《Clockwork》Chapter 19 New destination


Techno PoV

After we left the human city in shambles we casually travelled through the skies.

Gaia had already begun removing a few bad habits of Nova which I'm unable to.

I was sitting in the bridge watching the monitors showing all the information from the engine and such. I was looking at all the forums. I was kind of amazed at how many races there were after taking a good look.

There were at least half of the races that had finished their quest already. Oh right I never did mention what were all the races.

Human*Normal (Techno’s victim. No special stats or skills) (Pending)*Amazon(Success*Barbarian (Failed)*Halfling (SuccessElf*Moon Elf (Pending)*High Elf (Pending)*Wood Elf (Pending)*Dark Elf (Failed)Dwarf (Success)Clockwork (Success)Construct (Success)Elementals*Fire (Will-o-Wisp)(Failed)*Earth (Golem)(Failed)*Wind (Sylph)(Success)*Water (Undine)(Pending)Centaurs (Failed)Genies (Pending)Fairy[/tds]*Light (Success)*Dark (Success*Winter (Failed)*Summer (Failed)[td4]Merfolk (Pending)Siren (PendingAngel (Success)Demon (Success)Monster racesUndead*Skeleton (Success*Vampire (Success)Goblin (Pending)Orc (Pending)Gnome (Pending)Ogre (Success)Cyclops (Success)Beast man*Wolf (Success)*Fox (Failed)*Bear (Success)*Rabbit (Success)Demi human*Wolf (Success)*Fox (Success)*Bear (Pending)*Rabbit (Failed)Kobold (Failed)Gremlin (Failed)Ent*Treant (Failed)*Dryad (not just females but humanoid tree person) (Pending)Harpy (Pending)

At the moment, of the forty five races, nineteen were able to succeed. Twelve failed their quest but I bet that can change with interference from a third party like how we helped the Dwarves. fourteen are still in the process of doing their quest.

The survival games are coming to an end soon. I wonder what will happen after all of them are done. Well whatever happens, happens. It’s already been over two months I think, since we have been in here.

What truly on my mind was what Gaia had said about my body.

Though it did come in handy when I needed it to while we travelled walking, I feel now that we are so well off a half breed body like this really was getting in my way of further development.

I look at my own hand and body while staying seated in the back.

I knew she was right about the fact that I was weaker than both. I have to be careful which weapons I equip since it could take more space in my body that I need for tools.

I can only sigh as I admit defeat on that count.

I begin thinking of how I should make a new body. I didn’t want to change myself to much so I took one of the combat robots I made to train the golems. I took all three of down the middle deck where the Blast turtle had been put in complete rest.

I activated him and began feeding him coal and the bodies of the robots after I removed the brain and delicate parts we still can’t replicate like thin wires.

I made the skeleton of the robot. The size was my original height in real life 185cm.

Unlike the other robots which I rushed to make it, this one I planned to use for a long time. Because I repaired Gaia’s body I saw a model that doesn’t even compare to our bodies now. She had few large gears and instead had a lot of smaller gears. This reduced the straight on her gears and allowed them to function better since there are many gears to take the load off each other.

I plan on taking my time to make it and since Gaia knows how to pilot this thing I leave it to her to take us wherever without crashing.

One thing that did make me wonder was what those tanks in the scrapyard were doing.

Well not like I can find out since no one posts anything about them. I will just have to forget about it and focus on this new steel body which I'm going to build based of Gaia’s.


Reinfred PoV (clockwork tank) 3 weeks ago

It's been boring for a few weeks. Ever since that boy who had a knight mechanic body left it's been boring.

More clockwork woke up and repaired themselves but none of them are as outgoing as that boy.

Me and the boys got bored sticking around and after getting our bodies repaired with iron parts made from the queen furnace we headed out for hunting.

It was really boring. The larger creatures are all no match anymore for us now that we are working at nearly 85% and we regained a few weapons like our tank swords. (same thing as knight swords but bigger)

It got too boring to clear out places and then have the little brats come scavenge to place like ants.

Why don’t they fight themselves.

“So boring...Why don’t we leave this shit hole.” Hub asked.

“Where would we go.” Bolt asked

“Hey did you guys see, the Clockwork group just finished helping out dwarves. There is even a map on the forums showing the location from here to the gate, where we can leave the scrap yard.” Someone suddenly said excited.

“Your joking...OH MAN LOOK! The dwarf town even has an old relic blast furnace, and it's even pumping out steel!” Another one shouted.

As soon as we heard that we all grinned to one another. We walked over to the guys talking.

“Hey guys, mind telling exactly who this Clockwork fellow is and which direction to the gates?" I asked.

“EKK!” The little worker shouted scared.

We scared them and he fell on his ass but after a bit of mumbling he spoke.

“Y-you remember that guy that made the knight body and the rhino robot?” He said shuttering a bit.

“Of course.” Bolt said.

