《Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]》Chapter 3- So, Xianxia people can be helpful, as long as they get something from it



The journey to the valley was filled with danger. Every step I took put me in danger of falling. Every branch could break my head. Ok fine, it was uneventful. Relaxing even. Since I’d never been very good at identifying the species of trees I could almost imagine that I was back on Earth.

Though there was one tiny problem. An old man that refused to relax. Not only that, he had the temerity to demand that I be alert too. Ok fine I know that not preparing for random OP beast in a Xianxia world is a bad idea. But like, MCs always tend to run into dying or young ones.

And what were the chances of running into a real one? Not too high right? Fine, I'll hurry my paranoid brain. I picked up pace, Aswelth of course nodding at me. Thankfully, the pace did have us at our destination by nightfall.

Before me stood an opening between two mountains, leading to a curving path that led to a snowy landscape. As we watched, an avalanche split off from the mountain and fell down. This was not a peaceful place.

"So,how are we going to cross the avalanche prone zone before us?" I asked.

"I know that you haven't learnt magic, your grace, but I would expect better from someone of your station. The element of ice is yours to call upon, why do you then fear snow?" Aswelth said. Wait… that sounds out of character…

"But I have merely snowflake ice?" I asked. The MC had stuck to the element of blood after all. Not fluid.

"The prefixes and suffixes before your element do not limit your powers, they merely define their nature. The dragon fire for example will always be far more violent than your snowflake ice." Aswelth answered. Definite change.

"And tell me Lord Aswelth, why the sudden urge to help?" I asked

"I am merely trying to serve you well, your grace." Aswelth replied with a smile so fake it practically screamed that he was lying.

So push it, or let sleeping murderous intentions sleep? Well, he was trying to kill me a few hours ago. So lying was a step forward, unless he decided to stab me in the back. Ugh! Why was everything so complicated!

Thankfully, or perhaps sadly, I did not have to make that choice. Nature had decided this was an appropriate time to cause more avalanches.Time for some magic? Okie, what would be the appropriate cast.


‘Ice, oh, ice, hear my call, stop this advance that comes before me. Save me from death and its cold embrace, stop this advance and its rapid pace!’

What I expected to happen was the formation of great walls of snowflakes that prevent the ice from going forward. What happened was the formation of snowflakes as the snow fell down, lessening the speed while looking ugly. Like the avalanche was hiccuping every few metres.

It would seem that I had forgotten the fact that none of my constructs could last longer than a few seconds. At least it worked? No. No it didn’t. If it did then the avalanche wouldn’t be coming my way!

Suddenly, Aswelth made a move, great walls of earth emerged, blocking the avalanches. Did the old man just save me? Uh uh. Something was up.

“Lord Aswelth. Why is it that you are suddenly so helpful?” I asked, “And please be real this time.”

There was a short pause in the conversation as Aswelth seemed to contemplate something. Finally, he said, “Because your father just told me that you may release me once you reach the duchy and have solidified your rule, you may release me back to the army. I wish to gain that privilege. “

So, this was all a farce to get me to release him from his contract? But wait. Why didn’t Duke Beleir tell me?

“Then why didn’t father tell me about it, Lord Aswelth” I said. I loved the way Altura spoke. Made me sound badass.

“I suspect that your father would have clued you in after you notified him of your arrival. But I cannot truly predict the Duke’s intent. I hope that you will at least consider it, your grace” Aswelth replied

Ugh. Choices. Choices. Release the murderhobo and lose the questionable resource? Keep him in and sign my death warrant? Wait. Where’s the choice? Guess the murderhobo goes away.

“If Father does give me that choice then I will release you. When did you have the time to talk to Father anyway?“ I asked

“Right after you talked to him, your grace.''Aswelth replied. Should I even ask what they talked about?

“Perhaps we should move forward, your grace? It is almost nightfall.” Aswelth asked as he started walking.

Guess not. Time to walk some more.

“Very well Lord Aswelth” I replied as I matched his pace.

“Why are there so many avalanches here anyway?” I asked, curious and a bit worried. If they continued to the village then it would be a problem.


“The avalanches are something of a mystery. The most common theory is that they are caused by disquiet within the earth. The same disquiet is responsible for there being less Qi in the area. “ Aswelth answered. I was loving the new ‘helpful’ Aswelth.

“So, what should we expect when we get to the village? Are they even aware of the change in leadership?” I asked

“I suspect not. The tree loving munchkins will likely still be thinking themselves ‘free’ of the kingdom. Fools. The title of Vassal is not so easily given.” Aswelth replied. And the problem. At least I knew more than Aswelth thanks to the book. The village did consider itself free of the kingdom’s influence, but they were not as foolish as Aswelth presumed. In the book, the villagers had cooperated with Altura. Some even go so far as to kidnap for her. Ambitous without an outlet was a more apt description.

“Is there anything preventing them from killing me once I got there? I suspect they may not be very pleased to have a new ruler.” I asked. Oh boy, the worries were just coming one after the other.

“Yes, your strength. The tree lovers may have their own ways but you will soon surpass them. Easily. Why you are halfway there already! The most powerful among them is merely a peak seedling. You, with your two elements and superior heritage are already as powerful as him. Not only that, but once you claim the land you will receive bonuses that will make you even more powerful. Sadly, the lack of Qi may hamper your progress a bit.” Awelth said, trotting along. Was he happy at my circumstances?

“But doesn’t the Royalty seed grow with the duchy?” I asked. Information was information

“Not quite, but the rest will have to wait, we have arrived at our destination.” Aswelth replied as we crossed a curve into what seemed like a not really small village.

The ‘village’ was the size of a small town. While there was an abundance of mud houses, several two storied structures could be seen. There were somewhat proper roads, people clearing any snow that found its way around the town and a general sense of there being a government in place.

This wasn’t the haphazard commune I had been expecting. It was a growing town. Then again.

“Aswelth, this ‘village’ seems to resemble a town.” I stated.

“Well, your grace, it is the centre of a small but inhabited piece of land. But you needn’t worry, with your strength no one will dare protest you taking over the duchy. Besides, I will be there to help you establish your rule.” Aswelth replied, sigh, of course, strength was everything here.

“I would prefer that the transfer did not create feelings of resentment among my future subjects. “ I said, feeling rather proud at my formal sounding speech.

Aswelth began to reply when suddenly he was blocked by an awfully loud chime. Darkness suddenly covered my vision and ghosts seemed to whisper within my ear. And then as suddenly as the vision had come it passed, giving way to a single large notification.

Deeded land detected…Overlord Permission Confirmed…

Congratulations Archduchess Altura!

By arriving on your deeded land you have advanced to landed Archduchess! May your land and glory grow forever more!

At the notification I could feel the Royalty seed within me grow, nearly to the level of sapling, though I did not know what level it would truly become a sapling. It made me wonder how I knew this, I just instinctively knew how far the seed had grown. Was the System affecting my thoughts?

Or was it simply because it was a part of me? Like I knew how to move my arm I knew how much the seed had grown? Anyways, I had other things to do. Like deal with the ‘villagers’ that were walking towards me.


Altura Selrin


Archduchess (In name) (landed)


Dragon Fire, Snowflake ice


10 years


Military (ungerminated), Royalty (Seedling), Energy (ungerminated)


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


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