《Clockwork》Volume 2 Chapter 1 Virtual Space


Yo here is the first chapter of the new volume. Just to say, i don't know how large each volume will be. It will depend on how the story develops.

Any way enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing and please leave ideas/suggestion and reviews


Nathaniel PoV

We were finally out of the game and in our special virtual space.

Normally the place would have a single living room kitchen and a bedroom and small bathroom for me but that kind of changed with Sasha (Nova) here.

For us we were given a special option to more freely design the place. I was given a limit by points I could use to make my space but Sasha had nearly four times the points to use.

I first set up the three basic rooms and two bathrooms which were all free since they were basic needs. Living room was bland with a simple three seat sofa, a small 30 in TV, near the door was a counter which separated the kitchen and living room and acted like a table for us. The kitchen had several shelves a small stove, an oven, and a microwave. There were a few ornaments to spruce the place up but it was still bland.

My room was the same, single bed that looked somewhat comfortable but still had a kind of military feel. The room also had a simple desk with a laptop. Next to that were a few books on a bookshelf.

The bookshelf held books that range from fantasy story books to high school level workbooks.

It was all stuff I missed because of that bitch sending me to jail.

We both then went to Sasha's room. It was much more decorated. A pale pink color on one of the walls while the others are peach, the room was decorated for an 8 year old.

A large single bed with a few stuffed animal pillows, which had her jumping moments after entering the room.

Her room also had bookshelves and a desk. Hers held child stories and elementary school workbooks.

Besides that, cabinets that had lots of clothes. I remember my room had one but it was all simple clothes.

She was happy to have such a childish room.

Now, about those points I talked about. It seems they are the special prize we got. Sasha probably would already have some but not me. At that I have 100 points and she has 400 points.

The points are consumed depending on the cost of points.

The first thing I bought was an "outside". The virtual space didn't have that but the option exists. Because it also came with a child playground I bought this using Sasha's points since she will use it more. I found out things that are hers will change over time to match her age. It was 70 points to get a grassy outdoors with all the elements and feeling.

I then added some color to the bland living room. Wooden floors and new painted walls which were peach colored.

The improvements to this room were 10 points for both but it was shared between us both.

I added windows which were missing from the room as well which cost another 5 points on me. Then I went to my room and did the same. 25 points remaking the floors, walls and adding windows, then 30 points to get a new bed which looked much betters and less military like.

With the last remaining 30 points I upgraded the pc to something newer, 15 points, and upgrade the bookshelves to include books about mechanics and basic to advanced level programming with the other 15.


With my points capped I went to Sasha's room and added the windows, curtains and new floors for 25 of her points.

10 points for some toys which appeared in a box. 10 for new story books and study books up to middle school and 50 points that connects both my and her bookshelves into the game which allows me to see the books in a window, in game.

All this totaled 150 points.

Thinking about the extra points I shrugged it off, thinking it's best to save it for the future.

Oh, I did make sure to make the kitchen a bit bigger using another 20 points of hers and added a fridge. Though we don't need food, after spending 4 months in game without needing to eat, the need for it rose greatly.

I'm not some pro so I went for simple white rice, beans and some cooked chicken. Something we always ate.

I called Sasha who was covered in dirt outside. I made her take a bath before we ate.

The feeling of real food was nice and though the food was made by someone who doesn't cook much, it came out well enough.

The lack of taste stimulation left us sensitive so the taste appeared more but it was good all the same.

Happy finally getting some rest I turned the TV on. A notice appeared saying time is still warped and most of what we watch is from about a month ago.

It then began news, talk shows, and cartoons. We had a few channels to watch but most were for Sasha. Only news and talk shows were left for me and TNT so at least I could watch a movie or two while she plays or when she begins doing the homework I make for her.

Now that I have the resources, I can keep my promise to mom and dad and properly educate her.

We watch some cartoons together for a few hours before I leave her and enter her room. I grab several books on all elementary school subjects before taking them to my room.

I then lay them down on the desk and sat. I was surprised to see an option appear just like in the game.

Detected the presence of school work below your age grade. Due to having a younger sibling you have the option of quick learning this material and make a test or learn yourself and make a test.

If first option is done the system will do something known as cycle learning. This is where it will feel like you have gone through several classes with the material present while only several minutes have passed. The speed is much more rapid so more than three subjects are not advised.

To make the test, you have the option to using paper or the PC. With the PC you can print the test or you can give the test on the PC.What kind of learning method do you want to use?Slow methodFast methodWhat do you want to use to make the test?Make on PC and printWrite on blank paper

I blinked a few times and re-read the message then started chuckling.

It was obvious, I press “Fast method” and “Make on PC and print”.

Suddenly my vision goes black and I find myself in a classroom. In front of me was one of my old teachers.

