《Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]》Chapter 2- So, are all dads like this?


For a second I sat there. Expecting something, anything to happen now. It didn’t. Nothing changed. No superpowers, nothing. It would appear that I was missing something. Memory? And the trigger didn’t work.

Do I go about trying to trigger a memory that might not even be there or go and ask the person that tried to kill me a few minutes ago. Or maybe live with not knowing for a while? Wait for some other source of information? Best to wait I suppose.

Ok, next on the list. What is next on the list? Let's see, seed choosing, remembering who Altura is, my current situation, what else? Magic! I needed to know how to do magic! Memory! There you are!

But wait. Why is this information completely contradictory to the way the MC practised? So, who do I listen to, the Villainess who died or the MC that had a special legacy? Let's listen to the MC.

Now how did the MC do magic? Threads. The MC used threads. So take strands of Qi, merge them together into a number of intertwining strands. Coalesce it into a single uniform thread. Easy enough. Thankfully the threads coalesced as soon as you brought them close.

Then make them into the shape you want. So, stitch them? But I didn’t have nearly enough threads! How did the MC do it? Stupid author and his lack of descriptions! Describe some more! What are people that transmigrate supposed to do if you don’t describe???

Okay, at least it's not irreversible? Phew, it's not. Back into the seedling strands. That was a failed attempt, I suppose I shall have to stick with the other one. What did you do Altura?

Ah Elemental Casting. That same song and dance except you use Qi to do the pull. Maybe I should try it, And Cast! Nothing. Not even the little I had before. The Qi just stood there, not reacting. As if taunting me.

Ok. Deep breath. What next? Recap. How does the magic work? Or better how does Qi work?. The names were seriously confusing. Why did the author think that using Qi and magic together was a good idea? Or, was it not the author …let's not go down that tangent just yet.

What to do? Guess I had no choice but to ask someone. And Memory. How many memories were there just waiting to be triggered? Apparently Altura’s father had given her a orb so that she could contact him anytime.


Time to meet the parents? Ugh. Where was the orb anyway? Right next to the bed huh. Oh. That ugly thing that was sitting on the table stand. It was the size of a marble ball and a dull shade of blue. I call it a pebble. Not an orb.

And there! Qi strand sent, pebble engaged. It took a few seconds but I found myself facing a projection of an older looking gentleman with black hair and a clean shaven face. Duke Reilin, Altura’s father

“Altura. I take it that you have chosen? It would seem that you have made incredible time.” Duke Reilin said in a monotone manner

And memory. Altura was not supposed to contact her father unless she had chosen. Thankfully that was not a problem.

“Yes Father. I have chosen the seed of Royalty. Though we are not there in the valley yet.” I answered

“Oh. Royalty is it. So, is there any other reason that you called me?” Duke Reilin asked, his disappointment apparent even in the projection.

“Yes, I was wondering if I could learn some magic. I am not able to cast for some reason.” I answered hesitating

“I see…the family arts are a bit obtuse. I suppose an explanation is in order. Do you know the basics of Qi?” Duke Reilin said, the slow uninterested tone grating on me. Uh oh. I was feeling pity for Altura the villainess now. No one deserved a judgy uninterested parent.

But he wasn’t my parent. Just an information source. Time to get some info.

“No, Father. Could you please explain?” I asked.

“Very well. Qi as we know it is a force that is everywhere in the world. It comes in many forms, known as elements. I expect you know what elements are?” Duke Reilin asked, explaining.

“Yes Father, I am aware.” I was not, but Altura was, thankfully they seemed to be the normal set of elements you’d expect in a Xianxia. Nothing very special.

“Very well. Now our family and most others simply call upon these elements to act for us. This you likely know. But there is a trick, it is to simply put, forcing the elements. The elements do not wish to follow your will.”

“ A caster must make them. Practically, that means that you must put your will behind the spell. The more you want it to happen, the more power it will have. Some do find yelling the intent out to be effective but I find such tactics foolish. No need to tell your enemy what you are about to do. Just concentrate.” Duke Reilin finished


So, a standard soft magic system? Put your heart into it? But then, why did that MC use a different one to be OP? Did I just encounter the classic suppression tactic, lack of cultivation manuals? Ugh. Stupid author switching terms around. What was wrong with cultivation manuals?

“Is that all? If yes then I shall disconnect. And no need to return to the estate. It is better if you remain in the fief. ” With that Duke Reiner disconnected the call. Not even waiting for my reply. Did I just get abandoned? Whatever. That was not my father. Besides, now I don't need to deal with keeping character in front of Altura’s family.

Time to cast. What to cast?...Definitely not fire. If embers can be so destructive then a proper spell would kill me. Snowflake ice it is. Let's create a snowflake!

The last strands of Qi that I had -those regenerated right? Yes they did! Thank you Altura’s memory, you are very useful. Ok, Qi come together, now will. I mentally chanted,

'Ice oh, Ice of a world unknown, hear my call, hear my will and make a snowflake appear before my eyes on this hill!’

And to my shock, a snowflake did form in front of my eyes. It died in a few seconds and left me without any Qi, but I had done it. I had magic now! Full on magic!

Duke Reiner (Altura’s father)

Reiner sighed as he cut off the connection to his daughter. The call had left him with complicated emotions, a part of him was saddened that his branch of the family had once again chosen to take the easy route. To settle for less and not fight for more.

At the same time, he was glad that if nothing else his daughter would be safe. Even if she would never rise to be anything greater than a village head with an overblown title. Contacting the ancestor was a must now, he supposed. The cowardly man would approve of her decision.

Altura- MC

“Could you stop doing that, your grace? It is irritating and not conducive to our timetable.” Aswelth commented as I once again stopped on the road to cast snowflakes on trees.

“No, we are no longer on a deadline, Aswelth. And I need the practice if I am to gain control of the valley.” I replied, using a strand of Qi to cast a snowflake. A fun fact I had discovered, you could use just a single strand of Qi.

The spell's power depended on the number of strands provided. A single strand was only useful for making snowflakes, but it gave me plenty to practice. That and making snowflakes as you go was a very entertaining pastime.

“The deadline may no longer exist but I would still like to sleep in a bed today.” Aswelth said, “Must I carry you? Believe me, your grace, I will.” Hehehe, old man, your tricks are useless now.

“No you won’t. I may have been disoriented when I awakened, but now I have regained most of my memories. So I know that as a retainer, you can do no such thing. Besides, we can always travel in the night.” I replied, smirking. Revenge was best served sweet.

Aswelth on the other hand suddenly looked fidgety. “No we may not, your grace, the creatures that roam these woods at night are not things you want to meet.” Aswelth cautioned “If we do not make it by nightfall then I would suggest making camp. A nice secure location where we can hide if one of them comes around.”

Right. Xianxia world. Of course there were creatures roaming in the night. At least I now knew one thing that Aswelth was afraid of. Bye bye snowflakes, I like you but I like my life and sleeping in a bed more.

“Very well Lord Aswelth. It would seem that we shall be making the deadline after all.” I said, stopping my spells and picking up the pace


Altura Selrin


Archduchess (In name)


Dragon Fire, Snowflake ice


10 years




Military (ungerminated), Royalty (Seedling), Energy (ungerminated)


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


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