《Clockwork》Chapter 20 Pass time


Nova PoV

So boring. Even though we are in a flying ship which I only thought was possible in bro’s video games, it’s so boring.

That lady bro found in the cargo also makes it worse. She wants to make me a “proper” lady. When I told her I was only eight and just wanted to play she just smiled and suddenly blocked all the toys I had in my body except the little tools bro put inside.

“It’s not proper for such a reckless little girl to have such powerful toys. From now on unless you act properly you won’t have them.” Gaia said.

When I cried to bro he didn’t listen, then I found it was because he turned off the thingy that lets him hear so that he wouldn’t hear me crying.

Bro is such a meanie and that old hag is worse. Still, a few things she taught me were cool.

She showed me how to make body parts that were just right so that I could make my body smaller, closer to my age, but still lets me have the toys I currently have.

Now I looked younger but that fun only lasted that day since it quickly got boring again. Bro was busy most of the time working on a robot that was as big as he was before we came here but still looked like a knight.

But he was bulkier because of the tools that were being installed.

I only saw small swords being put into the arms but I know bro barely uses them.

The gears in his new body looked much smaller, and had many more then the big body he had now.

For some reason when I saw it I felt like I somehow knew that that small body was a bit stronger then the big thing bro was using now.

I watched bro work for a while in the corner before I felt a little anxious and couldn’t stop moving my hands.

I ran out the room and to the store room. I found the bigger toys that were still broken here.

I grab a whole bunch of spare parts bro had made in advance and took out the thing that looked like the thing that comes out of Proto’s arm. Ah, Proto is the name I gave the protector.

With my hands almost hurting I pulled out the little tool toy and took the parts together with the parts I grabbed from bro before, and got to work.

It felt like my hands moved on their own. I did a whole bunch of stuff I didn’t even know I could with this little toy. When I finished the big toy was working so I was very happy.

Even though I was happy the toy wasn’t going to shoot because it's not like the big toy bro gave me that came out my back.

I sat for a long time, before I had any new idea Bulk appeared.

“Hey there tiny, so you were here. What are you doing?” Bulk said.

I point at the big toy.

“Trying to get that big toy working.” I said.

He looks towards it and slightly frowns.

“Why?” Bulk asked.

“I’m bored.”


He leaves without saying a word but soon the old hag comes in and without talking to me she looks at the toy. She then turns to me after a long stare at it.

“Did you fix it?” Gaia asked

I nod. She looks up for a moment while thinking.

“Fine, I see that trying to turn you into a proper lady will be hard since you're still young. It’ll be harder now that I know you have a tinker's twitch like your brother. I’ll teach you a bit about these things here. It will at least keep you out of trouble if you have your hands occupied.” She tells me


She took me, plus a really huge broken toy with a huge barrel up to the top of the ship.


We began fixing it and then we made changes so that it can work. She then taught me how to make pipes and attach them to the big toy.

The pipes attached to the bottom then went up.

When we finished she showed me a big stake like the one I use for the toy on my back but bigger.

The stake was a bit different because it had a big chain on it and spiked hooks at the ends.

“Now I'm going to teach you one of my old favorite pass times in the past. It’s called sky fishing.” She said

She smiled and looked out the side of the ship for a while. It got boring but after five minutes she started giggling and pointed.

“Found my fish!” She suddenly shouted.

She said smiling.

I stood up and looked out to see. What was flying freely in the air was big snake thing.

“So happy some of them survived though it seems they evolved a bit.” She said while looking out.

“What are they?” I asked her.

“They were called Sky sharks but I don’t know if the name changed. Come here.” She said.

She calls me over and touches my head for a moment.

Your weapons have been released.

“Alright, get that little toy of yours out. WE ARE GOING FISHING~!” She suddenly shouted.

She jumps behind the big toy while pushing the big pile of chain out of the way.

I bring out Bro’s present and then have Proto come out so I can get ready.

“One word of advice Nova, when he gets close he will open his jaws. Shoot him right in the middle of his upper jaw. If you don’t we are going to get hurt.” Gaia said pointing where i should shoot.

She said that with a grin and pushed the big button that fires.


Techno PoV

To say building this new body was a hassle isn’t an understatement. First things first. I can’t copy Gaia’s model of gears. It’s impossible with intermediate rank body construction and tinkering.

No matter how much I try I won’t get there at this level. So I downgraded it and made the gears somewhat bigger and removed a large number. Her body had hundreds or possibly thousands of small ones making up her system. For mine I can increase the gears into the hundreds. It’s amazing how the power increases but I don’t need to go bigger.

In any case it's been around a month and I would say the slow process that's near the limits of my skill has brought me to around 60% completion.

As I begin to remove some tools from my body I suddenly get a bad premonition.

Nova has been very quiet today.

I hide the tools and close the open armor plating on my arm and get up.

I walk out into the corridor and get on the elevator and rise up to the upper deck.

Once the elevator rose up I leave the small room.

What I meet outside was Nova with her gun getting ready to fire and Gaia standing in front of a massive cannon which should have been broken in the storage room.

