《Asuras and Dragons **Indefinite Hiatus**》V.1 Ch.25 - I Love You Too
*Chiron – Hangar – Kiralee’s POV*
“Ugh this machine is pissing me off.” I sat cursing the MBS under my breath. Even with my vast realm of knowledge things don’t always go as planned, such as trying to get the shield generator to accept dark matter as its power source. This is way more complicated than I thought it would be, if it wasn’t for the fact that my knowledge banks, on anything about the technology of the humans on this planet all those years ago, weren’t so limited then this would have been done a few minutes after looking at it. Also one of the negatives of being an A.I. with an actual personality I literally think of things like a normal being, hence my not thinking of the shield generator idea right away.
Just thinking about how my master thought about it before I did makes me feel depressed. I let out an audible sigh and went back to making the generator take dark matter. The hardest part about harnessing dark matter is that we can’t see it or touch it, but we know it is there. Trying to make something use an energy source that you can’t see or touch is almost impossible. The humans from before were quite ingenious. So once again the knowledge they had about dark matter would be really helpful right now. The only thing I know about dark matter is that it does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light, and is thus invisible to the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Knowing it wasn’t helpful to just bitch about something I couldn’t fix I went back to work on the MBS and about ten minutes later master told me they were on their way. Hearing him, I concentrated even more on what I was doing and it finally hit me. What if I reprogram the generator to take in the energy around us that doens't have an electormagnetic charge? With no other options I gave it a shot and all of a sudden the generator started to hum and a violet semi-transparent shield appeared around the MBS. “YES success!” After hollering I turned the shield generator off and went to back to programing the system.
After programing for a few seconds the system was ready to go and now I just needed to make a proper weapon for it. I looked around for a weapon of suitable size and I finally found a spare turret lying around. I cut the weapon from the stand and using a winch I picked it up and laid it on a workbench. I found some spare metal lying around and started to make an outer casing for the weapon. After a few minutes I was finished with the weapon and using the winch I laid it beside the MBS. Now all that was left is to wait for master to get here I turned around, looking towards the door, and speak of the devil. I waved at him before running over to greet him, and the women with him, at the entrance to the hangar.
*Vitamor’s POV*
As we entered the hangar we were greeted by the robot Kiralee. “Master! I just finished the modifications and the weapon!” She was hollering as she ran over. Seeing the work she had done in such a short time I smiled at her and then patted her semi-plastic head. I don’t know if it was my imagination or not, but it almost looked like her face was tinted red, but I wasn’t really paying attention because I was staring at the weapon lying on the ground next to the MBS.
“You did a really good job for the amount of time you had to do it in Kira; this weapon looks like it was made in a factory.” I looked at her and she looked like she had a small smile on her face. “Well I had help from you master.” Hearing her in my head all of a sudden a look of confusion briefly crossed over my face before it quickly disappeared. “What do you mean you had help from me?” I was confused at what I had done when I wasn’t even here. “You physically didn’t do anything, but the memories you had from the shows you call “Anime” in your old world had some basic schematics for a weapon of this size.”
Thinking about what she said for a minute I came to the realization that she must have found a memory about a show I loved that had giant mechas running around saving the solar system from tyrannical modified humans. “I see, I didn’t know you could access my memories from there.” She laughed a little in my head, “Master I can access every memory you ever had even the ones you can’t access on your own. I can even tell what you are thinking. Just like how you have been constantly thinking about what you want to do with the red head over there.”
Hearing her just straight up tell me that she knew what I was thinking made me feel violated and to top it all off she just bluntly said she knew what I wanted to do with Camellia. I coughed out loud before speaking, “Well now that the MBS is ready we can start our expedition. You all ready to go or do you need to gather some things?” I looked towards Zellfina, Camellia, and Kiralee and none of them made a move so I took that as a signal to start our little expedition.
I jumped up into the MBS and remembered that I couldn’t fit everybody in here and holding a person in each hand was bound to be uncomfortable. I immediately jumped back out and informed Kira of my worry. “Hmm, don’t worry master I can make something for us really fast.” Kira was quick to find a solution and she immediately went to work on some kind of contraption. I stood there talking to Zellfina and Camellia about random things and after about ten minutes Kira was done. “Okay master it's ready.”
When I heard her speak I looked over towards where she had just been working and saw what looked like one of those cages you would see on the rides at a carnival back on Earth. The one that would take you high up in the air and spin you upside down and back right side up. I forget what it is exactly called, but I really didn’t care for it especially after eating something. The only difference was that it was big enough for three people to sit comfortably and the slits between bars had some clear plastic so you could see out, but not be affected by the environment.
