《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.21 - Origin
Camellia and I were making our way towards the nearest abandoned city and along the way I decided to ask her about the civilization that made these cities and tombs. “So were the draconians the ones who once inhabited this continent?” Hearing my words she seemed to hesitate a little before answering, “Actually no the beings who once inhabited this continent were humans. This galaxy once belonged to the humans, but when the demons invaded all those years ago they lost the galaxy. It wasn’t until the last ten to twenty thousand years when we draconians were able to take it from the demons. Most of what I just said you already knew from mom.”
Remembering what I was told about the demons and how they came to this universe I nodded my head in agreement. Seeing this, she continued on with her story while we walked, “Well these tombs and cities on the continent were actually here before the humans who originally inhabited it. Without the humans to hunt the wild beasts they gradually grew in numbers and strength throughout the years leading to our current situation of not being able to inhabit Shendar.”
Hearing this, I was actually quite interested in what she was saying, but at this time Kira decided to speak up, “What the draconian says is true. This planet used to be inhabited by humans that were far more advanced in warfare technology than any of the races in this universe right now. It makes you wonder what caused their downfall doesn’t it?” When she said this it sounded like she knew what caused the downfall of the humans. “Do you know what caused their downfall?” I was greeted by silence to this answer and for some reason I started to feel a little bit of sadness. Did I do something wrong to her? “Kira is everything okay?” After a few seconds of silence she finally answered, “I don’t know maybe if someone would talk to me or allow me to talk more often maybe they would know.”
I could actually feel the bitterness from these words and I immediately knew what I did wrong. I forgot that she was an A.I. and actually had some emotions programed in unlike a reactive computer program. “I’m sorry Kira if you want you can talk more often, but I still want to try and figure some things out on my own. Casual conversations and such is okay though.” She actually responded quite quick to that, “Okay don’t forget what you said just now” She actually made a giggle at this causing me to inwardly sigh, “So about the demise of the humans on this planet?”
After a few seconds of quiet she answered me, “It was actually their own fault they were destroyed.” For some reason this really didn’t shock me, “What did they do and what wiped them out?” Her answer was short and sweet, but it was like a lightning bolt went through me causing me to stop in my tracks. “What wiped them out was a single Draconian.” After I stopped walking Camellia looked over at me, “What’s wrong?” I looked over at her with a pale expression, “My A.I. just told me something that caused me to instantly be dumbfounded and petrified.” Hearing this, she scrunched her brows up before asking, “What did it say?” Not knowing how to answer that Kira spoke up.
“Hold her hand and she will be able to hear me and I will fully explain it to both of you.” I repeated what she said to Camellia who while blushing held her hand out towards me. I held her hand and Kira proceeded to speak, “Hello Camellia I am Kiralee, Vitamor’s personal A.I., but I am a little bit different from most A.I. as I know almost everything in all of the universes from their beginning. Most things I am not allowed to divulge to anyone at this time so there are a lot of things I can’t talk about, but the destruction of the humans that left these ruins all across this galaxy I can talk about. It is actually something you should know about anyways Camellia since it concerns your race.”
Hearing this Camellia turned a little pale thinking about an all knowing A.I., but after a few seconds her color returned and she told Kira to proceed. “Like I was just telling Vitamor the humans on this planet and this galaxy were wiped out millions of years ago, by a single Draconian.” Hearing this Camellia went completely pale, but she still listened intently. “This Draconian was actually the first one in this entire universe. The most shocking thing I am about to tell you though, is that this Draconian was actually an experiment made by the humans on this planet.”
When she said this, it was like a bomb was dropped on both of us; we both froze up and couldn’t really think of anything and after a few seconds of letting it sink in she continued. “The humans back then were trying to figure out a way to be able to use magic, they tried many things such as implanting tissue from elves and dwarves into their bodies to see if they could gain the ability to wield magic, but none of those was working. It wasn’t until they started to use dragon parts that they really made progress. Dragons are the only being, in any of the universes that can manipulate mana from birth, other races it takes years of practice, but even after humans gained the ability to use magic they couldn’t manipulate mana until the Gods gave them the ability to. As you know though it didn’t last long, because of their greed and easily manipulated hearts they used their mana manipulation skills for no good causing the Gods to be enraged and wipe out all mana manipulators, but that is a story you already know so back on topic.”
