《Flowers From A Killer》Chapter 1


Walking down the palace hallways. My simple ocean blue dress swaying as I walked. I glance behind me in annoyance at the small army of soldiers following my every move. Eyes from every angle trained to catch even the smallest of hand twitches. Driving me crazy with every brush of armor, and quiet clink of weapons brushing against metal. Focusing back on my path I sigh in frustration as their boots squeak loudly behind me. Conner hearing my sigh moved to stand beside me. His curious gaze searching me for answers.

“Everything ok Sasha?” I rolled my eyes at such a stupid question. By that stupid smirk on your face, you know perfectly well what's wrong. Your just waiting for me to say it aloud.

“Conner you know perfectly well that I'm not ok. I'm being stalked by these hooligans after all.” I snapped jerking my head toward the soldiers in red and blue uniforms.

“Your dad felt you would be safer this way since we still have not found your attacker.” He replied fighting a losing battle against the laugh threatening to bubble from his lips.

“He also figured you would have a harder time eluding this many armed guards.” I grumbled a little at that. He was right no matter how many tricks I pull out of my hat. No matter how sneaky I maybe. I couldn’t seem to escape the castle without at least one of my captors noticing me.

“Sasha there you are! I have been looking everywhere for you.” I hear someone shout. I sigh in frustration as I am suddenly surrounded. The guards circling me. Blocking me from view of the potential threat. Standing on tip toe I peek over Conner’s shoulder in an attempt to see who it is. I smile happily when I see Aaron in a pair of black suit pants and white T-shirt running down the hall toward me. Charging after him like a pack of hungry wolves are his close friends and royal tailors Raphael, Tom, Max, and Roger.

“Aaron, please you need to hold still so we can finish designing your tux for the wedding.” Max shouted his red face dripping with sweat as he attempted to catch up to his friend.

“No way! I ain’t wearing no monkey suit. Besides, you have already poked me like 10 times with that needle.” Aaron stubbornly refused weaving in and out of the guards surrounding me as he attempted to avoid his pursuers. Most of the guards had relaxed their stance slightly once they realized it was just Aaron. Conner on the other hand continued to glare at him in disgust as if daring him to come anywhere near me. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder I gave him a smile reminding him who this man was. As if coming out of a daze Conner straightened up and stepped aside so Aaron could reach me. Though he continued to scowl at Aaron the entire time.

“Hey Aaron.” I greeted as he used me as a human shield hiding behind me from the determined tailors.

The Tailors stopping in front of the circle of guards exchanged a glance before nodding at each other. I watched in curiosity as they began surrounding us as if to trap Aaron where he hid. Yet Aaron seeing this spun on his heels and pushing the guards out of the way made for the double door entrance to the side of us leading into the garden. I laughed as I watched him pulled to the ground by Raphael, who is quite used to his friend’s stubborn personality. Using some ribbon, he still had on hand Raphael swiftly secured Aarons hands and feet in a hog-tying technique. Smiling in triumph at his catch. Tom hefting the immobile prince over his shoulder waved happily to me before marching away with his prisoner. The others following soon after. Used to their craziness by now none of the guards even batted an eye. I watched amused as my fiancé giving in allowed himself to be carried to his doom, but not before casting me a look of betrayal for his capture.



“Dad I am no longer a child I don’t need a mountain of guards stalking me everywhere I go just so I can check out the mall.” I complained glaring at my dad standing in front of the palace entrance, arms crossed over his chest. I was tired of constantly being under threat of attack and just wanted at least 20 minutes to myself to go wedding shopping with my fiancé. I know typically the servants handle all that stuff, but much like my wedding dress I wanted to find all of it myself. Though my dad did try to convince me to get a handmaid wedding dress from the tailors, but I turned him down. If the wedding dresses in the stores are good enough for non-royalty than they are good enough for me. Besides, it cost a small fortune to get a handmaid dress. Just because we are royalty doesn’t mean we have to throw away money.

“On a normal day maybe, but don’t forget you were nearly kidnapped.” He sighed exasperated. I scoffed he acts like this is a new occurrence.

"Don't give me that. You would give me this many guards even if I wasn't under threat." I pouted irritated.

"No. Normally I would give you 50 guards, but I am being nice and only assigning 20." I felt like curling into a ball as his dark brown eyes bore straight into my soul. Instead, I forced myself to stand tall and meet his icy gaze head on.

“Yes, but that was over a week ago.” I argued shaking slightly with anger. He sighed again shifting his weight, so he was practically turned away from me.

“I don’t care. If you want to go shopping than they are coming with you and that’s final.” He stated firmly. I grumbled as I looked away admitting defeat as I crossed my arms over my chest pouting like a little child.

“I love you, Sasha. One day you will understand why this is necessary. You will soon be queen of your Fiancé’s country you need to start preparing yourself for that and becoming more responsible.” He gently soothed placing a hand on my shoulder before turning around and exiting the throne room. Irritated I stormed toward the door. Kicking it open I angrily made my way to my bedroom followed closely by my captors.

