《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.24 - Apologies
*Chiron – Palace*
Zellfina and I were walking down the hallway towards the library when we ran into Zendra. She looked at me with a small amount of anger in her eyes and when she looked at Zellfina I could notice the slight trace of sadness that flitted across them. She nodded her head towards us before she continued down the hallway. I stopped walking and turned to Zellfina, “You need to talk to her and explain things.” Zellfina stopped and looked at me with a confused expression, “What do I need to explain? I did nothing wrong.” I sighed a little before answering, “You told her you might kill her yourself, now bloodline trait or not, no daughter is going to like hearing her mom tell them she would kill her if she had too.”
A look of realization passed through her eyes after I explained it to her, “I understand I will go and clear things up.” Smiling at her I gave her a quick kiss before she went on her way to find Zendra and I continued on to the library to find Camellia.
*Zellfina’s POV*
I was walking down the hallway to Zendra’s room thinking that she might be there. Walking up to the door I knocked three times, “Zendra?” There was no answer so I knocked three more times, “Zendra?” Still no answer so I decided to knock a final three times, “Zendra?” Finally after a few seconds of silence there was some movement in the room. Zendra opened the door and it looked like she may have been crying, “What do you want mom?”
Looking at the puffy and red eyes I felt my heart break a little, “May I come in?” She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but she walked away from the door just leaving it open so I took that as an invitation and I walked in closing the door behind me. I walked over to the couch that Zendra was curled up on clutching a pillow, “Are you okay hunny?” She didn’t remove her face from the pillow, but I could hear the muffled, “I’m fine” coming from her.
I sighed reaching my arm around her and when I felt her flinch I swear I felt something break inside of me and I could feel a couple of tears fall. I keep forgeting she still has the mentality of a teenager. I see Vitamor being more mature than his age and I just assumed she would too. I sighed in my heart and I wiped the tears from my eyes and cleared my throat before speaking. “Tell me what’s wrong.” She didn’t say anything for a few minutes, but she suddenly raised her head and looked at me. When I saw her face she had tears running in streams down her cheeks. “What happened to you mom why are you so close to him? Did he play some sort of trick on you or something and why would you choose him, a human, over your own flesh and blood?” She was saying this in-between sobs, “Would you really kill me for him?” Hearing her actually ask me this out loud, reality crashed down upon me of what I have put her through because of some words I said in the heat of the moment.
I wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged her closely, “No dear I would never harm you of that I can promise.” Hearing the care and seriousness in my voice she gave out a faint smile. I continued to hug her while we talked, "He is my chosen mate and I love him, nothing you can do will change that so why don't you try and get along with him hun?" She didn't answer me right away so I just sat there and held her. After a few minutes of silence I decided I would try a little bit of tough love. “I will say this though. You need to control your attitude around him.” She looked up at me with a complicated look when I said that, “Why do I need to control myself around him? He is just some random man and I am the 2nd Princess.” Hearing her say this I instantly knew I had spoiled her too much.
“He killed a duke of our empire just for saying something vulgar about me. If he would kill someone of higher nobility such as a duke just for saying something what makes you think he wouldn’t do the same to a princess when she threatens him or tries to harm him?” The realization finally hit her and she thought about it for a second before she replied, “That was just a duke though, I am a Princess there is a difference.” I sighed a little before responding, “Did you forget the fiasco in the corridor when you attacked him?” Thinking about it she answered, “Yeah he had the upper hand, but he still let me go. He knew that if he killed me he wouldn’t get away with it.” I sighed in my heart at how much I had sheltered her, “No he let you go because I asked him to.” Hearing me say this she paled a little bit, “What are you saying?”
I looked at her and said with a serious tone, “What I am saying is if it wasn’t for his love for me, you would have most likely died that day. Now what do you think would happen if I wasn’t around and you pissed him off enough because of your childish attitude?” She thought about it for a minute and then shivered when she came to a realization. “Because of your inability to control your emotions you ruined a relationship you could have had with your future father-in-law and it all started when you mistook him for a disguised demon.” She looked at me with a confused look on her face, “Why would he still be mad about that? It was a valid mistake that anyone would have made in that situation.”
