《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 1.1
When one thinks about magic, what do you see? What is the first image that pops up in your mind's eye?
Those are the first questions asked when anyone asks to be trained in the arts of the arcane. In the beginning, people would be confused. Their answers were all different and yet common at the same time. They do not know that their answer will leave a large impression in the future of their magical careers. They will not know until the end of their junior apprenticeship when the teachers ask again...
What do you see?
When they speak, the answers are all colorfully different. The image will forever be imprinted in their minds unless a traumatic change descends upon them and even then, the image will still appear during times of sorrow or happiness.
Said image is commonly called a Trigger. A technique of the mind that helps unlock the magical potential stored within the mortal body. Just like how certain words can cause the body to psychologically react, the Trigger allows one to bring forth the raw magic inside them. It is a private part of all Wizards and during the questioning, only the mentor is allowed to hear their answers and even then, they have to swear to secrecy.
It is a tradition that's rooted back to the founding of magic.
Aster took a deep breath as he slowly brought forth an image, the interpretation of what magic is. Brief memories rose up along with his image. He recalled his childhood, the days where his fascination of magic stemmed from fairy tales. The day when a Wizard decided to mentor him. The sorrow when the Wizard died and the recovery when a certain teenage Wizard showed up in his life.
Magic is the rewriting of the rules of the natural world. What shouldn't be possible, could be possible.
Three doors appeared in his mind's eyes. One door was open, the other side shining with a miasma of primordial darkness. To an outsider, they would think of the abyss. He stared and the abyss stared back. The second door was closed but shining gentle light peeked out of the small crevices, hinting of a beautiful exit. The third was locked, encased in unbreakable steel with chains covering most of its frame, it screamed of caution and warning.
The second door opened and inwardly, he felt his magic awaken once more. His eyes glowed an eerie green light as scanned the new lab.
He smiled as he took in the amazing assortment of tools for him to experiment in. He opened the cabinets nearby and almost salivated at all the high quality ingredients inside. "Is...is this heaven?"
"I wouldn't know, I haven't died yet."
Aster rolled his eyes at the retort before grabbing several components for his new project. "It seems that I am wrong, heaven wouldn't have a heretic live within their walls."
"It's not heresy if it's the truth," Oleander drawled, the response becoming almost automatic. "I do agree that this lab is top notch. It has all the basic necessities and even most of the advanced tools. There are some obscure ones that I've never seen before though." His friend picked a jar filled with some unknown liquid. He looked at it with both curiosity and disgust.
"As expected of Fernum-Magnum."
The red haired man nodded, the jar placed on the table. "As expected of Fernum-Magnum."
Aster stared back at the ingredients. He sliced several components into neat and precise slices. His newest project was inspired by the explosive seed that he accidently created. While the use is completely different from the former bomb seed, the base is still the same. Use the seed to help create an instant reaction but instead of a seed...
"An egg?" Oleander's questioning tone reached Aster's ears. He smiled deviously.
"Indeed, an egg."
"The reason for that is...?"
"You'll see soon enough."
"Okay..." Oleander's hesitation was obvious to the Hermit but he paid it no heed as he inspected the wide selection of eggs available to him. He needed the perfect specimen for his experiment. A regular animal egg would be perfect for the first phase. Maybe a chicken egg would do until his understanding improves. "It's not going to blow, right?"
"It won't blow up."
"I'm serious!" He stared at his friend with betrayed eyes. Oleander, why doubt the expertise of an experienced Wizard!? "Trust me, I'm using the egg for a different purpose. In fact, what I'm doing would be beneficial for the entire world when I'm done!"
"Really?" The doubt was almost palpable.
"Well, the general basis of the experiment would help everyday life but the specifications is more...unorthodox." It's not like he's lying. There are multiple uses that could be utilized but what he really needed right now is to test if what he's doing could actually work.
Oleander took a deep breath before calmly dispelling it. "Well, as long as you keep the damage in this lab then I don't care." The redhead glared warningly at him. "The new students are coming today. We can't ruin the good reputation of this organization just because a Wizard wanted to test explosive egg grenades inside the building."
They're not explosive egg grenades!
"The students are coming today?" Aster asked instead. They just arrived yesterday. How did the start of the term begin so early?
