《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.22 - Holding its Own
*Underground Shendar*
Seeing the window in front of me I was giggling like a little school girl causing Camellia to run over to me. “What did you find?” Not able to really speak past my excitement I just showed her the appraisal window. “One thousand platinum!? What the hell is with this absurd amount of money? What is a Mobile Battle Suite?” Hearing what Camellia was asking Kira told me to touch her so she could speak to her. I grabbed her hand causing her to blush a little, but before she could take her hand back Kira spoke to us. “The mobile battle suits are what the humans, whom Origin-D wiped out, used before they were able to use magic. These mobile suites allowed them to compete with the magical wielding races as well as the strong beasts. With some mobile suites they were even able to go toe to toe with some Immortal Ranked individuals. Sadly most of these mobile suites are only able to go against those at A Rank on a good day.”
Hearing her explanation we were shocked at the power of these mobile suites and her irritated attitude. What did I do this time? Putting that aside after hearing about the strength of the mobile suites I was ecstatic at the possibilities they offered. We could put some draconians in these, after some modifications, whose ranks are B and below and after some training we will have more A Ranked forces at least a couple thousand from the amount that I can see in this room alone.
I went around to all of the mobile suites casting [Breeze] on them to remove the dust and appraising them, but they all were the same as the first. I was hoping to find some special ones, but I had no luck in that aspect. I guess I was lucky enough to find these in the first place so why push it. I used my leveled up strength and jumped up to where the cockpit would be at. Hanging on to a part of the MBS I looked around for a way to open the cockpit. After what seemed like hours of searching I yelled in frustration, “How the hell do you open this thing!?” At this moment something inside of the suit started to power up and the cockpit opened. “What the hell? Why did it open?” thinking back to what I just yelled I face palmed, “It seriously can’t be that simple.” I wanted to test a theory, “Close” as soon as I said this the cockpit closed, “Open” and right after saying that it opened. I wanted to bash my head against the MBS at how simple it was to open the damn things.
“This is ridiculous, they didn’t have any measures against people just jumping into these things and piloting them without training?" Definitely going to have to fix that. As I stood there staring in the cockpit of the MBS I was wondering how it still had power, but I will look into it later. I climbed into the cockpit and sat down. Looking around me there were monitors showing everything in 360 degrees around me. Looking at the dials and screens I was shocked to find everything in Latin. “What the hell? Why is everything in Latin?” Happy that I studied Latin in my free time at work I looked through the menus on the screen and I found what was powering the MBS. “What the holy fuck?” Staring at the screen I was greeted with something I honestly thought I wouldn’t see for a while.
The screen said in big letters, “Materia Obscura Potentia Matrix” which translated into Dark Matter Power Matrix. You mean to tell me these things are powered by mini dark matter engines? No wonder they have power after so long. The humans from before really knew what they were doing technology wise. Zellfina said the only way to get a dark matter engine was to enchant an engine with dark matter gathering and enchanting it to use the power of the dark matter.
After studying the controls for a little bit I closed the cockpit and tried to make it move. My level 1 piloting seemed to kick in and I was able to semi-control the MBS. It walked out of line much to Camellia’s surprise. “What the hell are you doing and how do these things still have power!?” she yelled as I clumsily walked across the room. Searching for and activating the speaker function I explained, “They run on a dark matter power matrix and I’m just testing it out a bit.” Hearing me speak through the speakers she continued to rant, “How can you even pilot that thing?” Laughing I told her about my pilot skill and how I could read the language on the screens.
Shaking her head in defeat she found a spot to sit while I played around a bit. The basic controls were two control handles on each side with a roller ball mount kind of like an old computer mouse allowing me to move the arms in all directions, while there were five triggers on the actual handles allowing me to control the fingers. The body of the MBS twisted based on how I had my body weight distributed in the seat basically recognizing if I was trying to turn around. The feet controls were pretty simple as well with a hook that I slide my feet into and if I push my feet forward it walks forward and if I pull my feet back it walks backwards, which is harder than I thought. The hooks are positioned on a mouse like ball as well allowing me to move the legs in all directions.
After moving the MBS around a little and putting it through some movements I walked it back into place and proceeded to disembark. I was greeted by Camellia when I jumped down, who was a little irritated, “Are you done playing around? You have been in that thing for hours.” Looking at the clock in my vision I saw that she was right and I had been playing around in the MBS for almost 7 hours. What can I say it has been one of my dreams to pilot a mech. “Sorry I got a little excited and got carried away. Forgive me.” I made a bowing motion to Camellia who just laughed it off. “Well we need to get these back to the capital so that the scientists can study the power matrix so we can make a bigger one for the ArchAngel, and the engineers can make modifications and upgrades to all of them.”
