《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 16: The Price of Innocence
Harry Potter and his friends were ready to go to Hogsmeade before leaving for the Yule holidays, the last months had been better than expected in many ways. First was that Remus seemed to really have seen the light, but he remained wary in case it was all an act. The members of the Guild were advancing in leaps and bounds in their extra training. The older member’s pet project had been to create target practices based on runes that could tell the efficacy of a spell, which meant it told whether it was under or overpowered. With a bit of help from aunt Eleadora they had managed to create them, they served to practice a spell to perfection, to the point you controlled its power with nothing else than a whim.
“Harry, did you tell them to be alert?” asked Luna looking around.
“I did, the Alley could not be more protected. Ragnok took care of giving all the protection he can to his outer guards, but I have guards near,” he appeased the girl who still looked uneasy.
Since yesterday Luna had been on edge, she had ordered him to make sure all the guards were ready for today, both in the Alley and in Hogsmeade. Now that they knew of her gift he followed all her recommendations. He even went looking for professor Flitwick, who swore an unbreakable vow to keep the girl safe and was accompanying them today to their trip, ready for battle. Draco led them to the sweets shop, where he bought many bars of chocolate, as per Luna’s instructions. Hours went by and they relaxed, they even entered the café and were enjoying their time there.
An unnatural gelid air permeated the village, a feeling they were now familiar with overtook them. The group ran outside when screams began filling the air, death eaters were beginning to attack and the dementors were helping them. Looking at each other they nodded, after all, Luna was always right and they were prepared.
“Expecto Patronus!” the group announced and multiple silvery animals emerged, the most notable being an enormous basilisk. After the dementor attacked him during the train ride, he began practicing the charm he had ignored for so long.
Filius Flitwick ran to the children to force them to leave for the castle and take the other students. But then he saw them conjuring the patronus and fighting death eaters curse for curse, a resistance none of the attackers was expecting. He saw the school elves popping in and leaving with a few students each, relieved about their safety he joined the fight. It was good he had begun training again.
Bellatrix was ecstatic, today was the day they were announcing her Lord’s comeback. They arrived at the village and she smiled at the terrified screams that emerged, while the others were wreaking havoc in the Alley, she and her group were in charge of harming their most precious jewels, their children. A group of brats emerged and she was ready to crucio them when they conjured corporeal patronus, her eyes widened in surprise. It was not possible, seeing her back up gone, she attacked with fury. Each one of her curses was avoided and she ended up duelling two look-alike red-haired brats, they dared to try to curse her! No matter how hard she tried she was unable to hit them, and unlike others, she had fought during the last war, they were firing dark curses that could not be blocked with a shield so she kept avoiding them. It would be shameful if brats killed her by sheer good luck.
The inhabitants of Hogsmeade had been terrified when they recognized the familiar figures, the death eaters were back. No one had tried to fight because they were too occupied running, now they observed in awe as school children fought against their tormentors. Two small twin girls battled two older men, while they did not seem to be powerful everyone could recognize the green of the killing curse being sent at the girls and yet they did not flinch. Another two twins, who reminded many of the terrible Fabian and Gideon Prewett, were fighting Bellatrix Lestrange.
A small blond girl and a mocha skin boy fought Rabastan Lestrange and a beautiful blond girl fought his brother along with another boy her age, matching the man. Two young boys were fighting a still masked death eater while two older ones were duelling another two criminals. What took their breath away was an angelic young boy fighting Dolohov, one of the most feared death eaters during last war and not faltering against his opponent. Even Professor Flitwick was fighting three at the same time while other two were unconscious, recognizable opponents were Bartemious Crouch Junior and Corban Yaxley, another one fell against the man and the battle continued. All around them were people they had never seen before but were not Aurors, fighting to protect them and casting patronus to keep the dementors away.
If children were fighting to protect them, why they were not? With an enraged shout, an old man joined the battle; many looked at each other and followed his example. The attackers were expecting carnage, not a battle and they were being pushed back.
