《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 1.2
A Hermit contrary to popular belief, isn't some useless, unemployed magical practitioner. The origins of a Hermit stem back to when magical secrets were jealously hoarded. During the ancient times of war, Hermits were quite common, yielding the secrets of their arts for a select few and using it to combat those who desire to destroy it. Revealing the secrets of your magic could be turned against you once the other side learned of it.
So Hermits in history were a frequent kind.
Yet, their popularity severely diminished as soon as the war times ended. When all the countries embraced the peace bestowed upon them, attempts of intercontinental cooperation started. Several projects were created at the hopes of creating friendlier relations with their once wary neighbors.
Erasma, the country that had the magical capital, Fernus, offered something that intrigued many countries.
"We will create a college, designed to train the brightest of our children. Magic, a once carefully guarded military asset, will be shared to all. With this, we hope that it will establish equality and opportunity for not just Erasma but with all her neighboring countries!"
The nations were suspicious, of course. Who would not? Sending their children to a different country, especially children with the aptitude for magic was like signing a death wish. Yet, Erasma continued advertising the project. The college was designed to be both visually and practically appealing. Erasma poured billions and billions of the country's funds to create the perfect magical bait.
The city built around it also gained attention as a perfectly safe, crime-free environment filled with the strongest of Wizards. It didn't take long for villagers and practitioners to enter. Even the other countries couldn't stop the influx of Wizards moving into Erasma territory.
Young magic users are an ambitious and powerful group. Many of them gained powerful connections with the nobles for their services and capitalized it to the fullest extent to allow them access to Fernus.
Soon, the universal message of magic being shared to all was heard across the continent. It quickly spread to the villagers and the popular belief forced the neighboring countries to comply.
It was a smart move, one that allowed Erasma to be the magically strongest nation in the world. The cost was the significant damage to the reputation of Hermits. Through the use of newspapers, rumor mills, and federal power, it didn't take long for isolated Wizardry to be frowned upon.
Beatrice knew better.
The public may think that the government doesn't hide magic anymore but that wasn't the case. Erasma and no doubt the other nations hid the most powerful and potent magic from the world. They have been secretly developing sorceries that could ruin cities, depopulate countries, and change the landscape itself.
It was an open secret to all nobles.
"Galahad, another book please." Without looking at her brother, she beckoned for more literary works. "Anything detailing the use of magic in biology would be most helpful."
"Yes ma'am." Like an obedient dog, her brother dutifully went to the large selection of the college's library. Her brother was completely oblivious to the darker side of the country's government, something that she was keen on continuing.
Her brother efficiently stacked a series of books into his hand. Using the unique balance of a butler, he quietly placed them at her table. The large rectangular, black marble table blended easily with the four-story library. Unlike the rest of the school, it had a more archaic feel with oak wood shelves, magically ignited torches, and secret passages. It's the college's way of respecting Wizard roots.
"Thank you." Beatrice nodded in satisfaction at the titles. She closed the book in her hands and took a copy of From People to Animals: The Different Affects Magic has on Organisms.
Aster Spinel. An interesting man. As a noble and heiress of a significantly important family, it is only natural that she gets a top notch education. Yet she never heard of his field of magic, Biological Manipulation. She heard of other magical fields that are related to Biology but nothing so broad of a subject.
After the ceremony - which was a disaster waiting to happen, in her opinion - she chose to visit the library. Not knowing anything is an insult to someone of her standing. She ordered her brother to deliver as many books detailing anything about Biology.
What she found was...vague?
Biological Manipulation is indeed a legit field. Various practitioners confirmed having such magic in their arsenal, but their achievements with that magic is severely lacking. Anything that they achieved could have been done with other arcane branches. Improve the body? Augmentation. Heal the body? Heavenly Miracles. Create Mutants? Familiar and Golem Crafting.
Though she supposed that Mutants are a bit different from Familiars and Golems but that was the only significant use of the field and it's not really useful when one considers how strong golems and familiars can be.
So that means that either Aster is a stereotypical new generation Hermit who is a useless Wizard or he is someone that advanced and achieved something with Biological Manipulation that no one has ever seen.
Useless or prodigious?
Beatrice pondered the question, scouring through the books for any hint of achievements before deciding to quit for now.
'A question for another day.' Beatrice stood up from her seat, closing the book in her hand. "Galahad, we're leaving. Tell the librarian that I will be borrowing these books."
"Yes ma'am."
There are various things that eggs and seeds have in common. A lot of things, actually. Life is abundant and at its purest during these stages of life. Only the most vile of magic could corrupt these items.
"Aster, listen to me."
Both grow and have the necessary ingredients to sufficiently create the desired animal. They have all the essential amino acids inside so that the life inside does not need food to sustain itself. That is the trait that he is going to capitalize in this experiment. If an egg already has the necessary ingredients to create life then with Biological Manipulation, he could speed up the rate of growth to instantly create the animal.
"Aster, look, I know things may seem bad..."
