《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 14: Confronting Reality
Harry Potter and his friends were having breakfast in their usual place when he felt once again the gaze of Remus Lupin on him. He tried to ignore it, but after days of being watched, he was beginning to lose his patience. Though he was surprised the headmaster was not doing the same, perhaps there was still the diminutive possibility of the man not being absolutely loyal and devoted to Dumbledore. The cries of dozens of owls that flew in the great hall interrupted his thoughts; he recognized the owls belonging to his newspaper because of their distinctive harness, which also functioned as a protection for the birds. He was pleased to see that most of the hall was receiving their newspaper, including most of the professors and he had to smile, it seemed the Prophet would be out of circulation soon.
“Harry,” Luna said calling his attention. “Today you and the others have to be the last of the line,” she advised with that dreamy smile.
“We will,” he promised.
“We also need to find a boggart, I am sure Mister Filch will know,” she said taking a sip of her drink and they looked at each other confused.
“Why do we need a boggart?” Blaise asked bewildered at the unusual request.
“To know how deep we have fallen,” she said with an abnormal serious expression. “I have to get going, the walk to the greenhouses is long,” she said and left the room with a jump in her steps.
“I guess we need a boggart,” Daphne sighed massaging her temples.
“I am confused, but Luna knows best, so who will get the boggart?” Theo asked.
“I will ask Mister Filch and then ask a school elf to retrieve it if he can, if not I’m dragging Adrian with me,” Terrence sulked while stabbing his breakfast.
“We can solve that later, now we have classes with Lupin and I am curious to see whether the man is a good teacher or not,” Harry said and they nodded.
The group walked to the defence against the dark arts classroom, when they arrived they noticed all the desk and seats were pushed against the wall, at the front of the classroom there was a simple closet. They looked at each other and shrugged, deciding to wait in the entrance in order to follow Luna’s advice and at the same time trying to ignore the intense gaze of the professor. Once all the students arrived Lupin spoke.
“Good morning class, my name is Remus Lupin. The way this class will work is the following, read the theory in advance and we will do the practical side in classes and also I will answer any questions you may have. I will give little homework but the times I do I expect it to be done,” he said and most students nodded. “Very well, can someone tell me what is a boggart?” he asked and a bushy-haired girl’s hand flew up and the professor nodded at her.
“A Boggart is a shape-shifting creature that will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it,” she answered in a hurried breath and then glared at the back of the classroom, or better said the people at the back.
“Good, today you will confront one. So the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears. The spell for it is riddikulus, repeat with me riddikulus. Excellent, don’t forget that its worst weakness is laughter, so imagine something funny at the moment of casting the spell. Now, form a line to see and we will start!” the man exclaimed and Gryffindors fought to be the first ones.
“So this is why Luna said we should be the last ones on the line,” Draco muttered with a smirk.
“I guess this is the same reason she asked for a boggart,” Blaise nodded impressed.
Harry observed his fellow year mates as they confronted their fears and he catalogued it for later, in case they needed to know for future reference. Some fears were deep, such as the one of a Gryffindor boy, whose greatest fear was a man that looked similar to him, but the cold expression of his face promised pain. Other fears were plainly ridiculous, such as the twin’s youngest brother who was afraid of spiders or a girl who was frightened of insects. One, in particular, was amusing if a tad confusing to him; it belonged to the Granger girl. When she approached the boggart, it changed until it looked like a replica of him, being honest he was flummoxed at being the greatest fear of a girl he had talked to once years ago. Though he took the opportunity to appreciate himself without the need of a mirror. He had grown much taller, a feat he was proud of, the rigorous training professor Flitwick forced on them ensured his figure was aesthetically delightful, another thing he was proud of. His hair and skin were perfect as always and his eyes enticed anyone who looked at them, he was indeed pleased.
“Oh my, little Granger. Once again I was the first in the year... No surprises there, though I am offended you dared to think you could one day surpass me. All the professors love me, you know? No matter how hard you try to earn their favour they would never choose you above me, I am, after all, everything you want to be. Let’s be honest, I have more magic talent than you could ever dream to possess, I have loyal friends and you have none, I have the looks that would make a model envious and you dear, you are nothing especial. Let’s admit it, Hermione, you will never be able to surpass me, much less be able to reach my level. You are nothing compared to me,” his replica said with such a gentle voice that dripped persuasion to the point that many others nodded in agreement.