Looking at it closer I noticed that it had some heavy duty chains attached to the back of it. I looked towards Kira, “Is this supposed to be worn like a backpack?” She nodded her head in agreement, “It’s all I could do very quickly, later I will be able to make an attachable one.” I nodded my head and looked at the massive backpack. After a few minutes and telling everyone to pile into the backpack, I jumped back into the MBS and put the backpack on the MBS. Using the external speaker I communicated with the girls, “You three okay? Knock on the wall twice if you’re good to go.” I listened for two knocks and after a minute I heard them. I told Zendra we would be back and if she needed us to contact us, she nodded her head and with a wave she watched us fly out of the hangar.
We left Chiron airspace in a matter of seconds and after about fifteen minutes of travel we hit the continent. We landed in the outpost and after I pulled the backpack off we disembarked. We had to tell the soldiers to go carry on because they all bowed to Zellfina and Camellia and were basically worshiping the two beauties. After Kira inputted the password for the program, basically locking it from intrusion, and after she had quickly programed an auto pilot that would lead the MBS to our location with a small magical GPS that Zellfina had made and Kira had programed, I put the GPS into my [Storage] and we proceeded to leave the outpost leaving the MBS there.
One of the neat things about [Storage] compared to the spell [Room] is that my storage allows me to put things in it that show my location and they will still work, but if I put the magical GPS into my ring the [Room] spell would have not let the magical signal leak out and it wouldn’t have worked. We walked at a normal pace for a few hours looking at the sights. The continent was actually very peaceful feeling for some reason and we couldn’t figure out why. We all thought that Rank A beasts and even those at a higher rank roamed the continent. After a few hours we finally ran into a beast. It was a Rank S Flaming Hell Snake; it was around twenty feet long, with red scales, had a thickness of about five feet, and it radiated a fierce heat from its body. Compared to your average human or draconian the thing was pretty freaking big.
Being that my Power Rank was the highest of the three I told the girls to stand back, even though either one of them could have killed the snake with a single spell I wanted to gain more experience. I ran towards the snake pulling my sword and light dagger from my storage. Once I was about eight feet from the giant snake it struck towards me and it was fast, really fast! I had basically no time to think of a direction to dodge in so I just dodged in a random direction. I was extremely lucky because the snake missed me by a few inches.
Gathering myself I jumped towards the snake with my sword leading the way, but I was suddenly hit from the side by the snake’s tail. I was sent flying into a tree smashing the tree into splinters. My body ached all over, but my injuries were minimal so, with a slightly peeved mood, I looked at the area directly behind the snake and used [Blink]. In an instant my view changed and I was looking at the back of the snake. Not hesitating in the slightest I stabbed my sword directly into the snake's back and slashed out a good chunk of flesh.
The snake hissed at me and I could feel the strike from the tail coming so I used [Blink] again and moved out of the tails path. The snake looked for me for a second before it locked back on to me. The snake looked a little pissed off and almost instantaneously flames appeared everywhere on its body. It hissed at me again before it shot a [Fire Ball] at me. I had forgotten to keep my shield up so I had no choice, but to block the spell with my [Dragon Scale Body] and instantly black and violet colored scales appeared on my arms which I used to block the spell the snake shot at me.
The spell exploded and the force of the impact shot me back through a couple of trees. I groaned a bit, but other than the ache in my back, from hitting the trees, I was in an okay condition. Looking towards the snake, which looked like it was sneering at me, I was starting to get annoyed at how long this was taking. There has to be something I can do this is taking way too long. Even though I said that it had only been a couple of minutes since the fight started so to normal people this would seem quite normal.
I immediately thought of something and wanted to try it out. I ran towards the snake and I sent out a kick using [Reptilian Whip]. My kick was extremely fast and I was aiming for the snake's head in order to do maximum damage. I tried using the knowledge that I had of the skill [One Hundred Ton Punch], which I had only trained up to about ten tons area which is a significant increase from my current bodily strength of around two tons, and I was trying to infuse that understanding into my kick.
I struck the snake in the head and it was sent flying into a tree and it crashed right through it along with the next twelve trees behind it. I immediately blinked over towards the snake and I saw that there was no sign of life left. Using my hunting skill I gathered the materials from the snake and walked back to the girls. While I was walking I noticed a notification in the corner, so I opened it.
Congratulations! You have learned a new skill called [Leviathan Lightning Kick] level 1!
[Leviathan Lightning Kick]
A kick that is extremely quick and has around ten tons of force at the beginning stages. At the later stages your kicks will produce lightning adding a status effect to your kicks and the amount of force will increase each level.
Congratulations! Reptilian Whip has reached level 2!
I was ecstatic while looking at these windows, but I was also confused. When did my bodily skills have levels? I was sure that they didn’t beforehand. I thought about it deeply and I could only come up with one explanation and that is that Origin-D also gave me a small gift besides the stat points. Does this mean I can spend those stat points on my body skills now and level them up? Thinking of the possibilities I couldn’t wait until my next level up to get those stat points.
