《Clockwork》Chapter 22 Beta End



Techno PoV

We’ve been traveling for half a month already, going back the scrap yard would take a month and today we received this message.

All the races have completed or failed their survival quest.

The last two to finish worked together.

Merfolk and Siren Success.

As many people have travelled far from their place of origin we are giving 2 months of in game time to return or create a safe place to leave all your things. The game will fast forwards 40 years which is the estimate for the world to enter a recovering phase and the surviving races to increase in population and technology.

The player’s actions also altered the relationships between all the races. If you caused harm to a race they will hate you depending on your action and may even take it out on your entire race.

Please note that all current players will get the chance to make a new race or continue with the one they are with at the moment. Those who continue with it will lose half their levels and for a few races a debuff that will be added if you leave behind. All Clockwork and Construct races can escape the debuff by having someone take care of your bodies but the body will weaken. While Elementals can hide their core to maintain their power to a certain degree.

Thank you for your time.


So two more months before the real game begins where the world will have recovered some. I wonder what it will be like after 40 years. Well I hope that old hag and Rust can take care of our bodies and not let them rust.

Ok now to another piece of info which has annoyed me greatly. When I finished my new body I found a really annoying thing about it.

Incomplete Synthoid Body

A body built by Modeling a Synthoid. It is equipped with a clockwork engine which won’t supply the proper amount of power to work the body. It also lacks the magic circuit and elemental cores to properly power the body.

Level restriction 170

Must properly complete the body

I can’t help but feel rage seeing this window appear. More than a month and a half of work to be denied the use.

I did store it in the inventory though. Like hell I would simply get rid of it. It’s still incomplete and by the time I finish it I would probably have the level and if I don’t I will farm boss monster by myself if I have to, to get to the level.

With the body project done for the most part I was left with little to do.

It was rather boring but then after some nosy gnomes started pestering me we traded skills. I taught him some clockwork building and they taught me some interesting tricks while tinkering. I rose up from intermediate level 4 to 5 with 48% in tinkering by reaching the incomplete phase of the body and after learning from them I gained another level stopping at level 6. I think most of the skills levels will be drained as well. Those who were efficient will probably lose a lot if the reset the skills.

Still because all crafting here is manual as long as I learn the actual method it shouldn't be bad. I will make up the levels faster since you can't take the techniques from me.

I spent the rest of the month tinkering with the ships weapons and trading craft techniques and knowledge with the gnomes.

Besides that, there was nothing else to do so it went pretty quiet though I still hated having so many people near me and I hated Gaia’s grin even more when she saw them crowding around me.


I completely ignore her cause looking at her makes my gears grind faster. All I can do is try to learn what I can before the time limit finishes.

Jeopardy PoV

I’ve loved travelling in this world. Though it's a ruined world I can find many nice people. I just wish I could fix my bad habit of talking back. Sometimes I just bluntly answer back and in a grotesque way like I did in the real world.

Whenever I suddenly say something like that and offend someone I can’t help but almost cry. I messed up so many times that slowly I was left alone by my party and began travelling alone.

While I travelled I ran into a few other races. Monster races normally like the Kobold and Gremlins. They tried to capture me but I fought back with magic that was beyond what they could handle and it ended up making them fail their quests. Their races failed and were locked because of me.

I couldn’t help but crouch and cry at how many people I’m making suffer.

I continued walking while sulking most of the months. I learned how to repair this metal doll body I had during that time. I also met the Treant race and like the other monster races, they were aggressive and I was forced to defend myself and again another race failed the quest because this time a stray Lightning bolt I shot hit several trees and they caught fire and because many of the surrounding trees were dead and dry they spread fast.

It killed the Treants and left the Dryads in a serious problem. I was also killed and spent a day in that special space made for the convicts. It was a simple single bed room with a few books and a computer to access.

I used the computer and looked through what I could. First I looked at my races info. They had grown a bit after dismantling the robot I short circuited. Though I died that time as well from mana shortage. Constructs have a fatal flaw, we need to meditate for a few hours every 8 hours to have mana. Also our bodies aren’t made for close combat. They are strictly magical and when we fight it’s like we shorten our own lives.