I sighed before answering, “Mistaking him for a demon was valid yes, but beating him and then trying to [Scry] his soul? That was an emotional decision that you and you alone made.” It didn’t take her long to reply, “The troops were saying the same thing that I was and so was Xellanr.” I responded in a spit second, “No, the troops were going along with what their Princess said. They didn’t want to upset you and Xellanr is head over heels for you and would go along with whatever you said, even if you said the sky was pink.” Her response was, “But it is pink sometimes.” I looked at her and smiled a bit. If she could make a joke right now then she was starting to feel better, “That is beside the point. The point is you jumped the gun because of your hatred for demons and immediately thought he was one.”
She looked down at the ground a little ashamed, “I’m sorry.” I smiled at her before answering, “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” She nodded her head in agreement before she asked a question, “Why did you pick him as your mate though? He is fourteen that’s just barely an adult.” I could see where she was coming from, but I was prepared for this question. “Yes that is true, but he doesn’t act like a fourteen year old. I have lived for a long time and I can see when somebody is far more mature than they look. Plus draconians and humans can fight for their kingdoms or empires at the age of fourteen and if they can risk their lives for someone they barely know, then they can get a little pussy.” She tried to hold in a laugh before responding, “Okay I get your point. That still doesn’t explain why it has to be you especially after two days of knowing him.”
What she said made sense from an outsider’s perspective so I proceeded to explain to her about our bloodline. She listened to me intently and let it soak in for a few minutes before speaking, “So now that he is yours we won’t react to him the way you did?” I nodded my head at her, “Yes hunny, he is mine so you won’t have to worry about being attracted to him.” She sighed in relief, “That’s good, because I really didn’t want to be attracted to him; there is just something about him that irritates me some.” I laughed a little bit at her expression, “Don’t worry about it just leave him to me and your sister.” She kind of looked at me with and expression that said, “What the fuck?” on her face. I couldn’t contain my laughter and after I calmed down I explained, “I’m not saying she is going to join us anytime soon, but she has that look about her like she found something interesting and you know how she gets when she gets that way. I feel that he may woo her into out bed.” Hearing this she couldn’t bear it anymore and Zendra pulled up a trash can and pretended to lose her lunch. We both just sat there laughing for a while and catching up on things.
*Vitamor’s POV*
“Aaachoo” I sneezed a bit for some reason as I was in the library looking for Camellia. Ugh where is that woman? I have been all over this library looking for her. I made my way to the top floor and after another ten minutes of searching I found her. She was leaning against the wall with a book in her hand, when I saw her though I stopped and just enjoyed the view.
She was wearing a red single piece dress, kind of like an office worker or teacher would wear back on earth. The dress blended perfectly with her hair and scales and gave her this fiery look. The part that made me enjoy the view though is that the dress was slit down the side and you could see her legs while she was leaning against the wall. The entire picture brought my lower member to attention.
After activating [Blood Flow Manipulation] and calming myself down I walked up to her to see what she was reading. When I got closer I could finally see the title of the book she was reading, History of Chiron. Why she reading up on the history of her planet? As I got closer she noticed me and when she looked up she smiled and immediately stored the book in her ring.
“Hey Vitamor” she said while standing straight up and moving towards me. No my view, I inwardly cried. “Not much, I came to find you to see if you wanted to come exploring Shendar with me and your mom? She stood there for a second before she answered, “Sure when are we leaving?” I thought about it for a second, “You know we never really said lets go find her and we will figure it out.” She smiled and then grabbed my arm, “Lead the way then Sir Vitamor.” I smiled at her, “With pleasure milady.” We both laughed a little before walking out of the library towards the direction I saw Zellfina go earlier.
We walked down the corridor for a bit before we ended up at Zendra’s room. Camellia walked up and knocked on the door “Zendra?” After a few seconds Zendra opened up the door, “Oh hey sis.” She looked over towards me, “Hello Vitamor.” When she said this I couldn’t feel the stinging hate from earlier so maybe their talk was beneficial. “Can we come in sis?” Camellia asked. Zendra nodded her head before leaving the door open so we could walk in. I was the last person in the room so I shut the door behind me.
When I looked back at the room Zellfina was sitting on a chair while Zendra and Camellia were sitting on the couch. Seeing there was no more room to sit I walked over towards the window and leaned against the window sill. Standing there with my arms crossed for a few minutes with no one talking I tried to break the ice a little, “So Zendra you have fun while I was gone?” I asked her this with a little bit of teasing in my voice, but she surprisingly didn’t get mad when she answered. “I did actually thank you for asking.” Seeing the surprise on my face Zellfina laughed before speaking, “Zendra don’t you have something you want to say to Vitamor?”
