《Altura’s Defiance [ A Transmigrated into a Villainess LitRPG with Kingdom Building, MC befriending and Xianxia Politics]》Chapter 4- So, It begins? Right now? What happened to warning people?


King (Of Altura’s Kingdom)

At the very center of the Kingdom of Beluria stood a castle. It was not majestic and far from grand, but it had stood for centuries and would stand for many more. Within one of its many halls, a King received a notification from the System.

Archduchess Altura Seirin has claimed her deeded land

A sigh escaped from the King’s lips as he muttered, “So, the ancestors line stays true to its intentions.” the King shook his head as he went back to running the country, the notification just an interlude in his day.

Clan Head Doberin (Of the ‘village’)

In his time as Clan Head, Doberin had seen the valley change rapidly. The town had grown from the gathering place it used to be into what could one day be a city. The tribes had advanced to clans. And finally, the City Lord had achieved the peak of Seedling, becoming the first to have a chance at crossing the barrier.

And now, the ‘kingdom’, their merciless overlords that had never cared for the valley had come to collect. The System had sent him a notification just moments ago, demanding that he go and pay homage to his new ruler.

Doberin Arches, your (Unnamed) valley has gained the favour of your overlord, King Questern of the Kingdom of Beluria. An Archduchess has been assigned to administrate your valley.

Beware, any action against the Archduchess will result in debuffs.

It left him conflicted. On one hand he knew that resistance was fruitless, the kingdom was both too powerful and too ruthless for it to be effective. On the other hand he did not want to give up all that he had tried so hard to build.

More than that, he was sure that the Qunaris clan would be very happy to accept the Archduchess’ rule, those selfish lowlifes were always looking for a way to raise their lot in life. Even if it was at the cost of another’s life

“Clan head!” one of the Elders called out, “How is the Clan planning to deal with the new Archduchess.”

Dorien was once again happy that the Clan Elders were somewhat reasonable. There hadn’t been a crippling in the last three months!

“Nothing for now. Keep the peace and for all our sake’s, be polite. Anyone that can get the title of Archduchess is not someone we can afford to offend.“ Dorien warned his Elders, as they walked towards the town gates.


“Yes, Clan Head.” the Elders said as they collectively sped up towards the gate. There was some foot traffic on the roads, but the constant movement of the crowd in one direction thankfully prevented any crowding.

The gate on the other hand was a completely different matter. The entirety of the town had been notified of the Archduchess’ arrival and most of them had come to see their new ruler.

‘Thankfully, these commoners have the sense to not approach the Archduchess. Else we would all have been doomed.’ Dorien thought as he looked at the scene before him.

Due to the information from the system, he knew that the Archduchess was female, thus she could only be the little girl dressed in red. Conflicting with her Auburn hair, brownish complexion and green eyes the dress still somehow added to the strange mix of colours that was this girl.

But while the girl was what attracted the eye, the old man standing behind him repelled it. The Archduchess herself was unlikely to be a weakling, but that man could slaughter everyone gathered there within a second.

The Archduchess must have been someone important for them to dispatch someone so powerful. What was he thinking? An Archduchess was someone important. Of course her guard was also powerful and worthy of his position.

Stepping through the crowd, Dorien bowed to the Archduchess saying, “I greet you, your grace, and welcome you to your lands.”


If there was one thing these ‘villagers’ were then it was fast. Fast enough that they had all left the city gate in ten minutes. Then they had merilly stood there waiting for me to do something. Something that I did not know how to do.

Finally, one of them stepped forward, bowed and said, “I greet you, your grace, and welcome you to your lands.”

A polite greeting. One that acknowledged my claim on the valley. That was not what one would expect when one ‘claimed’ lands that belonged to another. Yet, it seemed, that was what one got in this new world of mine.

“I thank you for the greeting. It is a pleasure to be here” I replied, lowering my head. Altura’s memories once again provide me with the necessary information.

The man rose from his bowing position, saying, “If you would follow me Archduchess, I shall lead you to the Town Centre”

So, it was a town. At least to the residents. And that was all that mattered.


“Very well, do introduce yourself also” I said, moving towards the gate, ignoring the crowd that moved to part before me.

“I am Dorien your grace, a mere Clan Leader in this valley” Dorien replied as he led me in.

“So, what can you tell me about the political situation of the city, Dorien.” I asked as we walked, trying to get as much information as I could.

“The valley, your grace is controlled by three Clans. The Arches Clan which I lead, the Qunaris Clan led by Welters Qunaris and the City Lord’s Clan, Torris, led by City Lord Maurien.” Dorien replied. So only one of three leaders had come to greet me? How interesting.

“And why are you the only one here to greet me?” I asked

“ The City Lord is away at the farming estates, making the final preparations for winter. I am sure that he will arrive post haste, your grace.”-Dorien’s face suddenly soured-” Welters on the other hand is right there your highness”- Dorien said pointing into the crowd that was following me, another man then stepped out.

The man bowed, saying, “Welcome, Archduchess to your town. I apologise for not being there to greet you. I was sadly otherwise engaged at the time.” the man I presumed to be Clan Head Welters said.

A busy man or one that had planned something? Ugh! I needed some info! Or anything that was vaguely familiar! For now, I needed to buy time and have Aswelth gather info.

“Perhaps it would be best if I retired to my residence while we wait for the City Lord to arrive. Then we can discuss the future of the city.” I said, my voice thankfully firm.

“I believe the City Lords Mansion shall suffice. I shall”- Dorien began speaking before Welters interrupted him, “Nonsense! The Archduchess must have her own unique mansion! I believe the Roults Mansion is the only one that is sufficient for someone of the Archduchess’ status.”

“Unique, you say.” I said, pretending to be interested.

“Yes, your grace, it is a unique construction, come I shall show you.” Welters replied, walking in a completely different direction as before.

“Clan Leader Welters, are you sure the Roults Mansion is appropriate? It has been left empty for a long time. Perhaps the matter of the Archduchess’ place of residence can be delayed for later?” Dorien interjected.

“Nonsense, the mansion was built by the first settlers of the valley. It is the heritage of this land. I am sure that the Archduchess shall like it! There it is!” Welters replied.

Something was up. Welters was pushing for the mansion too much. Was there anything in the book about any mansion here? No…it didn’t mention anything…wait. Built by the first settlers. Oh no.

This was a nasty trick Welters. The first settlers were mentioned at the very start of the book when the OMC was escaping out of the valley after Altura kidnapped the first love interest and it was no longer an option to remain.

In fact, it wasn't the clan that gave the girl away Qunaris? The dots were connecting now. The first settlers were held in great esteem by the current inhabitants of the valley because of their sacrifice.

When they’d arrived at the valley it was much like the woods outside, dangerous and full of beasts. To keep themselves safe, they’d made their homes on trees. Set watches. It hadn’t been a complete solution but it had reduced the casualties from the beast attacks.

Little by little the beasts had been pushed back until with one final push that killed over half of the remaining settlers, they ran the beasts out of the valley. The beasts had avoided the valley since then. It was an inspiring tale. It did have one hiccup though.

If the Mansion was built by the first settlers then it wasn’t a mansion. It was a treehouse, or perhaps a group of them. And was thus something Altura would never accept living in. I had just walked into the first trap, courtesy of Clan Head Walter Qunaris, my newest enemy.


Altura Selrin


Archduchess (In name) (landed)


Dragon Fire, Snowflake ice


10 years


Military (ungerminated), Royalty (Seedling), Energy (ungerminated)


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


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