“The humans started to experiment using dragon parts such as blood, bones, skin, and scales. Nothing was working though until they took part of a dragon’s heart and infused it into the heart of a test subject. It was at this time that the first human capable of wielding magic came into existence. The humans were ecstatic and proceeded to infuse dragon heart pieces into every noble starting with their king, but with their greed came their downfall. They wanted the [Mana Manipulation] skill that dragons are born with, so they shrank a full dragon’s heart down to the size of a humans and inserted it into the chest of a human whose heart was failing. This is where everything went wrong; the patient they chose started to change. He started to grow a tail, wings, and horns he even had scales going down his tail that were dark violet in color. Once he was done changing he looked exactly like a draconian nowadays in their [Half-Dragon Form].”
“When he was done changing the humans were terrified of what they created calling him a monster. They took advantage of his weak state after his change and tried to kill him, they only succeeded in knocking him out though. They restrained him in the deepest and most secure room they could and not wanting anything to leak they killed any of the non-high ranking people involved, including the patient's entire family. It was at that point that they made the mistake that would cost them all their lives. While the patient was restrained he was able to tap into the powers of the dragon that he got the heart from, what the humans didn’t know was that if you implant a full dragon’s heart into another being they will become half-dragon and inherit all of their powers. Somehow the humans were able to get ahold of the heart of a Dragon God who had died a long time before this incident.”
“So once the patient was able to tap into the powers of the Dragon God he immediately became one of the existences known as Gods. Using his advanced senses he was able to hear the screams of his family and the slaughtering of his wife and children. In his rage he escaped from his prison and went on a rampage slaughtering everybody on the planet and in this galaxy. After thousands of years it was thought that he had left this galaxy and moved on after executing his revenge, so the main human headquarters of this universe decided to move back into this galaxy and recolonize. When they arrived on this planet the continent was made off limits for humans and the humans started to build their floating cities.”
After the history lesson about the birth of the draconians, Camellia and I stood there staring at each other for many minutes before she started speaking. “Wow none of this is recorded in our history books anywhere! I wonder where he is now and how powerful he is, if he is still alive that is.” Still slightly shocked I asked Kira a question, “Do you know where he went or what his name was?” After a few seconds of silence she answered, “I don’t know where he is right now or if he is even alive, but I do know that the humans called him Origin-D what his name was before is unknown, for any human that knew about him from that time was killed by him.”
Due to us still holding hands Camellia heard this as well and seeing that Kira wasn’t going to divulge any more information she let go. “We should continue on to the city before it gets dark.” Hearing her say this I looked at the sky and noticed that it was getting dark so after I agreed we made our way to the city at a run without speaking. Camellia obviously had to slow down some to let me keep up with her because my strength may be in the S or SS rank according to Zellfina, but due to me not knowing any Ki I am still most likely classified as an A rank after my level up.
On our way to the city we ran into a few beasts which Camellia quickly dispatched, but after her killing the fifth one without me I asked her to stand back and let me fight. She did as I asked and just watched for any beasts trying to ambush us, I fought about seven beasts on my own with a little bit of effort I had a few notifications waiting for me when we hit the city limits. At this time it was dark and we went into a nearby abandoned building and Camellia pulled out a few camping supplies such as sleeping bags, food, cookware, and etc. We made a fire and Camellia started to cook some of the beast meat that we gathered. It was at this time I decided to check my notifications.
Congratulations! Combat has reached level 7!
Congratulations! Hunting has reached level 4!
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Beasts Anatomy] level 1!
Congratulations! You have reached level 5!
As soon as the last notification popped up and I cleared it I thought I could feel someone else in the room with us. Looking around I noticed that Camellia who was supposed to be cooking wasn’t moving, even the flame wasn’t. It was at this time I realized that time had stopped, but why? “The reason why is because of me JD.” Hearing a familiar voice I looked over at a dark corner of the room and noticed a familiar figure step out. “It’s you!” I bellowed out remembering the old draconian that visited me when I first arrived on the planet.
He laughed a little before speaking, “Yes it is, I’m glad you remember me, I have noticed you have made quite a bit of progress since we last met. You even got yourself quite the babe as well.” Hearing him speak I suddenly felt violated like someone had been peeking in on me taking a shower or something. After holding his gut laughing the old draconian spoke up, “No I did nothing of the sort, though I would have loved to see that young queen naked I know that people like their privacy so I wouldn’t watch those kinds of acts without their permission.”