I looked over at Zellfina and then at Zendra who was just sitting there staring at her hands. After a few minutes she looked up at me and proceeded to speak. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you when we first met and for how I have treated you ever since. I have an extreme hatred for demons and couple that with the fact that it’s hard for me to control my emotions I sometimes fly off the handle.”
Hearing the seriousness in her voice I could tell she really meant what she was saying. “It’s okay don’t worry about it, I hope we can get along better in the future though. I would like to apologize for almost killing you. I let my emotions get the better of me and I overreacted. Just the punch to the face alone was enough of a punishment.” I said the last part while laughing and even Zellfina found it hard to hold it in. Zendra looked over at her mom with a look of fake hurt, “Et tu, mom?” Zellfina just looked over towards Zendra and shrugged her shoulders while trying to control another laugh. Zendra just lowered her shoulders with a sigh.
Now that a lot of the drama had been settled I figured we could get to business, “So when are we leaving Zina?” Hearing this Camellia started to listen a little more attentively and Zendra had a confused look on her face. “Where are you guys going?” she asked. Zellfina just looked at her and explained our trip. “Me, Vitamor, and Camellia are going to go on a little exploration trip of Shendar for a while.” Hearing this, Zendra became a little anxious, “Who is going to run things around her though?” Zellfina swiftly answered and some, “You are going to be in charge of things while we are gone and if you really need something contact one of us through the communication channel in the MBS.”
As soon as she said something about the MBS it made me contact Kira about them. “Hey Kira any luck on translating the program from the MBS?” It took her a second to answer, “Yeah I had the program translated like an hour after I started.” I was shocked at her processing speed, but somehow I wasn’t too shocked. “So what have you been doing this entire time then?”
When she answered back I could hear the excitement in her voice, “Well I made a copy of the program in draconian and then I changed the program in the MBS you brought back to English for you since that is your native language. This program is pretty advanced, it allows for the pilot to adjust its parameters on the fly to change from space combat to land combat or even underwater. It doesn’t have any long distance weapons, but it does have two light swords hooked to its waist.” Sweet now we just need to make some giant guns for it and it will be ready for war. “Hey Kira how long would it take for you to put a lock on the program?” She answered back almost immediately, “Depends on what you want the lock to do.”
I thought about how to word it before answering, “Well it’s not so much a lock, but a trigger. I want something put in the program that makes, where someone tries to remove the program without a special password, the program would completely erase itself and then the hard drive would explode.” She didn’t answer for a second, “Hmm, well the coding itself would take me a few seconds, but rigging the hard drives to explode would take a few minutes and then I would have to do it for every one of them. If I were to add in to the code for the entire MBS to explode that would be a different story. I could also do that in a matter of seconds, but the resulting explosion from the dark matter engine would level half the city.”
I sat there trying to think of a solution, “What if we add a small shield generator to the MBS and make it to where when the code is activated, when someone tries to forcibly remove the program, the shield activates and helps contain the blast?” She didn’t answer for a few minutes, “You still there?” She finally spoke after I asked if she was there, “Yeah sorry just mentally punching myself for not thinking about that myself. I’m a freaking universal library for heaven’s sake.” I laughed out loud causing the girls to look at me, “Sorry just talking to Kira about the MBS's you guys continue with whatever you were talking about.
“Just because you know a lot of information doesn’t mean you can think of every possible scenario at first. I mean who would think of putting a shield on to them just to contain the explosion from when they self-destruct?” When she answered she sounded a little pouty, “You did.” I inwardly laughed, “Yeah, but I am special I think of weird things all the time.” This time it was her turn to laugh, “You got it right when you said you were special” I could almost feel the sarcasm in her voice. “Ouch that hurt” She laughed before we went back to being serious, “So is that the plan then? If so the program will be finished in like ten seconds and the draconians should have some shields around here somewhere if not I could make one with some of the stuff laying around the shop. Either way give me like thirty minutes and it will be done.” Nodding to myself at her speed I was impressed, “You think you could make a big assault rifle for it as well?” She answered immediately, “That’s easier than the shield give me forty minutes and I will have them both done and the MBS will be ready to go for our exploration.” I smiled to myself, “Sweet, we will see you in forty-five.” She answered back with a roger that and I brought my mind back to the girls.