“Well, it’s his group that's being called “The Clockwork”, It’s because they are the strongest group of clockworks and one of the few that didn’t stick around here and just out right left the place.” the worker replied.

“Well the boy is adventurous, so where I the gate?" Hub asked.

After a bit they ask to download something to us. It ends up being a map showing our location and a line moving through the scrapyard nearly 50 km unlike it reaches the wall.

“Thanks.” I said to them.

We leave the small workers. Oh about the clockwork here, these guys are still trying to search for new model bodies. There aren’t that many intact enough like the one Techno found so most are just clockwork with a few makeshift guns. Though there a few workers who seem to know their way around a gun, who have been making some nicer stuff.

They experiment on the nearby threats that have been discovered. You can tell these guys are just biding their time before leaving fully armed and ready.

Outside we sit down and upload the map to all of us.

“We would need to gather quite a lot of fuel before heading that way. Also we will be stuck to staying near the scrapyard since we don’t have any alternative fuel source like their used to be.” Bolt said.

“Well we know what those sources are, and the dwarves village is a little off from the south gate village so we can teach them a thing or two about old clockworks. With those stubby fingers of theirs I'm sure we can get them to build us some nice new bodies. I have noticed the animal bodies have more efficiency to our current ones.” I said.


“I’ve heard the workers say that when we were still stuck on all fours we looked like gorillas. What if we have the dwarves build us a body like this. Cover our tank bodies into gorilla tank. I remember a few who liked the animal type body and they were always the best fighters.” Hub said.

“Oh that’s interesting, I’m sure our pressure punch could further evolve and if we get dwarven tech mixed into our gears again it would even further power us up.” I said.

We couldn’t help but talk about the intact memories we still had. We fought in the war but few memories remained but from the few that did were military tanks that had taken animal robot forms and dwarf tech which was a marvel when mixed with clockwork technology.

We gathered several repaired worker clockworks and had them gather enough fuel and water so that we could make the trek and finally we left.

Victor PoV 2 week ago

I was looking through various documents inside the new council house. After Techno took his leave we began heavily expanding the village borders. With the clockwork we developed heavy drilling tech. It was mostly a steel drill bit on a steam pressure spinning tool. The drill bit was modeled after the drill stake his little sister used to kill the magma golem.

Not only that we started using explosive mining as well. We had seen Techno build his bombs and though unconventional since it used coal ashes and diesel fuel. Though not real black powder it had a strong enough explosion to help loosen the rocks around the mining area. Most of the rocks here were all extremely hard and though causing explosions to loosen the rocks were a danger on its own. With support beams we could keep the walls from collapsing all at once and instead we could remove the rocks and ore much more easily.

Besides the mining operations expanding the town, we began hunting monsters. The guns and armor made a huge difference in our power and the previously unbeatable level 60-90 monsters in the area were all beatable when in parties of 6-10.

It brought us a large surplus of food and as with all technology we couldn’t forget to develop some form of freezer.

We did eat up a huge amount of fuel because of all this but a few players took up the job of learning in real life how to make biofuel from animal fat. With a few alterations we began taking all the butchered monster fat and began production of it like that.

Today marked around a week after Techno left and one the men came to me and the other leaders.

We had managed to come to an agreement and set up a 4 man council as the main government for the dwarves and made basic laws.

This way we could penalize others who actually do something bad.

Anyway the man ran in and told us about the clockwork that just appeared.

They were too large to enter the cave but were calling for the leaders.

All four of us ran out and what met us were three very scary clockwork giants.

“Hey, you four the dwarven leaders?” Rein asked looming over the small dwarfs.

We simply nod.

“We heard that a clockwork came through here and helped you boys.” Rein said.

“Techno Gear right?” I reply.

“That's the one. We also heard you have a working blast furnace that's pumping out steel?” Hub asked.

Once more we nodded already knowing where this is going.

“Well can you supply us parts? We want to make a new body for ourselves since these are old." Rein said gesturing to his body.

“Um...Not to be rude but we can’t give you the metal.”

“Did we ask to give? We will hunt some of the large beasts around here. It would benefit us more to safeguard you guys and help you develop then simply taking and leaving.” Rein said.

“Seems fair enough. There are several boss class monsters in the area that we can’t even hope to win against yet.” The first leader said.

We see the giants grin and stand up completely.

Giants feels just like the correct word for them.

We have the clockworks that were here already lead the group that came with the giants and have them begin building what the giants want and also pass the location of several large boss monsters.

Most of them are flyers but there are about three are land dwellers. One is within the scrapyard and has been a thorn on the south gate village side.

It was a huge metal salamander.

Outside the other two were similar to the machine salamander. Two large monster lizards, one is coated in hard rock and mud and walks on its back legs. It looked more like a t-rex but with a lot of mud over it. The other walked on all fours but had a drake build and was nearly as big as the other.

To my surprise each of the giants split up and went each to take on the first three.

It was a really tiring experience.