I see her get ready and tell Nova.

“One word of advice Nova, when he gets close he will open his jaws. Shot him right in the middle of his upper jaw. If you don’t we are going to get hurt.” I hear Gaia telling Nova.


She then pushes the activation button and the biggest shock wave I’ve ever felt came out of that barrel while firing a huge hooked stake with truly scary speed. From the pressure the cannon's barrel even moved back but was put into place by a large spring.

The massive hook was almost a blur as it fly straight on and impacted right into a massive winged snake that was flying around.

“Get ready for the pull.” Gaia suddenly shouted.

Gaia jumps away from the cannon and grabs the huge chain line that was escaping off the ship and bulks down completely stopping its advance. Doing so makes the entire ship lurch.

“AHAHAHA These little bastards have gotten strong. I’m going to need you to do a general repair of the old gears for me to do this better.” She shouted while laughing.

She then began pulling on the chain with force that doesn’t fit her body size.

After a bit the chains suddenly went loose and she began rapidly drawing it in.

“Get ready, it’s coming in for the bite.” She shouted.

I run to the side of the boat and look down.

Below us were clouds and below that were the brownish, almost black, wastelands. It had a kind of aura of despair you find in horror or post-apocalyptic pictures or movies. Complete lack of green.

Now in the air coming from below was the huge flying serpent.

Nova was aiming at it after having put a drill stake in the barrel.

Gaia was franticly pulling the chains in.

When the sky serpent finally opened its huge mouth revealing the soft flesh of mouth the second explosion came. This time it came from Nova’s precise sniper rifle.

The drill stake flew right into the center of the serpent’s upper jaw and dug its way through his head and out the back of the head. The impact causes the long body to form a large series of waves.

With the drill stake exiting the head it drilled into the body and came out three more times before finally stopping somewhere inside the body.

Fatal shot. Yep instant kill. She turned the serpent’s brain to mush by shooting just into its upper jaw.

“AHAHA Now this is what I call a finish. I can’t wait until we find a time to go to the ocean. I wonder what kind of beasties will have appeared in that cesspool GAHAHAHA.” She shouted laughing loudly.

She was completely out of character. No, I think I remember watching some movies where during a certain activity a person's personality completely changes. The common thing it is associated with is when someone drives a car or motorcycle.

I was getting worried now that I see her like this. Will she continue putting us in danger like this?

“Hey boy, Bulky one as well. Help me pull up our catch and butcher it. These babies have some real strong light weight bones that we can use to make special monster alloys.” Gaia said with a wide grin.

Ok, I’ll let it slide if I can somehow get something stronger than steel that can make us stronger. We had Nova go down stairs so she wouldn’t see the blood, as all of us think it’s too much for one so young.

Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Old enough to fire a gun but too young to see blood. They are both different things.

We use the knight’s swords to chop up the meat and remove the fat for Gaia to make biofuel from, and store some of the larger bones. As much as we regret it there are no scales. What looked like scales were small feathers.

What we didn’t need we just pushed overboard. The monster was nearly twice the ship’s size. I was really wondering how strong Gaia was. She was recently repaired and yet she took this thing on with as much ease as the tank trio took the furnace queen.

Really how OP were the people from the war period. If she said she needed more repairs then that means she will get stronger. Really HOW STRONG was she.

As I looked with a frown on my face towards her she was looking towards the horizon in front of the ship.

“Hehe. Looks like we have finally arrived.” Gaia finally says.

She said that while looking back towards us.

“If you look forward at the horizon kids you will see one of the few green spots left on this godforsaken planet. The land of the elves, the Great Forest.”

She pointed at the horizon and like she said, slowly approaching us was a sea of green. It was like reaching the end of a grey desert and finding a green ocean.

Any person, rather, any organic, living creature would start crying seeing so much life. Those who think of restoring the world would also think the same because they found a refuge to work from.

To us it was a simple stop on our way. A stop to that might hold a lot of information and a few surprises.

Random Elf NPC PoV

It’s begun again. Another orc attack. It's been going on for more than two months already. They came out of nowhere and even our scouts didn’t pick them nor the goblins up. Well I feel pity for the goblins since they are slaves already.

But even then we will cut them down if needed to, to secure our safety.

We’ve always lived in the safety of the great forest. It protected us from the corruption of the world and gave us food and water that was clean.

Our queen says it's because of our ancestor’s magic which purifies this land and all that passes through it.

Shame the spell only works on objects because if it purified people's’ hearts the orcs would have stopped half way before even reaching here.

The battles are all very close to our homes. The orcs pushed us back so we don’t have a choice.

Elves are excellent at magic and archery but not so much at close up battles. We would die easily if we fight face to face.

The gnomes aren’t much help except for their tinkering nature which makes simple weapons that help us push them back but it’s momentary objects.

I really wish we had a way to stop these disgusting pigs from approaching. If we had even a few moments of distraction where they wouldn’t have time to block our magic infused arrows then we could turn this around.

All of us prey to our god. We pray because it's one of the few things we have left, but many have wondered if the world really was forsaken by the gods as many times we have prayed only small things happened, or none at all.

