《A Hermit's Life for Me》Prologue 2
"I honestly don't know why I'm still friends with you."
"Oh c'mon, Oleander. How many times do I have to say sorry for you to forgive me."
"Enough for two life times."
Oleander sighed in exasperation as he stared at the singed edges of his royal blue coat. The pure white outfit was burned to a more grayish tint from the explosion. Oleander could still see smoke pollute the air from the Hermit's former home and they've been walking for a few hours now.
Aster's guilt only increased as he watched his only friend weep at the burnt coat bestowed to him by the Fernum-Magnum University. They were walking towards the closest town from the isolated hut that he lived in. Almost none of his research supplies survived from the incident and anything that did, he packed into his leather satchel.
"What am I supposed to tell the Headmaster?!" His friend groaned miserly. "He'll think that I don't care for my gifts and that I'm a lousy slob! He'd probably fire me at the spot!"
To Aster, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. What does he know, however? Fernum-Magnum is an elite college filled with only the greatest magical practitioners around the globe. Their rules might be abhorrently strict. Too strict for a free-spirited Hermit such as him.
He watched his friend stare at his ruined clothing with a longing expression. He would admit to anyone that he was not a people person. The only reason why he met with someone like Oleander was because he needed someone who was an expert in all kinds of magical fields. With his help, he was capable of advancing towards his goal at an almost exponential rate. Their friendship grew deeper as they continued contributing to each other's magical research and it was only now that he began to realize how much of a valuable companion he truly was.
"If you want I could go with you and explain everything to the Headmaster." While he would rather not go to such public locations, Oleander's sorry state is enough to motivate him. Besides, it was his fault anyways. The seed that he was working on wasn't perfectly stable and it's the job of an arcane researcher to make sure that any project that he undergoes is stabilized for public use.
He may be a Hermit but Hermits at their base are still Wizards and there are laws in place for both the safety of the public and the Wizards themselves.
Oleander's yellow eyes shined with hope at his declaration. "R-Really?"
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, really."
"You would do that for me?"
"You're my only friend, Oleander." Aster's eyes hummed with magical energy, his chocolate eyes shifting into a tint of green. His brown hair, confident smile and glowing eyes would have made for a majestic sight if it wasn't for his singed clothes. "Even if you are a heretic, doing this is the least I could do for you."
"It's not heresy if I speak the truth," his friend automatically replied before showing a hint of a smile, "and thanks, I appreciate it."
He gave a thumbs up in return before shrugging. "Besides, they would likely believe me once I tell them that I'm a Hermit."
"You got a point there. Your kind isn't especially known for being a respectable group." Oleander laughed. "If I recall correctly, you are the equivalent of an unemployed, useless bum in the magical society."
"Okay, ouch. I mean, I knew that but actually hearing my only friend admit it too actually hurts more than I thought." He feigned a wince at Oleander's statement but the carefree atmosphere relieved any tension that could have sparked between them. The red haired soon-to-be-teacher chuckled at his antics before continuing the conversation.
"Say, Aster. Where are you going to live?"
He paused. Gods damn it! He completely forgot about finding a new domain to continue his research. How was he supposed to create a brand new type of magic when he doesn't have the necessary supplies to advance on his arcane field.
Not only that but he doesn't have any money to buy another one. He was barely living off of what he made so far but without the proper supplies, how is he going to survive?
Oh, the woes of being a useless bum!
Oleander noticed his expression. He gave him a soft smile. "Hey, it's alright. After we make the trip to Fernus-Magnum, you could stay in my living quarters nearby until you could stand on your own feet again."
"You would do that for me?"
"That's what friends are for." Oleander smiled, his eyes sparkling in apparent mirth. "Doing this is the least I could do for you."
Hearing his own words being parroted back made Aster smile. "You cheeky bastard." Aster chuckled. "But with my current circumstance, I guess I'll have to accept your offer." With a feigned haughty expression, he lifted his head up with confidence. "Feel honored that an honest man such as I, decided to grace your home with my presence."
