In Serial

The Key of the Ancient

8 151 42
Author: Type:Male
This is my first attempt in writing a light novel. I hope that you would take time in reading this, and if possible, give comments if you like it and constructive criticisms if there is anything I have to improve.
Note: The picture I used as the cover of my story is not mine. And there are some mild curses included in this novel, so please be advised accordingly.
12 Worlds. 12 Races. 12 Nations. 12 People
One longing for democracy, others looking for power.
One looking for vengeance, others looking for vindication.
One looking for home, others looking for family.
A story of hope, betrayal, and vengeance.
Join Alcee and his 11 companions as they tread the path of destruction and restoration, crossing realms and dimensions as they covet the greatest treasure: the path to Immortality.
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