It quickly became an unpopular race but I think it fits for me. Even fighting to survive draws us closer to death. We really needed a solution.

After I looked at my race I looked at the other races. Well the clockwork race actually. I wanted to see if I could find Nathaniel but the race was all the same. Robots that could change their looks and even bodies.

Though one group had caught the attention of everyone. It was led by a large knight looking clockwork, followed by a little female robot, a normal beginner class robot and another knight.

They were being referred to as “The Clockwork” because they are the only clockworks actually exploring the world and are by far the strongest.

I looked a lot through the forums but couldn’t actually find their names. There is mention that there was a comment but it seems to have been deleted by the writer. He was one of them and it seems the leader had him remove it.

I couldn’t help sighing at my luck. I know Nathaniel’s name but I can’t find him. Though it wouldn’t do me or him any good if I did meet up with him.

Anyway I looked through all the forums and when I reached the Dwarves forum page I found videos of them again. They were leading the restoration of a large blast furnace. The video jumped through the phases of restoration and showed the battles they had with the Elemental race of fire and earth golems. They really showed their power and all the weapons they had developed started to look a bit scary.


It was this day that popularity towards clockworks rose. The video continued with finishing the blast furnace and then all of them headed into the mines.

Battling their way all the way down where they met with the boss NPC that had made the elementals attack the dwarves.

They called instant retreat leaving only the clockworks in the room. The dwarves just retreated into the corridor and watch.

The first attack was by far one of the scariest. They took nearly a third of its health in one series of attacks and even made it so he couldn’t hide his core again.

My mouth dropped as I watched. When they finally won I noticed the forums were loaded with comments about the strength of clockworks.

I kind of hoped I could be adventures like them. And the way they fight so coordinated. I really want to find others I can be comfortable with as well.

I feel tears falling down my cheeks as I continue watching. The rest was mostly cheering from the dwarves but what caught my attention was what they called the leader. They called his name.


It was the name the AI goddess Ariel had told me. Techno Gear was the name in the game.

So he was the leader of “The Clockwork”. I kind of guessed, the way he acted when I saw him said he wanted the least amount of people around him and his sister.

After that he left the village and showed no more of him but the comments go on for a few days before it tires of it and they begin talking about what is going on in the village.

After seeing that video I simply shut the computer down and go to sleep only waking up when I was able to return to the game.

I wake up about 2 km away but in the same body. There was a broken arm and a damaged foot. I meditated first to make sure I had the mana to survive before I began repairing my body.

Another fault that my artificial body has is that there is no natural regeneration of health. I think for clockworks it’s the same but they have physical strength and toughness to protect themselves so it’s less dangerous for them.

I replace the too damaged parts with ones I collected while I was in the scrapyard for constructs.

Once I was up again I look around and found the smoke from the forest fire I caused. I made a grim scowl before turning to the right and moved on.

For the 3 months I walked on only seeing the ruined world and finally reached the shores. What I found was a green ocean filled with pollution.

Even though it was a cesspool I could see some movement in the water from above. I followed the shores to the right and just walked and miraculously found another tribe. I was a bit cautious but this time it was a peaceful group. Merfolk and Sirens to be exact.

If I remembered right the last time I checked the admin post said they were the last to that needed to complete or fail.

I listened to their worries. The players that joined this race couldn’t resolve the problem. It was pretty simple. The two races are both water based races and it was impossible for them to survive in that cesspool of an ocean.

All in all they needed some new place to live.

Truthfully I couldn’t help much because the gem in my chest only let me use wind based magic which is powerful but not for this case.

They needed a new home but I couldn’t do anything with what I had. What they came up with was from old legends that our race could assimilate elemental cores and gain their affinities. Because of this reason they brought out the only elemental core they had in their possession. They told me it was a family heirloom gained way back in the past. It was a gift a water elemental had made to symbolize the friendship between the three races.