Oleander rolled his eyes. "Truly, I'm honored that such a majestic creature decided to accept my humble invitation."
"I believe that I noticed a hint of sarcasm in there, heretic. However, with my infinite compassion, I shall decide to ignore that slight."
"I'm forever grateful."
"Hmph. You better be."
A happy silence descended upon their playful conversation before the slightest hint of a chuckle escaped their mouth. A moment later, mirthful laughter permeated throughout the grainy road that they were walking on.
"I see the town up ahead." Oleander choked out as he tried to hold back his laughter. Aster turned towards the collection of buildings in front of him. His chocolate eyes noticed the thick stone walls and the incoming sign.
"Welcome to Silvam," he read out loud. The wooden gates ahead had two iron plated guards in front along with a small line of horse-drawn carriages. He vaguely remembered this town during the few times where he did leave his former home. It's militia is abnormally strong for a minor town and law and order was the norm for the people here. He certainly didn't like the restrictive laws but the place is guaranteed to be safe from crime and the beasts that prowl the night.
He could appreciate that if nothing else.
"We'll buy a carriage from here to Firmus. I have enough money to spare that it will last us the whole trip and have food and water." Oleander stated before talking with the guards in the front.
Aster nodded, waiting for the line to thin before entering along with his friend.
Money was a rare commodity for someone like him. When a researcher lives in isolation, they have no sponsor to help back up their research. Thus, a job like his is extremely difficult since it is much more straining on their wallets than almost any other job in the world. It is easier to get backing from a college or institution since practitioners get more valuable resources at cheaper costs. High quality labs are the standard for the average everyday Wizard.
Aster doesn't have such benefits but to Oleander Morell, it was the norm. The higher one's expertise is on a magical field, the more offers of sponsorship and money pop up. Oleander is a master of multiple arcane branches who worked at a small college in a nearby town. His expertise and reputation grew as the years went by, enough so that the Fernum-Magnum decided to offer him a job in their pristine walls.
It was no surprise to Aster that Oleander, who as soon as he politely introduced himself to the Master of the Stables, was shown one of the most elegant and reliable coaches that the Hermit has ever seen.
Strong, pure white stallions pulled the ornate carriage piloted by their most experienced coachmen. Aster was sure that it would take a hundred years' worth of income just to buy even one of the horses yet Oleander casually paid the man the money. It didn't even look it drained his purse. Rich bastard!
They went off, both sitting in the soft, velvet couches of the coach. From his estimation, it would only take two days to reach Fernus. These horses must be magically augmented for speed, a touchy field for various Wizards since augmentations are a risky and dangerous branch. Changing the brain chemistry or even the skeletal structure could lead to dangerous consequences to both the participant and the researcher.
There is no doubt on it's usefulness. The power of the horses here were masterfully done to prioritize it's strength and speed.
Maybe the practitioner manipulated the muscle mass to efficiently use the animal's energy storage. That would make sense, but the horse's skeletal structure must also be reinforced to allow it to support the new changes.
Ah, and the organs as well must be augmented. While changing the muscles to improve efficiency is a smart move, it is equally important to improve organs and other related materials. Oh and the hemoglobin as well! Horses are already efficient animals but if one improved their oxygen capacity...
"Huh?" He gave a numb reply to Oleander as he blinked back to reality. "Yes?"
His friend sighed in exasperation, "I was just asking about your future endeavors once we reach Fernus. How are you going to earn money to buy yourself a new lab?"
Good point.
He hummed in thought as he contemplated the future. The unexpected destruction of his domain caused most of his plans to go back a couple of months if not years. The lack of money and lab would certainly be troubling. He shrugged, "I'll find a job, I guess. It doesn't even have to be a magical occupation. As long as the pay is good, I don't care what I have to do."
Oleander mused in silence at his response. "I guess that would be fine. I would suggest to apply for one that you are good at."
"Magic is the only thing I'm good at."
