《Clockwork》Chapter 18 Karma


Gaia PoV narrative

“2000 years ago the world was still somewhat at peace. I say somewhat because there will always be discord.

The human race like I said were the first to start the conflicts and unless someone in the inner circle of the king lived to this day, which is impossible, no one will know why.

Anyway the largest human kingdom attacked and even though I say largest its borders were nothing impressive.

The humans even back then were weak. I’m sure to this day they still haven’t developed some form of rapid growth of their own. The closest they would reach would be dwarf technology but dwarves hid themselves away half way through the war.

Now the attacks happened after a small raiding party was able to attack and kill a small group of dwarves. They finally gained a small footing and the armor was copied to some degree to human size.

When they couldn’t get the suit working better they began attacking dwarf.

With the dwarves were the three artificial species, which lived along with them, were also attacked.

The death of many clockwork and construct cities was a huge lose to us and a huge gain for the humans.

They enslaved the dwarves and shut down all but the weakest clockwork and had those develop technology for them.

Now not all humans were evil, but I'm sure to this day even after the world fell to ruin at least 90% of the humans remain selfish, greedy and would easily walk over their own parents to get something better from them.

Now as the wars began raging most of the other races that liked the dwarves and clockwork because of the help they gave to them became enraged and attacked.

Each of them held some form of technology unique to them. A special form of processing wood, excellent talent with tinkering or great physical prowess.

Nearly all the monster and demi human races that were helped by the artificial races attacked the humans but by the time they began it was too late. Humans had gained full working dwarven armor and the commanders even found the link between clockwork and dwarven technology.

It led to massive deaths for the monsters and most were also enslaved and put to work.

After this point in the war the humans controlled nearly half of the world and had already covered it in pollution. Those who didn’t agree with them ran away to the kingdom of the demon race. It was on a different continent but the magic ships like the one we sit on today already existed.

Besides the humans, all the remaining tribes of all the beaten monster races had run there as well. I had been on one of the human ships that ran away so I was lucky to reach the demon kingdom.

We willingly helped them grow with the countless techniques and technologies we had. The difference was that we made it together willingly so many of the things built were far more powerful.

My body today was also a result that I gained after I became friends with several elementals and constructs.

I was the first experimental model of a Synthoid. The constructs have a method to making the pure silver mana circuits and through a long process of assimilation of matter the many kinds of elementals were able to create a second elemental core which was all used to power me.

The power of a Synthoid is a mix of all three. A golems core can gather mana in the air which constructs lack and the circuit lets me control the mana. All that was left was training.


To say the Synthoids were a force to be reckoned will was an understatement. As long as we have a core for that element we can mix the elements from each core and create numerous spells from them that rivals the best mages. Also with the body of a clockwork, our physical prowess was second to none.

With the creation of Synthoids in the demon kingdom we completely pushed back the humans but again it all comes to an end when they get their hands on a single on.

With the Synthoids on their side as well we were forced to a stalemate.

By this point it had passed nearly 300 years and as you might guess with so much war and destruction, the world took a huge amount of collateral damage.

It was at this point that the gods themselves were forced to intervene.

The danger of the world being destroyed was no joke. The weapons being built near the end of the war have begun nearing the power of dragons, which are incredibly difficult to kill. The human weapons had even been tested on dragons and had proven effective.

When the god of the humans appeared before them, she began trying to reason with them.

What she got was a taste of their greatest weapon.

Most of the other gods had the same reaction but unlike the humans they tried to listen and stop but with humans attacking them they were forced to return fire.

Though only the human god was attacked.

But that was all that was needed. In her rage she brought about the ruin of the world.

I was deactivated because I used all my mana even the mana which the cores don’t normally release which keeps it intact, to block one spell from her.

I was blown back and probably taken back to someplace hidden from danger while the rest fought and died.

From what I can see from here it seems even after the war was finished and most likely the other gods subdued the raging human god the war ruining wasn’t over.

Most people don’t know but the world itself is a god. The proper term I guess would be titan. The mother earth Gaia. The real Gaia, I was named after her because I was the first model.

I believe to protect herself from death; Gaia incurred all the natural disasters on the world and reduced the world to a shadow of itself.

Well from what survived in my memory that is pretty much it. Humans caused the problem but not all of them are evil. Plus it was a collective problem the war. We didn’t finish the humans off fast enough.

I’ll say it clearly. As much as a human is good or not. It would be better to get rid of them as a whole.

Humans in the futures won’t stay nice like those we befriend today.” I said finishing my tale of the past.

I finish telling my story the young clockwork finished his repairs.

My body was now free of rusty gears and regained a huge amount of power I had before. I jumped about and tested my body gleefully as I see my limits. I’ll need to teach this kid some better techniques for tinkering he is to unbalanced but for now let’s get this ship up and running.

Techno PoV

After finishing Gaia’s repairs and hearing the story my mind is running at full power trying to decide what to do.

The story itself took nearly four hours to tell. She talked slow while showing videos of what happened through her point of view.


I knew I would need to plan ahead if the humans remained the same.

I pull out all my 30 scout drones and activate them and make them run out of the ship and secretly into the main city.