“Retreat!” an enraged Bellatrix shouted.
They began leaving the battle in dark smoke, a few retrieving their fallen comrades. They had won this one and for the first time, people understood they could fight. They were not defenceless. Many of the strangers began aiding their own comrades with healing spells. It had not been a massacre, and yet, lives were lost. On their side, there were four dead and many injured, along with six dead attackers, they did not how many were injured but they had damaged their ranks. They could fight and they would fight next time.
Once the death eaters left most of the children collapsed in exhaustion, professor Flitwick ran to them. After diagnostic spells and healing minor injuries he smiled. The children he had met years ago had grown, it hurt him to see warriors so young, but it was the path they had chosen to ensure others safety and he was proud.
“You all did a marvellous job,” he congratulated them.
A few tired looking Aurors arrived, wearing determined expressions that morphed to surprise when they saw no death eaters. The battle at the Alley had been brutal, no one expected the attack. It was good that many workers had stepped up and began fighting against the death eaters because even when they were better equipped, they lacked the numbers that the others did. The worst part was probably the atrocity that declared itself as Voldemort; people had lost their courage and began fleeing. But they would not forget the ones who had fought, workers indeed, but also werewolves and vampires. Silver scars and chalky skin betraying their secret along with amber and scarlet eyes, they fought to protect the people who had shunned then because one person had given them the chance to belong. Never would they allow their judgement to be clouded, deep respect for them was created that they and they would not allow others to forget.
They had been expecting a massacre and been ready to give their lives, to their surprise the battle had ended before they arrived. They saw a group of people mourning their fallen and adopted solemn expressions, no victory came free. Many had been killed that day, but it had not been in vain, people understood that they made the difference. It was a day that would go down in history as the day where people fought.
Harry Potter looked at his friends; they had risked their lives for each other. He looked at the people he worked with and felt a sharp pain, three had fallen and the others were mourning. He approached the group, controlling the emotions that were rampaging inside him. Three of his people and one villager were murdered; he swore to himself their deaths had not been in vain.
They had known Voldemort was back, now they needed to find a way of fighting him. Luna held his hand and began weeping while Blaise hugged her. Fred was leaning on Adrian and Daphne was helping Theo. They were a family, and they would ensure each other’s safety. He did not know how, but he would kill that man for daring to harm the ones he loved.
The group was taken back to Hogwarts after speaking with the Aurors, the carriages pulled by thestrals that had never been noticed until the moment, was boarded. Filius observed with a heavy heart as his children petted the animals, that battle had cost their side something that could never be retrieved: innocence. He led the children to the great hall in order to check on the students that had fled and eerie quietude descended on the room. Most of the students who had gone to Hogsmeade that morning had watched the beginning of the battle, they had watched their fellow students fight against death eaters, fear shone in their eyes at the power the group had shown. A teary-eyed Gryffindor girl began applauding, because even if she was scared they had saved many lives, including hers. Others followed and soon after the hall was filled with tumultuous applause, Madam Pomfrey did not waste time and began checking the children, a pale Minerva who seemed in the border of tears and a relieved Remus followed. A grave Albus was not far behind, beside a crying Pomona, and a concerned Irma. The other professors were watching the children with pride, smiling at the young warriors.
“What you did today was dangerous and you could have paid with your lives. I expected better from all of you, and you Filius, why did you not send them back?” the headmaster asked, his angry expression giving most of the hall an idea of how he had survived two wars.
“We know we could have died, but we did not. You say we should have fled and leave professor Flitwick fighting more than a dozen death eaters with little help. We all decided to stay because even if we were only distractions, they would not look for the other students while we kept them occupied,” Harry answered with no inflexion, but his eyes gave the old man an ominous feeling.
“At least we have an idea on how to defend ourselves and not thanks to the education this school has provided. We decided to stay back and protect as many as we could,” Daphne said, even with her messy hair and dirty clothes she managed to keep her regal aura.