“Fine! Then I will just stay in my room for the rest of the night like a hermit!” I yelled slamming the door behind me. At least the guards had the curtesy to remain outside my room rather than following me inside like a creepy stalker. That would have really been awkward. Not to mention it would have ruined my devious plan. Locking my door, I quickly grabbed my vanity area chair and placed it against the door, so it couldn’t be opened.

Working quickly, I pulled out all my dresses from my walk-in closet and laying them on the bed I began tying them together to make a rainbow-colored rope. Once I was done, I stood back to admire my work. Grabbing one end of my new rope I tied it to my bedpost while making sure it was tight. Opening my window, I threw the other end down the 40-foot drop to the ground and watched as it landed an inch off the ground. Smiling wickedly, I glanced back at my still blocked door before ever so carefully swinging my legs out the window to begin my descent. My heart skipped a beat once I could no longer feel solid ground beneath my feet. Let me tell you hanging 30 feet off the ground, dangling by a rope is terrifying. For a moment I regretted my plan wondering if maybe this really was a stupid idea. Though after thinking about the alone time, without 20 people watching my every move, I will soon have destroyed the last shred of doubt. Taking a deep breath, I slowly began my descent. Halfway down I froze as my dress got caught in a crack in the wall.


“I knew I should have changed into jeans.” I thought as with one hand on the rope I began tugging at my dress trying to get it unstuck, but to no avail. Beads of sweat began forming on my forehead as I struggled with it for what felt like an eternity. I began to panic as I felt my hands sliding on the rope. If I didn’t get it unstuck soon, I was going to fall, and it was still another 20 feet to the ground. Finally, after one more hard tug I was free. Clinging to the rope for a moment I breathed a deep sigh of relief before continuing.

I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders the moment my feet finally touched solid ground again. Knees wobbling slightly from the descent I turned toward the palace gates and unsteadily but triumphantly began walking to the mall. I would have liked for my fiancé to be with me but seeing as I had to think outside the box just to get out of the castle alone, I would just call him latter. I had only taken a few steps when a hand was placed on my shoulder. All blood drained from my face as thoughts of my kidnapper raced through my head. Slowly I turned around to see my older brother Fredrick grinning down at me.

“Dad said you might try something like this.” He laughed watching me squirm.

“So back to the castle than.” I asked deflated. He only smiled, but as I was making my way to the front door, he suddenly stopped me. Glancing back at him I gulped in sudden dread as I saw an evil glint in his eyes.

“Oh no Sasha. That’s too easy. You climbed out through your window, so you can climb right back in.” My mouth fell open as I stared at him in horror.

“You have to be kidding.” I sputtered looking at him doubtfully. I mean yeah, I climbed out through my window, but I had been planning on returning through the front door afterwards. I had no intention of trying that again after nearly plummeting to a painful death. Yet as I stared at my brother in utter disbelief, I realized he was completely serious as he grabbed the rope and tied it securely around my waist, so I wouldn’t fall before pointing up at the tower smiling.

“Your awful. You know that, Fredrick.” I sighed beginning to climb.

“I am so never going to let you live this down.” He howled laughing as I crawled through my open window and collapsed exhausted on my fuzzy rainbow carpet.

As I lay there feeling very much like a caged bird, I heard a knock on my still barricaded door. Pushing myself into a sitting position I got to my feet and moved the chair away from the door before unlocking and opening it. Glancing out I am greeted by a guard in a dark blue button up tunic with golden shoulder pads, and red pants with a blue stripe down the sides. On his right long sleeve is our countries crest of two unicorns holding their horns together in an x. their front leg slightly bent and raised. A rainbow is featured behind them in an arch.

“Conner is everything ok?” I tiredly inquire staring into his hazel eyes.

“I thought I heard a thud. I wanted to make sure you were al…” he paused as he noticed my makeshift rope still dangling out the window. Looking back at me he raised an eyebrow obviously questioning my sanity.

“Don’t ask. Fredrick already caught me.” I grumbled walking away from my still open door to the window and pulling the rope back into my room. Laughing Conner followed helping me untie my now wrinkled dresses and hang them back up.

“You know if you keep trying to escape your dad is going to put bars on your window.” He chuckled as he hung up the last dress.

“Yeah, well if he wouldn’t treat me like a prisoner in my own home I wouldn’t have to.” I replied irritated.

“He is just worried. He is probably afraid what happened to your mom w…”

“My mom was a strong woman who could look out for herself, and so can I.” I interrupted turning away from him so he wouldn’t see the pain in my eyes as I remembered her. I think he guessed that he hit a nerve because with a bow he quickly left the room closing the door behind him. Sinking onto my bed I grabbed the picture I always keep on my nightstand and gazed sadly down at the scene portrayed there. It was a picture of my mom, Fredrick, me, and my dad. I was 6 at the time. My mom and I were wearing matching frilly purple dresses while my brother and dad were wearing tuxes. It was supposed to be a nice family portrait, but it ended up being a picture of me rolling around in the dirt with Fredrick, while my dad angrily leans over us his hands on our arms trying to pull us out of the mud. Our outfits were ruined. Mom could be seen in the background doubled over with laughter. I smiled sadly as my mind wandered back to that day. A tear gently rolled down my cheek onto the picture frame. If only I had listened and not wandered off. Than mom would still be alive right now. It’s all my fault.

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