There was no law that prevented me from snooping and with the small size I can fit the scouts into pipes and air vents.

“So, already taking action I see. Smart boy.” Gaia tells me.

”Help me fix the ship. I’ll allow you for the time being to follow us because I don’t think I can educate Nova properly, but try anything funny with her and you'll be in pieces before you can know what hit you.” I tell her.

“‘Roger, child.” She says.

I frowned at her and got up.

“Hey tell my why you have such a worthless class as the knight mechanic. The two classes contradict themselves and weaken each other. You looked more of the mechanic fellow.” She says.

”Full Mechanics are slow, I want mobility” I tell her.

“You don’t see Dwarves complaining. I already see you met them. Make a worker sized body with dwarven tech mixed in. They have strength augmenting properties. You can leave the big ass body as a fighter you control. It’s a total waste since you can’t arm yourself properly with all the tools inside you.” She says.

”What do you know of mechanics.” I ask her.

“What do you think I was before becoming a Synthoid child. Mechanics can take up any shape and form. If you want a knight so much them make a human sized one and fit your tools in him and leave this tin can for some big guns I’m sure you're wanting to make. It’s a talented mechanics nature to feel a little twitch when you get tinkering ideas.” She tells me.

I frowned again before walking out.

For the rest of the night I continued remodeling the ship. I didn’t wait the others to change shifts cause I wanted to work a bit and to organize my thoughts.

I changed the stairs that were present for a mechanic elevator. That way I could transport the larger bodies into the ship.

I also reinforced the boat's structure with Steel Rods since we didn’t have much material for beams. All the doors were removed and the door openings raised to the ceiling. Large robots would be able to move now. The last thing I did was reduce the kitchens to a simple stove and fridge. We don’t know when we will get living organic companions so having basics at least is necessary, though I doubt I would let organics join us any time soon.

When morning came the others woke up and I introduced Gaia to the rest. To my astonishment she acted like a respectable person unlike the somewhat rough clockwork I met. She also made her intentions of educating Nova clear as day by saying that to her face.

Nova just shrugged it off not really caring.

We all worked through the day using as much of our manpower through robot workers.

After noon we had completely changed the outer plaques of the ship and the inside floors were reinforced.

There wasn’t any more splintered wood. From there we moved on to manufacturing Steel pipes and parts to replace all the rusty propellers and remaining gears that need to be changed as well as completely remaking the engine.

By night time we were halfway done. My mind had already been made up on how to deal with the humans. After spying on 30 different people and hacking into a few working computers I had enough evidence that this was more a chaotic town then a normal city that even the system recognized it.

You have found enough evidence that shows this town isn’t a peaceful town. Should you be attacked by the humans first then you will not be punished for killing a human.

In my head I was replaying Lewis’s conversation with one of the researchers who were the ones that were replanting the forests.


I had the scouters spread out through the ship’s air vents. After a few hours of exploring and using this chance to further scan the ship city I finally found Lewis’s office. He had one of the few working computers on the ship and it ran on a personal generator.

He was in his chair grinning while he looked at the multiple screen in front of him.

“Hehe amazing. To think such fast construction speeds exist in this waste hole planet. I can’t wait to get my hands on these tin cans.” Lewis said.

Well there goes the benefit of the doubt. I think to myself.

I watched for a while as he talked to himself. He muttered many different plans and backup plans. Most of them involved planting bombs or preparing some guns that were in the storage just rusting away.

I was curious so I had a few of the scouts head over and check them out.

The guns weren’t anything special but from the standpoint of a pirate it would be perfect.

Harpoon guns made for hooking down ships. A few old cannons, some rusty miniguns. Nothing we don’t have inside the cargo hold. I was planning on using those weapons on Hino and upgrade into a weaponized robot. I also needed to set up some ship weapons as well.

Anyway back to Lewis. Sometime after we finished repairing the ship's hull an old man with grey hair and a sturdy build came in. He had a long dirty coat and some leather cloths below them.

“Lewis! What’s this I hear bout catching them bots?!” The old man shouted.

“Oh Richard, it's reached your sorry ears already. I was wondering if the dirt would have blocked the sound from entering. Yes, they have technology that will get us out of this shit hole.” Lewis says smiling as if it’s already his.

“Fool, you're going to repeat the mistakes of what happened to ruin this god forsaken world.” Richard shouted at the man.

“What, take resources that we need, acquire technology that we need. You think that the story of those old coots that were afraid the venture out will scare me. I want to leave this rat hole during my lifetime. I have my ticket here!” She shouts.

“Fool, those fully armed robots out power us 20 to 1 simply by being of the clockwork race. Those young ones that came in some time ago but left because of you kept talking of them. This group considered the strongest of the clockworks. Don’t play with fire boy!” The old man shouted back.

“The cries of an old fool. Another old coot trying to scare me with your stories of powers beyond our own. Like I care!” She says shurgging.

“It's a waste of time to talk with you. If you are going to continue this then me and all those who still can think properly will be leaving.” He said with a scowl on his face.

The old man turns and leaves while banging the large metal door.

“Blow hard old man. It’s not like those stupid robots will ever find out our plans until it's too late.” Lewis says smiling.