Granger burst into tears and ran away; he had to fight with himself to control a frown that threatened to appear. All the class looked at him and he composed his best confused expression in return, many started to whisper and Lupin was looking at him. Daphne noticed the situation; if it was not treated with delicacy it could create problems for the Guild.
“You know? After talking to her once during our first year and she being the one who got in problems for accusing you of something false, also while we were first years, you would think she got over her inferiority complex,” she said out loud in an indignant huff.
“Well, she is always trying to murder Harry by sheer force of will, but I am still surprised,” Blaise agreed with a nod.
“It does not matter, we can only hope that she matures in the future, she must be embarrassed enough as it is. Let’s pretend this did not happen,” Harry ordered and they nodded.
The class was reassumed but many people kept whispering to each other, Daphne had been brilliant to ensure no damage was caused and Harry nodded at her with pride. At last, their turn arrived and she was the next one to confront the boggart. Before the professor could release it she spoke with that regal air of hers that pleased him so much.
“Excuse me professor Lupin, but the only way I am willing to do this is with everyone leaving the classroom,” she said in a serious expression, leaving the man speechless. “The reasons are quite simple, I am heiress of the Noble house of Greengrass, and I am not allowed to give away anything that will cause strife to my family,” she stated and many students understood, though most of them were glaring at her. “Heirs and heiress are not seen in the same light as other students, while we have many benefits we have more responsibilities. We are not allowed to make any kind of mistake because it will be reflected in our families. I personally envy other students way of life because the worst that a bad grade will cause them is a reprimand while, on my case, if I dared to score any lower than exceeds expectation I will be severely punished because it reflects on my house and my family,” she announced in a clear voice that conveyed clear regret, the few ones who were about to complain shut up, noticing the truth of her words.
“Very well,” the professor sighed, defeated at the logic and knowing how true it was, he was about to signal the next when he noticed only Harry’s friends remained. All children who would one day inherit powerful positions in a future and he sighed again. “Class dismissed, though the ones who did not confront the boggart need to write a foot length essay about them.”
Remus watched as his students left the classroom, having the strange need to rub his forehead. It seemed that his position had turned many times harder, and yet he craved to challenge those kids. He desired to see how far they would go if he gave them the necessary tools. Remembering his meeting with the headmaster he groaned, taking a deep breath, he began walking to his office.
Albus Dumbledore was nursing a migraine induced by stress, though the firewhisky may have also been a great contributor. Griselda Marchbanks had sent him a notice. The Board of Education would be doing random inspections in the school, if they found a teacher not doing an appropriate job, they would be dismissed. He sighed and began thinking on new prospects to fill the history position; it was obvious Binns would not be staying much longer.
This brought to mind the root of all his recent problems, which was that bloody new newspaper and Rita Skeeter. He had not managed to find the minimum amount of information about the newspaper’s owners; he had not even been able to contact Skeeter with the promise of an exclusive interview. Few would understand his reasons to hide information and even less would support him. History was dangerous in extreme, the traditions of the magical world were dark, they were the reason blood purity existed and the reason Tom had become dark. The kinds of magic that had been restricted centuries ago presented an utmost threat; no one should have access to that information. It was quite convenient he forgot he did have access to information about what the Ministry considered dark magic, and had even used blood magic himself in a ritual that was considered evil by most in order to create a device that tracked Harry Potter years ago.
His musings were interrupted by the wards alerting him of Remus coming and he composed himself. It was good Argus had conveniently found a boggart, and that third years were advancing that same creature. He needed to know what Harry’s greatest fear was to have an idea on how to sway him to his side. Tom was gaining strength day by day and he had no idea on how to counter him. The order was beginning to move but it was not enough, Hagrid had left the school and he had no way of contacting him to come back, thus his link with the giants was gone. He sighed once again and composed a cordial smile for Remus.
“Good morning, I hope you enjoyed your class,” he greeted the man who was entering.
“It was different,” he said and took a seat, waiting for him to talk.
“I see... How did your class do with the boggart?”
“Most did well enough, though a few had problems. May I ask what problem does Miss Granger has with Harry?” he asked and the old man tried not to grimace.