After that I spent what felt like weeks in that classroom studying math, science and literature.

Once I had EVERYTHING in all these books in my head I woke up and blinked several times.


I looked around and saw nothing different. Walking out of the room I looked at Sasha who was watching Ed, Edd and Eddy from the cartoon network channel and was laughing hysterically.

I look at the clock and see that only 5 minutes passed since I went into my room. It was also then that I noticed a slight headache most likely caused by the rapid speed classes I went through. My brain is probably on overdrive already as it processes the info. I think it wasn’t as bad because it was all elementary school stuff but it still hurts a bit.

I’ll let myself calm down before making my sister's homework. She will hate it but this isn’t something I’m going to let her tantrums overpower me in since I promised mom and dad.

I go and drink some water just for the sake of it since it helps calm the mind when doing something you're familiar with.

It helps stop the hurting so I head to my PC in my room and look through the forums and my email it’s been left alone for 3 years since I went to jail so a lot has piled up but mostly junk mail.

The forums help a lot of expectations. The players from the races that succeeded were telling about the races traits and race skills or about the starting location at the time. I didn’t care much for it so I went on word documents. Using the text books and what I learned from them, I make a packet of each of them with 50 questions each, all easy questions but would make Sasha think a bit. I would obviously help her but I wasn’t going to do it for her.

As I finished the last one after 4 long hours of searching and typing Sasha walked in.

Sasha: ‘Hey bro, there is an old police guy at the door.’

I looked at her curiously and got up and walked out of the room. Poking my head out I looked to the open door and see my juvenile detention centers warden standing at the door.

Warden: ‘Hey Nathaniel.’

I nod towards him and waved to call him in which he did.

Warden: ‘First off the techs from the company said that in the menu there is a notepad window option. It was made for notes but in your case it can be used for texting and talking with others like you did in the game. I must say you sure got a lot of fame with the company employees. They really love ‘The Clockwork” group who were even able to fight the magma golem with only 4 clockwork and 3 elementals.’

I listen to him talk while I bring up the menu and open the notepad.

Nathaniel: ”Sir, did you come to simply congratulate us?

Warden: ‘To get a reply form you sure is nice even though it's from a text. No it wasn’t just congratulating you and your sister for the great job you did. We noticed that simply dropping everyone into a game world and leaving you all there isn’t enough to integrate you back into society properly since the games setting isn’t the same as ours. That’s why we made something like a small town. It’s connected to all the special spaces of all the juvenile convicts. You all can learn and interact with each other and various NPC around it. They NPC are very free and each one is a different AI so they are like any living being. Just came to tell you about it. Oh you can’t invite other convicts to your space, each space is like the inside of each capsule so it won’t let them in. Well I think that’s all, Me and many of the guards at the center have access and we are patrolling the town, if you need anything just look for our badge. Good day you two.’

He nod and walks back out. We follow him out and see a large door in the middle of the outside area. He opens it and we can see some houses and streets that aren’t there in our space.

Sasha: ‘Wow that’s cool. Did you see, it’s like another world on the other side.’

Nathaniel: ‘Ya, we will go later.’

Sasha: ‘Kay~!’

She runs back in and hops onto the sofa and continues watching the cartoons.

I return and finish the homework and print. The next moment, a printer appears and the pages rapidly roll through. Once the first packet was done it was stapled by the system. The next to the same thing and with them done I picked up the books I used and took them out to the living room and put them down on the table. It grabbed Sasha’s attention.

Sasha: ‘What’s that?

I walk up to her and pick her up like I did when she was smaller and liked being held by mom, dad or me.

Nathaniel: ‘Homework, yours.’

Sasha: ‘...eh?’

She tilted her head while looking with her large clear brown eyes looked directly into my eyes.

Sasha: ‘What homework?’

Nathaniel: ‘The homeschooling homework I made for you. I promised mom and dad I would continue homeschooling you so...’

I sit her down on the chair which was right in front of the packets and books and grabbed another chair and after grabbing one of my own books I wanted to study I sat next to her.

Nathaniel: ‘...I will be tutoring you even when we are in the game. You aren’t going to escape this even if you beg, cry, hit, or anything.’

Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to find some words or excuse but as soon as she turned to the TV I shut it off and disconnected it and made it vanish as I stored it away using the menus which only I have control over.

Nathaniel: ‘Give up, the game is one thing, a promise to mom and dad is another.’

Sasha: ‘Muu~~~~~’

She sits down pouting, which I thought was cute, and looks at the books.

I put the math packet and book in front of her and opened to the first chapter. I began schooling her until I notice it got too boring that she was spacing out.