“Albus, I am not speaking here as a teacher, I am speaking as a man who has seen three wars and survived. I am no child. If your memory fails you; I am sixty years older than you are. The reason I did not send them back, even if I wished to is because they would not have left. Last war, people like these children were the ones who saved the most lives. I still regret the fact that they are only young in age, for each of them has lived far too much for their years. Unlike you, not everyone seeks glory on a battle, there are people who fight in spite of it and it is time you understand that,” the man admonished and Albus sighed, remembering why he avoided confrontations of any kind with the short male.
“I need to speak with all of you, follow me-.”
“They will be resting today; if you need to speak with them they can visit your office tomorrow before the train leaves the station. I will be with them if there is any need, don’t bother them,” the man said, no threats needed to be spoken because Albus knew better than to provoke the ire of a gentle man.
“Very well, I wish to see you at seven,” he announced and left the hall.
Minerva hugged with all her might the most troublesome and yet the bravest Weasleys she had the honour to teach. Remus hugged Harry, relieved to see the boy alive. All the professors and many students approached the group with different emotions shining in their eyes.
“Fifty points, to each of you for bravery and sheer dumb luck. Now go to rest,” Minerva ordered, many groups of students left, some still frightened, others relieved, but mostly tired.
“They are so young,” Pomona whispered looking at the heroes of the day.
“Indeed they are, but even if I don’t like it there is no way for us to keep calling them children,” Filius said with tears glistening in his eyes, portraying the deep regret that he felt for the price they had to pay today. “It has been a long day, I need some food and to take a nap,” he said and walked out of the hall.
It had been a long day indeed, but Albus Dumbledore was unable to rest, the day’s events present on his mind. When elves began bringing scared students to the hall he almost panicked, especially after one said death eaters were attacking the village and Filius was fighting them along with a few students. Minerva did not wait and floo the Aurors to tell them about the emergency, he considered the idea of going but decided he was helping more from inside the school. That was until he noticed none of Harry’s friends or the boy himself were in the hall, which was the moment he panicked. The boy could not die, he was too important for the future, but he had already announced he would stay to protect the school. The hall waited in silence for them to arrive, much to his surprise none of the children was injured, not even Filius. He had tried to admonish them and convey his disappointment, but he had forgotten about an important detail. Filius could see behind any of his masks, he could reprimand him as if he was a mischievous child because, in the eyes of the man, he was. He had been chastised with nothing else than the truth, therefore he had backed down before his pride could suffer any other hits.
Harry Potter was powerful, more than either Tom or he had been at that age. The boy’s power would only grow and he could become dangerous if he was not guided through the proper path. Until the moment, none of his tactics had been effective against the boy; he needed to find another way. Perhaps appealing to that side of him that seemed to want to protect, yes that was it. The boy was not lost yet, he could guide him and he would not fall under the same delusions, nor did he would commit the same mistakes.
The next day the Guild walked to the headmaster’s office, with professor Flitwick leading the way. The gargoyle opened and they went up the stairs. Dumbledore was waiting for them in the sitting area of his office, wearing a jovial smile.
“Please take a seat, first of all, I wish to apologize for the way I reacted yesterday. The worry I felt for my students blinded me, today after cooling down I noticed the great service you did the school. Thus I will award each of you,” he announced with a smile.
“No thank you, headmaster. Yesterday professor McGonagall awarded us points, considering that most of us belong to one house it will be unfair if any more were given,” Harry stated.
“Yes, however, I wanted to give another thing. Seeing your prowess in duelling, I offer to teach you myself,” he told the group, many looked at each other and they reached a decision.
“I will decline,” Daphne said, not even gracing the man with a glance, one by one rejected the offer until only Harry was left.
“I will also have to decline, though I did not know you were a duelling champion headmaster,” the boy inquired with honest curiosity and Albus almost cursed himself.
“Well, I am not, but I think my reputation talks about my abilities, many have asked me to teach them,” he explained, trying to avoid Filius’ penetrating gaze.