Imagine, not needing to wait for an egg to hatch. With magic, one could create instantly-summoned familiars. Just genetically alter the traits of the egg, add different traits to create the new familiar, speed up its rate of growth, change its hormones, muscles, organs and the like and you'll get a new summon within secon-"
His cheek burned with blinding pain as he stumbled, the egg and the ingredients tumbling across his table. He glared at his friend, "O-Ouch, Oleander, what was that for?"
"For being a prick." The simple reply shocked Aster to reality. The redhead crossed his arms and sighed in exasperation. "Honestly, you're blowing this out of proportions."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Denial! The perfect weapon against most conversations. With enough persistence, most people would just flat out ignore you. Lack of social skills don't fail this Wizard now!
"You flat-out locked yourself inside the lab for the entire night. The moment I returned this morning, I still see you working on your egg."
"This experiment-"
"Could wait for another time." Oleander rolled his eyes. He took an apple from one of the pockets on his coat and threw it at Aster. He grabbed it easily. "Here's breakfast. Figured you'd be hungry. I have classes in the morning so I won't be seeing you for a while." Oleander's eyes turned concerned. "Are you sure you'll be alright?"
"Yes. After I complete my experiment, I'll be selling this to sponsors and farmers. An instant-chicken could be very helpful and profitable for me." Aster's eyes had a sparkle of excitement that appeared whenever he talked about magic. It dulled a little after. "No worries, Oleander. I'll be out of your hair soon as soon as I finish it. No need of worrying about your reputation when I'm gone."
"I don't care about that." The redhead frowned at his self-depreciation. "Look, I could ask the Headmaster to order everyone to-"
"Even if you do, it won't change people's opinion. They already have an image of what a Hermit is. You can order people to change their views but you can't enforce it."
"I was going to say to ignore you. I know how much you like having your own space."
"Forget it. Someone's going to start questioning the credibility of this school and it will only make it messier than it is." Aster smiled. Besides, the reactions of the student populace was muted with only polite mutterings and confusion. Most of Fernum-Magnum is filled with intelligent students, with the majority being middle-class and noble citizens. They've probably never seen a Hermit before so they don't know how to react to his appearance.
But when the rumor mill starts rolling...
Well, let's just say a small adjustment to his egg experiment would be vitally important in the future.
"I don't like that vicious smile, Aster."
"I'm not doing anything illegal." He shrugged at his friend's warning. "Once they start questioning my appearance, some of them may challenge my stay. Probably with a duel or some sort. I just altered my experiment to be a bit more combat-oriented just in case."
Aster expected his friend to reprimand him for such a dangerous and reckless move yet to his surprise, Oleander just pondered his words before nodding.
"As long as it's just for self-defense."
"It is."
"Good." Oleander let out a breath of relief. He nodded at Aster. He returned it. "Well, I best be off before I am late to my own class."
"Goodbye, professor," he teased. The redhead only glared with exasperation.
"You better watch your cheek, young man."
"Will do, professor."
"Oh and professor."
Oleander smiled at his genuine reply. He gave a slight wave before exiting the room. Aster heard the small clicking noise as he was left alone in the lab once again. He took a bite from the apple before grabbing the egg and continuing his experiment.
Knock! Knock!
'Oleander?' Aster mused silently. Odd, he's not supposed to be here for another hour. He gently placed his egg on the table before walking towards the door. It's probably not the redhead. He has the keys to the lab so it must be one of the students or the professors. Maybe the Headmaster himself. He didn't know which of the three is worse.
He opened the door and the first thing that met his vision was the man's tall height. He was a head taller than Aster who was average in the department. He looked up and saw the man's indifferent expression. Sky blue eyes and slicked back hair stood in front of his chocolate eyes and messy brown hair.
"Can I help you?" Aster's words seemed to have an affect on the man as he gave a polite smile. The Hermit felt his warning senses blaring. He ignored it as he watched the professor carefully. He looked familiar.
"Yes you can." The man gave a small nod, turning his attention at the lab then back at him. "May I come in?"
No. A Hermit's lab can only be shared with the closest of friends. A stranger entering would be an insult to his work.
"Of course," Aster gave a fake smile. This isn't his lab though. It's Oleander's and the belief dissolved when it comes to the modern Wizard. "Make yourself at home."
"Thank you." Aster closed the door as soon as the man entered. From his peripheral vision, he could see the man analyze his lab. He turned his head as he saw the man sit at one of the nearby tables. The table had his assortment of ingredients and the egg he was working on.
'Sly man.' Aster thought. 'He's probably expecting me to explain what I was doing with them. Heh, well too bad for you but my secrets are my secrets. Time to create an awkward atmosphere.' He sat at the opposite side of the professor, in front of him being the project he was working on.
Just like he predicted, an awkward silence appeared before them. With the experience and skill born through isolation, the silence only became even more apparent to both participants. The man's emotionless façade began to crack as the silence continued to extend into minutes. Inwardly, Aster smiled at his predicament. He's used to tense atmospheres so this is nothing to him.