I gave her time to watch the TV and play outside before getting back to work. All the while I read about basic level software programming and worked on some of it on my PC. When it got to boring I finally decided to go outside. I changed my clothes to something a bit more social, plain green shirt and jeans with some normal shoes, and helped choose some clothes for Sasha, which she changed into, knee long jean shorts and a short sleeve pink shirt.

We finally left the virtual space prepared for us and entered the town made for the convicts.

It was rather large. As soon as we walked out the door, we found ourselves in a residential area with a number of small houses all of them just like the one behind us which held our virtual space.

There were two name plates on the door after I closed it. The town was quiet but as we moved towards the urban area of the central space where things were sold or events took place it became much noisier. Most people I saw were kids or young adults that were probably not above 18 yet. I also saw quite a number of military police officers and normal police walking about and talking with the kids.

In many streets we could find stores with various utilities and lot, and I mean lots, of lunch trailers making fresh food for the guests. You actually had to pay for it. Seems we have money here, I open my menu and look a bit before I find it.

In the corner I found $4000 dollars and next to it was an exclamation mark [!] shining. I pressed it and a window appeared.

The money you have is what you earned for your good actions during the game. Everyone real month all juvenile convicts will be allowed a break where they get money for their actions or are penalized for them.

By completing you race quest almost alone $1,000

For saving the Dwarves, Goblin, Gnome and Elf race $2000

For getting rid of evil humans after properly finding proof of their deeds. $500

For taking Gnomes to Dwarves and further mixing the race techniques with Clockwork and Dwarven technology $500

For more money you can create/find game items/loot and auction them off on the company LIFE’s main site.

Well that is convenient. I also think that most of the money was doubled because of Sasha being here and helping me through it, main reason is because of the ‘almost alone’ part in the first one.

Well who am I to complain.

I go to a less packed lunch trailer. I bought a large sandwich and split it down the middle and split it with my sister.

As we talked with each other and enjoyed to good food I suddenly felt someone looking at me and looked up.

???: Nathaniel…

Standing there was the biggest bitch I know. Looking someone skinnier and less bright than before but still the same person was the person that sent me to jail, Bianca Castel.

Slowly my hate, resentment and rage began to boil and without knowing I began squeezing my lunch in my hand as I grinded my teeth.

Suddenly two police appeared next to me and each put on hand on each shoulder. The touch momentarily startled me out of my focused rage.

Police: ‘Calm down. Its best return to your virtual space. Cool down a bit, take a bath and just wash relax, if you do anything you will regret it will only end worse for you.’

I breathe deeply a few times as adrenaline pumped in my body but slowly it returned to normal. I glared at the bitch before getting up and nodding at the police.

Nathaniel: ”I’ll leave it to you then.” ‘Let’s go Sasha, we can finish on the way or back home’.

Sasha: ‘Something wrong bro?’

Nathaniel: ‘Bro...isn’t feeling good.’

She nods and follows after me after we get a few plastic bags to carry the lunch.

Bianca: ‘Wai..’

Police 2: ‘Sorry but as you might have seen, just seeing you almost made him attack. Give him time, you heard it right, at least with his sister he talks. Let him slowly reopen himself.

Bianca: ‘...I...understand...sir’

Her head drops as she turns the other way and walks off.

When we returned home we put finished the lunches and I had Sasha go take a bath. Once she was in I began to let my rage loss as I stomped and almost punched the wall. I opened the menu and the room spaces. There were two rooms I wanted but I picked one of them and bought it with 25 of Sasha’s points, it was shameful but who really thinks when they are angry.

I bought a training room. Punching bags were hanging and other equipment was lined up. I ran at the punching bag after locking the door and began screaming in rage while punching the bag in my rage.

After 5 minutes of discharging my rage I collapsed and soon after tears began falling. So much emotion I bottled up burst open in rage and sadness one after the next came rushing out. Every bit I would get up and another fit of rage happened which I took out on the bag before more tears fell.

After a long half hour of this I felt a bit empty. So much was let out on the bag that it left rips in it but they slowly mended as the room remade it.

I get up and leave after wiping my face. I find Sasha sitting and working on her homework while the TV was turned to one of the music video channels and an old song from the early 2000’s was passing. It was one of the songs that was made as tribute for a loved on. I listened hearing it. Sasha was looking at me as well.

As the song ended she got up and hugged me.

Sasha: ‘Bro doesn’t need to get angry, mom, dad and I will take care of you.’

A few new tears began falling as I pick her up and hug her.

Nathaniel: ‘Thanks, let bro go take a bath and we can play a bit and then go to sleep.’

Sasha: ‘Can I sleep with bro tonight.’

Nathaniel: ‘Just tonight, go do your homework I’ll come back in a bit.’

She nodded and kissed my cheek before I put her down. Smiling I went and took a bath before we played together some and watched some anime movies before going to sleep.


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