When I closed the windows and looked towards the girls I could see them smiling at me. “Well that was fun” I said in a joking manner. The look on their faces changed to one of worry and Camellia spoke up, “Are you okay? That snake really threw you around a bit before you finally killed it.” Hearing her say this I knew she was concerned, but I was still embarrassed at the fact that her and Zellfina got to see me thrown around like a rag doll. I looked at her and sheepishly smiled, “Yeah I am fine, my back is a little sore, but other than that I am all good.” Hearing me say this she smiled back at me and didn’t say anything else.
After a few minutes of rest we continued into the forest. We ran into a couple of beasts along the way, but they were all A Rank and I was easily able to kill them after a few attacks. If I can kill the A Rank beasts so easily why did I have so much trouble with an S Rank? I looked at the girls and asked them. They thought about it for a second before Camellia answered, “Well the Flaming Hell Snake is only an S Rank beast, but once it gets pissed enough and activates its flames it jumps up to SS Rank and has its strength increased.”
I thought about how the [Fire Ball] spell was so strong and blew me away through a couple of trees and it made sense. Before it was only able to fling me into one tree, but after its power up it was able to send me flying through a few trees. I was lucky that my idea worked, but thinking about the two girls waiting with Kira I really wasn’t in danger of dying. I sighed a little in my heart before deciding to make camp. I looked up at the sky and could see the stars starting to appear with night time quickly approaching.
I found a flat area and used my sword to topple the trees in a fifty yard circle around us. Camellia pulled a small house with three rooms from her ring and we all went inside. Kira went into one room and shut down her robot body for the night while Camellia went to another room after saying good night. This left the last room for me and Zellfina. Zellfina and I sat in the chairs facing the window and looked at the stars for a while conversing about random things.
After a while of talking I was greeted with silence, not even the bugs were making noise. I looked over at Zellfina and saw that she was frozen mid-sentence. I immediately knew what was going on and sure enough I saw Origin-D standing outside the window near the tree line. I sighed before making my way outside to see what he wanted.
I walked towards the forest to catch up to him and after about five minutes of walking into the forest he stopped and turned towards me. “Well how are things going kid?” Looking at him I thought that he wouldn’t just be here for a social call. Sure enough after I thought that he laughed, “No I am not here for a social call. I am here to tell you some areas to avoid on the continent. The beasts in those areas are too powerful for the three of you.” Hearing him say this I was instantly shocked. Areas that are too dangerous for someone at the Immortal Rank? (AN: Zellfina).
“Yes these areas are too dangerous for even her. The beasts in these areas are at the Demi-God Rank and the leaders of those areas are at the God Rank.” Hearing this, my jaw almost hit the floor, actual God Ranked beasts? I was confused at this, “If there are beasts that are that powerful on the continent then why haven’t you wiped them out? They could literally tear your race apart!” He sighed before continuing, “That is true, but they haven’t made a move out of their territory so I was just going to leave them for my kin to wipe out and get stronger. If they wipe them out they would be able to reclaim the continent as well.”
When you thought about it, it was actually a good plan. He would not interfere as long as they didn’t actively attack his kin before they were ready and if the draconians were strong enough they could clear them out themselves and reclaim their continent and flourish even more. I looked at Origin in a new light, who would have thought that he would think of using God Ranked beasts as training for the draconians.
He laughed at this, “You think that I am not capable of leading or training people? Who do you think beat some humility into that brat what was his name again?” He stood there and thought for a while. “It was some human brat that wielded a hammer that could control lightning, ugh what is his name.” Hearing him I could only think of one person, “You talking about Thor?” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me, “Yes Thor! That is the brats name; he was a very prideful and arrogant God. After I beat some sense into him and trained him a bit he ranked up to a God Prince in a few months.”
I was just looking at the Dragon God King in front of me and I couldn’t even think of anything to say. I sighed in my heart and shook my head, “What are the places we should avoid?” Origin immediately went back to being serious and he gave me the locations in detail. After he was done my map updated itself and these areas were highlighted in red. It was at this time that I realized why he showed up now. We were about five hundred yards from one of those red areas.
I started to sweat a little bit and I was thankful that Camellia and I didn’t wander into one of these areas when we first came here. Since he had given me the information he disappeared and the time around me resumed. I walked back towards the house and after a few minutes I could hear Zellfina screaming, “Vitamor! Vitamor where are you!” I sprinted back to the house and was greeted with a semi-pissed and semi-worried draconian queen. “Where did you go? I was talking to you and all of a sudden you disappeared!”
