《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.23 - He Who the Gods Fear
*Chronos’ Realm*
“Ugh it’s so boring here!” Chronos screamed at no one in particular. She was standing in front of one of the many hourglasses in her realm. The number of hourglasses in her realm is unknown to anyone other than her, but even to her though the number is hard to pronounce so she doesn’t even try she quit trying to count them around Sexdecillion. It was around this time when someone decided to make a visit to her.
There was a bright yellow light followed by miss flat chest… I mean Chinet appearing in the middle of said light. Chronos turned around with a frown on her face. “What are you doing here Chinet? You’re supposed to be watching over Vitamor.” Seeing the frown on Chronos’ face Chinet hung her head in sadness and without looking at her told her what was going on. “I am here to report that I lost his presence for a split second again and after searching the area a bit there was evidence of time magic being used.”
Hearing this, Chronos was starting to get a little peeved at whoever kept paying a visit to Vitamor and not wanting them to know about it. Chronos took Chinet and went over to Vitamor’s hourglass to check on his status, by using the hourglass like a computer. After a few keystrokes his status and traits popped up. After looking through his status and traits she turned a little pale. “It was him, but why?”
After muttering under her breath there was a distortion in the space around her and Chinet. She looked towards the influx and was startled, “Someone is trying to force their way into my realm?” Chinet standing next to her turned a little pale when those words left Chronos’ mouth. “Who would try and force their way in here especially with you here?” Chronos looked over at her and with a small amount of fear in her voice responded, “I can only think of one person who would try to force their way in here. It has to be the Dragon God King, Origin-D.”
Once the name left her mouth Chinet didn’t have time to even show a trace of fear before the distortion suddenly burst and an older looking draconian stepped through into her realm. The draconian laughed as he landed, “You guessed correctly kid.” Seeing the old draconian in front of them, Chronos and Chinet started to have a bead of sweat appear on their heads. Chinet knew about Origin-D and what he had done in the past when he was just a God now that he was a God King and two full ranks above her she almost fainted from fear. Chronos was not as scared as Chinet, but she was still frightened. Almost every God in any universe knows about Origin-D and his cruelty when he slaughtered every human being in his galaxy. What a lot of gods don’t know about and no other beings in the universe know about is that the gods actually made a move in order to stop his rampage.
Origin-D had one planet left in his path of completely annihilating the humans from his home galaxy. The gods thought that someone would be able to stop his rampaging, but after he killed multiple sun gods and goddesses that got in his way the higher gods stepped in right before he made the sweep of the last planet. Several God Princes and Princesses stepped up to the challenge thinking that their power at one rank above his would be enough, but they were wrong.
Three hundred God Princes of War and two hundred God Princesses of Combat were completely annihilated by Origin-D’s physical prowess even four hundred God Princesses of Magic were annihilated by a single spell from him. This sort of strength was unheard of from a God and the God Kings were starting to worry. It was at this desperate hour that the God Prince Loki came up with an idea. Loki, being a natural [ShapeShifter], shifted into the form of Origin-D’s dead wife. When he got close Origin-D hesitated for a second giving Nemesis, the God Princess of Retribution for those who succumb to hubris, time to place a strike on his dragon heart the source of his power.
Dragons are beings that are favored by the universes. They are born from the excess mana in the universes and are basically their children. When a Dragon, or Half-Dragon in Origin-D’s case, reaches the God King rank they are given the special title Dragon God King which the universes decided to give to only one dragon at a time in any of the universes. No other dragon in any other universe is able to become a Dragon God King until the other has died. A Dragon God King is one of the ultimate beings in existence under Pangu, Nuwa, and a couple of Primordial Gods and Titans. Even Chronos as the Primordial God of Time can’t do much against them because their control over time is just under her own meaning that it would cost her dearly to win a magic fight and when it came to a physical fight they would just walk all over her.
After Nemesis struck at his heart he released a spell that has been forbidden to use ever since. The spell is called [Soul Siphon] it is an extremely dangerous dark magic spell that siphons the soul from anything the caster aims at and adds the power siphoned to the caster's own. The spell is unblockable and can even hurt a God when used by an Immortal. Origin-D didn’t just use the spell on a certain target though. He cast it on every living being within a thousand light years of his position. The final planet with human life in the galaxy was depleted of living creatures in an instant and even the Gods and Goddess and some God Princes and Princesses who couldn’t run away fast enough had their souls absorbed by him. Completing his goal he used a space magic spell and vanished from the galaxy. The Gods searched everywhere in the nearby galaxies and he was nowhere to be found.