When he was speaking the feeling of being violated slowly started to dissipate. “So what do you want with me?” It took a few seconds before he answered, “Do I need a reason to come visit someone who is in my home?” Thousands of questions were running through my mind, but I only asked one. “You mean the continent?” After the words left my mouth he smiled, “Exactly, I am the owner of this continent. I told you my name was Vetus Est when we last met, but that was a lie. My real name is Origin-D and I am the Dragon God King of the Draconians.” He said this making a low bow towards me. Remembering how he single handedly wiped out all human life in a galaxy it took everything in me to not piss myself.
“Don’t be scared, my vengeance was sated long ago and I know that not all humans are the same, but I didn’t care until I had wiped them all out in this galaxy to give this galaxy a fresh start.” Seeing my pale face and semi-shaking hands he tried to calm me down. Usually I’m not scared even when talking to gods, but this one scares the shit out of me and it may be because I know what he was capable of two ranks ago when he was just God Rank. “Easy for you to say I just heard almost everything about you and what happened.” Origin sighed a bit, “Ah yes your pesky A.I. I forget you have that semi-all-knowing program in your soul. Hearing that he knew about Kira I paled a little bit more. He laughed a bit, “Don’t worry I’m not here to hurt you or anything, but I am here to add some restrictions to one of your traits, that is just way too powerful for your own good and to give you another to help compensate some.” When he said this he walked up to me and put his hand on my head. I could feel power rush into my body and I started to feel pain all throughout. The pain was almost unbearable and I could see my vision going fuzzy. Origin took his hand from my head and squatted down next to where I had fallen.
“We will meet again youngster and hopefully you will be able to give me a good show. Don’t worry you will like what I have given you to balance the restrictions on the trait given to you by that fledgling primordial god.” Laughing he disappeared into thin air before time started moving again and I lost consciousness.
I was awoken by violent shaking, “Vitamor wake up dammit! Wake up!” Groaning I rolled over a bit, “Five more minutes mom.” After the words left my mouth I was greeted with a kick in the ass. “Jeez don’t scare me like that you idiot, I have been shaking you for nearly an hour now.” Groaning again while rubbing my ass I looked over to the window and saw it was daylight, “How long have I been out?” She sighed before answering, “You passed out before I was done cooking so I let you sleep all night and when the sun came up I tried rousing you to no avail.” Still rubbing the pain in my ass I decided to check my status because of the surprise visit last night.
Name: Vitamor
Race: Human
Title: Conqueror of the Queen
Level: 5
Health: 1600/1600
Mana: 2080/2080
Strength: 240
Vitality: 160
Intelligence: 208
Agility: 112
Charisma: 128
Luck: 100 (Max)
Wisdom: 80
Seeing the window I noticed that my stats doubled again, but knowing that he messed with my trait and added a new one I opened the trait window.
Mana Manipulation
Artificial Intelligence Implant (Kiralee)
Space Lord (Not Active Criteria Not Met)
Status Point Boost (Gift from Chronos) (Limited and Renamed by Origin-D)
Stats Points Gain (Gift from Origin-D)
Seeing the edit done to the trait from Chronos and the new one given to me by Origin-D I opened them both;
Status Point Boost
Status Points Double every level. *Edit: Status Points double every five levels starting from level five while gaining 25% of current stats in bonus every level until the next fifth level.
Stats Points Gain
Ability to gain bonus stat points every level to be used to level up skills. Five points gained every level with no points gained on every fifth level.
Reading the edit and effect of the traits I was actually kind of happy. Even though my stats would only double every five levels the stat points in between that fifth level was actually a fair trade. I could actually level up my skills now without really repeatedly doing something. Noticing my smiling face Camellia asked me what I was so happy about, so I showed her my status and traits menus.
Seeing that I leveled up again and noticing my status double she was happy for me, but when she saw my traits menu she instantly froze, “W-W-When did you meet him?” She couldn’t help, but ask while stuttering a little bit. Sighing slightly I informed her of last night’s visitor. After I finished my explanation she was a little pale and sort of pissed off. “To think that I was frozen without knowing, do you know the things he could have done to me!? My chastity could have been in jeopardy.” Hearing her say this I spit out the tea she had given me while I was telling her about Origin. “You mean you’re a virgin?” She looked at me with an irritated look on her face, “Is that seriously all you heard out of that?”