Even with it I didn’t know what to do with it. For some reason the thought of wrapping them in the silver strings inside my body appeared.

Not having any other idea I unbolted the chest plate and opened my chest and carefully grabbed the strings and wrapped several of them around the small marble sized core. I used enough of the strings to hold it firmly in place without moving around. As I let it go I notice it began glowing and the strings attached to it began glowing and it started moving up through the string and finally reaches the gem.

You have gained a water elemental core.

Because of the nature of the core to absorb mana in the air, you have gained the ability to regenerate mana.

+0.3 mana/s

Gained access to water magic system.

I blinked a few times before the Merfolk brought me back.

I was finally able to smile as I told them I could help them. First I had them find a large basin area or clear on.

They moved inland and found a crater inside a huge mound with some weeds growing through the rock. The area was huge but I had time.

I headed over after my mana had recharged completely. I first began testing my water magic. It came as natural as the air magic. I raised my levels for water magic mastery quickly and soon I was able to produce large amounts of water.

I used this to fire out water made from mana. If I made springs rise it would be contaminated defeating the purpose of this.

I continued for 2 weeks reaching intermediate level with water mastery. I filled the crater, which drained slowly into the soil the first few days but now holds water, up halfway before the Merfolk and sirens happily thanked us. The moved the village to the inner part of the crater and began making small shacks like those they had.

They gave me genuine praise and thanked me from the bottom of their hearts, or the NPC did at least. It was strange getting thanked like that. I wasn’t praised and I was always held under fathers

They cleared the weeds from below the water and planted seaweed. Though it was unknown how it would grow they finally had a place to stay and regain their strength.

I think I will stay with them for a while to ensure they can get water. Though I think they have water magic but were just too weak to do it. They might have failed their quests if a construct or a water magic user didn’t pass here. Seems the races affect each other more than people think. Still...it’s nice to have people genuinely like me not for money or status. I think I can live with simpler things this game offers that my life with father didn’t.

I want other people's love, real love my father never gave me. I don’t want to stay so warped and respond how I do without thinking. Maybe I can find more people like the Merfolk and Siren race out there. I really hope so, I don’t want to be just a destroyer of lives, and I want others to look towards me.

But I guess just starting small and enjoying this village is enough for now.

Techno PoV

After a little less than a month of travel, we finally reach the dwarf village.

The gnomes were eccentric to meet the dwarves. The problem was everyone was trying to get off but the boat can’t land because a large number of the propellers were under the ship.

We lowered a several ropes from 10 meters up which was the lowest we could get without hitting.

What was surprising is when a giant robot gorilla climbed the mountain the dwarf cave was on and began unloading the gnomes.

I found it they were the three tanks. I partially chuckled thinking of them as king Kong on the mountains roaring while hitting his chest.

We didn’t stick around though. Once the gnomes were off we rose up and over the walls and flew into the scrapyard towards the northwest where the clockwork haven’t traveled yet.

We went on for 2 days before we stop near any random scrap mountain. All began to dig in and with metal scraps made a large hanger door which would allow the ship to enter. Then we began melting tons of scrap into simple iron ingots since it would be a waste of our coal.

From the iron ingots we made support beams and as we dug in we placed the supports up to hold the hanger we making.

We were about a third of the way up so we had plenty of space but something strange happened. We encountered a huge wall. It wasn’t iron but something else. We tried cutting it with my tools and barely made a hole in it before I nearly ran out of power and had to stop.

It was Gaia who resolved our problem when she concentrated earth mana into her fist which strengthened it to a scary degree. She punched the wall with scary force making it crumble up by the force. When she pulled it back out she left a large hole. She moved back before charging again and with another punch the wall finally gave way. What we found inside could only be thought of as scary.

As large as the scrap mountain but standing in full glory without much rust on him was a gigantic robot that could even be called a titan.

Gaia: ‘Oh god...He was here…’

Bulk: ‘Who is he?’

Gaia: ‘Kids...meet the god of the artificial species and the perfect Synthoid, Delta.’