After the fight against Origin-D and witnessing what a God could do with the [Soul Siphon] spell Pangu and Nuwa ordered Isis the God Queen of Magic and the inventor of the spell itself to put a seal on the spell’s knowledge of how to use it. Pangu and Nuwa assisted her by sharing some of their power and a seal was put on everyone’s knowledge of how to use the spell in all of the universes and the knowledge that was floating around in books and scrolls was destroyed. Since Origin-D was only at the God Rank he couldn’t avoid his spell being sealed from him as well. Now that he was the Dragon God King though there was no telling if the seal was in place still.
Thinking about this Chronos swallowed some saliva she had building up with an audible noise. Throwing his head back and laughing Origin-D spoke again, “Don’t worry I am not here to fight or anything. I just figured you had a few questions you would like answered, especially about your special pet.” After hearing him and seeing that there was no inkling of deception in his voice or eyes she calmed down a little bit. “And what pet would you be talking about old man?”
After a small smile he answered, “Why our young Vitamor of course. Surely you haven’t forgotten him have you?” Confirming her fears she started to get a little vexed. “What did you do to him?” Seeing her anger Origin was starting to get more amused at the situation, “I didn’t do anything to him, but practically save his life.” Hearing this Chronos was confused, what did he mean save his life? Chinet would have told me if his life was in immediate danger. She glared at Chinet for a second before Origin spoke up again, “Don’t get mad at the board… I mean sun goddess she did her job just the way she was supposed to.” After he said this Chronos retracted her glare and focused it on Origin, “Then what did you save him from?”
After thinking about something for a second Origin-D spoke, “From the other God Kings, but mainly from himself.” Once the words left his mouth Chronos was confused, she could understand the other God Kings but why himself? Thinking about it for a few minutes she voiced it. Sighing a bit Origin-D explained, “The trait you gave him was a little bit over powered. At level twenty-five there would have been no one who could have opposed him in any universes except for Pangu, Nuwa, and possibly me. Even I am unsure about whether I would have been able to stop him then. Once he got to a certain level the God Kings of the humans would have taken notice of him and his [Mana Manipulation] trait even in the draconian God Kings's domain. Wanting to avoid a conflict like all those years ago they would have immediately sent assassins into my domain.”
Pausing for a second he seemed to be pondering about something, “Even though I could have easily dispatched any assassins coming for him on Chiron I wouldn’t always be able to be with him and he is outnumbered by quite a large amount.” Hearing his explanation Chronos immediately understood that she made a mistake trying to help him. There was some unexplainable feeling when she met him that made her think that he was someone important and that he needed to be protected, so she tried to help and make him stronger faster, but she didn’t think about the consequences of some of his strength. Looking towards Origin-D she asked the last question on her mind, “What about the part about saving him from himself?”
This is where Origin-D’s explanation got interesting, “People who grow stronger at too fast of a rate begin to lose their humility and their ability to be modest. Their pride skyrockets to amazing heights because they are becoming stronger faster than everybody else around them. You should know what happens to those with a high pride in front of gods and goddesses.” Hearing him say this she did know, Nemesis was barely able to run away when Origin-D released his spell. She was injured by part of the spell and had to rest for a couple million years. After she came back from her rest she was surprisingly at the God Queen rank and was ultimate giver of divine punishment for those who would be too prideful in front of other gods and goddesses. She wouldn’t hesitate to send her hundreds of thousands of Gods and God Princes/Princesses of Retribution after Vitamor should he ever show a prideful attitude in front of a god/goddess who complained to her about it. Thinking about it now she was glad he stepped in to help, but she still didn’t understand why he did.
As if reading her mind Origin-D spoke, “I had no reason to help at first, but every time I was watching those on my planet I felt a weird existence and decided to check it out. Once I found him amazed and watching the combat dummies I could feel an odd aura emanating off of him. Seeing this aura I was slightly shocked, because I was immediately able to deduce who he was and where he came from and based on where he came from he shouldn’t have this odd kind of aura around him. After watching him for a minute I was able to figure out that you had given him the [Mana Manipulation] trait. I still couldn’t figure a lot of things out though such as why the mana around him was attracted to him so much.”
