《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 203 "Playing the Game"
Inside the 2-B dorm, Bruno, Talon, Fabio, Filip, and Alec are watching TV. Aster is giving an interview.
Interviewer: So, tell me, Mr. Phoenix, you’re graduating next week, and the new Top 10 rankings will be coming out next month. Do you have any expectations to be on the list?
Aster chuckles.
Aster: Look, if there’s anything we’ve learned these last few months, the rankings aren’t everything. Yes, I would be thrilled to appear on the list, but being in the Top 10 means more than it used to. It’s not just about being the best; it’s about knowing you’re someone people count on more than anyone else. Am I mature enough to handle that? I think so, but I understand if others don’t. I’m excited to see where I’ll land, but I’m ready to take on the responsibility if-
Alec changes the channel.
Filip: Hey! We were watching that!
Alec: If you want to watch that blowhard give scripted answers, then be my guest, but don’t force everyone else to watch.
Talon: Aster is U.A.’s top student, Alec. His graduation is part of what’s bringing hype back to our school. We should be appreciative of him.
Alec tosses Filip the remote.
Alec: Fine, then watch it. I don’t care as long as I’m somewhere else.
Alec stands up.
Alec: Just don’t get mad at me if “you know who” shows up and blasts the TV.
Filip: Oh god, don’t mention him. I thought Sydney’s temper was terrible enough…
Bruno: He’s not all bad.
Fabio: He burnt off all my hair because I ate the sandwich he saved!
Bruno: He’s not… all bad.
Alec: Whatever, enjoy the TV, you nimrods.
Alec heads to the stairs.
Killian: *whistling*
Killian approaches the staircase, holding a bouquet of flowers.
Alec: What are you so cheerful about?
Killian: It’s Charlotte and I’s 5 month anniversary.
Alec: You and her are dating?
Killian: Yeah! How did you not know that?
Alec: I uh… just didn’t get that vibe.
Killian: What do you mean? We hold hands and go on dates all the time!
Alec: Well… let’s just say I’ve been given a reason to believe you aren’t dating.
Killian: What are you talking about?
Gale and Charlotte are lying in bed together, breathing heavily and sweating.
Charlotte: Gale, you’re amazing…
Gale: Shut up, bitch. I know it!
Charlotte: My boyfriend… he’s not great at this.
Gale: Wait… you have a boyfriend?!
Charlotte: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just-
Gale: That’s awesome! I’ve never cucked someone before! Man, I love being alive!
Charlotte: You’re… happy?
Gale: Hell yeah! Oh god, please tell me he’s one of our classmates!
Charlotte: He is…
Gale: Who? Tell me!
Killian kicks the door open.
Gale: Killian? Oh man, I wish you had told me beforehand; I would have gone doggy style.
Gale gets out of bed and starts getting dressed.
Charlotte: I’m sorry, Killian!
Killian: I thought we had something special!
Gale: Clearly not, because she said you suck at this.
Killian: WHAT?!
Charlotte: I’m sorry, it’s the truth…
Killian: I’m fantastic!
Gale: Well, I’m gonna leave you to this.
Gale picks up Charlotte’s panties.
Gale: Souvenir!
Gale walks to the door.
Charlotte: Let’s do that again sometime, Gale!
Gale: I’ll think about it.
Killian: I’m right here!
Gale walks past Killian.
Killian: Where do you think you’re going?!
Gale: To get a Gatorade, I’m a little low on electrolytes if you know what I mean?
Killian: I’LL KILL YOU!
Killian tries pouncing on Gale, but Calm gets between them.
Killian: Get out of my way, Calm!
Calm: Killian, this isn’t the time to fight him. It’s cowardly. We can arrange a fight in the arena tomorrow, got it?
Killian: *frustrated grunt* Fine, but I’m going to destroy him!
Gale: Ha, that’s funny.
Gale exits, and Calm follows behind him.