At the moment the orcs have reached our village. Most of it is in the trees so we can easily cut the wires but they starts throwing hooks with rope which allow the nimble goblins to climb. We can keep them off easily by unhooking the ropes but our numbers have already begun dwindling since the attacks began.

We all move cutting the ropes but then I see it. On one of the other tree platform the goblin are able to climb to the top and began battle.

My heart sank and I just fell down on my knees crying. I put all my faith and did a simple prayer to any god that would listen.

“PLEASE SAVE US!!” I shout.


The clear sound of explosions from below draws our attention. We don’t have bombs and our magic though powerful can’t explode like that in our weakened state. Lack of food and water has drained us.


Finally noticing the location of origin from the explosion because of the bangs. I put my head out over the small wooden guard rails. What I see makes me cry tears of joy. Though it was a contraption similar to the weapons of the Orcs, the people inside were far from being Orcs.

It was descending and I saw them.

A small girl on the head of some strange creature. Three humongous knights both with dual blades. In front of them was a young man and next to him was a woman who held two steel swords in her hands.

With my sharp hearing I caught them talking.

“Alright kids, let’s have some fun. Nova, remember the way I told you to fight. You can’t get close for a long time.” Gaia shouts.

“Mn.” the robot sitting on a bigger one says.

“Hehehe this is probably even more intense the magma golem fight.” One of the knight looking ones says.

I see the young man in front of him nod.

When the ship dropped to 10 meters in altitude the three giants, the young girl on that creature, and the woman jumped off and into the middle of the orcs forces.

The last man stayed behind and walked into the ship making it rise high above the highest tree house and away from the orcs range.

Suddenly a large amount of bangs came from the ship. The man was firing a rapid-fire weapon.

I look to the ground. Where the three giants were lay several orcs that cushioned their fall. They were bloodied from being crushed. The child was nowhere to be found, at least until she suddenly appeared in my vision in the air.

I saw her arms open and weapons appeared. The creature she was on copied her and from his arm was covered in small barrels.

She aimed at the spot they were about to land and fired.

DARARARARARARARARA! (minigun gunfire)

A flurry of attacks were sent from the creature and impacted the orcs below it killing many in the process as they were hit on the head or heart.

As soon as he landed the creature jumped once more flying over all the orcs towards one of the large trees. It turned in midair and kicked the tree jumping just as far but reaching much higher. From there it began randomly taking out numerous orcs in the process.

When I diverted my eyes from the impossible stunts of the girl my eyes fell on the woman.

My jaws fell.

The woman was standing over the largest pile of orc corpses while to one side were unconscious goblins.

I felt fear looking at her. She was strong beyond belief and it felt like looking at a monster.

When I looked at the giants I kind of frowned.

From the largest was coming out several small balls which flew into the middle of the orcs and after a moment large explosions happened from them.

The other two giants were fighting it out with several orcs. One of them pulled back his right sword and punched somehow a heavy explosion occurred and the orc he punched was sent flying taking several with him.

At this point the orcs began retreating.

I don’t blame them either. A group of monsters appeared out of nowhere and began massacring them. Anyone would run.

One thing I did notice though was that even without them fighting them the orcs were falling dead.

When I looked close I saw why. The goblins were rebelling after having spotted the chance to fight back.

It was over for the orcs.

All of us, elves and gnomes began attacking. Magic and arrows flew down and hit the orcs without mercy.

It wasn’t long before the last of the orcs were dead.

Everyone began cheering and more than half of us were crying our eyes out that the gods had answered us.

No one believed that we would get out of this.

Just like us the goblins were also crying but they were crying from joy of being free.

Seeing them like that we couldn’t hold anything against them since we might have ended up the same way.

It was while we were cheering that the ship of the savior's slowly approached and stopped near one of the lowest platforms.

A few chains were dropped and the monster woman climbed up and she pulled up the three giants. The girl and her creature simply jumped up. From far we could see them chatting without a care in the world.

The large craft left the space and began moving towards the center of the city.

They were heading to the queen most likely.

Even though they were our saviors, we ran along the trees bridges and reached the palace as the ship reached the place.

The one to jump down was the woman followed by the young man who didn’t fight.

Gaia: ‘Hello young elves. We mean no hard, but can we speak with queen Lyra Toross?’

One of the few remaining royal guards walked up.

“What do you want with our queen.”

The woman grinned.

“My name is Gaia, but your queen knows me as GA1A.” She tells the guard.

We all paled and all fell on our knees.

“Please forgive your insolence, please proceed, great one.” The guard says with a deep bow.

“No problem, young one, you are doing your job. Anyway please lead us.” She says.

The guard nodded and with his head low he lead the way to the queen’s throne room. When they were inside everyone let out a deep breath. In my head i didn’t know what to think except.

The awakening has completely begun. The great elders of the races are awake now. This world will finally be led to restoration. I thought filled with joy.

Once more, we all began crying and pray our thanks to the gods for bringing one of the greatest beings of the old age to us.

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