Taking a slight pause he continued, “When he came to my continent I had noticed his strength was way too abnormal for his level. So I peeked at his status and traits a bit and when I saw the one you gave him I had to act. So I restricted the trait and gave him another small one.” Chronos was drinking all of this information in while listening intently. “Now afterwards I watched him for a little bit more and when I checked on the mana around him I was literally dumbfounded and a little frightened.” Hearing this Chronos visibly paled, for something to actually scare the Dragon God King it had to be something completely ferocious.
Continuing with his story Origin-D revealed some information that Chronos would never thought she would have ever heard in her lifetime. “When I saw the mana around him it almost seemed as if the rivers of mana in the universe was literally bowing towards him as he walked by them.” Once the words left his mouth Chronos and Chinet each revealed expressions of shock and Chinet even voiced her shock, “You mean the mana in the universe, which doesn’t even bow to Pangu its creator, actually bowed to Vitamor?”
Origin-D laughed a little before further explaining, “Pangu may have created the universes that we know of, but he did not create the mana. The mana was there and he just used it and gave it form. Pangu may be the ultimate being in his universes, but there are other universes that he doesn’t control and if we were to step into those universes we would be no stronger than the average human. Pangu grew to his current strength in other places and then used his strength to escape into the universes he created. While Pangu and I had a lengthy conversation he told me all about the beings he escaped from and that the moment he leaves his universes he is a dead man.”
Chronos and Chinet were staring at Origin-D like school kids who were actually interested in what he was saying, as rare as those are. “Pangu once talked about a being so strong if it was able to find Pangu’s universes it would be able to tear one apart with just a word. Now back to talking about the mana bowing to Vitamor.”
After the lesson was over Chronos and Chinet came back to their senses. Chronos was the first to speak, “Why would the mana bow towards Vitamor? I can understand now why it doesn’t bow to Pangu, but why Vitamor what is so special about him? I could feel that he was an important person and needed protection until he grew, but I couldn’t figure out why.” Origin-D was at a loss as to what to say so he just shrugged his shoulders and issued the all too popular, “I don’t know either.”
Waking up from my sleep I saw the beautiful Zellfina lying next to me. I leaned over towards her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I got up. It was still partially dark when I got dressed, grabbed my weapons, and left the room, not even the maids were up. I walked out towards the training room and started to do the morning exercises I decided I would start doing from now on.
I went from training the [Dragon Scale Body] to training my other body techniques. I activated a few combat dummies infusing them with my Rank A body cultivation and started sparring with them one on one. Eventually after an hour I was sparring with five at once. Sweat was pouring down my body from the rigorous training and I had a few bruises and cuts on my body. At one point in the training I had given the dummies swords and was now using my sword in my right hand and my light dagger in my left hand. If someone were to see me they would probably wonder what I was doing using this style when I obviously wasn’t used to it, but I had a plan and a few minutes later it succeeded and I was greeted with a notification. I ordered the dummies to stop and proceeded to open it.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Ambidextrous]!
[Ambidextrous] – Passive skill that allows the user to use their non-dominate hand like they would their dominate hand.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Duel Wield] level 1!
[Duel Wield] – Passive skill that allows the user to wield a weapon in both hands.
With some excitement on my face I returned to my training, I wasn’t using the light dagger against the swords because I would slice right through them and ruin them so I was just using the light dagger to attack the dummies themselves while I busied their swords with my sword. I ordered the dummies to attack and jumped into the middle of them. With the passive skills I just learned I was able to move much more fluidly and looked more graceful with my attacks.
A dummy attacked me from the right which I promptly blocked with my sword, but another dummy attacked me from behind. Unable to block with my sword I disengaged from the first dummy and jumped to my left, but another dummy was waiting for me. I slammed my shoulder into the dummy smashing it away. I landed on my feet and tried to regain my balance, but when I regained it and turned around I saw the fourth dummy swinging its sword towards me. I brought my sword up to block the downward slash and used the light dagger at the same time to pierce into the dummy's chest right where the core was. The dummy slunk down to the ground defeated, one down four to go. I jumped towards the dummy I slammed away and brought my sword down in a slash while imbuing a little bit of mana into the sword causing electricity to spark on the surface. The sword was parried by the dummy, but the shock from the electricity short circuited the mana flow inside of it. I took this opportunity and struck down the dummy crushing its core, two down three to go.