Muttering that out loud and gets up and enters through a side door after turning the computer off. I hear the door lock. With the scout I move a bit and find him in his bed fully asleep.

Seeing this chance I send a tool drone. With it I unbolt the vent grates and gently hold it not letting it make sound and have the scout jump down. I move it to the computer and find the on button.

The computer was like one of those from the early 2000s. Slow as crap but durable.

With the computer on, I connect to the computer through the scout. I had to quietly ask Gaia how to hack and bypass the firewalls. It was strangely simple after she explained it and after I succeeded I even got a hacking skill.

The files inside were rather useless but there were several documents showing all the weapons in store. The only useful thing I found was a single document which held orders for several people to plant bombs on our ship tonight. It was after this that the message appeared and I knew that Gaia wasn’t lying about 90% of humans being trash. I just don’t know what to do with the researchers.

I scouted them all and most of them simply want to restore nature to what it was like before the ruining.

Flashback end

During the night the bandits did show up but with a few sword cutting them in half and all of them were quieted. I got a message that stated that because of their ill intentions to me I was killing for self-defense.

The rest of the night we stayed on guard but no guards returned. We throw the human bodies over the edge of the docks and washed all the blood.

The next morning Richard, the old man that spoke with Lewis, came to us asking for us to take them away from here.

There were 20 kids and 40 adults ranging from young to old.

They wanted an escort to some other place. I denied them but after finding the ships they would use I sent several robot at night to the ships and reinforced the structure of the ship and repair the engine.

Truthfully I wouldn’t want to kill kids. I have Nova to take care of and when I think of someone acting the same way to me and her if I was in the same situation I just can’t look away.

On the third day we finish up our repairs and I send a few robots plus some armed workers to build the forge. The humans that were going to leave left this day. The remaining humans still numbered in the hundreds. After looking through the forums I found that there were actually few players and most of the remaining humans were NPC. The players had left a long time ago and many human NPC have split off from this group.

Inside the vents I sent the tool drones all over the ship with bombs as I planted them in many rooms including the storage room with weapons.

Besides that I also put a some inside the human ships. If any of them were to come after us then they would blow.

I make an engine and a poorly built forge. If someone saw this and survived the explosion then they will have a forge engine. If not, tough luck.

With the forge “built” I gather all my drones except for five which are spread out in the ship and was giving me the control to detonate the bombs.

With all of us on the ship we leave with the humans looking at us smiling.

It was like a snake's smile.

We turn the new engine of the ship on and the new propellers begin spinning.

Soon they gain the speed needed to raise us and the ship lifts off the dock and rises more.

I continue to watch the humans as the ship begins turning for us to leave.

We turn the ship 160o and turned on the propellers for acceleration on and began moving.

As we began to move I notice the ships starting up and begin taking off. On top of the ships, guns were being brought up.

”Guess you really weren’t lying Gaia” I say.

“Did you ever have a reason to doubt me, child.” She tells me.

”Should we take the hit so we can fight back?” I ask her.

“No need Techno, as soon as the cannon is fired it is considered an act of violence and we can fire back in self-defense.” Rust replies.

”Good” I say.

We wait for now. The only one doing something is Gaia. I had given her an earth golem crystal so now she can make spells that deal with earth, fire and lava which is a combination.

After we had flown for nearly 2 km we hear the cannon fire and as soon as we do, a message appears.

The humans have fired at you. In self-defense you are allowed to fight back.

By the time I finish reading Gaia activates her spell. She called it magma wall. From her hands magma shot out forming a huge wall for a moment behind us. There was an explosion before the magma lost its form and fell down to the ground.

In the air were at least 6 ships behind us.

”Get ready for the fireworks guys.” I tell my crew.

At that moment I sent the signal to detonate to the bombs in the ships. Not a moment later there were several explosions from the inside of the ships and they began to fall in flames. It looked a lot like a normal sinking ship in the ocean.

I then turn my attention the human city.

The good part about drones is that as long as I was connected to them I won’t lose the connection unless I'm over 10 km away. I need to connect with them while they are 40 m away but after that the connection persists.

Through the ones that remained in the ship I connect to all the bombs I left behind.

“Goodbye humans.” I mutter.

With those two words I detonated all the bombs.

It was slow but soon a huge series of explosions occurred on the ship finally breaking to the top of the ship and bathing the ship in flames as well as all the surroundings. It truly did look like a sinking ship in flames at that moment.

After we had finished watching the human city burn in flames we turned around and began manning the ship as we headed off to whole knows where the winds take us.

You actions of destroying the human city Ivoryhelm have revoked the human’s permanent access and have caused them to return to living a life of survival of the fittest. The players will be required to complete a new to unlock the quest.

Relationship between humans and clockwork has become fragile. Humans similar to those in Ivoryhelm will be cautious around you while those who don’t like humans like those in the city will see you in a better light.

Well that’s nice, an added bonus that makes it easier to tell good humans from bad. Hehe. Life in this world sure isn’t boring. I thought and chuckled.

Without caring for which direction we went we just turned west and headed on over the thin forests and polluted plains

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