《Flowers From A Killer》Prolouge


Hey Sasha, come look at this.” Glancing over my shoulder. I sigh fondly at the two excitable women rushing toward me. Knowing I have a matter of seconds before they are upon me. I carefully hang up the dress I am holding mere seconds before a ball of excitable friends barrel into me.

“Oof.” I hiss stumbling backwards as Kelly attempts to force the dress, she is holding, over my head in her excitement. Their barely audible voices reach my smothered ears beneath the folds of the dress, but understanding was far from my mind. Too busy attempting not to accidently suffocate. As they smother the air from my lungs with a wedding dress.

“Kelly! Guys I need to breath!” I whine struggling against my friend's well meaning hands as she once more tries to wrestle the gown over my squirming body. Thankfully Ruby understood for she immediately grabs the back of Kelly’s purple butterfly shirt and pulls her away from me.

“Calm down Kelly. The girl can’t get married if you end up killing her with her own wedding dress.” Kelly no longer struggling in Ruby’s grip smiles sheepishly at me.

“Sorry Sasha. I guess I got a little over excited.” Kelly awkwardly laughs. Rubbing the back of her head nervously. I smile fondly at her. Straightening as I smooth out my rumpled clothes.

“It’s ok Kels, no harm done. Anyway, let me see the dress now that I can breathe.” As if a switch was flipped the overzealous Kelly was back. With a determined twinkle in her eye, she once more leaps toward me. Like a lion cornering her prey. The offending dress outstretched to once more cut off my air supply. Ruby seeing the danger immediately snatches Kelly from the air before she could get to me. Yanking the dress from Kelly’s hands. Ruby tosses it to me as she held back our struggling friend.

Kelly dumb founded turns a shocked stare onto our brunet friend. Who promptly ignores the stare in favor of shooing me off?

“You go ahead and try it on. I will handle the energizer bunny.” Ruby suggests tilting her head in the direction of the changing rooms.

“Alright. Be back soon.” I laugh hurrying off before Kelly could escape and try to suffocate me again. Entering one of the changing room stalls. I carefully close the wooden door behind me. Latching it in place as I turn to the 3 full sized mirrors in the stall. Only than did I realize. I never really did look at the dress they handed me.

Holding it away from me I gasp in awe as the beauty of what I am holding hits me. It is as though this beautiful A line dress with short, flowered sleeves, and long silk skirt had its own spotlight. The snow-white fabric seemed to twinkle enchantingly in the soft store light. It is like freshly fallen snow in the morning as the light twinkles upon it. Making it appear as though hidden diamonds lay there rather than a wedding dress.

It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I had to have it. Only question now will it fit. Reaching carefully into the silk fabric dress I pull out the tag and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the size. Size 10. The size I normally wear.

Boiling with excitement I place the dress carefully onto the little wooden bench as I proceed to pull off my clothes. Once done and picking up the dress. I grasp the cold metal zipper between my thin pale fingers and gently pull it down. Stepping into the fabric I pull it over my shoulders before going to zip it up again.


I pale in horror as I yank on the zipper, but it refused to move past my hips. I felt panic begin to set in as I struggle desperately to get it past my hips. How could it not fit? I have always worn a size 10 dress. I could not have gained that much weight, could I? I feel like an elephant as I hop, wiggle, and squirm. desperately trying to force the zipper up. I could practically hear it laughing at me as I struggled. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I manage to force the zipper up. I can feel my lungs howling in protest as they are refused air, but I ignored it. Who needs air anyway? Sighing in relief I gaze happily at myself in the mirror. Where my bright blue eyes stare back at me. I smile joyfully as I twirle around the room gazing at myself from all sides.

“Woah.” Catching myself on the handrail beside the door I stopped myself as my legs suddenly gave way. I could feel my vision dancing before my eyes as I attempt to catch my breath.

“That was weird. Anyway, I should show the others.” I mumble shaking myself and forcing my legs to move against the lack of blood flow. Slowly I stumble my way back to my friends who are sitting on a metal bench outside the changing rooms.

Stopping in front of them. I wait until they look up before smiling and twirling in place.

“Tadah. What do you think?” I excitedly ask silently scolding my still protesting lungs for making a fuss.

“Isn’t it lovely?” They exchange a glance. Hesitating to answer my simple question.

“Um well it is beautiful on you but…” Trailing off Ruby cast a desperate glance at Kelly. Silently pleading for help. By now my smile has vanished in face of my confusion. I could tell they were holding something back, but I was not sure what. After a silent argument with their eyes Kelly sighs. Shooting one last glare at the triumphant Ruby she turns an apologetic gaze on me. The crazy gleam from earlier completely gone now. A look of sorrow and apology in its place.

“The thing is Sasha its too small on you.” I huff in frustration. Crossing my arms protectively over my chest as I glare my friends down.

“No, it’s not. I just need to get used to it is all.”

“Sasha your lips are turning blue.” Ruby dead panned. I wince at that because she was right. There was a slight blue tinge to my lips now. Sighing in defeat I lower my arms to my side. My head dropping done in sorrow. Ruby seeing my distress immediately thought of a solution.