"And cooking." His friend gave a cheeky grin. "I swear, you could make dirt taste bearable."
"It's one of the first things a Hermit must learn! The art of cooking must be mastered if one wants to live a comfortable life as an isolated bum!" Aster's boast made Oleander laugh before commenting that 'there maybe a benefit to being a useless Wizard, after all.'
"If you want, I could give a recommendation for you to cook at the University's cafeteria." His friend hummed as he thought about what Aster along with a wide arrangements of food could mean for his diet. It would surely be salivating! "Though that may take a few months first. My recommendation would be worth a lot more once my credibility is established."
"Meaning I'll have to find a way to make money before that."
"Indeed, sorry about that."
"It's fine." Aster shrugged, before asking, "I don't suppose I could borrow your lab once we reach the institution. As a professor, I'm sure they're ready to accommodate you and your research."
"They are and I am fine with that. I'll ask for an extra key when I meet with the Headmaster."
Aster clapped his hands in joy. "Splendid! I'm thinking of offering some of my magical inventions to some of the sponsors available. I'll be able to get money from that until a reliable job becomes available!" Since Fernus is one of the magical capitals of the world, sponsors seeking some fresh talent would no doubt be abundant in the city.
"As long as the items are stable." Oleander's glare radiated an almost malicious aura. "I don't want to go around explaining why half the city collapsed."
"The last one was a simple mistake, my dear friend! You know that I rarely make mistakes when it comes to my chosen field."
"You maybe one of the best experts," Oleander conceded though the glare didn't falter, "but you are also handling a branch of magic known for its extreme complexity, risk, and danger."
"That's why I picked it in the first place!"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"Of course not!" Aster's protest was loud and passionate. A wicked gleam glowed from his now green eyes. His companion was almost taken back by his ambition. "It will only make my goal more memorable! Branching off of a difficult field such as mine and creating a never before seen magic would surely leave a mark in history!"
"Be that as it may," his friend calmly responded, "it wouldn't hurt to be more careful."
"I am always careful!"
"Well...mostly careful."
The conversation continued with a lighthearted vibe. The years of friendship made it surprisingly easy for the conversation to continue without any faults or pauses. When the time came for the coach to stop at a nearby town to rest, the Wizards exited the coach with refreshed energy. Time flies when one has fun as the saying goes.
Renting a room in a fancy hotel was not a problem to Oleander. The rich bastard casually paid for all expenses and rooms. Aster noticed that the bag hasn't lessened at all.
Sorcery! If having unlimited cash was a magical art, he would have switched in a heartbeat.
The day after, they soon set off to Fernus. The comfortable bed of the hotel was a temptation that prolonged the stay. Aster would have believed that such materials were a solid personification of sin itself. He would have killed for a bed like that back home.
"We could have stayed there for a few more hours, Oleander!" he moaned in sorrow at the absence of high-quality mattresses. "They offered us a buffet for lunch. Free food! Never give up free food!"
"It wasn't free, it comes with the stay. I paid for all of it."
"Exactly! Free food!"
Oleander sighed in exasperation, "We have to get to Fernus early before the term starts. You could rest and eat all you want once we reach my place."
"It needs to reach or surpass the quality of the hotel."
"It surpasses it, alright. This is the leading institution of magical research that we are talking about. A meager three star hotel won't best the accommodations of a professor. The dorm should be enough room for both of us to live comfortably."
"Three star hotel?! I thought that we've reached the pinnacle of human comfort." Aster choked at the revelation. So the rumors are true. The middle class truly have advanced to a joyful society. His second statement reached his attention, however. "Dorm? Wait, we're living inside the institution?"
"Yes, it comes with the job. All teachers are offered a place of residence."
"I thought we were living in the city."
"It's much easier to live in the college. Shorter time to walk to classes and the distance to my lab is just a door away or so I've heard." Oleander's eyes gleamed in joy at the description. To a Wizard, what he described was the perfect living condition. A building filled with intelligent practitioners, a high quality lab, and a hospitable and perfect environment.