“I see, however, I do not like to bother. Besides, I already have a teacher, thank you for the offer though,” he said with a gentle smile.
“Very well, I will be seeing you during the holidays, off you go,” the man said and they left his office and walked towards the great hall.
“What did he want?” Blaise mused looking at the others.
“The most probable thing is that he wished to see the extent of our abilities,” Daphne said after a short while.
“Indeed, curiosity is one of Albus’ greatest flaws,” Filius nodded in agreement and they kept walking until they arrived.
“Thank you, professor,” they said in unison and the man smiled at them.
The whole group walked to the Slytherin table and took their usual place at their table. They ignored all the glances and began eating with gusto, the chirp of the owls coming in the hall called their attention. Birds flew in leaving the mail and newspaper, Hedwig and Charon carried the newspaper and a short letter from his aunt. He read the letter first and sighed.
“Aunt Eleadora is informing us that we are all grounded for daring to risk our lives the way we did. However she is proud, Elizabeth is furious for missing the action... Terrence, you deal with her” he said rubbing his face.
“Why me? She is your sister!” he demanded with a scowl.
“Rita is looking for a raise, and if she keeps working this way I will have to agree,” Daphne interrupted them, passing him the newspaper.
By Rita Skeeter
My dear readers, yesterday our world was victim of a terrible attack! At midday, Diagon Alley was full of life as people ran errands before the children arrive from Hogwarts. What no one expected was the brutal attack we suffered. From one moment to the other death eaters filled the Alley, they began attacking people with lethal curses. However, unlike last time, they were not allowed free reign.
The workers of many new businesses began fighting back with fierceness! Those monsters tried to attack the day-care, where most of the parents leave their youngsters to do the shopping, but they encountered resistance. People started emerging and fighting back, putting themselves as shields to protect our beloved children. Everything seemed to be going to our favour when a mistake of nature proclaimed to be the defeated Dark Lord appeared! Many people started fleeing, but our heroes did not back down and kept fighting despite that disgusting creature’s interference. The Aurors arrived and the attackers were driven back. There were nine death attackers; however, eleven of our mysterious heroes lost their lives, not counting the casualties in Hogsmeade (see page 4 for the list of deceased).
I interviewed the Aurors to ask them about the attack but none was available. They had received an emergency call from Hogsmeade, informing them that the village was under attack! Similar to the situation in the Alley, many workers put themselves as shields to protect the students who were visiting the place. However, a particularly valiant group of students decided not to flee, but fight back. According to many villagers, it is something no one expected to see. Children were fighting against death eaters spell by spell, teaming against the strongest ones like Bellatrix Lestrange. Yes, my dear readers, our children decided to fight back! I had the opportunity to speak with Graham Thicknesse, a man who has lived in the village for eighty years.
RS: Thank you for agreeing to speak with me, Mister Thicknesse.
GT: I have no problems and I felt people should know what happened.
RS: Very well, then would you tell me what happened yesterday?
GT: Of course, it was a normal day by all means. That was until the unnatural aura of suffocating sadness invaded the village, dementors arrived alongside death eaters, but instead of capturing them, they were attacking us. People started fleeing, few are able to cast even the wisps of a patronus and we were scared. Out of the blue a group of thirteen students remained standing, they did not run... I will never forget their determination. They all produced corporeal patronus, they drove the dementors away and started fighting the death eaters. I remembered that at the moment I believed they would meet their early deaths for trying to be heroes, to my surprise they engaged them as equals. Little girls fought like seasoned warriors, all to protect us. Many of the workers from the new businesses joined the battle while the others kept the dementors away casting constant patronus. A Hogwarts teacher was also fighting, a short man that engaged five death eaters at the same time alone and came out on top. It was amazing... Shame filled me because I was seeing children that could be my grandchild risking their lives for a coward old man. I jumped into battle and began fighting back. We pushed those monsters back, we did.
RS: (At this story you must understand my surprise, the tale seemed more fiction than reality, but if you had seen the man you would have understood how real his words were.) I am surprised, do you know who were these students?