Nodding my head we proceeded to explore the rest of the underground facility before heading back to the outpost. We scrounged around for a while not really finding anything of much value, but right before I was about to give up and head back I saw a half open door. I went over to inspect where the door went, but it only opened up into a closet that had a humanoid shaped robot it kind of reminded me of the new model robots from the movie URobot back on earth. I looked around the robot for a toggle switch or button of some sort, but I came up empty. So I went to leave it were I found it when it all of a sudden started to beep and light up a little bit.
Jumping back from shock I got into a fighting stance ready for anything, but it was unneeded. As soon as the robot stood up and shook its head in an almost human manner it spoke and the voice was a familiar one. “There now I can move around and help. God this body is so stiff though.” Widening my eyes in surprise I spoke up, “Kira is that you?” Looking towards me the robot nodded its head before speaking, “You guessed it! Itsa me Kira.” after saying this the robot laughed a little bit before continuing, “This robotic body has a wireless antenna built into it allowing me to hack into it like on the ArchAngel. I left a copy of my program in the robot allowing it to move around on its own, but it is still connected and controlled by my main program that is merged with your soul. It is also powered by a smaller version of the dark matter matrix in the MBS.”
Staring at the robot in front of me I was a little impressed, “Does this mean that I won’t have to hold Camellia’s hand for her to hear you?” Laughing Kira answered, “Yes you don’t, but why do you sound so disappointed at that?” Scoffing I answered, “I’m not disappointed at anything you piece of scrap metal.” Feigning pain she responded, “Ouch that hurt.” She immediately laughed right after that and said we should probably head back now. We headed out of the room and met up with Camellia who was shocked to see a robot following me, but once the robot spoke she was even more astonished which Kira found hilarious.
Staring at an MBS for a bit I thought we should leave, but when I started to walk towards the entrance we came from Kira spoke up. “Why don’t you take one of the MBS’s with you?” Turning towards her I had this expression on my face that looked something like me saying “are you joking?” Turns out she wasn’t though, “There is a retractable roof for this room, give me a second to hack into the controls and I will retract it.” She stood there for a few minutes before the roof above our heads started to split showing the night sky.
I was getting really excited at the possibility of being able to pilot the MBS again and moved to the nearest one. I picked up Camellia in a princess carry, who was as red as a tomato, and jumped up into the cockpit that just opened. I sat down in the cockpit with Camellia in my lap. Her ass roughly rubbing against my dick was starting to give me a semi-erection so I immediately activated [Blood Flow Manipulation] making it go away, but it seemed like it was too late as she turned redder than before and giggled. Ignoring her I closed the cockpit and picked up Kira with the hand of the MBS. Once she was secure in the hands of the MBS I activated the boosters on the MBS’s feet and back and we took off into the night sky.
It wasn’t until we were about five miles in the sky that I stopped the upward momentum and just hovered there in the sky. Flying this thing is unexpectedly easier than making the damn thing walk. Staring towards the direction of the outpost I could partially see some of the buildings poking above the wall in the distance. We flew towards the outpost at speeds faster than the ship that brought us to the continent in the first place. Once we were above the outpost I could see the people running around on the ground like ants. We came in for a landing as slow as I could manage with my piloting skill, but I still landed a little rough cratering the ground in a little bit. How heavy is this thing though?
“Who are you? Announce yourself!” Looking around there were hundreds of Draconians surrounding us with weapons drawn and magic spells at the ready. The person who spoke though was the same draconian we met when we first arrived at the outpost. I put Kira down before opening the cockpit and we revealed ourselves. Seeing me coming out and holding Camellia in my arms the soldiers closest to us immediately kneeled down and greeted her, “Your majesty Camellia! Forgive our rudeness for not recognizing you.” She waved her hand and signaled for them to stand up while I gently jumped down with her. Putting her gently down on the ground I was met with stares of jealousy and hatred.
Not caring one whiff about the stares we greeted the soldier from a few days ago. We filled him in on what we found and that he needed to send a unit there to secure the area while we get what we need to move the units back to the main land. He immediately saluted us and went to give out orders. Completing what we needed to do here we hopped back into the MBS and after picking Kira up we headed towards the capital. The speed of these things is amazing, what originally took hours to do we actually did in almost forty-five minutes.
