《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 1.3
In the confines of the Fernum-Magnum, a wave of fresh energy erupted between students, new and old. Crowds of Wizards buzzed with news. Rumors and truths were being exchanged at an astonishing rate. Like panthers awaiting their ignorant prey, they pounced with an almost fevered haste at any scrap of information they could find.
"Have you heard, Beatrice?" A blonde man excitedly chattered. The gray haired lady watched as his smile grew wider and wider. She stared in fascination. The human face can't stretch that wide, can it? He parroted the question again. "Have you heard the news?"
"What news, James?" She gave a glance at Galahad. Even he noticed that the man was livelier than usual.
"What do you mean 'what news?'" James was genuinely astonished at her ignorance. She held her annoyance at his disbelief. There are all sorts of news being exchanged throughout the country. Which one James was asking was the question. It must be something insignificant enough that it hadn't caught her attention.
"Nothing historical happened that I know of."
"Let me enlighten you then." James almost looked proud at his exclamation. He puffed up his chest. "You know the Hermit, right Beatrice? I've seen you speak with him during the ceremony."
"Yes, I know of him."
"There's going to be a presentation of some sort. I heard that it was going to be some sort of test. You know how most Wizards end up as researchers, right Beatrice?"
"Yes." She quirked an eyebrow in annoyance but kept it to a minimum. Even her calm and collected brother radiated a quiet aura of irritation. "How does that pertain to what we are talking about?"
"Well, you didn't hear this from me." James smirked as he looked around before whispering, "I heard that they were going to go test on the Hermit. Something about getting rid of him and taking him to the dungeon afterwards."
Apparently, his whispers amounted to yelling considering how the people around them easily heard the man.
"Don't listen to him." Another voice interrupted James. A platinum blonde woman wearing the standard student clothing strode towards them. An elegant confidence only seen by those of higher blood radiated from her hourglass figure. "All he's ever good at is rumormongering."
"Diana..." James childishly whined. He pouted at her interruption. "I was getting to the good part."
"Don't bother." Diana scoffed. She stared at the twins. "If you must know, apparently the Hermit is going to teach a class. From the facts I've gathered, they are testing him and grading him based on his lessons."
"A Hermit teaching?" James made an 'eww' noise at the thought. "I thought Fernum-Magnum was better than this."
"He's not teaching a class." Another voice objected. Beatrice's mouth turned into a thin line as more people joined the conversation. Seriously, this was supposed to be a private conversation. The legends must be true. The rumor mill moves at the speed of light. This time another girl, more slim and petite than the previous one appeared. Her braided black hair and glasses made her look like the sort of bookworm Fernum-Magnum accepts into their halls.
"Eh?" Diana stared at the new girl with disbelief. Her high heritage must have made her unused to opposition. She glared at the girl. "How would you know?"
"It's supposed to be a test, right? To challenge the right to stay within Fernum-Magnum? I do not think teaching will be the best that the college can offer." She watched the four like an eagle with a mouse. No, it felt more like a superior to their subordinates. "It's more likely that they will try to simultaneously improve the Hermit's reputation while making theirs even better."
"How are they going to do that?" James kept the ball rolling, his mouth and mind moving on their own as if in their natural habitat. To be fair, it probably is. The guy loves his voice almost as much as his mother.
"A Hermit is practically an introverted Wizard but in the extreme end of the spectrum. They do not participate for the betterment of society." The girl's voice shifted into a lecturing tone as she spoke. "Fernum-Magnum is the complete opposite. The test will probably be something that will help the college by forcing the Hermit to become a functioning member of society."
"Ohhh, that makes sense." James rubbed his chin as he pondered her statements. Beatrice contemplated as well. It does make sense, she supposed.
Apparently the girl's insight was not graciously accepted by everyone.
"How did you get all of this information?" Diana's piercing eyes watched the new girl with an almost malicious aura. Beatrice could feel the sparks of a rivalry begin to ignite before her. She allowed it to happen. A healthy rivalry could significantly advance both parties. It's too early to tell if this ones healthy, however.