It was even more tiring when the three returned two days later dragging behind them a boss monsters each.

They each had a grin and all over their bodies were different kinds of broken parts. The one that went after the machine had burnt and clawed plates.

The one that went after the living four legged lizard had a missing arm which he had stored. His body was clawed at just like the first but much more furiously. The last one was dented all around and his right leg and left arm was limp and twitchy.

All the clockworks ran to fix them up.

We really couldn’t say they didn’t deserve the new bodies.

They were being built. It was almost complete at the end of the week and when I saw it I nearly fell on the ground laughing.

Three huge gorilla robots were built. The face was less animal like but still had an ape look to it.

It was made from steel so just imagining fighting these guys in this was scary. Not to mention we even mixed in dwarven tech which increases the body's strength. If I said these guys looked like high leveled boss monsters wouldn’t be exaggerating.

When they were transferred to the body they played around with the body. It was just as good as any natural gorilla. They easily climbed the scrap mountains.

I grinned when I saw them up there. I called them and told them to stand on their hind legs and roar while pounding their chest like a real gorilla.

All the players were laughing as they saw a scene straight out of King Kong on top of the empire state building.

Afterwards the three animal tanks went about massacring the boss monsters around the area but never going to far since they relied heavily on fuel. They did try teaching us about a few other clockwork models but since we don’t have much actual technology aside from what we have now it didn’t help much. Well at least now it's safer to spread out and mine the nearby caves that were previously occupied by monsters. Things have only been looking up since techno came here.

Bulk PoV

It’s been so boring since we left the humans. It was awesome to see the explosions but after that we only flew and stopped only when we were running out of fuel. Gaia still knows how to process fat so most of the time we hunt. It’s the most fun we get but after nearly a month flying and reaching level 45 it's gotten monotone.

We don’t stay in a place more than 2 days.

I normally humor myself with reading the forums. Since we left the human village there has been no alterations on who completed their survival quest.

I look many of them up. The most interesting of them all is with the elves, specifically the Elves, gnomes, goblins and Orcs.

Elves and gnomes seem to have been together since the start and goblins were mostly neutral in relation to these two groups.

That changed when the Orcs appeared. They rapidly captured the goblins and used them as scrap goats to kill and capture the two other races.

Unlike the old stupid Orcs, these are much more vicious and smart. The time they spent in the wastes have taught them how to use the scraped weapons. If they are able to catch the elves and gnomes they will have tinkers who can improve the weapons tenfold.

The quest for the elf and gnomes is this.

Mission: Pig plague

A surviving tribe of Orcs has come upon your people and allied races and wish to enslave you. They wish for greater power with advances to their weapons and armor. You mustn't allow them to get you. You need to end all of them here lest you be enslaved and used by the Orcs who will grow in power.

Difficulty: F++

Reward: Race will be permanently unlocked.

Success: Kills all the Orcs.

Failure: The tribe is enslaved.

If failed, the race is locked but will not die out and can be unlocked if freed from the Orcs.

On the other hand the goblins weren’t as lucky but their quest is something similar.

Mission: Goblin escape

Your tribe has been enslaved by the Orcs. Through acts of trickery your people had no chance to fight back before being captured. You must help your people find a chance to escape the grasp of the Orcs lest your people remained dogs to the Orcs for life.

Reward: Race will be permanently unlocked.

Success: Escape the Orcs or kill them

Failure: Your race will be enslaved forever.

Warning: If the race isn’t freed before the current population dies out and the new one is born then it will be locked forever and be considered a plain monster race under the Orcs.

Kind of cruel but still it’s survival of the fittest. Anyway the quest for the Orcs as you might have guessed already is to enslave the gnomes who are natural tinkers. The elves were unfortunately drawn into this because they were together.

Still if possible I would want to help those three races. I’ve never been fond of Orcs, mainly because of the fantasies people make of them. Yes those you're thinking of.

Not my area I hate stuff like that so I would rather kill all of them then leave them alive.

Anyway no use crying about it, Only relax and let it go. Still I wonder where Gaia is taking us. She seems to have a specific destination.

“Hey Gaia, exactly where are we headed?” I finally ask.

“To meet one of the few people I know wouldn’t have died since the time of the wars.” She replied.

“Who?” I asked curious.

“Isn’t it obvious, the elven queen, Lyra Toross.” She replies.

My mouth drops open after hearing our destination. Lyra Toross was none other than the Elf queen herself.

“How do you know where you're going?” I asked her.

“Easy, all I need to do is search for the only dense forest in the world. The Elves made that forest so dense and magical that pollution in the dirt and air are completely absorbed and destroyed by the forest. It’s probably the only non-polluted place on this world, I hope. I’m sure even the forest has its limits but we shall see, right.” Gaia replied

I simply nod before I sit back down. I couldn’t think much anymore after hearing that just after looking up the conflict of the elves so I logged out and took a bath to cool my head.

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