Calm: Why do you insist on causing trouble?
Gale: Because I can handle myself just fine. I’m trying to enjoy life here, Calm, and you should too.
Calm: I am; I’m just not acting like a pompous ass while doing it.
Gale: Tornado, tornado. How did you even know to come up here? Your room is on the bottom floor.
Calm: I heard Killian storming upstairs and had a bad feeling.
Gale: *nasal grunt* Well, I guess I can squeeze in kicking his ass tomorrow.
Gale and Calm start walking downstairs.
Calm: Gale, just promise me you’ll try harder to be less… yourself. We’re still new here.
Gale: It’s been five months, Calm. It’s time for you to stop acting like we’re still just pieces of Hayze. I’m Gale, and I’ll be who I want to be. If anyone has a problem with that. Well, I guess Killian will be the example.
Gale continues walking downstairs without Calm.
Calm: *sighs*
The next day, Calm, Gale, Impulse, and Wrath eat together at a lunch table with Grace. Each one of the counterparts has changed their appearance to resemble Hayze less.
Impulse and Grace have a map laid out in front of them.
Grace: So, what if I break into her dorm and try to attack her, but you swoop in and save the day?
Impulse: Nah, she’s too smart; she’ll see right through that.
Grace: Hm…
Wrath: So, what was all the commotion about last night?
Calm: Gale got into a fight.
Wrath: Of course, about what?
Gale: I plowed Charlotte last night.
Grace: Really? Nice!
Grace and Gale high-five.
Wrath: And what was wrong with that?
Gale: Apparently, she was still dating Killian, so now I’ve gotta go fight him before the end of the day.
Impulse: That means you’re up to four out of seven, right?
Wrath: Huh? What’s he talking about?
Grace: Gale’s trying to have sex with all the girls in our class.
Wrath stares at Grace.
Wrath: And you are?
Grace: Last, I told him he must prove himself by conquering the first six.
Gale: Yup, and Charlotte makes four.
Wrath: Oh god… Who else?
Gale: Whitney, Desiree, and Ester. All of them were simple. Charlotte was the first one to be hesitant.
Calm: I wonder why…
Gale: Yeah, she seemed pretty happy to cuck Killian afterward. Man, I hate indecisiveness.
Wrath: I can’t believe this is how you’ve decided to use your freedom? Meaningless sex.
Gale: You’re just mad because you can’t get any.
Wrath: *frustrated grunt*
Calm: Gale…
Gale: Fine, sorry. Seriously though, Wrath and Calm, you’ve gotta find yourselves some women. Impulse has the right idea of going after Saige. I even promised him I’ll leave her off my list when I eventually go for the 2-A girls.
Grace: Aw… that’s so sweet.
Impulse: Thanks!
Gale: Is it not?
Wrath grinds his teeth.
Wrath: There isn’t a woman I want right now.
Impulse: He’s just saying that because he’s not over his crush on Blair.
Wrath reaches over the table and starts choking Impulse.
Impulse: *choking* Then why are you choking me?!
Wrath: Because it’s fun!
Grace: You liked Blair, huh? Is it because she has a temper like you?
Wrath stops choking Impulse.
Wrath: Something like that…
Grace: Oh, then, do I have a suggestion for you.
Grace points at Sydney.
Wrath: Her?
Grace: Oh yeah, she’s definitely the one for you.
Wrath: Yeah, right, all that girl does is bitch and moan and treat everyone around her like crap.
Everyone stares at Wrath.
Wrath: What are you looking at? I DON’T DO THAT!
Gale: Right, and birds don’t fly.
Gale, Impulse, and Grace laugh.
Wrath: *frustrated grunt*
Calm is in deep thought.
Calm: (Look at them… laughing and joking about love. Maybe Gale was right. Am I not enjoying my life enough?)
At the front of 2-A’s dorm, Demetri, Isaiah, and Alden are doing intense push-ups. They’re sweating like crazy and breathing heavily. Aaron is sitting on the front steps.