Finally, he spoke. "I believe we haven't met. My name is Samuel Rook. I'm one of the professors here. I specialize in Rune and Golem crafting as well as Automaton construction."
A craftsman with such a narrow field? It's very limiting since his magic only consists of creation and enhancement. Though he would admit that all three synergize really well.
"Ah, well my name is Aster Spinel. My specialization is-"
"Biological Manipulation, I know." The nigh impolite interruption took Aster back. Noticing his expression, Samuel continued, "After the ceremony, I asked the Headmaster."
Ah well it looks like he's becoming popular. That's a first.
"It's quite a unique field that you're studying." Samuel's statement caught his attention. "I hope you know that there wasn't a lot of progress made ever since its immergence."
Aster could feel the subtle probing of information that the man was sending his way. He evaded,"I don't see why. It's a very important field to have."
"I could see its uses but there are other branches that could do a better job."
"We haven't reached its full potential yet. There are various applications that could be utilized if researched thoroughly enough."
"Of course." Samuel raised his hand in surrender. Aster didn't know if it was patronizing or not. "I didn't mean to insult it. I was just stating the known facts. It must be hard having only one magical art."
"I could still use other branches of magic." Just not as well. "I'm ahead in certain areas."
"By all means, Biological Manipulation isn't ahead at all." He stated it as if it was a fact, as if there was nothing no one could do to change it. "It's actually behind and quite primitive compared to the more modern and advanced magecraft."
"It's not primitive," Aster almost growled at the professor. The man quirked an eyebrow in response. That's it! Don't insult all my hard work as if none of it mattered, bastard. "Let's cut to the chase, Sam." Aster reveled at a hint of irritation in the black haired man when he said it. "Why are you really here?"
Samuel's casual air turned more serious. He closed his eyes and sighed. He opened them back up. "To be frank, Spinel, your appearance is causing significant disruption to both the staff and the student body."
Aster snorted. "Yes, but saying that it's significant is an exaggeration. The novelty of having a Hermit will wear off."
"No, most of the students will be sending messages to their parents and mentors soon. It's only thanks to the Headmaster's intervention that they haven't already. Once news reaches that one of the best universities holds a Hermit within their walls..."
"Your reputation and credibility will plummet." Aster groaned. Of course this is more complicated then it should be. Stereotyping is such a big problem in this generation. "And you're here to make sure that doesn't happen." He rolled his eyes. "What a hero."
It seems like chivalry isn't dead after all. How noble.
"Contrary to your belief, Spinel, but I do have a motive for this." Samuel chuckled. "I graduated from this school and in the magical world, this institution's name holds weight. Just by saying that I am from this establishment would grant me opportunities in various organizations. The professors here receive many benefits just because of the reputation alone. As a fellow researcher, you know how valuable tools and ingredients are."
Aster slowly nodded, understanding slowly blooming inside his mind.
"Well, professors receive them for free. The rich nobles and sponsors make sure that all our needs are taken care of." Samuel grinned at Aster's shock. "In return, we care for their children and make sure that our college's name won't be tarnished. It benefits them as well as us."
Aster slumped in thought. He eyed the smiling professor. "What do you want me to do about it?"
"I've discussed this with the Headmaster. It would look bad for us if we just carelessly kick you out. The media would have a field day and would distort our words. They would think that we are a bias group and the opinion of the non magical population could cause obstacles in the future." Makes sense. Even though Hermits are ostracized, the media wouldn't care. They've been probing the famed institution for years waiting for any chinks within their impenetrable walls.
They could twist the words to make Fernum-Magnum look bad. That is something no one in the staff wanted.
"The Headmaster had an excellent idea, however."
Of course he did. He probably planned for everything. "Oh really?"
"Really." The fake smile turned almost mocking. "He suggested a test. A way to prove yourself in front of the whole college."
Interesting and smart. By testing whether he should stay in this school, they could say that the Hermit wasn't suited or reached their expectations. They keep their reputation as a place filled with bright minds while cleaning out the trash with little to no trouble.
Still, it all depends on this test...
"Let me guess, it's combat isn't it?" Aster drawled as he watched for Samuel's expression. "Battle one of the professors or students, I win I stay and if I lose I go to the chopping block?"
At Aster's quizzical expression, Sam smirked. "This college specializes in education as our primary target. Duels are only for our combat classes. To keep up the image of an upstanding figure of society, I believe it is more appropriate for a battle of the minds."
Aster's form turned rigid as he analyzed his words. Samuel crossed his arms, watching him carefully. What he just offered was a double edged sword. There will be disadvantages. The environment will play against him. His focus in one magic could turn the tide of battle into either side. They could make the rules be set against him. Yet this was also a way to prove to the staff and students of his competence.
To prove that Hermits aren't the weak Wizards that everyone think they are. He could go for the roots and get rid of the rumors before they could damage his friend's reputation along with his.
He eyed Samuel who was patiently waiting for a response.
"Explain yourself."
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