《Flowers From A Killer》Chapter 2


“What do you mean the band has to reschedule?” I yelled into my cellphone as I sat cross legged on the bed. I had been looking over my wedding vows when these jokers called telling me they could no longer preform at my wedding in 2 weeks.

“I booked you guys 3 months in advance!”

“I am very sorry princess. We accidently double booked that day with someone else. Since the other person booked 2 months before you, we must give the day to them. We are willing to give you a full refund but that’s the best we can do.” I sighed in frustration as I listened to the band’s manager apologizing repeatedly. What was I going to do? The wedding was in 2 weeks there wasn’t a ton of time to find a new band. Not to mention all the good ones will be booked solid that day.

“Yeah whatever.” I mumbled hanging up. Placing my phone on the nightstand beside me I lay back against my pillow arm over my face. I felt like I was in a nightmare. Everything seemed to be going wrong lately. First some crazy lunatic tries to kidnap me. Than my dad won’t let me out of the castle without an army of guards, and now the band has to cancel. Could things get any worse. Laying there brooding I jolt from my thought as I heard a loud knock on the door. Well, ok it wasn’t so much a knock as more of a loud bang as they slammed their first repeatedly against the wood.

“Who is it?” I call out sitting up. No response. Wearily I decide against answering. Deciding that whoever was out there. I definitely did not want to talk to. I am sure if I just ignore them, they will leave, or the guards will chase them away. I had just decided to go to bed and worry about the band in the morning when I heard it again. Except this time, it sounded more like they were trying to force their way in. Thankfully, I had locked the door when I came in. I watched nervously as the doorknob turned over and over again followed by grunts as the person slammed their body against the wood. I grabbed my pink key chain pepper spray off my phone as I dialed Aarons number. Getting up I hid myself in the farthest corner of my room from my door. I listened impatiently to the dialing sounds on the other end as I waited for Aaron to pick up.


“Hey this is Aaron; I can’t answer your call right now because I am probably with my beautiful fiancé. So, leave a message and I will get back to you.” I groaned as I got Aarons answering machine. Hanging up I redialed his number praying he would pick up this time. I yelped in fear as I heard a loud thud followed by cracking sounds as my door began to break under the pressure.

“Hey Sasha, everything ok? It’s kind of late to be calling.” I nearly cried in relief when I finally heard his voice on the other end.

“Aaron someone is trying to break my door down.” I whispered shaking in terror as I watched more of my door chip off and fall to the ground. Where were the guards at and why did they leave their post? It seems whenever I need them, they are nowhere to be found.


“I don’t know where the guards are, but this door is already starting to break. Please help.” I begged.

“I’m on my way.” He promised hanging up.

“Please hurry.” I whispered knowing he couldn’t hear me. Suddenly there was a loud earth-shattering boom as the attacker managed to punch a hole in the door. I saw his bloody ripped gloves reach through the hole. His hand closing around the lock. I screamed in terror as I heard a click followed by the door swinging open. I stared in horror as the masked man took a step toward me arms outstretched, blood spilling from the cuts on his hands as he reached for me. I whimpered in fear tears falling freely down my face.

“Sasha.” He gruffly whispered walking slowly toward me as if in a nightmare. That's it this is a nightmare. I just need to close my eyes and I will wake up safe and sound in bed. Yet no matter how many times my eye lids slammed shut and reopened he remained now towering over me. Blood from his cuts dripping onto my dress. It's over I am so dead. Yet just before he was able to grab me, he stopped. He growled in frustration as the sounds of the guard’s heavy foot falls echoed down the hall. Racing to my aid.

"This is not over." He snapped. Turning on his heels I watched as he raced away. Hugging my knees, I burst into tears as I realized just how close I just came to being kidnapped. The smell of his breath still permeating the room as his bright red blood glistened against the stone floor. I could hear the guards racing past in hot pursuit, but I ignored them as I continued to cry. After a few minutes Aaron appeared in the doorway panting from running so hard. Ignoring the debris littering the floor Aaron quickly came over to me and sitting down he pulled me into his arms, and just held me as I cried. Rocking me as he whispered reassurances to me. Once my tears finally subsided Aaron pulled away just enough to gaze softly into my eyes. His thumb wiping away the last of my tears as he spoke.


“We should go see your dad. I didn’t have a chance to tell him when you called.” I frowned slightly surprised that the first thing he says to me after all this, is that we should talk to my dad. Not a, how are you? Or are you ok? I was a little disappointed, but I pushed that away as I nodded and allowed him to pull me to my feet. As I wiped away the rest of my tears, I realized for the first time that he was wearing a set of bright pink care bears pj's. I giggled at the bunny slippers on his feet. This was the first time I have ever seen him wear anything this cutesy.

“What?” He asked playfully tilting his head, a smile on his face. His emerald, green eyes twinkled mischievously as he waited for my reply.

“Oh nothing.” I teased trying to hide my grin.

“Nothing huh? Come here you.” He laughed pulling me into his arms and tickling me.

“Stop. Stop I can’t breathe.” I gasped squirming. Stopping he tilts my head back and plants a quick kiss on my lips before pulling away and leading me to my dads’ room. Only Aaron can make me smile even after nearly being kidnapped. Stopping in front of my dad’s oak door Aaron let go of my hand and knocked loudly. A crash followed by a groan sounded from within.

“Dad!” I panicked as Aaron, and I rushed in. I gasped as I saw him lying in a crumpled heap on the floor by his bed. He was tangled up in his blankets.

“Are you ok?” I worriedly inquired rushing over to him.

“I’m fine dear, you just startled me is all.” He groaned yawning as Aaron helped him back onto his bed as I stood over them panicking.

“So, what is going on.” I could hear the irritation in his voice at being woken up so late at night. Though he didn’t voice his irritation since I rarely ever bother him at night unless it’s important. I was just about to respond when suddenly we hear a loud crash as my dad’s window fell shattering to the ground followed by an arrow that soared right for me. Aaron thinking quickly grabs my arm and pulls me roughly out of the way as the arrow longed itself in the wall directly behind where I was just standing. Attached to it was a single blood red rose with a thin white piece of paper tied on with a red string. Aaron steaming mad that it nearly hit me grabbed the arrow and pulled the note and rose off. Handing me the note he breaks the arrow in half and tears the flower to pieces before throwing it out the window as he scanned the area for my attacker. I pale as I read what’s written on the note. Aaron and my dad seeing this quickly race over and take the note from my trembling hands. Aaron looking it over begins reading.

“If I can’t have you, No one can.”

“GUARDS! GUARDS! SURROUND THE PERIMETER AND BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE ONE WHO SHOT THIS ARROW AT MY DAUGHTER!” My dad screamed after hearing what was written. My dad rampaging from the room like a herd of angry rhinos I watched terrified as Aaron tore the note to shreds.

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