Aaron: Alright, boys, 30-second break!
All three perverts go limp on the ground.
Isaiah: This is hell…
Demetri: Please… give us more than 30 seconds!
Aaron: Okay, you get a 5-minute break if you’re past the 1,000 mark. Does anyone want to give an update?
All three are silent.
Alden: I’m at 1,056!
Aaron: Nope, you’re at 605. So we’re going to double the amount you need to finish.
Alden: NOOO!
Aaron pulls out a whiteboard and writes on it.
Push-Ups Required to Join the Pool Party:
Alden: 605/4000, Demetri: 720/2500, Isaiah: 673/2000.
Aaron: You’re getting there, guys! Also, your break is over.
The three boys quickly return to their push-ups.
Aaron: Alright, you’ll get your next break in 20 minutes.
Demetri, Isaiah, and Alden: *groans*
Alexis walks out the front door wearing a bikini and holding a tray of drinks.
Demetri: Ooh…
Isaiah: Ah…
Aaron: Eyes down, maggots!
The three perverts look down at the ground and continue their exercises.
Aaron: Lookin’ fine.
Alexis: Thanks. I thought you’d like to get a look since you’re not joining the party.
Aaron: Well, someone’s gotta babysit.
Demetri, Isaiah, and Alden: HEY!
Aaron: Looks like everyone just got their goalposts moved by 500.
Demetri, Isaiah, and Alden: NOOO!
Aaron: 600!
The boys are silent.
Aaron: That’s what I thought.
Alexis hands Aaron a glass of lemonade.
Aaron: Thanks, Goddess.
Alexis: Don’t worry, guys. I brought you some, too.
The three boys’ eyes light up. Alexis places the tray with three glasses of lemonade in front of them.
Demetri: Thanks, Alexis!
Isaiah: You’re the best!
Alexis: One of them is pee.
They all stare at Alexis.
Alden: … Yours?
Alexis: Gus’.
Demetri, Isaiah, and Alden: UGHHHH!
Alexis: Good luck, boys!
Alexis begins walking back inside.
Aaron: *whispers* Shouldn’t pee be darker than lemonade? Those glasses look the same.
Alexis: *whispers* They’re all pee.
Aaron smiles.
Aaron: I love you.
Alexis: I know.
Alexis goes inside; Aaron stares at her ass the whole time.
Aaron: Ah… this is the life.
Outback, Zach, Gus, Jace, and Wes are playing pool volleyball. Zach spikes the ball to score a point for himself and Jace. The two high-five.
Jace and Zach: Yeah!
Wes: Gus! Jesus Christ, you suck at this!
Gus is visibly winded.
Gus: I can’t keep up.
Wes: We’re hardly moving!
Gus: *groans*
Eve and Lilith are tanning by the side of the pool. Alexis lies down on a chair next to them.
Eve: Is Aaron keeping the creeps at bay?
Alexis: Yup, and I just delivered their care package.
Eve: Awesome, good thinking, Lilith.
Lilith: *blushes* It wasn’t my idea!
Alexis: It was your concept, but we brought it to life.
Eve: Yeah, fuck those guys. They deserve it.
Lilith: I wouldn’t come up with something that gross! I’m going to get my sunglasses!
Lilith stands up. Alexis and Eve eye her tramp stamp.
Alexis and Eve: Right…
Silver, Ash, and Justus are playing cards at a table.
Justus: You don’t feel like going in the water today, Ash?
Ash: No, I don’t want Blair to be subconscious about being the only one not doing it.
Silver: I don’t know… I think she’s fine where she is.
Hayze and Blair are lying on chairs beside each other, shaded by an umbrella.
Hayze: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this relaxed.
Blair: What, are you saying I’m high-strung?
Hayze: Yes.