When we saw the capital in our sights we were intercepted by draconian fighters, “Halt! You are entering Draconian Air Space! Identify yourself!” we heard from one of the fighters. I stopped flying forwards and just hovered where I was. Changing over to the communication channel that Camellia said the draconian air force uses, I was greeted with the face of a draconian pilot on the right monitor. “Identify yourse… YOUR HIGHNESS!? Please forgive me! I didn’t know it was you in this machine. Please allow us to escort you back to the palace.” Waving the pilot off she answered, “Don’t worry about it, just radio ahead and let the palace landing pad know we are coming.” The pilot saluted before the communications cut off and the pilots scrambled into opposite directions.
We took off once more and arrived at the palace in a couple of minutes. I tried to gently land the MBS again to much better results this time. The landing pad still shook, but at least it didn’t break. There were dozens of soldiers and palace workers surrounding the landing pad along with Zellfina and Zendra who were walking up the stairs towards the MBS. I put Kira down and opened the cockpit, gently jumping out and setting Camellia down. I was greeted warmly by Zellfina, who hugged me like I had been gone for years, and then rather rudely by Zendra. “Just who do you think you are carrying my sister like that you pervert!”
Zendra was fuming when she saw me jumping down with Camellia in my arms. I laughed at her anger brushing it off, “If you want I can carry you like a princess too.” As I said this I was grinning from ear to ear while Camellia and Zellfina tried not to laugh, but not really succeeding. Zendra turned beet red and I could almost see the steam coming from her ears. “You asshole!” she screamed towards me while throwing a punch. I caught the punch in the air with my right hand, not really feeling like there was any force behind the punch. Zendra went wide eyed at this along with Zellfina.
Apparently they were shocked at this because during the days we were gone Zendra had her Power Rank up to A Rank making her stronger than me or so they thought. Seeing their surprise Camellia explained about the level up and the traits among other stuff that happened while we were gone, she left out the parts about Origin-D though. Hearing this Zendra was pissed and ran away with what looked like tears flowing from her eyes. Camellia apologized and followed after her. God what did I do this time? Shaking my head thinking that I would worry about it later I looked towards Zellfina who was marveling over the MBS. “What is this aircraft and why is it humanoid shaped?” she asked while poking and prodding about the MBS.
I laughed a little before answering, “It’s called a Mobile Battle Suite Mk. I and it is comparable in strength to a Power Rank A with a good pilot.” When I said this everybody in the immediate surroundings froze, including Zellfina. “What do you mean comparable?” Secretly reveling in the fact that I know more than someone for once I answered her. “What I mean is that if you put a Power Rank F or Magic Rank F in this machine with a little bit of pilot training they can fight up to A Rank Magic and Power fighters or beasts.” Hearing me say that an F Rank could fight an A Rank everybody almost threw up blood on the spot. Zellfina looked at me with a complex look, “Surely you jest dear.” Laughing a little bit I offered to prove it. As soon as she agreed a B Rank Fighter stepped up to volunteer to fight. I jumped back in the cockpit and after telling Kira we would be back I picked up Zellfina and the fighter and took off towards a wide open floating platform a few miles from the city. Apparently this platform is going to be used to try and farm on. Right now it was just a floating piece of metal though making it perfect to use as an arena.
I sat down Zellfina and the fighter and walked towards the opposite end of the platform. I announced that due to my piloting skill not being too high it may not win, but it should be able to hold its own. The fighter nodded his head at this before bowing towards me. I made the MBS do the same which surprised the fighter a bit. Zellfina took out what looked like one of those floating balls that projected her hologram from the space station. “This will be used to broadcast the fight to a hologram above the capital.” She explained when the little ball started to float above our heads.
I put all my attention on the fighter after this and after a few seconds of him standing there looking at me he rushed in for the attack. He sprinted across the ground towards me and jumped up towards the head of the MBS and threw a few kicks and punches which I was able to block with the arms of the MBS. When he landed he activated a martial skill and threw a punch at me which looked like a giant bird coming towards the MBS. It caused scrape marks on the ground as it came towards me; I crossed both arms in front of the MBS blocking the skill completely only taking one or two steps back. After he used the skill I went on the offensive throwing a few punches at him and when he dodged I actually punched through the platform causing water to be seen through the hole I made. After dozens of rounds back and forth between us the fighter was breathing heavily while the MBS was of course fine. We stopped the fight at this time.