“It seemed they had a confrontation during the first year, Miss Granger felt it was necessary to involve the teachers. Minerva got angry with the girl for her... let’s say enthusiasm, while telling her side of her story and not considering the other person perspective on the event,” he explained without explaining.
“I guess I will have to ask McGonagall then,” the young man said and he sighed.
“I don’t think that will be necessary my boy, it was a children’s quarrel and I am sure none of them remembers it by now,” he tried to appease with his grandfather persona.
“Miss Granger still remembers it, so it must have been something important,” the man affirmed with narrowed eyes and he gave up on the matter.
“If you must, though I must ask you how Harry and his friends did.”
“They did not. Confront the boggart I mean,” the man informed him and Albus frowned.
“I know you have a soft spot for the boy, but you should not allow him this kind of privileges,” he admonished with obvious disapproval, to his surprise Remus did not even react.
“It was not favouritism, it was simple logic. Miss Greengrass called to my attention that as heirs of notable families they were not allowed to do that kind of public demonstration,” he explained, closing his eyes.
“Still Remus, they are students and it is your responsibility-.”
“They are not only students. If their parents were to know, most will receive terrible punishments and you know that,” the man interrupted him with obvious anger.
“Indeed, you are right, but Harry would have not been punished.”
“No, he would not, but I am sure many feuds would have been declared against me if I dared,” he sighed once again, anger forgotten.
“I am sure you are exaggerating Remus, Sirius would not have declared a feud over something as menial as a classroom assignment,” the old man said with a smile.
“I am not so sure, Sirius and I have distanced. The few times we meet we end up fighting and I have no relationship whatsoever with Harry, he would not have doubted. Nor his friends, they have a pack mentality, so if I made one feel threatened the others would have retaliated,” Remus stated and rubbed his face in frustration, he did not notice the defeated face of Dumbledore.
“I am sure that this year you will be able to get close to the boy,” the old man consoled with somewhat empty words.
“I would not hold my breath,” the younger male sighed and left the room.
Albus pulled his hair in frustration, Remus was escaping his grasp little by little and no matter what he did, he could not win him back. Sirius was a lost cause, he had been from a young age, always far too loyal to his friends. Nothing was going the way he wished or planned, not even Alastor, who was an old friend of his, was joining the order this time. He said last war was terrible and he joined wherever he could help, but this time they would be prepared. The DMLE was better equipped than ever and he knew unnecessary carnage would be unavoidable. If that was not enough, Severus had been distant ever since he visited Lucius Malfoy, he did not know what happened and the only answer he had received was a cold ‘it's personal’. Filius had never been loyal to him, but until the moment he had no problems with the man because he had fought for the light. During the last war, he had not joined the order and neither did he this time, but he was close to Harry, something he needed at the moment.
He needed to find another way of swaying people to the right path; the problem was that he had no idea how.
Minerva McGonagall was correcting essays in her office, reading one with particular satisfaction. Harry Potter was the most talented student she had ever taught, she was sure James’ talent paled compared to the one his son owned. The child was not only bright, but also generous in extreme, always helping his classmates and had even managed to correct the Weasley twins. Somehow he had managed to influence his house and now they set a high standard of conduct. Yes, she was proud of her favourite student. She eyed her fountain pen with a smile, it had engraved her name and a tabby cat, Harry had given her that last year and she had to smile at his sense of humour. No matter how similar he was to Lily, the boy possessed that unique spark that had once belonged to James. Someone knocked on the door and she composed her serious expression and flicked her wand to open it.
“Remus, it is a surprise to see you here” she greeted the man.
“Hello professor, may I have a short talk with you?”
“Of course, come in and close the door. Call me Minerva, we are colleagues after all,” she said at the man with a gentle smile. “Want some tea?”
“No thank you, professor... I don’t think you understand how much I cannot call you that” he said with a small smile.
“If you say so, take a seat.”
“Thank you, I wanted to ask you what Miss Granger’s problem with Harry is.”
“Ah, I see she has not gotten over it though I had some suspicions. She came to me a few days after they arrived during their first year, she accused Harry of bullying her during the train ride. I was sceptical but I still called him to my office. The version he gave me was different from the girl’s so I ended up calling another boy that had been present. He confirmed Harry had been nothing but polite while she had been rude in extreme. It was also curious that she came to tell me after so long had passed, which coincided with the day Filius gave Harry more advanced work. I punished her with the exact same punishment she requested for the boy. A shame because that girl was so promising, but she got blinded by her desires to be the best in everything and loses her focus when someone does better,” the woman explained with a pronounced scowl.