“Don’t you worry Sasha. We just need to find a bigger size is all.” Ruby cheerfully sang bouncing from her seat and strolling toward the rack. After a few minutes of rummaging through the dresses she returns empty handed. An unhappy frown on her face.

"I’m sorry Sasha. I knew they tended to make dresses small, but I had no idea they expected every girl to be that small. There isn’t a bigger size that wouldn’t be way too big on you.” She apologizes avoiding my gaze. The hope blooming in my heart immediately shatters in face of my despair. Gaze dropping to my feet I ball my hands into fists. Clenching my teeth in frustration.

I hated this. Why do they have to treat women as nothing more than objects? Why do we always have to be so tiny to fit in? Why can’t they just make dresses to fit actual people rather than barbie dolls or bigger girls? It is always the extremes. The girls either must be super tiny, or really big. Why are there no dresses for a girl in between? Not necessarily overweight, but not tiny either. This was the 10th dress I tried on with the same result.


I could feel tears of frustration and anger threatening to spill over. Turning my back on my friends so they would not see me cry. I stumble back into the stall I previously occupied. Closing and latching the door behind me. Once inside I shakily pull down the zipper and gasp as air came rushing back into my lungs once more.

It is such a shock that I grab the railing to keep from falling. After a moment of catching my breath, I am able to let go. Pulling the too small dress off the rest of the way, I place it gently onto the wooden bench. Pulling my discarded day clothes over my body once more. Slinging my purse over my shoulders I grab the dress and head for the door.

I pause as I went to unlock it. One hand on the metal latch as my gaze strayed once more to the full-length mirrors. My judgmental eyes scanning the red head with an hourglass figure staring back at me. Scowling at my average figure I criticized my appearance as I wished I were smaller.

Tearing my gaze from my image I exited the changing rooms. Hanging up the rejected dress before gently running my fingers though the soft silk one last time. Sighing in sorrow I turned from the dress that would never be mine and turned to walk back to my waiting friends.

“Let us just head home. I am sure my dad is already amassing an army to search for me.” I weakly joked forcing a smile as I headed for the glass doors.

“Sure, we can try another shop later.” Ruby soothed patting me comfortingly on the back.

“Or you could be like every other princess and actually let your personal tailors make you a dress.” Kelly pointed out. I rolled my eyes at this. There was no way I was doing that. No there is nothing wrong with my tailor, and maybe I could just get a dress made for me, but I rather take the time and find a dress instead. I rather go to the shops in town and look for a dress. It gives my people business and, in my opinion, shows that just because I am royalty does not mean I throw away money. If the dresses in the sops are good enough for my subjects than it is good enough for me.

“Maybe when pigs fly I will.” I snorted ignoring the hate filled gaze of the shop keeper. Her beady brown eyes watching us leave empty handed. Her pale pink lips pressed into a scowl as we left. I could practically hear the slurs she wished to send our way. Wisely though she kept silent. Choosing instead to glare at us instead.

Reaching the chilly outside world beyond the shop. I glanced up at the cloudy blue sky. Smiling in bliss as the sweet chirping of birds reached my ears. Breathing in the sweet smell of newly bloomed cherry blossoms I made a decision. Which would prove to be the stupidest thing I have ever done.

“Hey guys. I think I am going to walk home tonight.” They froze at that. Twin looks of shock on their faces. I winced slightly at the disbelief in their eyes at my suggestion.

Are you stupid girl. You are a princess if you have forgotten. It was one thing to ditch the guards at the park when they were not looking. It is a completely different thing for you to walk home alone. What if you get kidnapped!” Kelly hissed staring at me like I am an idiot. I rolled my eyes at this.

“Kelly relax. We are not far from the palace, and I have my phone if anything happens. Besides, I doubt anything will happen. No one knows we are here.” I pointed out. The looks of disbelief did not abate for a second.

“Nah girl that is the stupidest thing you have ever said. You are royalty. Whose to say that shop keeper did not let it slip that you were here. Anything could happen.” Ruby scolded shaking her head at me.

“Come on guys I will be fine. Promise. I will text you when I get home, but I just want one day. One day of just being a normal girl who can walk down the street without fear. I will be fine. I will see you guys latter.” I said walking away before they could try to stop me. Sharing an uncomfortable gaze with each other. My friends relented. Getting into Ruby’s car as Kelly called back to me.

“Ok but be careful.” Waving my hand as they left, I let out a sigh of relief. I know they mean well but they can be so over protective at times. Fondly shaking my head I stuffed my hands deep into my jean pockets. Staring straight ahead as I got lost deep within my thoughts. I was so lost in thought that I failed to noticed the darkening clouds above me, or the howling wind screaming past my shivering form. Unconciously wrapping my jean jacket tighter around me I continued my oblivious strolling. Until a loud earth shattering clap of thunder forced me from my thoughts.