To Aster, what he described was a total nightmare. No doubt, the institution has all sorts of restrictions in place. It was a public setting filled with hormone-filled young adults and teenagers. It's the worst place for someone like him to conduct research.
"Aster?" His trembling lips and blank eyes stared back at Oleander's concerned golden orbs. His companion didn't know what was the problem. He didn't know how he lived throughout the years. "Aster, are you alright?"
Aster in response growled, "What the hell?!"
The coachman wisely kept quiet as the carriage was bombarded with glowing lights, curses, and the screams of horror.
"Here we are...Fernus." Oleander mumbled, a glare piercing his back. Aster ignored it as he took in the majestic sight before him. Tall, white spires pierced the sky, abstract walls and bridges decorated the city like a maze. The large crowds of people that walked among it's clean, smooth cobblestone roads was an amusing sight. With his eyes, he could see tall cathedrals and temples blotted across the capital.
No doubt they were there for practitioners to practice their field.
He also noticed tall white walls in the distance, embedded with the insignia of the Fernum-Magnus University. The pride of the city was placed in the center as if it is the center of the entire universe itself. The details that subtly yet elegantly layered its campus could be seen even from the entrance of the city. Surely, the scene must be the work of magic.
Even for him, he can't just help but look at the sight with awe.
"This must be your first time in Fernus." Oleander idly stared at his reaction. The red haired man sighed, "It doesn't surprise me that you've never been to the magic capital. Now let's go. We've got time to explore the city after I report to the Headmaster."
He numbly nodded before following his friend towards the college's location.
'It's only getting bigger and bigger,' Aster mused silently as he moved closer towards the collection of buildings. His keen eyes noted all the various buildings and the branches of magic they specialize in. He could see several Wizards practice their craft in public, some in the crowd watching in interest at the spells being casted.
To a villager, what they saw could be called miraculous.
Water taking shape as everyday animals - no doubt practicing the finer controls of elemental manipulation.
Stone golems and automatons carrying items that would take ten strongmen - the improvement and fusion of elemental, imbuement, and enhancement branches.
The small hints of invisible interactions - manipulating and the banishing of light to obscure the opponent's vision.
All this and more was before the Hermit. No doubt that the students here are already on their way to becoming advanced and influential people. The casual display of power would have scared him but he took pride in his own art. He may not be able to do magic as advanced and diverse as them but he has advantages of his own such as the sheer broadness of his specialization.
They entered a building, one larger than the rest. It was a castle with a collection of cylinders in shape and was prominently standing in the center. He could see large rooms sprouting out of the cylinder like a great tree with many branches. He could guess that the Headmaster resides here. He noticed Oleander speaking with one of the employees.
The architecture of the building must have had some kind of magical reinforcement. Some of the shapes and patterns would have made the castle's integrity falter. What kind of reinforcements is a different story. His expertise doesn't rely on such magic so the finer details have escaped him.
He quietly followed Oleander, who was politely talking to the employee (he noted that it was female and possessed magical potential) before resuming his analysis of the architecture. He noticed distinct and foreign structures that were widely used for a stylish and clean finish. Royal blue carpet lined the center of the walkway along with rows among rows of neatly placed knight statues.
He had no doubt that the knight statues are golems. He could sense the magical potency from here.
Another door opened, revealing a large U-shaped desk along with a wizened old man behind it. The female Wizard gave a slight bow to the Headmaster before introducing him to the duo. Aster scanned his appearance with an almost zealous haste.
Unlike the stereotypical image of a Wizard, the Headmaster lacked a beard. He had a gray curly mustache, however, and that was enough to make the old practitioner still look like the trustworthy, wise old men that the public adores. The royal blue robes that he wore had the insignia of the Fernum-Magnus emboldened in the left breast. If there was anything Aster had to say about him, he would say that the man looked casually fancy.
All the residents of the room stared at Aster. Oleander eyed him with desperation and the other two looked on with polite patience. Ah, it looked like it was time for introductions!