When I focused on what they were doing they were all staring at me, “What?” They looked at each other before Camellia spoke up, “We thought your A.I. was in the robot we got from the underground hanger?” Understanding what they were saying I gave them an explanation, “Well she is and isn’t. She made a copy of herself that she can control from my body. So she is basically multitasking on a much higher level.” They seemed to understand a little, but Zendra still had a question. “So how far is the reach of the robot? Surly the antenna has a certain range limit.” I didn’t know the answer so I just shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know let me ask.
Calling on Kira again I asked her their question and she answered back after a few seconds, “The robots antenna is pretty advanced compared to the antenna’s the draconians have. I can actually give the robot commands up until the edge of the galaxy. Once it leaves the galaxy the robot is actually programmed to shut down, but I can fix that one second.” I waited a couple seconds before she came back, “Okay now the robot will run even outside of the galaxy, but if the robot gets away from you at a distance of the length of this galaxy the antenna will not receive my commands, but the robot will still be running under my system so it should be able to make its way back to us once my backup command system boots up and takes control. I set the system to bring the robot back to me just in case my connection was severed somehow.” I was confused for a second, “I thought that it was a copy A.I.?”
She immediately cleared up my confusion, “It is and it isn’t, it has my personality and intelligence when it is in range of me, but once it leaves that range it turns into a robot that is only programed to make its way back to us somehow.” Well now that that’s cleared up I told Kira we would see her in a minute and brought myself back to the girls. I really need to learn how to split my consciousness. I looked at the girls and explained what Kira said. They were shocked to hear the range of the antenna.
“That is pretty damn far.” Zendra was the first to speak up and when she did the other girls agreed with her. Camellia turned to her mom and asked her something she had been thinking about, “Hey mom, why was the ArchAngel just floating in orbit with no one bothering to claim it. If it was a battle station and you knew about it we should have repaired it and used it.” Zellfina nodded a bit and then sighed, “It’s not like we didn’t try after we fought the demons off, when they originally appeared, we saw that all the humans on board were killed with the exception of those in the cryo-pods. We boarded it and tried to take control, since the humans hadn’t given us access to the program we had to try and hack it, but none of our tech staff could crack the security on the system; heck they couldn’t even open the cryo-pods so we eventually abandoned it and just let it float there.” Camellia accepted that explanation, but she still had another question. “Then why didn’t we scrap it and use the metal to build another ship or something?”
Zellfina turned a little pale when dismantling the ArchAngel was mentioned, “We would have if the people who programed the system didn’t set the nuclear reactor to explode after so much damage was dealt towards the ArchAngel. The resulting explosion would have rained down radiation on Chiron and the debris alone would have killed millions.” Camellia seemed to have gotten the answers she wanted because she didn’t ask anymore. I looked at her and asked her a question “Is that why you were reading that book in the library?”
She looked at me and nodded her head before speaking, “Yeah nowhere in the History of Chiron does it mention anything about the space station. So I had to ask mom since she was alive when the ArchAngel was built.” Nodding my head I understood I looked over towards Zellfina this time, “So why is that?” She looked at me and thought about something for a moment with her figure on her chin before answering. “Well if I remember right my father had all of the previous history books thrown out after we fought the demons off and rewritten and leaving the mention of the ArchAngel being a space fortress. He just had the historians put in there that it was a giant abandoned space station that was unstable and couldn’t be accessed due to risk of collapse.”
It makes since if you can’t access it why put what it really is in the history books and let people possibly try and make the damn thing explode. “Well if everybody’s questions have been answered then lets hit the road.” After saying this I headed towards the door and Zellfina and Camellia followed me after telling Zendra bye. We headed towards the hanger talking to each other about the things we may find on Shendar. Camellia was thinking about all of the good books she might find and Zellfina was talking about all the romantic types of locations she and I could visit.
I smiled at the casual conversation they could have about a continent full of dangerous beasts and who knows what else, but I didn’t worry about it because the three of us are some of the most powerful people on the planet. Especially Zellfina, she could pretty much go to the continent by herself and not be touched. We were finally approaching the hangar and I was getting excited to see the weapon Kira made for the MBS.
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