Blair: Yeah… I’m just enjoying everything right now. We’ve got this lovely weekend to enjoy ourselves before the Final Exams. My brother is all over the news, and I’m spending time with my favorite person. So things couldn’t be better.
Hayze laughs.
Hayze: So, how’s Blaze doing with your Mom and Cari?
Blair: The same as usual; my mom loves him.
Hayze: And what about Cari?
A flashback begins. Blair slams a DNA test on the table in front of Cari.
Blair: THERE!
Cari: It doesn’t matter.
Blair: HOW?!
Cari: Just because he’s your son doesn’t prove there’s a man on this planet willing to reproduce with you. Artificial insemination exists.
Cari: You’re paying him.
The flashback ends.
Hayze: Blair?
Blair: I’m going to need a list of your bank transactions over the last two years.
Hayze: She thinks you’re paying me, doesn’t she?
Blair: No…
Hayze: She’s just going to say you’re using cash.
Blair: FUCK!
Hayze laughs.
Hayze: So, how is Aster enjoying the pre-hero life?
Blair: He’s the first U.A. graduate since Colossus to skip being a sidekick and go straight to being a hero, so he’s been swamped like crazy. I feel kind of bad, but he says he’s enjoying it.
Hayze: That’s good.
Blair: And speaking of being swamped, how are you doing?
Hayze: Better ever since the initial hype from me defeating Vanguard died down. The only problem is that Ms. Lust said the Hero Association wants me to appear at the upcoming Top 10 Honor Ceremony. She says I need to stop hiding behind U.A.’s walls and take advantage of my popularity.
Blair: I agree. You’re in a unique situation, Hayze. The public is treating you like you’re a pro hero already. If you take advantage of this, you can set yourself up to be like my brother in a year from now, probably even better.
Hayze: I know… It’s just… I don’t feel like I’ve earned it.
Blair: How?! You beat Vanguard!
Hayze: I… I just feel like I cut a lot of corners. I wouldn’t have been fighting Vanguard if I didn’t become Tempest.
Blair: Nobody else was going to beat him, and you know that. It doesn’t matter how you got there. It just matters that you won.
Hayze: Yeah, you’re right, sorry, I-
Saige pops up between the two of them, soaking wet.
Saige: Aw, were you two doing things without me?
Blair: Yes! And I was enjoying it!
Saige: Too bad!
Saige sits down in Blair’s lap.
Saige: My attention meter needs refilling!
Blair: What are you, a dog?!
Saige: *barks*
Blair: *frustrated grunt*
Hayze laughs.
Saige: So, Blair, you’re going modest with the one-piece bathing suit? So disappointing.
Blair: Saige, I know better than to wear a bikini around you.
Saige: Well, too bad because you were never my target today.
Blair: Why do I have a hard time believing that?
Saige: Not everything is about you, Blair, and while I’d love to see your tiny tits today. I’d rather see something else small.
Blair: Oh yeah, like what?
Saige holds up a bunch of colored strings.
Blair: What are those?
Saige: One moment. Hey, boys! Want some lemonade?
Zach: Oh boy, would I!
Jace: Sounds fantastic!
Wes: Gus could use a lot more than that…
Saige: It’s over on that side of the pool!
Wes, Jace, Zach, and Gus swim to the opposite end of the pool and grab glasses of lemonade.
Zach: Awesome!
Jace: I can’t believe Saige did something nice for us!
Wes: Yeah… this feels like a trap-
Wes looks down.
The four guys look back, see their trunks floating in the water, and have panicked expressions.
Wes, Jace, Zach, and Gus try to swim to their bathing suits, but Saige creates a fishing pole and snatches them out of the water.
Blair: You’re an evil genius…
Saige: Thank you.
Blair: That wasn’t a compliment.
The four boys stand in the water in defeat.