“So the girl is jealous,” Remus concluded.
“I am afraid she is more than jealous... Harry possesses a talent for magic I have never seen before, all his transformations are made in his first try, second at most. Then he creates marvellous works of art, let me show you,” the woman muttered and took out a beautiful ornate chest from a drawer. “I keep all his works, everything inside including the chest was made by him, I think James and Lily would be proud,” she informed him.
His eyes grew wide at her last phrase, the box was what most artisans would consider a work of art, inside there were many pieces that caught his attention. A bronze needle so exquisite he would have sworn Minerva was trying to prank him in revenge for all the problems he had caused while being a student. That is until he saw his initials emblazoned in every single piece.
“He must be even better than James,” he muttered, still incredulous.
“He is, no matter the subject he is always excelling. Though, to my great regret, the area that interests him the most is not transfiguration but charms. He and Filius are close as they can be, the last thing that he told me is that they are working on the fifth year curriculum,” she commented once again taking him by surprise. “He has taken after Lily; he is also training in duelling. He told me he was planning to compete at a professional level like his mother once did,” she said with obvious pride and a beaming smile.
“I had no idea that Lily duelled,” he muttered in shock.
“How do you think she managed to curse the four of you when you got on her nerves? Or why none of the older girls ever tried to bother her? Or why Slytherins were wary around her? She competed on an international level, though she stopped when the war began,” Minerva sighed, reminiscing one of the most brilliant students that had grazed the school.
“I see, I had never thought of it, but now that you mention it... Did you know that in the werewolf’s camps during the war everyone called her the red devil? She was never called by her name... James was a lucky man,” he mused with a smile.
“Both were,” she agreed.
“Thank you for your time professor, have a good day,” he told the woman and she smiled at him, going back to her work.
Remus had learned more in one day about his best friend’s son than he had all these years and he no longer knew what to think. Every time he talked with Dumbledore, he made it sound as if Harry was some kind of troublemaker that needed to be watched... Now though, he had realized there were possibilities of it not being true. He would have gone to speak with professor Flitwick, but being honest, the jovial man almost always made him feel as he was looking at his soul. He was a bit intimidated because of that, but also because the short man had no qualm on delivering the truth as it was.
The seeds of doubt were steadily growing and never before had so many questions plagued him.
“Lupin was looking at us again during lunch,” Hestia sighed.
“To be honest, the man is getting on my nerves,” Theo confessed.
Harry nodded in agreement, two weeks had passed since the boggart incident and they had their own in an abandoned classroom, but were waiting for an appropriate day to confront it. This meant they were waiting for Luna to say it was time.
“Harry today would be good for you to speak with him. Remus Lupin is confused, but he is starting to see the reality, now he needs one more push, go to him,” Luna encouraged him and he nodded.
“It is our free evening, I will go to his office now,” he said and everyone nodded.
“Please do that, we will be waiting for you. We should also confront the boggart when you come back,” she said and everyone agreed. “I am sure Tubby or Ella can pop Marcus in.”
Harry left the room while Luna planned, the little girl said it was necessary, he had no idea why and neither did the others but everyone agreed with her. He was sure it was going to be important, but now he concentrated on the conversation he needed to have with his godfather’s friend. He walked with decided steps towards the man’s office, planning on how to phrase the truth in order for the man to at least consider listening to him. He arrived at his office and knocked on the door, it was opened soon after by a tired-looking man who widened his eyes in surprise at seeing him.
“Good evening professor, I need to speak with you,” he told the man and he nodded.
“Of course, come in and take a seat,” the man agreed, they walked to his desk and sat on opposite sides of it.
“I need to ask you something and I need to know the truth,” he said with a serious expression that put Remus on edge.
“If I were to trust you with something would you go to Dumbledore and tell him?” he asked, making him choke in surprise.
“I... Well, he is a wise man,” he whispered.
“That is not what I asked but it is an answer in itself. That is the same reason I do not rust you and neither does Sirius,” the boy stated with a slight frown.
“You don’t understand! He is the man that gave a chance when no one else did,” he exclaimed in frustration, all the confusion that had wreaked havoc in his mind pouring out, the cold looked he received in return helped him to control himself.
