to expect: - Adventure, magic, and myth? Sure - Action and a bit of dry humor? Why not~ - OP MC & VILLAINS. - Mind the tags. It's a litrpg and slow-paced. - Oh! MC is a bit suicidal! Things not to expect: - Romance. I've no intention of adding romance in the foreseeable future. - Good grammar (Fair warning: I'm not native and might have some issues with the language. I hope you guys will be helpful and kind to point out the wrongs.) Greetings! 'The Direwolf Sorcerer' is my first work, so be supportive and kind by pointing out my flaws. Thanks! ( This went by the name 'I died & reincarnated as wolf in fantasy world' almost a year ago in RR. Due to personal reasons, I dropped it only after 4 chapters. Now I'm writing it again, just with a new title.) *UPDATES EVERY SATURDAY I've plans for the cover art, but that's for later.
8 181 - In Serial52 Chapters
My Rp'er Boyfriend Is Our SSG President/Mafia& Gangster King/Campus King
He's my RPW Boyfriend.... Shocks...𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙴𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 :#5 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚞𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 (𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢)#1 Rp'r Category in the month of February#2 Gangster King #2 Campus King#18 Mafia King...and many more...thank you for supporting this story...
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