Zach: /What do we do now?!/
Jace: /We’re screwed, man!/
Wes: /I should have known something was up when she suggested having colder water!/
Gus: /I’m scared, guys!/
Wes: /Fuck it. I don’t think anyone else has noticed. We’ll just act like everything is normal, and then after everyone heads inside, we’ll bribe Alden to get us some pants./
Zach: /Good thinking, Wes!/
Jace: /Yeah! Alden will do anything if we offer him a night’s sleep inside the dorm!/
Gus: /How long will everyone be outside, though?/
Wes: /Not much longer; everyone looks like they’re getting ready to call it a day./
Saige claps her hands to get everyone’s attention.
Saige: What do you guys say about having dinner outside tonight!
Everyone besides the guys in the water: Yeah!
Wes, Jace, Zach, and Gus are pale.
Saige: Gus, come on out! We need you to cook!
Gus: Please… don’t make me.
Wes: What did we do to you!
Saige kneels down next to the pool.
Saige: You lot were hoping I’d pop one of the girl’s tops off today, right?
Jace, Zach, and Gus are sweating profusely.
Jace: N- not explicitly…
Saige: Consider this preemptive karma.
Blair and Hayze look at each other.
Hayze: Should we help them?
Blair: Well…
Hayze: Just admit you’re curious.
Blair: My money’s on Zach.
Hayze: Eh, I’ll take the dark horse in Gus.
Lilith walks outside.
Lilith: Hayze! Someone’s here to see you!
Hayze: Huh?
Hayze gets out of his chair.
Hayze: I’ll be back; let me know when the fireworks start.
Blair: Will do.
Hayze enters the dorm building and sees a man with gray hair wearing a suit and smoking a cigarette.
Hayze: Huh?
Man: Ah, hello there, Mr. Hayze.
Hayze: Uh… hi, who are you?
The man reaches into his suit pocket and hands Hayze a business card. John C. Domino, Hero Publicist.
Hayze: A publicist?
Domino: It’s nice to meet you, Hayze. You can call me Domino. Do you have a place where we can speak in private?
Hayze: Sure… but why?
Domino: I’m the Lust Hero Agency’s Head of Public Relations and Ms. Lust’s publicist. As an employee of her agency, you are technically my client. I say “technically” because I’ve never worked with a student worker before, but your situation is quite… unique. You’ve been able to hide from the public eye for a while, but it’s time for you and me to start working together on your public image. If you want to decline my services, you must inform Ms. Lust.
Hayze thinks for a moment.
Hayze: (A publicist? Really?) *sighs* (I guess I should at least hear him out.) Okay, we can talk in my room. Follow me.
Domino: Thank you.
Elsewhere, a jeep is driving through a forest. Inside, Jagger is at the wheel, with Marsh, Signal, and Khold in the other seats.
Marsh: How much farther?
Jagger: The map says it should be right up ahead.
Khold: Why are we driving like a grandma on an open highway!
Jagger: This forest is crawling with patrol units and surveillance equipment! This vehicle has a cloaking device that protects us from their visual scans.
Signal: Yeah, and I’m jamming their thermal imaging devices.
Jagger: We’re invisible to them right now, but their ground patrols will find us if we make more noise than we have to.
Khold: *frustrated grunt* Fine, then why am I here?!
Jagger: To kill everyone in this car if we’re found.
Marsh: Harsh, but I like it.
Jagger: Quiet down; we’re almost at the ridge.
The jeep reaches the edge of a clearing. At the center is a massive tower with the Greek Symbol Alpha on it.
Jagger: That’s the control spire.
Marsh: Damn… they went all out.
Signal: They’re protecting one of the artifacts Vanguard used to gain all his power, so I’m not surprised.
Khold: And there are five more of these things around the country?
Jagger: Yes, all a part of the government and Hero Association’s new defense plan.
Marsh puts on a ghillie suit as Jagger rolls the sunroof open.
Jagger: Don’t stay up for too long.
Marsh: Don’t worry, I’m not looking to die today.
Marsh sticks his head out of the sunroof and aims his rifle at the Control Spire.