One of the final three dummies closed in towards me, and once it got close enough it stabbed out with its sword. I could feel it closing in on me and feel the attack coming at me from the back so I dodged slightly to my right letting the sword miss me by inches. Using my light dagger I sliced right through the dummy’s arm making it drop the sword along with half its arm. The dummy moved back a little, but I didn’t let it get very far before I used my body technique [One Hundred Ton Punch] to completely obliterate the dummy into splinters. There was a small stone that dropped to the ground dimly glowing with power, but after a few seconds the light went out.
Facing the final two dummies I ran towards them, my sword was intercepted by one of the dummy’s sword. Clashing with the first dummy I turned my body a little and threw the light dagger in my left hand at the second dummy impaling it in the head. Now this wouldn’t destroy the dummy, but there was a system in place that if fatal blows where to be dealt the dummy would automatically shut down. Facing the last dummy I swung my sword in a horizontal swing, but was blocked by the dummy’s sword. After a few exchanges I used a good portion of my strength to push the dummy’s sword down towards the ground and then slid my sword up the arm of the dummy towards its neck and with one final surge of strength I cleanly decapitated the dummy.
Victorious I sat down on the ground before laying out spread eagle. “Holy hell that was harder than I thought it would be, but the experience was exhilarating.” Lying on the ground trying to catch my breath there was a slow clapping sound coming from the doorway to the training ground. Looking over towards the door I saw someone I wasn’t expecting to see so soon. “Origin?” Sure enough in the doorway to the training room was the old Dragon God King himself.
“You did well against the dummies. Facing five A rank combat dummies at the same time is a pretty impressive feat for someone at the same rank. Even if your strength is actually above an A Rank if you don’t have the skill to use said strength then it is basically useless brute strength.” Giving Vitamor a small complement the old draconian was just standing there smiling down at him.
“If you don’t mind me asking what are you doing here Origin?” Thinking about how to answer Origin just stood there for a second before answering, “I just paid a visit to an acquaintance of ours and decided to see how you were doing.” Thinking of an acquaintance that I would share with the old Dragon God King in front of me I could only think of one person. “You visited C?” Smiling a bit at Vitamor’s name for a Primordial God he answered, “Yes I paid a visit to Chronos, she says hi by the way.”
Thinking about what the look on her face was when the old draconian in front of him showed up in her realm I couldn’t help but smile. “So far I have been visited by a Sun Goddess and the Dragon God King, but she can’t even come and visit me once?” Laughing at the fake pouting face that the human in front of him was displaying Origin spoke, “She is very busy with her duties and can’t really spare the time for much of anything. When she was bringing you over from your original universe several other planets and universes were slowly falling into chaos because she wasn’t able to watch over their hourglasses and help to slow the destruction.”
Seeing the serious answer to my joke I sighed a little bit, “So what are you here for again?” Showing a small smile Origin answered, “I was just stopping by to let you know that Chronos agreed with the changes I made to her trait. I knew you had been wondering about whether she would or not so I figured I would put your mind at ease.” I was a little shocked that he knew I had been subconsciously worrying about it. I knew that those God rank and above could read the thoughts of Demi-Gods and below without touching them, but I always thought that they had to actively be thinking about something.
“Well I have overstayed my welcome; your beautiful queen is coming this way. I will see you later and don’t forget to explore my continent a bit more. There are wonderful things just waiting to be found.” Without saying anything else he disappeared through a door that ripped open in space and by the time that Zellfina walked into the training room there wasn’t a trace to be found of Origin-D.
Smiling towards me Zellfina greeted me, “Morning love.” Looking at the beautiful draconian in front of me I couldn’t help but smile, “Morning.” She looked over towards the dummies that I had been fighting before speaking again, “I see you have been training?” I smiled at her before nodding my head. I noticed a notification in my view and without pause I opened it.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Knife Throwing] level 1!
[Knife Throwing] – Passive skill allowing the user to throw anything with a blade towards their target.
I closed the notification before turning back towards Zellfina, “How would you like to go to the continent with me and Camellia and explore some? That’s if you’re not busy.” She seemed to think about it for a minute before answering, “I don’t really have anything that needs my immediate attention and anything that I do need to do I can delegate to Zendra.” Smiling at her my mind was made up, “Okay good. Let’s go grab Camellia and Kira and head towards the continent.” Zellfina gave me a quick kiss, “Okay hun, she should be in the library.” Kissing her back we proceeded to the library arm in arm.
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