Laughing a little bit before I answered, “Well it’s what really caught my attention. I can solve that problem for you by the way.” Hearing this and seeing the look in my eye she became a bit flushed, “We don’t have time for that right now.” She said a little meekly before returning to packing up our supplies. Hearing what she said I was surprised, does that mean she isn’t against it? My mind was running a little wild with thoughts of some mom and daughter action before I had to cut myself off otherwise we would be having another guest in the room. I thought about regulating the blood flow going to my lower member with some deep breathing, hoping that it might work. I was greeted with another notification which I opened.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Blood Flow Manipulation] level 1!
Really, what use do I have for this right now except for helping me not get an erection? Sighing a little I closed the notification and after Camellia had packed the camp up we left the building to explore the city. After exploring for a while we found an old book shop that literally had nothing but books that would fall apart at the slightest touch. Sighing in our hearts we moved on and continued searching. After a few hours we found the entrance to something underground.
We both went down the ladder and we were greeted with complete darkness. At this point Camellia cursed a bit. “What happened?” I asked her to which she responded, “I forgot to pack some torches or flashlights.” Staring in the direction of her voice I was making a face that said “Seriously?” even though she couldn’t see me. “Hold on a second let me try something.” After I said this I activated [Mana Perception] and started using [Mana Manipulation].
I grabbed the nearest river of mana and rolled it into a little ball after a few dozen tries. I made it float above my head and then I grabbed another river and made a second ball to float above Camellia. I tried to imagine my personal mana flow as a bright white light while directing the flow into the river balls above our head. My mana combined with the river ball after a few minutes of trial and error making the ball glow a bright white illuminating our surroundings. After successfully making a light source I was greeted with a notification, which I opened.
Congratulations! You invented a Light Magic spell [Spot Light]!
Spot Light
[Spot Light] – Caster is able to create multiple moving or stationary orbs of light using the mana around them as fuel. Duration is unlimited unless caster cancels the spell or enters sunlight.
Yes just what I wanted to happen, I looked over at Camellia who was staring at the little white ball floating above her head in amazement. “What spell did you use?” she asked with an inquisitive look. “I used a spell I just invented called [Spot Light] why?” Hearing this she thought for a moment, “So you just invented the spell? That makes sense then, usually when a mage casts the Light Magic spell [Candle Light] it is only a little ball that floats above their head, but your ball is bigger and also allows you to make one above my head.”
Hearing what she said it kind of cleared up why I had invented a spell that should have already been invented and the reason is because mine was a more powerful version. After checking our surroundings we continued down the corridor we were in seeing all kinds of forgotten art and items on shelves along the walls. I grabbed a sword that was lying on a shelf and it instantly disintegrated when I tried to pick it up.
“Everything down here is extremely useless except for maybe historical value, but we can’t even move it without destroying it.” As I was speaking I was looking around at some of the items staring intently at a few and as I was looking I saw a notification pop up, so once again I opened it.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill [Appraisal]!
Seeing this I got really excited. “Yes!” I hollered out loud causing Camellia to come over and see if I found something. Seeing that what I was looking at was just a picture she frowned, “What are you hollering about?” Looking over at her with a big grin on my face, “I just got the skill [Appraisal]!” Hearing this, she actually looked kind of shocked, “Really? From what I hear it takes years for merchants and crafters to learn that skill.” Looking at her I was still excited, “I don’t know why I got it, but after looking at everything in here I got the skill.” Looking back at the painting I used the skill.
Type - Painting: Kids Playing
Age - 10 Million+
Price - Worthless
Rarity - SSS
The painting hasn’t been well preserved causing the price to drop drastically.
Seeing the small amount of details I realized that I need to level the skill up if I want more information. Sighing a little bit we continued down the hall while I appraised items along the way tying to level the skill up as we go. We left the corridor and was greeted with a massive room full of statues that were just standing in rows upon rows in the middle of the giant room.
I walked up to one of the statues and rubbed some of the dust off its giant foot revealing some shiny metal underneath. Surprised at my discovery I cast [Breeze] on the statue to remove the remaining dust and what I saw made me more excited than I had been since coming to this universe, it pretty much brought out the nerd in me. I used [Appraisal] to verify what I thought the statue was and I wasn’t let down.
Type – Mobile Battle Suite Mk. I (MBS)
Age – 10 Million+
Price – 1 Thousand Platinum
Rarity – Immortal
An ancient battle suite left behind by the previous humans on the planet Chiron.
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