Oleander gave a sigh before checking his attire. His new royal blue coat was worn along with some clean white dress shirt and pants. It seems that Amary Zinnia already gave him the new set. "We would have been here a bit sooner but someone forced me to postpone my trip. I'm lucky that I even made it to the city at all."
'My bad,' Aster silently winced. "Well, I'll be staying in this room for the entirety of the day so no need to worry about me."
"No, you're coming too." Oleander's statement made him do a double take. Excuse me, Oleander but...what?! The redhead ignored his reaction, continuing with effortless ease, "The Headmaster would like you to be in the welcoming ceremony."
"That was what I said too," he chuckled. This is not funny Oleander! Why in the world does he want some bum to be in the traditional opening?! "Apparently since you accepted residence in the college, you are under the authority of the residing leadership here. Since the Headmaster is one of these leaders, he ordered most of the residents to show up and greet the students."
"I'll stick out! I mean, look at me!" He waved his hands around himself. A new lab coat was worn over black dress pants and a white buttoned up shirt. This is the cleanest that he has ever been in months yet compared to the beautiful formal attire that Oleander and his colleagues wore, it looked like a lazy and hasty dress-up.
"It's fine, most of them would probably consider you one of the apprentices to the professors." Oleander smiled deviously as an idea popped into his head. It made Aster gulp. "In fact, stay close to me and most would think that you're my apprentice."
He stared in utter horror. "I'm older than you!"
"By one year. It won't make a difference."
"Like hell it won't! I'm twenty-two, the prime age for an average Wizard!" In fact, this is the prime of an average human, so a Wizard should be even more exceptional during their growth, especially with magic passively enhancing their body.
"You could say that you were held back..."
"I'm a genius of the highest caliber! I will not insult my intelligence!" He pointed a finger at Oleander, "In fact, I should be questioning you. How did you get the position at such an early age?"
"Talent, skill, and hard work."
"That's what they all say."
"My affinity for all natural elements."
"Okay, but that's not reall-"
"My prodigious expertise at medical magic."
"My reliable and credible reputation."
Oleander grinned. Even Aster could sense the smug aura that filled the entire lab. Arrogant brat! Well, he's only mediocre at his field. No one surpassed him when it comes to his one true passion! One could even say that he was also prodigious in a sense. "That's not enough to become a professor."
"You are completely right," Oleander easily agreed yet his smug aura never dissipated. "However, I do know enough magical theory to assist in most branches of magic. While my classes will be mostly specialized in the medical areas of magic, I will have another professor assisting me so I can get used to the life of a teacher."
He could feel his friend passively baiting him to continue trying to argue. Aster went silent. He knew when he was beaten. Apparently, Oleander did too since he swaggered towards the door. He gave a small wave. "Well, I've got to go. I've promised to meet Amary before the students start showing up." He opened the door. "I'll see you at the ceremony!"
The door closed, leaving Aster to his thoughts. The brown haired man watched the door for a moment before closing his eyes. His presence soon resembled that of an erupting volcano. He opened his eyes, the green tint more prominent than ever. He knew better than to scream and rage even if he's in his own private lab. Still, the murderous intent was clear to all who could see.
Gods damn you, Oleander!
Aster grumbled as he walked outside of the dormitory. He could see the various buildings and the nigh endless streams of students that are entering one of the larger creations. A rectangular wall with a bland blue roof greeted his eyes. While it was decorated with intricate lines and statues, he noticed that the building was more for practicality than style.
'I guess it's probably to gather all the residents of the university if there's an emergency.' Aster mused at the scene before following the stream of students. They all wore a slightly less ornate version of what Oleander wore. The boys had a rather dashing suit along with some pants that gave it a natural and complete look to it. Like the Headmaster, it looked casually fancy.
The girls wore a suit as well long with the standard pants. It seems that the dress code for both male and female students are the same. Something that was famous around the world. Fernum-Magnum was renown for being equally available for all genders. Opportunity should be shared to all as their saying goes.
He followed the crowd, catching several eyes of the students. He listened intently as several asked of his presence. Apparently from his dirtied lab coat and semi-formal attire they believed him to be a visiting researcher.
How cute.
At least that's better than the option of being an apprentice. He's confident that he surpassed his mentor years ago.
