《Only You (gXg){Intersex}》Ch4 "Fiance"


Ana thought that she would definitely die if she was hit by this strange drill . However, she couldn't control her body as she had just been thrown to a wall . She could barely move her feet , let alone dodge this attack . Ana could only watch the light coming straight at her , completely unable to move a fingure to stop it.

The light was coming in fast yet to Ana it felt like a lifetime. She closed her eyes in despair , ready to embrace her death.

At that very instant , a golden light shot from the side and expanded infront of Ana like a firework . It then turned into a light shield that deflected the fast coming spiral vortex attack.

Boom! The spiral vortex hit somewhere nearby Ana after being deflected and blew a giant hole in the solid stone wall, sending debris flying everywhere.

‘ Ana muttered to herself in shock . She then turned to where the golden light had come from and saw Lena walking briskly towards her , looking furious. It appeared that she was the one that just now saved Ana's life.

The rider also saw Lena and grew stern . Trying to remain calm, he reported, ‘ Your Royal Highness, I saw this girl sneaking around the palace, so I made my move to stop her. I apologise for any disturbance caused’

‘ Is that so ? Amelia has only been sick for a few days yet you do not recognise her now? Your blindness amuses me Shirley. Perhaps you are unfit for duty’, Lena smiled coldly before turning to look at Ana with care and concern.

‘o wonder ! I thought she looked familiar. She is Princess Amelia!’ the rider did his best to look surprised, but it was obviously an act.

‘ Shirley? Is she really a women?She doesn't even have a single bump in her chest ! Compared to you , she looks like boy! You're about the same age ! How can you two be so different? Or is she just flat?’ Ana exclaimed with astonishment, which stunned everyone.

‘ You... What did you say ?’ Shirley Ximen gritted her teeth, shooting Ana a stern look as if she intended to cut Ana to pieces.


‘ Amelia....’ Lena looked at Ana , rather displeased. This was the first time she heard anything like that about Shirley. True as it was, it still was a hurtful and ignorant thing to say , especially to someone's face.

Even the maids behind Lena couldn't help laughing.

‘ What? I am just telling the truth.’ Ana said with a straight face

Shirley was about to explode with rage . She felt so deeply humiliated that she wanted to chop up Ana. Yet given the presence of Lena , she had to contain her anger and instead stared at Ana with pure hatred. ‘ Amelia, mark my words . You will pay for it someday ’ She then jumped onto the flying creature and took off.

‘ Now you know who you are messing with!’ Ana grinned with satisfaction watching as Shirley left in embarrassment.

But Ana's ear suddenly hurt , as if someone were pinching it forcefully. She turned and saw Lena staring disdainfully at her. ‘ Amelia! Since when did you started to talk so disrespectfully ? How ignorant of you ! There's no justification for what you just said . Insulting someone's appearance is a mark of poor charecter. You really broke her heart by saying that!’

‘ Hey , you can't just turn this around on me . She started it ! Ah ! Stop it! I am still a patient and you are hurting me’ . Seeing Lena become quite angry, Ana decided that pulling her patient card might get her out of this.

Hearing this, Lena released her ear and then instructed the maid ‘ Stand down now. If Priest Dean sends , medicine, bring it here immediately ’.

The maids bowed and cleared the area and Ana followed Lena back to the royal bedroom.

After they were inside the bedroom, Lena turned and asked Ana, ‘ Amelia do you really not remember anything at all? ’

‘ No, not a bit ’. Ana shook her head and acted like she was deeply pained my this.

‘ Then let me refresh your memory. Your name is Amelia long and you are the daughter of the thirty- fifth emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, which makes you the princess. And you have a special condition!’


‘ That is?’ Ana asked with anticipation.

‘ Well um.. you have a male reproductive organ!’

‘ Wait what! You mean to say I have a dick ! No wonder I felt something between my legs. But Isn't that actually cool . I can impregnate women ’ Ana exclaimed excitedly .

‘ ’ Lena sighed.

‘ I see ’ , Ana responded indifferently yet she couldn't help but picture the extravagant life as a princess. ‘ I am indeed lucky as this girl turns out to be a princess and has a dick! What is it's size? Now I don't need to have that useless menstruation... Looks like I did not die in vain after all’ , Ana thought to herself. She then turned to look at lena . ‘ It seems like she and this Amelia are really close . I wonder if she's her lover. Being a princess feels really good. Lena is so beautiful, but I don't know where the are now in this relationship. Nah , what the hell . They woke up in the same bed already. They should be quite intimate ’.

Ana smiled and then moved close to Lena, taking in her aroma. ‘ What about you ?’ Ana asked.

‘ I am Lena Mills and I am the nineteenth generation witch of the Holy Dragon Empire. And I am your...’ Lena said while pointing her delicate fingure at herself.

‘ Girlfriend?’ Ana finished her sentence expectantly.

Lena stopped for a second before turning red . ‘ Don't be silly . You're like a sister to me ! Your mother breastfed me as a child . We grew up together!’

‘ So we must know eachother very well . I assumed you were my lover ’ Ana said seriously.

Lena grew more redder . She stared at Ana in frustration. At the thought that Ana had lost her memory, she let it slide .

‘ Oh about the women with the flat chest just now. How dare she talk to me like that! Doesn't she know that I am a Princess? Who the hell is she anyway?’ Ana asked curiously.

‘ Shirley? She's the second daughter of Bryant of Ximen Clan . Thier clan is the most powerful spirit manipulator and influential clan of the Holy Dragon Empire. The clan leader Bryant was also the most powerful spirit manipulator in the Entire Empire. He is also one of the Three Great General in the Empire and his status is only below the emperor himself ’ , Lena explained.

‘No wonder she was arrogant like that . It was just because she was born into a good family ’ , Ana said with a little contempt.

‘ What are you talking about? If it weren't for me , you would have been badly injured by her. Nine out of ten in that family are spirit manipulators and nearly all of them know how to use the spiritual method. They are more than ordinary people can take. Especially Marcia Ximen, your fiance..’

Ana almost choked on the air if possible ‘ Fiance what the hell are you talking about!’ Ana asked shocked

‘ Well , Marcia Ximen is one and only cold beauty of our Holy Dragon Empire. At young age she is already one of the three great general of our Empire. She has her own army too . The Rime army and the Emperor had to announce this engagement to control the Ximen Clan so that they don't go against the royal family in the future. Marcia was not pleased by this. But it was practically a order . If declined then that means you are going against the royal family which is a crime, so they had to follow ’ Lena said staring at Ana hard . She was not used to the way Amelia was speaking now .

‘ So is Shirley angry at me because I'm practically the reason her beloved sister is going to be married against her will ? ’ Ana asked.

‘ Well yes’ Lena answered with hesitation.


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