GT: I recognized a few, Malfoy’s son, Arthur Weasley’s twins, though the one that impressed me the most was Harry Potter.
RS: You mean the boy-who-lived?
GT: Yes, the only Potter I know of. He looked like a warrior, he was fighting Dolohov...
RS: But, I apologize, that sounds too unreal (I said bewildered, but I hope you understand my incredulity, my readers).
GT: I would not have believed it either if I had not seen it with my own eyes. That boy is indeed our saviour, but not because of what happened more than a decade ago, but because he inspired us to fight back.
RS: Thank you for answering my questions, is there anything you wish to tell the people?
GT: Yes, there is. During the last war, we believed them to be invincible and we run away instead of fighting. Today I was proven that they are humans, powerful ones indeed, but what they have in power we have in numbers. I will not back down ever again, last war they intimidated us to submission, not this time. We overwhelm them in numbers and this time we are ready, let’s fight back and protect our families.
RS: I understand and I agree, thank you Mister Thicknesse.
This solemn announcement filled me with determination and inspired me to fight back, I realized that during the last war we forgot that we also had magic and reacted like muggles to the situation. Not this time! I will fight back to protect my loved ones, the same way the Hogwarts Heroes did, and the same way the Worker Heroes did! We can make a difference my dear witches and wizards and I will join the movement! May Mother Magic guide us all!
“I think she may earn that raise,” he smiled.
They were ready to go home for the holidays, ready to rest because they knew that the situation was only beginning and they had an easy time until the moment. Last night many Slytherins had requested protection, most of them were children who had death eaters as parents. The Guild would indeed ensure their protection; it was their duty and honour to grant it.
Pained screams permeated a dilapidated dark room in an isolated house. Severus Snape did his best to bock the sound and conserve his composure, the Dark Lord was furious because of their failure and they were paying the price. He had managed to stay in the man’s good graces by the article Skeeter had written about him. Though he had been punished, it had not been as severe as the others.
Another reason the man was furious was because Lucius had not answered his call, he had lost one of his most powerful pieces in the Ministry. The attacks were planned taking into account little opposition from the few Aurors available; no one had expected what happened. If he was honest he was satisfied by the way people had reacted, he had joined the group that attacked Hogsmeade in order to spare as many students as possible. He had not expected Potter’s group to fight back, though he admitted being impressed by their prowess. A sigh threatened to escape when he thought on the confrontation, because of fate’s cruel sense of humour he had somehow ended up duelling his own godson. He was proud to admit he had not held back; however proud of Draco’s determination he was, the fact that the child would have taken his life with no hesitation still hurt him.
More screams filled the room and he closed his eyes, it would take days for the man to calm down. Which meant it would take days for him to stop using a crucio for everyone who spoke to him. He did not enjoy his life but it was the one he had to live.