???: ‘...who...walks...here’

(Thanks wade for this epic pic http://hgjart.deviantart.com/art/God-of-War-216550499)

The sudden voice makes us look up and there we see it. The previously offline colossus was no on, his huge eye red eyes lit the area up.

Delta: ‘Gaia...I can...sense you. How long...has it...been?’

Gaia: ‘Nearly 700 years’.

Delta: ‘So these...seals haven’t weakened...at all yet.’

The colossus robot moved a bit revealing several huge chains on his arms, legs and back.

Gaia: ‘Seems so, they are feeding on your own power. If you weren’t so stubborn and just shut down for a few minutes you could have gotten out.

Delta: ‘But I would...be off then...What good would...it do me...woman.’

Gaia: ‘tch, fine whatever, let’s get back to work kids. We need the cave made and the ship sealed in if you want a safe place to rest.’

Delta: ‘get me out.’

Gaia: ‘Like hell I will you overgrown pile of scrap. You will only cause more havoc in this already broken world. Just shut up and turn yourself off.’

Delta: ‘Hump, like I would take orders from a little woman like you. Even chained you will never kill me or turn me off.’

Gaia: ‘Want to be. The several override controls in your legs say otherwise.’

Delta: ‘... damn.’

Gaia: ‘Good, give up without fighting and shut yourself off.’

Delta: ‘Like hell I will. I will simply sit here. Now that you all have visited I was able to hack your general systems and install several programs which allow me to see the outside world. I will remain but you will be my eyes.’

Gaia: ‘Fuck….AHHH~~~!!! DAMN IT!

I was almost cracking up seeing her finally lose to someone. It was really satisfying.

Techno: ”Like you said. Get to work, old hag”

Gaia: ‘Don’t push it, boy’

I grin pissing her off more. She stomps several times before walking back into the corridor. We here several big bangs from her punches and a lot of scraping as the scraps fell down and were pushed as one big mass.

Delta: ‘Never gets old, pissing her off.’

I was starting to like this guy for his sense of humor but it was just a slight feeling that vanished a moment later.

Techno: ”Let's get to work before the hag comes and drags us away’

Delta: ‘Good luck in your endeavors, awakened. You especially will need it.’

I look back only to see his red eyes slowly close and the light in his eye slowly dim leaving the room in darkness again.

We expanded the hanger for nearly a week and reinforced it until it could handle a long time of weight on it. We even melted scraps and made steel from them to make steel sheets and bolted them to the walls and floor to be help keep the scraps out.

In the final week before we would shut down we put the ship in and built a door which was disguised with scraps over it after being welded together. It made a large heavy door which needed a lot of force to move but using Gaia as a pack mule to close them we were able to seal the room.

Only a small opening was left because Gaia and Rust weren’t going to stay here in defiantly. They were going to the clockwork settlement and build up a nation while coming to keep us clean and repaired.

Finally the day came when the message came. Bulk or the elementals weren’t even on but since Nova and I didn’t have much of a choice we were on until the last moment.

Thank you for your work during the survival stage. For your achievements in being a large help in not only your race but several others survival we will give you a special reward during your stay within the juvenile prisoners space. Yours and your sister’s space has been expanded to a hold a complete house with two rooms a living room, kitchen and full access to internet during the time the game is moving forward.

Note, the space is linked to the normal time of the game so you will be waiting 5 times longer than the real world that will wait 1 week before the release.

You will be logged out in 1 minute. Your Inventory will be emptied and all objects will drop unless they are attached to your body.

We bid them well while we are off and they wish us the best of luck and promise we will be taken care of.

As I finish organizing my stuff on the ground the screen appears saying logging off in 5.

As the counter reached 0 the world turned black and i found myself in a white room with Nova next to me smiling cheerfully.

Techno: 'Guess its just us to now.'

Nova: 'Yay i get bro all to myself.'

With a huge i go about setting up the house through the menus.



Writer: VRDraco




Those who i remember contributed ideas i used:







And others who used the idea and suggestion folder.


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