Jumping in fright I glanced wearily up at the darkened sky. Wincing in concern as a cold drop of water splashed against my face. Sliding like a tear drop down my cheek as the clouds slowly began to cry. Releasing it tears to soak unwillingly through my clothes. Soaking and freezing me to the bone. I groan at my luck. It was still sunny not ever 5 minutes ago. Sure a little cloudy but not looking like the sky was about to rage down on its unsuspecting victims.

Cursing myself for not accepting the ride home I picked up my pace. Hurrying my weary legs along in an attempt to get home sooner. It wasn’t until a bright flash of vertical lightning struck a tree branch above me that I realized the danger I was in. Barely managing to dodge the fallen branch before it wacked me on the head and knocked me out. I stared in shock at the smoking limb laying innocently on the sidewalk right where I was standing not even a second ago.

Gulping at the close call I shakily pulled out my blue butterfly cell phone and dialed my fiance’s number. Holding the phone to my ear I listened a little anxiously to the dial tone. Breathing a sigh of relief when Aaron picked up on the 3rd ring.

“Sasha I am so glad you are all right! Your dad is over here raising the dead worrying about you. Why did you ditch your guards? Where are you?” He demanded a note of relief in his voice that I am unharmed. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at this. Smiling fondly as I listened to him worry. Speaking overtop of him to be heard. I quickly reassured him before he could work himself into a panic.

“Aaron relax. I am fine. I just wanted some time alone with my friends without the guards hovering over top of me. Besides if you were worried why didn’t you just call me? I had my phone.” He fell silent at this a note of embarrassment tinging the silence as he registered my words. Apparently, everyone was so busy working themselves into a panic. They forgot they could just call me and find out where I am. After a moment of awkward silence. Aaron cleared his throat acknowledging the truth in my words.

“Well anyway I am sending the guards out to retrieve you, but be warned your dad will not be happy when you get here.”

"Couldn’t you just not tell him?” I weakly asked already knowing that wouldn’t work.

“Sasha your dad is like a blood hound when it comes to you. If he finds out I kept this information from him. He will mount my head on a wall. Sorry babe but your on your own on this one. Now where are you?” Sighing I gave him the address already dreading the punishment dad will cook up for me. The last time I did something this big that caused him to panic so much. Conner and I were forced to wash every single limo we own by hand. That was just for stealing one of the limo’s and accidently driving it into the lake when we were 16. I can only imagine the punishment he will give me for ditching the guards. I shivered at this dreading more and more going home.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the bright lights of a blue limo pulling up to the curb. Sighing in both relief and apprehension I started heading toward it. Only to freeze a moment later as I remembered Conner’s and my punishment from the limo heist at 16. My face paled as a vital fact wormed it’s way into my head. We don’t own blue limos. All our limos are colored in the country colors. Namely red and gold.

Spinning on my heels. I began rapidly speed waking away. Praying that this sudden unease I was feeling was just my paronoia coming out to play. The sudden slam of a car door, followed by heavy foot steps behind me had my heart sinking. So not paronoia good to know. Time to run. Breaking into a sprint. I raced away from the limo as the foot steps behind me changed to the loud foot falls of a sprinting human. Yep definitely bad news.

I am just about to try my luck at a shop hoping to escape when a hand closes around my arm. Yanking me backwards. I squeak in terror as I am held tightly in my pursers arms. His hot breath tickling my neck as his gravely voice spoke into my ear.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out about him princess? Guess again you are mine. No one can have you but me.” He hissed threateningly into my ear. Making me whimper in terror as his grip tightened along my arm.

“Let me go.” I whined struggling to free myself but finding my strength lacking compared to his.

“Never. I will never let you go. If I can’t have you no one can.” With that he began dragging my unwilling body toward the waiting limo. Thankfully just as he is about to open the back seat door and force me in. 2 more limos come barreling down the road. Skidding to a stop in front of us. Jumping out of the limos the guards begin shouting as they race to my rescue, but only one voice really matters as it breaks through the crowd. Reaching my ears in seconds.

“LET GO OF MY FIANCE!” I gasp in relief and hope at my fiance’s angry voice. Swearing under his breath my attacker pushes me to the ground as he races to his car. His final words hanging in the air behind him as he pulls his limos from the curb and races away.

“This is not over princess I will return and you will be mine.” Racing to my side Aaron carefully helps me to my feet ignoring the guards swarming around us checking the area.

“Are you ok love? Did he hurt you?” I stared at him in open shock. Unable to form words as my brain attempted to understand what just happened. Sighing at my lack of response Aaron wraps a gentle arm around my shoulders leading me to the golden limo surrounded by guards. His lips moving softly as he spoke words of comfort the entire way to the limo.

I heard none of it though. Too lost in thought over nearly being kidnapped. As well as the fact that my attackers voice sounded so familiar but I just could not place where I heard it from. Allowing Aaron to lead me gently into the limo. Buckling my seatbelt for me as I was still trapped in thought, I stared unseeingly out the window as I realized an important truth. This is only the beginning.

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