Zellfina while watching the fight grew excited, “This is great! With this machine we have an A Ranked fighter that doesn’t get tired!” I added to her excitement with my following statement, “We actually have a few thousand of them once we are able to get them back from the continent.” The fighter actually went a little pale while Zellfina was ecstatic. “This is great! How can we get them back?” I opened the cockpit and jumped down before I answered, “Well the language on the controls and monitors for the MBS’s are in an ancient language that I happen to understand, so I will need to let Kira analyze the program controlling the MBS and change the language to Draconian. Once that is done our pilots should be able to bring them back.”
Zellfina looked at me in confusion, “How is your personal A.I. going to analyze the program?” Hearing this I forgot to explain so I did now, “Kira is actually in the robot that I sat down on the landing platform at the palace.” Kind of understanding now she nodded her head. “Well we should get back now and let her analyze the program.” I directed this to the two of them before I jumped back in the MBS. I picked them both up and took off towards the palace. A minute later we were landing on the platform and being greeted by Kira and Camellia.
I sat the fighter and Zellfina down before exiting the cockpit. After things settled down and we started to walk back into the palace I noticed the notification icon in the corner of my view. I stopped walking and opened them up.
Congratulations! [Blood Flow Manipulation] has reached level 2!
Congratulations! [Piloting] has reached level 4!
Congratulations you have reached level 6! You have received five stat points!
Seeing these notifications I pulled up my status menu and checked it out.
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: Conqueror of the Queen
Level: 6 (+1)
Health: 2000/2000 (+400)
Mana: 2600/2600 (+520)
Strength: 300 (+60)
Vitality: 200 (+40)
Intelligence: 260 (+52)
Agility: 140 (+28)
Charisma: 160 (+32)
Luck: 100 (Max) (+0)
Wisdom: 100 (+20)
Stat Points: 5 (+5)
Seeing the twenty-five percent increase wasn’t as exciting, but the five skill points are nice though. Opening my skill window to spend the skill points, I leveled [Mana Perception] to level two and notice to my utter amazement that it took all five fucking points! What the hell! I tried to level a few other skills and noticed that different skills required a different amount of skill points. Dammit I wish I would have known that! Why wasn’t there a pop up warning for this shit! Damn you Origin! Zellfina looked over at me and seeing my pissed off attitude she tried to console me with a kiss. “What’s wrong babe?” Looking into her eyes I almost got lost in the cosmos that they are, “Nothing babe just a little irritated at someone I met the other day."
Smiling she dropped the subject and leaned into me while holding my arm. We walked into the palace and ran into Kira walking down the hall. “Hey Kira you get settled in?” She laughed a bit at my question, “Considering this piece of scrap metal doesn’t have anything to settle yeah I have.” Cringing a little at what she said and regretting my comment that I made earlier I apologized before I asked her if she could do something. “Sorry about the comment I made earlier.” She laughed it off saying that she was joking anyways. “By the way Kira could you do something for me?” She immediately went into servant mode at this time, what the hell do you just got a switch or something? “Yes master what do you need?” shaking my head I asked her to run an analysis on the program running the MBS and try to recreate it in the Draconian language. She saluted me and ran off to do what she was asked.
I swear sometimes she seems like a real person, but then she goes all servant on me. I don’t understand, but oh well I will worry about it at a later date. We continued on into the palace while Zellfina told me that the modifications to the ArchAngel was going smoothly and that she had already been painted the Draconian Empires royal colors of Red and Black along with the Draconian Emblem on the side of the main hull. Hearing her talk about the ArchAngel I figured that I should mention adding a couple of MBS hangars as well along with a special hanger dedicated for my MBS, once I modify it that is, and a few others, because once we analyze them and figure out how to produce them along with the Dark Matter Power Matrix we will definitely be sending a lot to the ArchAngel.
Hearing this she immediately told one of the palace guards we passed to send the instructions to the engineers on the job. The guard saluted and ran off leaving us walking the hallway alone. We made our way back to our room since it was still dark and very late. Once we got to the bedroom I was tackled on to the bed and my clothes were literally ripped off by Zellfina. We made love for a few hours before we peacefully passed out in each other’s arms.
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Sᴛʀᴇssғᴜʟ Sʜᴏᴡ - RᴜɪKᴀsᴀ - EN
It's all in the foreword, enjoy.
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