Marsh: *whistles* Damn, that is some heavy reinforcements.
Jagger: What do you see?
Marsh: Well, it looks like they’ve got enough weapons down there to reenact all of World War 2. And that’s just outside the building. I’m not seeing an entrance, so it must be hidden.
Jagger: Damn, that’s what I was afraid of.
Marsh: Yeah… nobody’s getting there without their own personal army, which might not even be enough.
Jagger: Alright, that’s good for now. Let’s head back. Signal, activate the beacon.
Signal: On it.
Later, Jagger meets with Iota and Zaire.
Iota: I see… Well, I guess we should continue searching for the other towers for now.
Zaire: Are you sure, Master? The Alpha Ring would be helpful to acquire.
Iota: It’s too dangerous to spend more time than needed in the area of the tower. It would be ideal if we located all six first and then created a plan. Besides, it took us five months to find this one. We’re in no rush and have no urgency.
Zaire: Are you sure about that, Master?
Iota: Zaire, what did I tell you about mentioning my lifespan? I’m painfully aware of it.
Iota’s hair is white, and his skin is starting to wrinkle.
Zaire: I’m sorry, Master. Forgive me.
Iota: It’s okay. Jagger, inform the search team of your findings. I’m sure it will assist them in finding the others.
Jagger: Yes, Master.
Jagger exits Iota’s office and walks through the factory.
Jagger: (Did he not notice, or am I more perceptive than him?)
Scarlett: (He definitely did. The tower is clearly a distraction. The real ring might not even be located there.)
Jagger: (I know, but why would he order us to continue searching for the others? What’s the point?)
Scarlett: (Part of leading is knowing when you give your team “busy work.” He wants to keep all of you in the dark while he works on something else.)
Jagger: (“Something else?” Like what?)
Scarlett: (That’s what you need to figure out, Jagger.)
Jagger looks back at the door to Iota’s office.
Iota: The heroes think they’re slick, huh?
Zaire: You think the towers are fake, too, right?
Iota: Yes, but they present a good distraction for the Movement. It could take a year to locate the rest of them. It gives us time to discover our real target.
Zaire: You’re referring to “the gate,” correct?
Iota: Yes, how has your research been progressing?
Zaire: Not well. The heroes raided Vanguard’s hideout. So, if the key he was referring to was there, it’s in their possession.
Iota: Vanguard was foolish, but he wasn’t a fool. He hid it somewhere, and it’s our job to find it.
Zaire: Well, that’s been as difficult as we expected. I was able to locate the village he grew up in. It was destroyed.
Iota: Not surprising. That’s probably what caused him to snap. Did you investigate the area?
Zaire: Yes, but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.
Iota: I’m aware, Zaire, but I have faith that you’ll be the one to find it. Don’t disappoint me.
Zaire: I- yessir.
Iota: *sighs* I need to think. You’re dismissed.
Zaire: Yes, Master.
Zaire exits the office and grinds his teeth.
Zaire: (Master is counting on me. I have to find the key, but I know nothing about Vanguard. What if he didn’t even hide it?) *frustrated grunt* (I have to find it! But where?!)
Jagger: Feeling angry?
Zaire: Huh? Jagger? No, I’m fine.
Jagger: Let me guess, Master is asking you to do the impossible?
Zaire doesn’t reply.
Jagger: I know that feeling, so I can see it in your eyes. He demands too much of us at times. Don’t let it get the best of you.
Zaire: I… I don’t know what to do. He’s put his faith in me to find the key Vanguard was referring to, but with the information we have, there’s almost 0 way to do that.
Jagger: (So, that’s what he’s scheming.)
Zaire: I don’t want to disappoint him, but this task is almost impossible.
Jagger: How so?
Zaire: Hm? Are you saying you think it isn’t?
Jagger: Nothing is impossible to find if you know where to look.