He entered the building, his eyes hunting for the familiar red hair of his companion. His distinct and unnaturally deep red hair allowed Aster to find him rather easily. Sitting at an elegant seat on the front stage was his only friend...who was also casually talking to a pretty black haired woman.
Wait a minute.
Amary Zinnia! Damn you, Oleander, you traitor. Conspiring with the enemy. Heresy of the direst kind. Do you know how dangerous that woman is? Do you know how dangerous women are in general? His fists clenched before relaxing. He took a deep breath. It's completely okay. Oleander's not conspiring with the enemy. Definitely not...
"Um, sir are you alright?"
"Eh?" He blinked, the malicious aura he was passively radiating dying off before staring at the figure before him. The prominent royal blue uniform was emblazoned into his mind. A female student stared at him in concern, an unnatural grayish tone of curly hair being her most obvious feature. Behind her was another student, a male this time but also had the same distinct hair as the girl.
Brother and sister. Both around or over eighteen considering their height and body. Twins? Probably.
"Are you alright?" she repeated once more though her blue eyes showed a hint of wariness at his stature.
"I'm fine," he replied. The blunt and hasty reply took both students back. He sighed, cursing at his lack of experience with human interaction. "Er...sorry, I'm just a bit tense. I was pulled off of my research, you know how it is." He honestly doubted it. Students rarely get their own personalized lab until they graduated.
"Oh, so you are a researcher!" The junior Wizard gasped in surprise. The boy behind her also looked at him in a new light. What else did he look like to them? She gave a polite smile as she continued, "Some of my friends were wondering who you were. You weren't wearing the uniform of the professors."
"I don't teach here. I've joined by invitation." Technically not a lie. He was invited but not by the college itself. Oleander was kind enough to share his living quarters, something that made him eternally grateful.
"So you must be really good, huh?" The girl relaxed slightly as the conversation steered towards normalcy. Ha, progress!
'Maybe my skills at social activities aren't as bad as I thought!' Aster mused before nodding. "I guess you could say that."
"You must know a lot of different types of magic then." She stated it as if no other option was available. Aster's eyebrow quirked upwards as she patiently waited for him to affirm her suspicions.
'Nevermind, this is actually harder than anticipated. What do I say!?' He chuckled awkwardly, intently observing the girl's reaction as he spoke. "Ah, not really. I only specialize in one field."
The girl's eyes widened in shock and apparently the boy seemed equally surprised. "One?" Aster hid a wince at their apparent disbelief. A normal Wizard would have three specializations. He's not normal by any means so he was justified and to be fair, he was confident that he was ahead of his peers when it comes to his occupation.
The girl noticed his troubled look - despite his hardest attempt to hide it - and continued smiling politely. "What field of magic, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Biological Manipulation."
"I've never heard of it." The girl's tone became slightly more serious as she spoke. Curiosity seemed to emanate from her very being as if the thought of being ignorant on the subject was a foreign idea. Her azure eyes had a more serious glint yet he could still feel a casual air about it.
"It has other names and the topic is a bit broader than others. It's essentially the use of magic to effect or alter biological matter."
"Other arcane arts are capable of manipulating biological matter as well." The girl responded, her eyes more curious. "Augmentation and Reinforcement for example could change and improve different parts of the body. Basic healing magic as well. How is yours any different?"
"We don't just improve, we could manipulate anything as long as its biological. Bacteria, viruses, everything from the smallest organic matter to the biggest animal, I could bend it and change it to my will. Even things that are dead could be changed as long as it's a biological substance."
"Interesting," the girl muttered, her eyes showed a glint of something as she paused in contemplation. Her smile became a bit more genuine as she bowed slightly. "Thank you for bestowing me this information. I'm sure it would help me greatly. If I can, may I have your name?"
"It's Aster Spinel and you are...?"
"Beatrice. Beatrice Espella. This is my brother, Galahad Espella. Say hi Galahad."
"Hello." Aster was surprised at the boy's meek voice. It's probably because he was talking to a man with a position of authority. It's only natural to be nervous to people like him.
"It's been nice talking to you, Mr. Spinel." She cheerfully waved. "Say goodbye to the good researcher, Galahad." Without even looking at her brother, she bowed and departed. The boy stammered a hasty farewell before stumbling towards his sister.