“Now that we are being honest I have a few things to say. Have you ever asked yourself why you were the only werewolf to attend Hogwarts? If Dumbledore wants to help so much why does he not accept more? I can assure that there is no lack of children who suffer lycanthropy,” he stated and Remus’ face slacked in surprise, having never considered the idea. “He is an important and influential man in society, if he wanted to he could have ensured more receive education, but why doesn’t he? He is Chief Warlock, his signature was needed to imprison Sirius without a trial. Either he is irresponsible enough to sign a blank paper or he was aware he sent my godfather to Azkaban without a trial. He is a master’s leglimence, why did he not ensure that the order had no spies? Why did he offered a death eater a steady job and he forgot about your existence until he needed you? Why did he send me to a household where he knew I would be treated as less than trash? Why did he seal my parents will after they died? Many other guardians were named by them, in that way, I would not have grown in an orphanage,” he demanded with stony expression and ire shining in his eyes.
“I will tell you why. He is a collector. However, unlike any other, he collects outcasts. He offers them an opportunity to belong but as an exchange, he asks for their undying loyalty. You would have died and killed for the man, my parents went into hiding taking his advice instead of leaving the country as my mother wished, Hagrid defended the man with vehemence, and even Sirius did not try to escape the prison because he believed Dumbledore would get him out. If I had grown with the Dursley’s as he wished I would have become an outcast as the others. Are you so blind that you do not see the pattern? I will say this once and only once Remus, you are either with us and against him or with him and against us. I will no longer tolerate having a spy near, it is your decision,” he stated and left the office in barely controlled anger.
Remus Lupin screamed in rage, it could not be true. Dumbledore had helped him, but then why no other werewolves could say the same? During the war, he had taken the most dangerous assignments, ones that send him to the enemy lines and every day of survival was either a blessing or a curse. He had not told his friends why he kept leaving, or why he looked tired, he knew that was the reason Sirius believed he was the spy in the order. And yet he had not spoken because Dumbledore asked him to. He tried to find ways of telling himself that what Harry had said was not real, but he could find no arguments.
Deep understanding struck him and hysterical laughter broke the room’s silence.
He remembered James being placed as head boy, though it was against the rules to have two people belonging to the same house as head boy and girl. Not to forget the fact that he was not an example of behaviour and had not even been a prefect. He remembered James complaining about it because it was unfair and he had done nothing to earn the position. He remembered Lily being furious at the situation and both of them drafting a letter to the headmaster; nevertheless, they were dismissed. Did he want both of them together? He had asked himself at the moment but dismissed the idea as ridiculous. They had reached a truce in sixth year after James discovered she was dating someone, he had apologized for pursuing her when she has no interest in him and since that day they had been cordial to each other.
However, he would never forget the teacher’s worry at the idea of losing a powerful witch like Lily if she ever left the country, as she was planning to do until she broke up with her boyfriend for unknown reasons. That was during their seventh year, when the war began turning more violent. Was Dumbledore planning on keeping Lily by making her fall in love? He had always wondered but never dared to think about. Now though, he could remember small things similar to this one and his blood froze. The man was indeed a collector; he searched for the most powerful pieces and tried to gain their allegiance one way or another. Furious, he walked towards the man’s office.
Albus Dumbledore was doing paperwork, the terrible bane of his existence. He had not had the best of the days. Madam Marchbanks had come to school, professor Binns had been giving classes when they entered his classroom and he winced at the sight. Most students were sleeping while the few who were awake were doing some kind of homework or playing with each other. Cuthbert had been asked to retire by a polite curse breaker, the ghost smiled and said: “Took them long to find my replacement, I have wanted to investigate that war some talk about before resting.” With that response the ghost dug a deep hole for Dumbledore, now he had infractions for not asking the man a simple question that never occurred to him, he had also lost his opportunity to find a replacement.
Now, the new history professor was an old curse breaker who had wanted a tranquil retirement, but had always loved teaching. The students would be in for a shock because as old as the man was, he was strict and demanded nothing less than excellence. They had supervised potions classes and he had been on edge for a whole hour, at the end nothing wrong happened but he almost wished it would. The moving stairs were deemed dangerous and seeing they had no gamekeeper he was ordered to place a barrier on the forest or suffer another infraction. He was also ordered to hire new teachers for either the first two years or the last two; if he did not find anyone they would place someone. If that was not bad enough, an audit was ordered and he had needed to submit many things he would have liked forgotten and never looked upon.