"Greetings, Headmaster," Aster gave a slight bow of respect. Anyone with a wondrous mustache like that deserves his and more. "I am Aster Spinel, Hermit Extraordinaire!"
He ignored Oleander's glare as he continued gazing at the Headmaster's azure eyes.
The old man quirked an eyebrow at his declaration before chuckling. "Why thank you for such a grand preamble, Mr. Spinel, but introductions have already passed."
"It did?" He must have spaced out again.
"It did." The Headmaster smiled a good-natured smile. "Oleander handled your introduction when it looked like you were...occupied. Though he didn't mention that you are a Hermit."
"I just thought that such details weren't needed at the moment, Headmaster," Oleander politely responded. "The purpose of this meeting was to establish my presence here and to explain my current predicament."
"Yes, you are quite right," the Headmaster casually replied. His eyes stared back at his before continuing, "However, such details will be important in the future. Let me inform Mr. Spinel of the current situation. My name is Lucien Milleford, but you may call me Headmaster Milleford." The Wizard nodded his head in greeting. Aster nodded back. "We were discussing the reasoning behind Mr. Morrel's lack of formal attire."
Mr. Morrel? Ah, Oleander Morrel. Aster's recognition of the name allowed him to respond quickly. "Well, it's easy enough to explain..."
He told the tale, making sure to add extra details emphasizing the condition of his home, his occupation, and that all of the fault lies with him. Both the Headmaster and the employee listened intently. He could feel the judging look of the female and the amusement of the Headmaster pierce his body.
Aster inwardly sighed. It's hard being a friend.
"I guess it is to be expected of a Hermit," the female muttered before turning towards Oleander. She bowed, "I apologize for doubting you Mr. Morrel. I'm sure having such company is a strain for both your mind and body."
Aster would have responded to the slight, but the possibility of ruining his already mangled image in front of the Headmaster paused his mouth. Gods damn friendship, why do you pain me so!
"It honestly is," Oleander smiled at the woman, who gave a smile back. Hey! You're not supposed to agree with her! What happened to being friends, Oleander!
The Headmaster chuckled at the display, "I'll ask Ms. Zinnia to give you a new set of clothing." He raised his hand and showed a pair of silver keys. "Following your predicament, here are the keys to your room. The laboratory key is already inside and I'll have a second one prepared for Mr. Spinel's convenience."
"Thank you for your understanding, Headmaster."
"No, thank you for bringing such an interesting individual. I've never seen such a unique Hermit before and I've met many in my time." Headmaster Milleford chuckled as he waved them goodbye. Aster didn't know if he should take that as an insult or compliment.
They left the office, with the female Wizard offering to show them to their room. Oleander walked next to the women as they continued a previous conversation that Aster was oblivious to. Sometimes ignoring the environment for the sake of magic could have such negative consequences.
Who knew.
"So, Ms. Zinnia..."
"Please call me Amary, Mr. Morrel."
"Ah, then call me Oleander."
"So Amary, I was wondering...
Aster glared at their backs with contempt as they continued chatting in front of him. He's rarely seen this side of Oleander before. The casual and almost free-spirited talks was almost replaced with a polite and calm exchange. It was surprising to see the transition of Oleander's personality but it kind of makes sense. Anything work-related and such would probably force him to create a professional persona.
After a few minutes of formal conversations, they reached their destination.
"Farewell, Oleander. I can't wait to be working with you in the future."
"Me too, I hope our cooperation will be a successful one."
Amary smiled cheerfully towards Oleander before noticing Aster. Her smile became less genuine at his appearance. "I'll come back with new clothes for you and an extra key for the Hermit."
'H-Hey! Don't say that word with disdain. Being a Hermit isn't all bad, you know. Why don't you try being one for a day and see how we feel!'
Of course, he learned how to hold his tongue a long time ago and thus didn't respond to the obvious bait.
With those words, she left.
"Yes, Aster?"
"I already hate this place."
"I know."
Rich bastard!
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