What an odd bunch.
Aster shrugged before walking towards the stage. He felt the eyes of several new professors and the Headmaster as he took a random seat. He cursed at the fact that the seats next to Oleander were taken. Gods damn you Amary! Milleford smiled at his entrance. "Ah, Mr. Spinel, it's good that you accepted my invitation to join this very special ceremony."
As if this was an invitation in the first place. Aster gave a polite smile. "Happy to be here."
"Ah, Headmaster, who is this?" A man looked at him and his attire oddly before switching his attention to Milleford. The old man with the blessed mustache grinned at the question.
"Ah, he is a guest of this institution, Samuel." Amusement danced in the old man's eyes. "If I recall correctly, he is, and I quote, Aster Spinel, a Hermit and friend of Oleander." Aster's form paused as the Headmaster finished his sentence.
Oh that son of a...
"A Hermit!"
The exclamation drew the attention of the other professors as they stared at him with a new light. Oleander winced as he saw the curiosity, horror, and other emotions that his coworkers directed at his friend.
"My word! Headmaster, why did you allow a Hermit into our reputable establishment?!"
"I've never seen a Hermit before!"
"That's not surprising, Atalanta. Hermits are known for being a more introverted group of Wizards."
"If words gets out that we have a Hermit in our school..."
The old Headmaster clapped his hands together, catching the attention of both the professors and the student audience. A silent atmosphere descended upon the entire room as the respect for the old Wizard dominated the building. He inwardly sighed in relief at the old man's intervention while simultaneously cursing him for causing it in the first place.
He stood up, the amusement never leaving his eyes as he spoke to the students. "Greetings and welcome to..."
The speech continued with Aster silently enduring the stares of the professors. He looked at Oleander with desperation. The red haired man could only look on, a silent apology being sent between them. Aster raged inside at such misfortune. The old man definitely planned this from the start! Gah! He was only glad that the sheer charisma from the Headmaster's presence blocked any attempts at questioning from the professors and kept the attention of the students.
"...I would also like to introduce two new members to our old college."
Oh old man, you better no-
"May you please stand and walk beside me." Aster and Oleander had no choice but to move forward. Oleander tried to offer a silent assurance of comfort but he ignored it as all the eyes of the students watched him. He noted Beatrice smiling and waving at him.
Gods damn it all! For all that is good and holy, please don't cause a rucku-
"Let me introduce you to our newest medical expert and professor, Oleander Morrel and his companion and a respected guest of the Fernum-Magnum, Aster Spinel, Hermit Extraordinaire!"
The silence that reigned once the final words were echoed was deafening.
- In Serial36 Chapters
The Laptop Hero (Portal/Isekai LitRPG)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] - April 2022 Silas got summoned to another world—by a group of kids attending magic school who seemed rather unhappy with the results of their ritual. After a brief glimpse of his summoners Silas woke in the town dump. Unable to speak the local language, a misunderstanding escalated and before long Silas wound up in a jail cell, the locals having confiscated all his worldly possessions aside from his laptop, which had formed some strange bond with him. Now he can summon his laptop at will, and he can view his Status, level up, and gain powerful skills and magic as if he were some character in a video game, which is great and everything, but all Silas really wants to do is sit in a dark room and play games on his laptop. Only, life isn't a game, and Silas needs to get his act together because everyone else is playing for keeps. Or does he? Maybe for Silas life is just one big game now, with everyone else stuck playing by his rules. Assorted Disclaimers, in no particular order: I am only posting this on RoyalRoad.com, so if you find my story elsewhere it was not posted by me. Please do let me know! While I do consider this a progression fantasy, and have tagged it as such, Silas's Status improvements will not necessarily proceed in a linear fashion. His RPG stats will have ups and downs, exploits and nerfs, periods of growth and stagnation. Such is the life of a gamer, to be held under the thumb of the all powerful devs, or in this case a certain goddess devoted to the idea of Balance. SIlas himself should learn and grow, improving and progressing in areas where he struggles, or rather, to show such is my goal. The story is told from multiple points of view. While other PoVs will come and go, Silas shall remain the only lead character. The world Silas finds himself on is not a nice place. Expect him to encounter gore and traumatizing content and bad people who do bad things for selfish (or possibly noble) reasons from time to time. Some characters will use profanity, however due to cultural differences the curse words used will differ from those used in our corner of reality, so I'm not including the profanity content warning. Silas himself isn't one for foul language. No explicit sexual content here. This novel is intended for mature readers, however, and will include mature topics, including, but not limited to, sex, violence, death, and taxes. No harem. Might be an eventual romantic interest, possibly even some competitive jealousy, yet as his story begins Silas is too overwhelmed with other concerns to consider long term plans. Musophobics might want to steer clear of this story. Same goes for turophobics. You have been warned. Keep in mind, however, if my other disclaimers didn't make this clear, I only have the faintest of outlines at the moment. This story will take me where it will. My goal with this story is to write it to the end, something of a long-term writing exercise, with the hope others might take an interest in my work and encourage me to keep at it. I've started a number of works before, even finished a few, but this is the first time I've shared any work in a public forum. My temporary cover was made by me, in GIMP using public domain images. If you can do better I'll happily accept your submission and give credit for your work here!