Seeing her worried expression I gave her a hug and tried to calm her down, “Don’t worry, I just had a visit from a friend.” Well at least I hope he is a friend. I looked down at the draconian in my arms and saw a small tear trickle down her face. I wiped the tear away with my thumb, “Everything is okay, don’t worry.” She couldn’t stand it and put her head in my chest and started to cry. She was speaking between sobs, “I thought *sob* something had *sob* happened to you I was *sob* so worried. *sob*” I repeatedly rubbed my hand down the back of her head, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon okay?” She looked up at me with her tear filled eyes. She honestly looked like a little kid who had just lost her favorite teddy bear. “You promise?”
Seeing her tear streamed face I nodded, “I promise that unless I am killed early I will never leave you okay?” I disappeared for a few minutes she shouldn’t have been this worried, but I literally disappeared in front of her eyes so I can understand her worry. When the words left my mouth she had a dazzling smile on her face even through the tears I could see the twinkle in her nebula like eyes. “Good, because I don’t want you to go anywhere I love you Vitamor and I want to stay by your side no matter where you go, even if I have to pass the throne on to Zendra or Camellia so I can go with you I would do it in a heartbeat.” I smiled at her and wondered what I did to get such a beauty to love me this much.
After she calmed down a bit we made our way to bed for some sleep, or so I thought. While I was taking my shirt off to go to bed I was hugged from behind. Zellfina turned my head towards her to kiss me while I was facing away from her. While we were making out I felt something enter my pants and wrap itself around my johnson. I quickly glanced down towards my lower half and I saw her tail had made its way into my pants. We continued to kiss while her tail was moving up and down my soldier in my pants. After around ten minutes of this I couldn’t hold it anymore and I released in my pants.
She removed her tail and brought it towards her mouth, she immediately licked the cum, that was on her tail, off. Seeing this I was turned on even more which she immediately noticed. She bent down and removed my pants fully exposing my dick to her. She looked at it bobbing up and down in front of her face and after licking her lips she took it inside. She was on her knees in front of me moving her head back and forth and after fifteen minutes of sucking and licking up and down she moved her tail around and used the tip to rub the sensitive spot between my balls and my anus. This caused me to throw my head back and groan in pleasure. After a minute of two of this sensation I released inside of her mouth, which she happily drank down. After she cleaned me up she stood up in front of me.
Not giving her a chance to do anything I grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. I jumped on top of her and literally ripped her clothes off revealing her luscious body. I moved my head towards her towering peaks and I began to suck on one while massaging the other. She moaned in pleasure and after a few minutes of this and alternating between breasts I stopped and started to kiss her all over her body. Minutes later I kissed my way down to her most sensitive spot.
I gave the bud on top a quick kiss before I plunged my tongue inside. She arched her back and screamed in pleasure which just made my tongue go in even farther. I made every movement I could think of including the alphabet, even the draconian alphabet. When I was halfway done with the draconian alphabet she arched her back one more time and I could feel and taste a sweet liquid move out and around my tongue and down my chin. I kissed my way back up making my way to her lips where we made out for a few seconds before I thrust myself inside of her with no warning. Her eyes got really wide before closing quickly and she moaned around my mouth, but she didn’t stop kissing me.
I started my piston and moved myself in and out of her at a gentle pace and after a few minutes I sped up to a brisk pace. After a few minutes she was screaming with every thrust I made and after around ten minutes she arched her back in pleasure and I could feel her constantly spasm around me. I made one good thrust causing her to scream out and spasm some more before I stopped letting her lay there panting. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and I could feel that she wanted more especially since she thrust her lower half against me. I grabbed one of her legs and I twisted her around on to her hands and knees. Once she was in position my piston began once again.
I grabbed the base of her tail which caused her to shiver a little and used it to help power myself forward. The room was filled with lewd sounds and the sounds of Zellfina screaming in pleasure. We were in the throes of our passion and neither one of us noticed the door cracked open and the lewd sounds coming from the hallway. After fifteen minutes of constant in and out repetition Zellfina once more constricted around me and arched her back towards me screaming. I was at my limit so I let go of her tail and gave one final thrust releasing everything inside of her. She wrapped her tail around my waist holding me firmly inside making sure she took everything.
After I was spent, and Zellfina cleaned the excess cum off of me, we both laid down and cuddled each other. We talked about the expedition we were about to go on and the dangers, possible treasures, and what not. After a while of talking we were both ready for sleep Zellfina gave me a quick kiss, “Good night babe.” I smiled and kissed her back, “Good night.” I laid there for a minute and I didn’t know if she was asleep or not, but I had something else to say. I kissed her on the cheek, “I love you too.” She didn’t say anything, but she dug herself closer to me so I guess she heard me. I smiled a bit before I closed my eyes and let sleep take a hold of me.
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