Not her problem.
"It's just basic assumptions and observations." The girl narrowed her eyes when both blondes looked at her with doubt. "It's not like it's any better than what both of you are doing. You both blindly listen to whatever anyone tells you."
"I do not!" Diana clenched her fists. "I've made my own observations as well. Teaching would be for the betterment of society, wouldn't you agree?"
"It would but it's not like anyone would want to go to his classes. As a Hermit, almost no one would go mandatory or otherwise. There would be protests in the halls and the teachers would find it too much of a hassle. I will concede that his test could be related to teaching though. Maybe a mentorship."
It was an acceptable answer, one that allowed both sides to graciously accept the reasoning before them. Beatrice almost smiled in relief as the hints of a comfortable silence appeared. She was about to revel in the atmosphere until James decided to expand the conversation.
"Or it could be for research!" James's words echoed through the women's ears. His mind must have connected the dots. He stared at Beatrice with an almost hungry gaze. "Oh oh! Didn't you say that the Hermit was some useless researcher or something, Beatrice?" Both of the girls shifted their attention to her with an equally potent stare.
'Why are you asking me this when you obviously know already?!' If only she could convey that message to the man. She turned to acknowledge the girls. "I wouldn't call him useless..."
"But aren't all Hermits useless?"
"He could be different." Beatrice's light protests fell to deaf ears and will probably fall to more. The students before her are one of the more intelligent people in the establishment yet the bias was apparent in their conversation. The reactions from students not as enlightened would result into more fights and trouble for both her and Mr. Spinel.
"All Hermits are the same." Diana sneered at the thought. "Nothing ever good comes with their appearance. There's a reason why most of them hide. Some of their research methods are questionable at least and downright illegal at most."
"I don't think grouping all of the Hermits together is wise." For once, Beatrice nodded along with the braided girl's statement. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for Diana's train of thought. She already heard rumors of several students openly opposing the Hermit. It was only the excited atmosphere of the institution that stayed their hands from outright doing anything.
Diana clicked her tongue. She stared down at the girl. "And you are? You've been conversing with us and we don't even know your name."
"Alice. Alice Williams." The newly introduced girl nodded in acknowledgement. Diana ignored it as she pondered the name.
"Diana Belle Aurelius. A pleasure."
The tension was so intense that the crowds nearby instinctively backed away. Beatrice sighed in exasperation She forcefully steered the conversation away. "Look, if you are really curious about the Hermit, why don't you just ask him yourself."
"Are you nuts?! We can't do that!" James looked scandalized at the idea. Diana's face shifted into one of disgust and even Alice frowned. What's wrong with just going to the source of the problem? It is much easier than wasting precious minutes fighting over who is probably right.
"I don't see why not." Beatrice shrugged. This only seemed to increase their disbelief. "We could ask Professor Morrel. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to introduce his friend."
"But it's a Hermit. Just being seen with him would plummet our standing." James looked honestly worried about his popularity.
"The conflict would come to head eventually," she lectured. She eyed the hallways, noticing the crowds separated into different groups. "Even now, opinions are being formed. The Hermit has been locked up in his lab ever since the ceremony and that's only making things worse. People want answers."
Her words seem to affect them as a thoughtful silence filled up their chatter. After a few minutes, one of her newest acquaintances finally acted.
"I..." Alice tilted her head in consideration. She could see the hesitation cloud her eyes as she weighed the decision. Eventually she nodded. "I would like facts. If you're going to meet the Hermit then I won't mind joining."
Diana clicked her tongue in annoyance. With a flip of hair, she glared at the trio. "I don't understand why you would go to such lengths just to learn about this man. A mongrel like him is lower than dirt."
James nodded in agreement. "He's not really worth it. The guy's getting kicked out, there's no way he's going to make it here."
"We'll see about that." Beatrice countered. Her eyes met with her brother's. He silently nodded. "I'll be meeting with Professor Morrel. If anyone wants to join me then be my guest. Galahad." As if a silent message passed between the siblings, they picked up their pace.
"H-Hey!" James can only stumble in shock at the abrupt action.
Alice hesitated. Dozens of thoughts seem to swim in her mind before she nodded in determination. She turned her attention towards the remaining two. "If you don't mind me, I will be leaving too." With those words, she followed the grey haired twins.
Diana and James looked on with bewilderment.
"Did you know what just happened?" James, for once, had his mouth closed.
Diana only glared at their departing forms. Her malicious gaze shifted to James who paled in response. "Why are you asking me?"
The egg glowed with an almost ethereal light. Clutched between his fingertips, the egg's magical radiation steadily increased. He could sense a sudden spike, a telltale sign of an incoming explosion. He grit his teeth, lowering his input of magic.
Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours as he slowly finished the final phase of his plan.
The sudden spike lowered. He sighed in relief, his body slumping down on the soft, velvet chair. Despite the exhaustion, a wide grin formed. The egg gave a magical green glow. His newest invention, a spell that only his field could produce was finally finished. The revolutionary idea was unique, useful, and exclusive only to him.
It was also primitive, inefficient, and weak.
That's understandable. What he holds in his hand is a prototype. He'll start smoothing the rough edges and refine it. As of this moment, he could only grow chickens instantly. With a bit of work, he could start testing on magical creatures such as Phoenix, Roc, and Dragon eggs. If he advanced enough, he could work on modifying the animals for unique mutations.
He'll need new ingredients for that. The more exotic the better.
Hm...maybe he could start testing on monotreme eggs. It'd be exciting to see what his new magic would do on mammals.
As the researcher contemplated the possible stages of future experiments, the door slowly opened. Oleander smiled as he took in the view of the man in all of his magical glory. "Aster, I've got some news for you."
Without turning around, Aster responded. "Is it another argument, heretic? I've told you a million times that I'll be completely fine. With what I'm working on, the test will be cinch."
"No, I brought some people with me."
"The Headmaster? Sam? No, don't tell me. It's Amary, isn't it?" That woman keeps showing up almost all the time, always looking for Oleander. Gods damn his good looks!
"None on all three accounts."
This time, Aster looked confused. He turned around. "Then who are you talki-!"
"Hello, Mr. Spinel." Beatrice waved. Behind her, two more students appeared. The recognizable twin brother and a small, petite black haired girl.
Aster blinked. He rubbed his eyes to make sure before blinking again. He switched his attention to all four new occupants of the room. He glared at Oleander. "What is the meaning of this?"
The redhead smiled, already anticipating the question. "These students were curious about you." His friend's smile turned teasing when he noticed his widening eyes. "Believe me, Aster, I was shocked too."
"Silence, heretic." Aster took a deep breath. He let it out. "Explain why you allowed a bunch of students inside the staff dorms and in your own lab no less?"
"Well, I was worried about you." Oleander admitted. "You're all cooped up in this lab. You barely eat and the lack of sleep is unhealthy. I just thought that introducing you to an interested party might help." He casually waved at said party. The students looked on with awkward silence as both Wizards talked. "I'm no Hermit, Aster so your beliefs with labs is mostly exclusive to you. Modern wizards are more lax on visitors."
"Whatever." He waved at them with dismissal. "Tell them to leave. I'm almost finished. I'll take a break once I've mastered my newest spell."
With the mention of magic, all three students' gaze went solely to Aster. He gulped at the sudden attention.
"Spell?" Beatrice asked, curiosity coloring her voice.
"What kind of spell?"
"You already know my specialization."
Aster's abrupt statements and hints of warnings were completely ignored. The girl only looked at the egg that was next to the him. She moved forward, her focus making her impervious to Aster's growing annoyance. She pointed at the glowing chicken egg. "Is this it?" She tilted her head, slowly moving her hand to touch the item until Aster snatched it. She pouted. "May I see it?"
Aster's irritation dulled a little at the subject of magic. With little food and long nights, he was prone to quick bouts of annoyance. His passion for his art allowed him to relax despite the exertion his body endured. With a sigh, he revealed the egg. "Look but don't touch."
With his approval, the other two students also moved to join the grey haired lady. They watched with curiosity at the ethereal chicken egg. One of them, a petite girl with glasses asked, "What does it do?"
"It grows the chicken inside faster."
"That's it?" The girl frowned in disappointment.
"Did you just mock all my hard work, little girl?" Aster calmly quirked his eyebrow. Inside he was bubbling with irritation. At any normal circumstances he would have kept such thoughts to himself but his body took a heavy toll for this progress. He's not going to just stand by and watch it get insulted in front of him.
"A-Ah." The girl, realizing what she implied closed her lips. "I didn't mean it like that. I just thought that whatever you're working on would be a bit more grand."
"You're not looking at the bigger picture." Aster's response drew the girl's attention. "Summoning takes a long time. It usually involves rituals and the likes that require several fields of magic to efficiently work. Sure, shortcuts such as creating Golems, Automatons or taming Familiars are out there but those still take time and effort." Aster grinned triumphantly as he lifted his egg higher. "What I hold in my hands allows one to instantly call upon your own 'summons' with minimal time and work."
"But that's a chicken egg..."
"Do you even know my specialization, little girl?"
Said little girl blushed in embarrassment. "No."
"I can manipulate biology. Cause mutations. I can turn this chicken into an evil, giant murder beast."
"Mutations..." A hint of recollection appeared in the petite girl's eyes. Aster narrowed his eyes at her reaction. "I've read something about this before. A topic about archaic and outdated magical branches..."
"It's not outdated, it's just currently in need of improvement." Aster growled at her definition of his magical art. "Biological Manipulation has a lot of potential, it's just that no one understands the fundamentals." If only people can see the bigger picture. Younger Wizards look for little costs for flashy rewards. No one would go for a practice that takes massive effort for a spell that could be learned in a week from another magic branch.
"But wouldn't it be more efficient to use a different biological art?" This time, Beatrice responded. She looked at him with a challenging expression. "There is little progress in the field. It's just redundant at this point."
"Then you obviously haven't seen an expert." Aster drawled. He met her determined stare head on. "In fact, you'll see its potential soon enough in the presentation coming up."
"The Headmaster issued a challenge that I must partake." Aster almost started at the sharp looks he received. The purpose of their trip must be for this information. For a brief moment, Aster was genuinely impressed. It's only been a day and people already knew about this? Woah.
"What is the challenge?" The black haired girl had an air of curiosity that was reminiscent of researchers.
"Something similar to that of the Oedipus Challenge." Aster casually commented, his thoughts turned once more on the test before him. Versatility and knowledge is key to solving the difficulties that will surely come.
"What is the Oedipus Challenge?"
"It's rooted by the story of Oedipus, a Wizard who was challenged by an Elder Sphinx." Aster explained, a lecturing tone masking his apparent annoyance. He stared at the confused group. He cursed Oleander who was standing idly in the background. What is the redhead teaching them if they don't even know what the Oedipus Challenge is? "It's famous for replacing combat with intelligence. The Sphinx was known for killing those who can't answer its question. Oedipus killed it by finally solving its riddle."
"So you must do something similar in front of the university." The new girl surmised. She gazed at his egg, a calculated look in her eyes. "I'm guessing that its not a riddle, however."
"I'm afraid not." His voice was as dry as the desert. He's got to give the girl credit where it's due, however. Her fast response and critical thinking would make her a good researcher. "Impressive observations, miss...?"
"Alice Williams."
"Alice then." Aster looked back to his egg. "I've got a week before the challenge. I've heard that interested parties will attend, a few businessmen, sponsors, and nobles that are interested in watching the cunning strength of the famous Fernum-Magnum."
"So they're making this a public spectacle. It's understandable, I suppose and fits with my theory." Alice murmured. At his confused look, she explained. "They've invited said interested parties for the benefit of the college. If you somehow succeed your test, the most likely result would be that the Fernum-Magnum is doing as expected of them and thus more money will be donated to their organization for further support. It also benefits you since it proves your strength in front of the public."
"But that also means that the test must be extremely difficult. Something that no ordinary Wizard could surpass." Aster added, new conclusions suddenly invading his mind. What she said made an unnerving amount of sense. "An unsolvable challenge..."
"Knowing Fernum-Magnum, they'll send all of their resources to create whatever test it is." Alice's deductions soon stopped to a halt as she pondered further. "Though with all the effort being built on making such a spectacle they must be sure on their victory." She gave him a look. "What did you do to make the Headmaster have confidence in a Hermit?"
'That's the thing, I don't have a clue.' Various thoughts swam in his mind as he tried to connect the imaginary dots. He gave her a hopeless look. Alice sighed in exasperation. 'Hey! It's not like you know anything either!' Even Oleander looked as perplexed as everyone else.
"Nevertheless, the Oedipus Challenge is in a week so surely you're doing everything you can to prepare." Alice continued. She eyed his experiment. "The egg must be something your testing for this challenge."
"Indeed." Molecular and cellular manipulation has drastically improved and he was confident that he could manipulate anything to create whatever he wanted as long as he has the biological material necessary. The egg helped in more ways than one. "And I have more things to test on so if you could just..." Aster waved his hands towards the door.
His message couldn't be more obvious.
"Leave?" Alice almost looked insulted.
"To be blunt, yes." Aster gave an annoyed grin. "Not to sound rude but..."
He walked towards the door. He opened it.
"Get out."
"That was rude." Alice huffed in anger. Accompanying her was the grey haired twins and Professor Morrel who looked sheepishly embarrassed at his friend's actions. They were walking towards the students' dorms.
"I apologize," the redhead spoke for the Hermit. "It's been a tense time for him, you understand."
"We do." Beatrice sighed. "It must be tough. The entire school is ostracizing him. I'm sure you've heard the rumors about him, Professor Morrel."
"I have." To the surprise of the trio, the good professor almost growled. They've never seen the polite and collected teacher ever act like this before. "And it hurts me that I can't help him."
"He's got a week." Alice reassured them. "While I do not expect much from the He-him." She forcefully shoved the title away when he saw the redhead's tensed form. She continued. "A week is enough if he used his time right."
"That's what bothers me." Professor Morrel muttered, quiet enough for them to barely hear it. He noticed the incoming building and gave a polite smile. "This is where I depart. I hope all your classes have been well and sorry again for my friend."
"It's completely fine, professor." Beatrice, followed by the other two students moved towards their respective dorms. She looked at him quizzically. "Just to be sure, students are allowed to watch, right?"
"Of course, anyone interested in watching is allowed." The redhead's polite smile tentatively became wider. "I hope you'll cheer for him."
They went silent at that. The professor, taking that as their answer turned around to leave. Galahad softly nudged her. She turned towards him and widened her eyes at his face. A pleading aura leaked from his form yet she could feel the steel determination beneath it.
She's never seen him like this before.
As siblings, their bond were unnaturally close, even to the point of predicting and knowing what the other wanted through silent messaging. It was obvious what Galahad wanted and the emotion was flooding her entire body. What Galahad wanted was a simple thing yet could have various implications in the future. Beatrice sighed. She's probably going to regret this. With a look of determination, she exclaimed...
"We'll cheer for him, professor."
Beatrice has never seen a pure smile like the one Galahad directed towards her. She almost reveled at the feeling.
Professor Morrel paused. Without turning he raised his hand in acknowledgement. Even from here, she could sense the elation, relief, and content coming off of the usually aloof teacher.
Maybe cheering for an underdog won't be such a bad idea after all.
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