8 181 - In Serial35 Chapters
Eunora Dawn is just a child. She was born a noble in the kingdom of Maeve, with 5 siblings and a shy personality. At a glance, her life was meant to be rosy. But, when Eunora unlocks the [System] on her 7th birthday, she gains more than she expected. Memories of her past life as a strong-willed and fulfilled woman flood her mind and all but overwrite her personality. Filled with existential dread and grief over losing her past loved ones, Eunora goes from an innocent child filled with hope for her family to someone who is just trying to keep herself afloat in a strange world that almost seems too awful to be true. With her sudden change in personality, as two individuals become one within Eunora, she has to find something she cares about. Anything. As long as it gets her out of bed. Eunora loved her life in the Before -and she’s not looking forward to growing up again. All Maeve has shown her is neglect and longing, and after living a life of privilege she’ll need to adjust. PSA: it's not a joke when it says her biggest struggle is getting out of bed! As with anything, the stakes eventually raise, but it's a slow-ish build up!
8 146 - In Serial10 Chapters
A Step Behind Death
Please share your thoughts about the story! Feedback and criticism is welcome, it'll help me improve my writing. "The final year of high school is the most difficult." This statement has never been truer for Damis, a student attending one of the many schools in the City of Sundridge. He never wanted anything more than to live a peaceful life, going so far as to avoid having large group of friends, indulging in dragged out conversations, or being involved in any other activity that requires him to invest a large amount of effort to accomplish. Instead, he poured all of his efforts into studying, dwelling in his internal monologues, and complaining about the things that annoy him to his one and only friend, Noah. Before long, he ended up as one of the best students in his class. As far as he was concerned, he was content with how he lived. But, after a confrontation with an eccentric girl named May, one of his classmates since the first year of high school, things have suddenly gotten out of hand. And as a result, his life became a lot more hectic than it used to be. Bound by a deal he could not refuse, his life as May's assistant began. At this rate, can he still spend the final days of his high school life in peace? Welcome to the life of Damis, the boy who's always A Step Behind Death. The cover art is made by friend of mine. I plan on making this novel into a webtoon once it becomes the best it can be. English isn't my first language, so expect some grammar bumps along the way.
8 105 - In Serial21 Chapters
Otherworldly Teacher
A teacher to the core died saving one of his students. However, when he was a child. He won in a lottery with such luck. Now, transported into another universe. He still embarked the road he once had gone through. This time with many different twist. ------------------------------My first project. Also, Please note that, my grammar is mediocre and this story is nothing comparable to others. Chapter will be infrequent.
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The Mann Vs Machines
Inspired by Team Fortress 2 Game (Still working to remember every MvM location and inspiration don't come to me easily) and GamerGirlHasDaSkillz (The story that made makes inspiration to me)
8 107 - In Serial9 Chapters
Fili x reader(ALL)
This is where I put my collection of Fili x reader that I have first written and uploaded to my Tumblr: http://hobbits-hobby-jess.tumblr.com/*I AM STILL IN THE PROCESS OF UPLOADING STUFF HERE FROM MY TUMBLR*
8 122