He sighed and buried his face in his arms, Madam Marchbanks had been ruthless and he was sure more would follow. He looked to the side and almost screamed in frustration, his inkpot was turned and all his hours of hard work were now nought, all his paperwork was drenched in ink. He sighed once again and vanish it; he grimaced when he saw blank parchment. The wards alerted him of someone coming and he groaned in frustration. An angry-looking Remus barged in his office and walked in front of his desk, maybe it was indeed time to retire.
“What can I do for you, Remus? You must have something important to say if you barged in my office that way,” he admonished the young man.
“I do; many things actually. The first is why you sent Sirius to Azkaban?” he asked and he sagged in his seat, the following conversation was not one he wanted to have.
“I did not know he was innocent and-.”
“I am smarter than that,” the man growled and he closed his eyes in frustration.
“I believed he was the traitor.”
“You are a leglimence, why didn’t you ask to see him? Or grant him the rightful trial? You were Chief Warlock; people would have listened to you.”
“It was a mistake on my part but at the time I believed it was necessary.”
“As sealing the Potters will? I was informed there were other guardians for Harry,” he demanded.
“Harry would have grown being famous, he would have become arrogant. I believed that Petunia would raise him better,” he tried to explain.
“And she sent him to an orphanage! Why were you not monitoring him?”
“I admit that was also a mistake,” the man sighed, the weight of guilt constricting his chest.
“Was it also a mistake to make James head boy?” he asked, surprising the old man. “I remember teachers whispering about how the bright Lily had plans of leaving Britain. Did you plan on forcing her to stay by making her fall in love with James?” Remus demanded and he winced.
He indeed remembered being amazed by how powerful Lily Evans had been. He remembered that she had taken the ICW standardized test during her sixth year in preparation to leave. He had known war was coming; he could not afford to lose such a powerful warrior. For a time he had played with the idea of love potions, but she had the makings of a potion mistress and already she checked everything she consumed as training. He had dismissed the idea and named James Potter head boy, somehow his plans had worked and they had fallen in love and conceived one of the most powerful children in existence... It seemed his silence lasted too long, because Remus took it as a confirmation.
“I had my doubts at the moment, but I dismissed them. Do you know what made them close? It was their mutual dislike over you,” he informed and Albus flinched at the unnecessary information. “They only began trusting you when they joined the Order, but I see we all made a mistake. I trusted you when you said Harry was being raised by a loving family, I trusted you when you implied he was some kind of trouble maker that needed constant vigilance and I told you everything I knew about him. Even though I am thankful for your help I now see you are neither worth my trust nor loyalty,” Remus said and left his office.
He buried his face in his hands... This was not supposed to happen. He had always wanted to protect his people; hence, he shielded them away from the harsh reality. They did not need to know how many were sacrificed to ensure their safety, they did not need to know how dangerous was allowing them to make their own decisions, especially if they were powerful. He carried terrible weights on his shoulders for the heinous things he had sacrificed to protect his people... But at the end of the day, he was a leader, and a leader’s duty was to do what was necessary, no matter how terrible. It was his duty and although it was harsh, he would continue assuming it.
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8 218 - In Serial407 Chapters
Mythical Conquest
*THIS STORY HAS BEEN REWRITTEN AND WONT CONTINUE HERE! USE THE LINK BELOW FOR THE NEW & IMPROVED VERSION!* Here’s the rewrite link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/20225/young-adversary Because of certain events in his past, Logan Cross isolated himself and did everything possible not to stand out. This is despite possessing a body and mind that far surpassed the normal human. One day when taking his normal route home, through the back alleys, Logan was caught up in an incident that led to him killing a group of men before dying himself. Now finding himself in complete darkness, Logan was offered a second chance at life by the dragon goddess Tiamat. To which he replied: "No thanks. Just make me a panda or something. They have it easy." Tiamat of course denied his wish, and plunged him in a world where every being of myth not only exists, but they even choose champions called Proxies to represent them in a war that decides who rules the world! This is a story about a boy who made it his lifetime goal to eradicate the gods! Watch as he slay gods, demons, heroes, and beasts; and become the Ultimate Evil!
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