Zaire: That’s my problem; I don’t know where.
Jagger: Have you ever considered skipping a step?
Zaire: What do you mean?
Jagger: Just because there’s a key to find the gate doesn’t mean we need it.
Zaire: So, you think we should search for the gate first? That’s also impossible. There are no clues to its whereabouts either… they died with Vanguard.
Jagger: Vanguard was able to do it. Why can’t we?
Zaire is quiet.
Jagger: Look, all I’m saying is, don’t you think it’s weird that an American would travel to a Nigerian village to leave behind the key to the greatest secret the world has known? Perhaps the first clue lies there. But what do I know? I’m just one of the lackeys.
Jagger walks away.
Zaire: Jagger, wait.
Jagger: Hm?
Zaire: I’d like for you to assist me with this task. I think I could use a second set of eyes.
Jagger: Hm… I don’t know; why should I help just for you to get all of the credit from Master?
Zaire: I won’t. Master has gained significant trust in you over these months. If you and I can find the gate together, he might hold you in the same regard as me.
Jagger smiles.
Jagger: And you’re okay with that, Zaire? I thought you liked being Master’s one and only favorite.
Zaire: I don’t care about that. The only thing that concerns me is helping Master achieve his goals.
Jagger: Hm… I’ll think about it.
Zaire: Understood.
Jagger departs.
Scarlett: (Why didn’t you take him up on his offer? It’s the perfect opportunity to earn Iota’s infinite trust!)
Jagger: (Because I don’t want to come off as too eager. I need to be the same Jagger I’ve always been. I’m playing Zaire, but he’s still brilliant. He’d notice if I was acting strangely.)
Zaire stares at Jagger as he walks away.
Zaire: (I’ve been suspicious of Jagger. I know he’s not the moron he sometimes comes off as. Master sent him to die long ago on that mountaintop. Jagger has to have realized this at some point, and without the Iota Ring, we can never be too sure of his loyalty. If he had accepted my proposal right away, it would have been evident that he was after something. After all, Master dismissed him elsewhere, so why was he so close to this door? Working with Jagger will allow me to closely monitor him.)
Hayze sits on his bed as Domino sits at Hayze’s desk.
Domino: Do you mind if I smoke in here?
Hayze: Uh… yeah.
Domino: That’s a shame.
Domino lights another cigarette.
Hayze: … So, what exactly do you want to say to me?
Domino: From now on, I want you to run anything you do publicly by me. I’ve got your cell number so we can communicate easily.
Hayze: Everything? Like even when I leave to go to the grocery store?
Domino: Kid, like it or not, you’re one of the most recognizable faces in this country. So, people are always going to be watching everything you do. You need to protect yourself so you don’t get into trouble.
Hayze: *concerned grunt*
Domino reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out index cards.
Hayze: Huh?
Domino: Take these.
Hayze: What are they?
Domino: Common interview questions. If anyone asks you something not listed there, don’t answer it.
Hayze: I really need prepared answers?
Domino: Mhm, what would you say if I asked you right now: “Hayze, what are your thoughts on the new wave of changes made by the Hero Association? Would you say they’re awful or that you’d like to see a child die because of them?
Hayze: Wh- well, in that case awful, but-
Domino: And you’ve heard it here first: Adam Hayze, the man who defeated Vanguard, condemns the actions of the Hero Association.
Hayze: That’s not-
Domino: The media doesn’t care about you, kid, and because you’re young, they will try to take advantage and get you to say something stupid. My job is to protect you from that. So, memorize those cards, and if anyone asks you a question you’re uncomfortable with, tell them you won’t answer it. Don’t let them gaslight you into thinking you’re a terrible person by not answering their questions. They’re trying to manipulate you.
Hayze takes the cards.
Hayze: Okay.
Domino: And now, speaking of people trying to take advantage of you…
Hayze: Hm?
Domino: The heroes will likely approach you about giving a speech at the ceremony. