《Clockwork》Chapter 21 Negotiation


Hey guys. Author here, just want to thank everyone who has posted their ideas and opinions. They help out greatly since making ideas all by myself is nearly impossible for long periods of time.


Rust PoV

I was currently following Gaia and the royal guard through the large palace. Though it looked small outside it was made inside one of the giant trees that covered forest in a sea of trees.

The insides itself was quite lavished with a number of beautiful flowers that somehow survive inside the palace with only a little light from the small windows they were put in front of.

The floors itself were completely flat and even looked polished but only to a point. It had no shine like a waxed floor that you could find before the wars or anything like that.

However what was impressive is that it was in this desolate world that we found this building. When i looked around and scanned the interior itself i found that the pillars, floor and ceiling were all part of the tree which was still living. The pillars which supported the floors above were at the location where minerals rise up to or descend from the top of the tree.

To find out the tree was still alive with this much hollowed out made me marvel the workings of elven magic.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why I'm with Gaia and not Techno who is technically the leader. Simple answer, he doesn't talk. Though saying he wasn't coming is a half lie. He handed me a scout drone which he is controlling and is watching.

Though things weren't as smooth after we got on the ship after killing off the Orc race.

Flashback 10 minutes ago

Just as Gaia pulled everyone aboard.

Gaia: 'Ok boys, we are going to meet the queen. Rust, get the ship moving towards the palace. Now just a heads up, the rules here used to be that we can only go enter the palace in pairs. That means you Techno.'

Techno: "Pass, Rust is going."

Everyone looked a bit dumbfounded at Techno's blunt refusal.

Rust: 'You're the leader of the group though'

Techno: "And as leader i am making you my representatives for meeting any nobles or royalties."

Once more we stared at him. What snapped us out of it was the emergence of the three elementals(golems)

Brock: 'Hey what's up gu...urg!'

As soon as Brock appeared, what met him was Gaia's foot. Since they were in their compressed pet form he was easily overpowered since their tiny limbs were too small and slow to react.

Gaia: 'Any where were you three while we risked our neck killing Orcs huh~~!!!'

Ena: 'Wha! Wai....urg. Stop we were resting!'

Gaia: 'For nearly two days'

Bulk: 'Stop it Gaia, all those who are awakened have to sleep a long period of time every few days.'

Gaia: 'Huh. I'll let three off with only this. Anyway you still need to come with us Techno.’

Techno: ”Make me.”

If she had flesh and blood i was sure that there would have a big vein popping out on her forehead.

Gaia: ‘Stop being such a big baby and suck it up already.’

Techno: ”Bite me. I’m going to finish my new body. Bulk get these three on the ground and start concentrating any nearby iron and coal and bring it aboard’

What they were going to do was Brock would single out the coal in any rocks nearby and pull them together and that would be brought on board, same for iron.


Completely ignoring the weapon of mass destruction he walked back inside and left us to our jobs.

You could hear clearly how Gaia’s gears were grinding against each other but she only had a blank face.

It was then that the scout drone climbed up my back and onto my right shoulder.

Techno: ”If it makes you happy, old hag, i will send one of my scout drones to watch. He is on Rusts shoulder.

We suddenly felt a real foreboding sensation coming from Gaia. The area around her was starting to loss light and it was creating a black space around her but before she could do anything the ship came to a stop as we arrived at the palace.

That feeling went away and she climbed down and stated her name. All the elves and gnomes except the ones i guess were the awakened kneeled before her and even the royal guard guided us into the palace.

Flashback end

Now we were climbing the tree.

As we reached the highest room we saw a large clean throne room. There was about a quarter of the room with an actual floor with the rest open. The large column we saw on the floor below were actually this. From the corners rose mane branches and vines up to the ceiling and large windows were open on nearly all the sides of the tree.

In the far side of the hollowed out column was a large throne. It was made from the branches vines and trunks of the tree. It sat on a round platform coming out of the hollow column and from the closest side a small bridge closed the gap. It was about 2 meters wide and, like everything, made from the wood of the huge tree.


Sitting on the throne was a nearly deadly beauty. As a clockwork, i feel little to nothing in terms of affection but i will still say it was like seeing a grandmaster sculpture.

Even knowing this woman was supposed to be the same age as Gaia it’s hard to believe.

The elf queen looks no older then her high twenties, in human years, and low thirties. She held the charisma of the highest nobility but also the gentle aura of a mother.

With long silky black hair and pale skin, which seems to shine more because of the contrast between her hair and skin, she looked like a true godly master piece. Not a single wrinkle blemished her face.

I also saw some strange markings on her face coming from the top to bottom and bright red in color like an open scar but no blood dropped.


Her dress was rather simple, a long green dress bellow with a light green semitransparent dress which covers down to the wrist on top. From what i saw green is a typical color of elven clothes because it helps blend into the trees.

She stood from her throne while looking towards us and the kneeling elf.

Lyra: 'My young guard, you may leave. Our conversation is of private matters.'

Elf: 'Yes your grace.'

The elf bowed and left going downstairs leaving us.

Lyra: 'That includes all the rest of you and no one is to climb the palace walls or stay within two floors of this room.'

I blinked a bit and looked around but found no one.

Gaia: 'Don't try finding them, those elves she spoke with were a special assassin group of the queen.'

After a long moment the queen once more looked at us as she sat down on the throne...and deeply sighed as if a weight was lifted.


Lyra: 'Ahh~!! Finally some peace and quiet. Gaia~~ why did it take so long to meet someone from the old days.'

Out of nowhere the queen simple vanished and appeared hugging Gaia and rubbing her cheeks on her metal breasts.

Lyra: 'Hmm...you didn't dodge or hit back?'

Gaia: 'Well I'm in a bit of a dilemma.'

She pushed the queen back and her chest opened up and revealed the cores.

The queen’s eyes bulge a bit.

Lyra: 'What happened to your collection'

Gaia: 'Blocking a gods rampage isn't something i could do without sacrificing something. It turned me off moments after blocking her rampage towards us.'

Lyra: 'I have a water and air core stored want them?'

Gaia: 'Of course but for now i would have liked to introduce the leader of the little group that helped save the elves but the man doesn't want to come.'

Her anger was beginning to show in her voice again.

Gaia: 'So that idiot sent someone to represent him. This is Rust.'

Rust: 'It’s my honor to meet you, your highness.'

Lyra: 'Please just Lyra, i already get enough formality from these uptight children around me.'

Gaia: '*Sigh* as care free as you were back then.'

Lyra: 'At least i had more freedom back then. Now i have to always be the "refined" and "Graceful" queen of the elves. Stupid grannies that won't take no for an answer. Still, what brought you here?'

Gaia: 'Well as any smart clockwork would do after reaching steel parts, we need to learn to make magic alloy.'

Lyra: 'That metal that mixes with elemental cores or monster materials.'

Gaia: 'Exactly.'

Lyra: 'Sorry but no can do. It’s a secret art we elves hold.'

Gaia: 'Which is dying out might i add.'

Lyra: 'Wait! Didn't you learn about it already?'

Gaia: 'I spent almost 700 years in a box rusting. My memory chip was partially damaged.'

Lyra: 'tch, sorry but no way. With the awakened we were able to teach them and expand those who know so we still have lots of elves who know, so it’s not dying.'

Gaia sighs before, like a light bolt turning on. She moved close to the queen and whispered. I could catch only the first few words.

Gaia: 'So even if i show everyone.....'

The queen turned towards her blushing. Her entire face up to her long pointy ears were scarlet red.

Lyra: 'You wouldn't.'

Gaia: 'I would.'

The queen was on the verge of tears. Like a little kid her eyes got watery which gave a different feel about her then the elegant queen rom before. And just like a child she looked the other way while pouting.

Lyra: 'E-even...i-if y-you show t-them it still no.'

She seem to be fighting an internal battle. I really think Gaia is a monster in clockwork skin. To reduce the queen to this stay.

Lyra: '...If you...want the basics...then build us a machine to remove the remaining pollution in the rivers that not even the forest magic can clean.'

Gaia: '*sigh* damn, you grew a flimsy spine i see. I'll see with the kids. Also this offer is long lasting right.'

The queen nodded without looking and Gaia smiled.

Gaia: 'Just right. Good doing business with you, Lyra, oh and where are those cores, I've been in need of my power back for a while now and air core will be a wonder after it gets settled in. Ahh flying will be such a breeze.'

The queen lifelessly sat on her throne and closed her eyes. After a bit a vine from her throne fell down and in its grasp was a box. It was dropped on Gaia who caught it with ease.

Inside were several blue and green spheres like those from the earth and fire golems.

Gaia looked through one by one from both colors for nearly 10 minutes before picking up two of each color and returning the rest to the box and giving it back.

Gaia: 'Thanks little princess.'

Lyra blushed and shouted.


Gaia: 'Fufu but your still the same little girl i knew back then.'

She giggled and pulled me down the stairs while inserting a blue and green core into their sockets. Upstairs we could hear the queen yelling like a child having a tantrum. I couldn't help chuckle as getting to see such and interesting thing.

Rust: 'So when do we begin to build whatever it is?'

Gaia: 'Hmm...I think three years sounds right.'

Rust: 'Three...Why not now?!'

Gaia: 'By any chance does it look like we gave the resource or man power for that. Not only that it’s probably almost time for those Awakened to go back to sleep.'

Rust: 'What? Go back, Why?'

Gaia: 'You probably don't know since your memories were corrupted much more then my own but the prophesies that were said back during the end of the world mentioned two waves of awakened. The first who will try and make a foothold for those living or ruin them. As you might know yourself Techno, helped greatly restore the Clockwork but ruined Orc and Humans. Actions he takes aren't things we would think of doing and they have large effects.'

Rust: 'So what?'

Gaia: 'Well it said that the maximum the first wave of awakened would stay awaken is for six months.'

Rust: 'It’s been three months already.'

Gaia: 'As you said, half the time has passed already. Who knows if six months is what they will actually take before they go to sleep again. Put simply they are here to jump start the worlds gears again. Once they go back to sleep a number of years will go before they return. By then i want to have a proper nation waiting for them. That scrapyard you were revived in will be the main capital and training ground.'

Rust: 'So we are simply leaving, like that?'

Gaia: 'Hmm i think i will also try and get some of the gnomes to come with us. We will be returning to the scrap yard so we will pass by that dwarven village that is in that map you showed me. Gnomes and dwarves are nearly brothers and just like the clockwork, they will get along just fine.'

Finishing that we finally reach the door we entered. The elves and gnomes had spread out and only a few remained.

Our ship was still there hovering in front of the palaces platform.

Gaia: 'Whelp, you can go in I've got some business to take care of.'

She grinned as she took one of the bridges and walked off into the village.

Rust: This won't end well.

I simply walked onto the ship and wait for the coming disaster.

Bulk PoV

It’s been about a day since we stopped at the elf village. At the moment I'm looking at a truly hilarious scene.

On the upper deck of the ship several tents have been built, the same happened to a few of the empty middle deck rooms. Walking on the deck were a few dozen gnomes and smack dab in the middle is Gaia, who was grinning like an idiot, while Techno was so pissed off he was actually yelling at her while he and his extra knight body held swords ready to dissect her.

Nova, the three elementals and I were rolling on the ground laughing at Techno's expense.

Techno: 'GET...THEM...OFF'

Gaia: '*fake yawn* Sorry but i need some rest. I spent the night gathering gnomes who wanted to move to the dwarf town.'

She moved to walk in but was received with a pincer attack from both knights. One from the front the other the back. Gaia just jumped and did a somersault letting the swords pass and landing like a gymnast with her hands up.

This caused us and the gnomes to start laughing.

Angered more with the opposite are he used he swung again but this time Gaia grabbed both swords. She stopped them easily.

I looked back and saw him sighing and shaking his head.

He had told us in advanced that Gaia had gained two more cores so she was closer to full power now.

When i looked back i saw Techno send a low kick and the other a left hook.

He acted like one of those actors from a martial arts movie and spun around letting both pass her while pushing and pulling the sword making them go off balance.

I was making sure that i caught as much as possible. I was totally going to save this for the future. Techno never shows much emotion so to see such a scene i needed it on film. Even if i keep it hidden.

He was beaten for another two minutes before he reached his limits and began to arm his grenade launcher but before it could so much as rise up from his shoulder Gaia was on him and did a flip over Techno and grabbed his head and pulled. It wasn't to rip his head off but to pull his body. His body followed s head and as soon as Gaia landed she tilted forward.

The surprising strength on her arms couldn't be explained. With a simple spin and tilt forward she tossed Techno’s giant body high into the air and sent him off the ship and crashing through the platforms roof and landing on the platform itself with a loud crash.

On man this is the greatest. If i didn’t know Techno would kill me over and over again if i posted this, i would have been posting the live feed.

I did notice that as soon as Techno crashed, his knight robot stopped moving. Guess he was knocked out from the impact, though i wonder if robots can get knocked out.

Gaia: ‘Haha! This is going to be a fun trip back to the scrapyard.’

She enters the ships lower decks laughing as she goes.

Everyone on board couldn’t help doing the same as we all began doing the same.

I go and pick up Techno and bring him back onto the ship.

I found him online and awake but with a shattered pride.

Techno: ‘...to weak.’

I blinked a few times hearing his voice. I guess he isn’t taking that thrashing so well.

I sit him down on the deck and he just sits there slumped as if he was off but his glowing visor showed otherwise.

Nova came up and looked at him and put her face in front of his which was sulking down.

Nova: ‘Is bro going to start acting like you did when we were separated?’

Her question caused him to look up towards her and sit up.

Techno: ‘...No, Bro is going to get stronger’

Lifting his hand, he pets her on the head and gets up and goes down to the lower floors taking the knight with him.

Brock: ‘Did something happen? He was talking like a normal person?’

Bulk: ‘Guess he will only talk to Nova and when he is furious. I think we is going to close himself into the workshop until that new body of his is complete. I kind of fear the power that thing will have since it's taken more than a month to get to this point and he isn’t even done.”

Blaze: ‘I saw that body when he wasn’t working when i was on one of my brakes. It reminded me of Gaia’s gears but not exactly like hers since some gears were larger.’

Bulk: ‘So he is building a body similar to hers. No wonder it's taken so long. I wonder if he will be able to use it. Something like that must have a huge level restriction.’

Ena: ‘Definitely, i place my bets on at least level 150 level restriction for it.

Brock: ‘My bets are on level 100.’

Bulk: ‘My bets are on it not being complete with just a body. I think it needs to be like Gaia’s having the magic circuits and all, plus a level restriction of over 200.’

Blaze: ‘That’s harsh.’

Bulk: ‘And you think having overpowered strength like Gaia’s wouldn’t have something similar to that.

Blaze: ‘...’

Ena: ‘...’

Brock: ‘...’

Bulk: ‘Well enough chat, let's get hunting you three. I need to get a few of these gnomes to help me build something to preserve the food we are gathering.’

Brock: ‘Didn’t Gaia already make a fridge in the old kitchen? It’s a huge metal box which runs on electricity generated by the ship's engines.’

I looked at them and after a moment shrugged and got them started.

I sat down for a moment thinking.

It’s been interesting to say the least travelling with Techno. I open the forums and to a post which shows the races that passed or failed. The admins were nice enough to do that.

Human*Normal (Techno’s victim. No special stats or skills) (Success)*Amazon (Success)*Barbarian (Failed)*Halfling (Success)Elf*Moon Elf (Success)*High Elf (Success)*Wood Elf (Success)*Dark Elf (Failed)Dwarf (Success)Clockwork (Success)Construct (Success)Golem/Elemental*Fire (Failed)*Earth (Failed)*Wind (Success)*Water (Success)Centaurs (Failed)Genies (Success)Fairy[/tds]*Light (Success)*Dark (Success*Winter (Failed)*Summer (Failed)[td4]Merfolk (Pending)Siren (Pending)Angel (Success)Demon (Success)Monster racesUndead*Skeleton (Success)*Vampire (Success)Goblin (Success)Orc (Failed)Gnome (Success)Ogre (Success)Cyclops (Success)Beast man*Wolf (Success)*Fox (Failed)*Bear (Success)*Rabbit (Success)Demi human*Wolf (Success)*Fox (Success)*Bear (Failed)*Rabbit (Failed)Kobold (Failed)Gremlin (Failed)Ent*Treant (Failed)*Dryad (not just females but humanoid tree person) (Failed)Harpy (Success)

The most recent update of the post was real shocking. Only two races remain needing to finish their quest, the Beta phase seems to be almost ending. I think that’s why Gaia wants us to return to the Scrapyard. The Admins message says there will be a downtime where this world will be sped up to allow the NPC to develop the world.

Closing the post i then look at the quest success missions which we interfered with and got some bonus levels for helping.

Mission: Pig plague

You have helped to save the Elves and Gnomes from being enslaved. Because of this relationship is better with both races.

+3 levels

Mission: Goblin escape

You created an opportunity for the goblins to rebel. Because of your interference you have saved the race from eternal slavery. Goblins will see you and your friends as the races hero and will take about you for ages.

+3 Levels

Yep, 6 levels from the quests. When we left the human and hunted as we flew this way we all reached between levels 42 to 46. I was level 45 and with the surprise assault on the Orcs that raised one more level. That means now i am level 52. I think Nova had the highest level and if she leveled up the same way i did it would be level 53 but i doubt it. She was a monster on her robot and did heavy damage all around the Orcs forces.

Techno, I would say around level 49. He isn’t a fighter and even if he controls the knight and had twice the amount of swords and weapons he isn’t the best fighter so that is why i think he is that high. Besides that he was the lowest level as well. Oh just so you know the golems are, 39, 38 and 40 the earth golem being 40.

If they fought they would have leveled up more but too bad. But their training is always going on. The fire golems are forced to control the fire in the engine making the fire last longer.

Brock was made to gather minerals when every we land and a lot of earth and make delicately made sculptures out of it.

They grew well and are starting to be hard to fight.

Anyway after 1 more day in the elf city we finally leave heading towards the scrap yard we first woke up in. I wonder what changed there in the 2 months we were away. I think by the time we arrive it will be four months. I wonder how long the downtime will be. Hope it’s not going to take so long it will be real boring to say the least.


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