In Serial

Only You (gXg){Intersex}

8 138 34
Author: Type:Female
Ana Frank a girl from another world who wakes up and is shocked to find that she is in some one else body! A useless princess's body, who everyone finds an eyesore.
She is about to be married to the cold-hearted women named Marcia who is the first most powerful clan's eldest daughter and is also the second general of the Holy Dragon Empire.
And ana has a dick!!
Can ana face all these challenges?
Read to find out
A/n: I might not be good at the description but you might change your mind once you try the story so give it a try \(^o^)/
(A/n: I think I should mention this: that this book is a slowburn book and it doesn't only contain romance but also a journey. This is not a typical romance book. If you are trying to find a book with romance all the time, then this is not for you. But if you wanna a read a really good story, then this is for you. I wish you happy reading (^^))
Book review
  • bur***

    Very exciting
    2025-03-25 04:02
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