- In Serial9 Chapters
A Titan's Crusade
Erik Thayne spent most of his life being brutally ridiculed and tormented for his weight and physical appearance, among other things. A social pariah and diagnosed with an eating disorder no one has an explanation or treatment for, Erik spent years trying to overcome his issues with his personal image and escape the ridicule and vicious torment of his peers. After years of dedicated effort, and a fresh start in a town away from his childhood and adolescent tormentors, he had finally begun to truly realize what he'd been striving for all along. Only, fate apparently has other plans because in the blink of an eye, Erik found himself snatched from Earth and taken to another universe, another world, where he is offered the chance to be more than he'd ever imagined. Now, he has to fight to restore the Balance between Chaos and Order on a world of swords and magic, in a universe governed by the System's laws, which resemble those of RPGs from Earth. Erik learned to embrace the things about himself that others taught him to hate, using them to reforge his physical identity into something more removed from his old self-loathing. But can he learn to embrace the darkest parts of his mind just as he did the reviled aspects of his body and become who he needs to be to succeed in the task set before him? It might just prove easier to stalk in the dark as a monster than to walk in the light as a man... *This is my first time publishing anything I've written to a public audience. Due to formatting issues, I forwent traditional stat-screens for something a little less problematic, delineating stat screens by separating them from regular text with horizontal lines in a lighter-grey coloration. Let me know if you like them or not. Criticism is entirely welcome, but please don't hate on my work after only reading 1 chapter. This is a writing project I intend to complete but I have committment problems so we'll see how long this goes on. Also, fair warning, as the description implies, the main protagonist is intended to be someone who has been treated cruelly, developed antisocial tendencies, and ultimately has to question his own humanity--or lack thereof. This story is not intended to be brutally dark but I will definitely be trying to follow a darker theme. It is intended to be violent and some scenes later in the story might be...alarming. There will likely also be some light, non-graphic (think more implied with crude jokes and conversation than actual details, there will be no full-blown sex scenes)relationship scenes planned later and if you're opposed to either a bisexual or gay main character, stay away. I haven't yet decided which way he's going to swing but the odds on him being straight are relatively miniscule, and I've always wanted to write a story about a gay man who basically looks like a lumberjack because who doesn't like giving conventional stereo-types the middle finger? This will NOT be a harem story, and I have no intention to focus on romance over action--it's a consequence of character development where I'm concerned, not the be-all-end-all of the story. The cover-art does not, in any way, belong to me. It was an image titled the Druid King (by duskanmarkovic according to the file name) which I found on Google Images. Until I can get something commissioned, this is the best stand-in image I could find.
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Awakens starting appearing when beasts start pouring out of cracks that appear in the space other than in dungeons. When these cracks appear which now called dimensional crack countless people died and cities were destroyed. After fighting these monsters for 20 years first human awaken appear and change the fate of humans that was on the brink of extinction and again human become leading specie. Awakened people wield power that was beyond human capacity. Some awaken has the power to destroy boulders with bare hand, some were able to produce fire from thin air and so on. After some researched human know this power came from a formless energy inside the human body that convert itself in these abilities. This formless energy was named as Aura. After approximately 1000 years after first awaken appear. Human stopped producing aura in their body. After the initial panic, one of the researchers found that Aura also found in nature named as Aura particles. So, they started researching and found a way to absorb Aura from nature. Now there are techniques to absorb Aura from nature. And also help to expand capacity to store Aura in the human body. The human body starts absorbing Aura only after they become 15 years old. If younger than this try to use any technique to absorb Aura from nature they will die painfully. There are some cases where human body starts producing Aura naturally regardless of age and they can tame beasts this ability is only these people have. Now everyone who practices aura particle absorption techniques can be awakened. This story take place after 3000 years of first awakened. It’s a story about a boy name Ethan who was ordinary in all aspect but because of this world cruelty he has to become powerful to protect people that are important to him. See him overcoming many hardships only by desire to protect others. P.S this novel is also on webnovel https://www.webnovel.com/book/11195721705294205/Crow
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A Daughter of Thanatos( Nico di Angelo )
"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Irissa asked."Of course! Her dad is Thanatos. Reaper of souls and guard of the doors of death! What did you expect? She'd see unicorns?" Clara Jade Walker was pretty sure she was a normal girl living a normal life before she thought she met this really 'rude', 'arrogant bastard', named Nico di Angelo. One boring school day ago, she was walking to the vice principle's office with her best friend, Andrea(Andy) Philips, they found out that the vice principle was a fury. A "mythical" Greek creature. Wonderful, right?! Their friend, Grover Underwood- who is suppose to be CRIPPLED-, and Nico(the 'jerk') protected them from it. They find out that Grover is a saytr and that they were demigods. (The 'rude bastard' that she hates also is one.) Clare can now kiss goodbye all her beliefs! When she learns that she has to share a cabin with Nico when sh arrives to camp, she absolutely goes bonkers! When they learn more about each other and spend more time with one another, they realize that they have strong feelings for each other. Will fate be generous, or tear them apart??
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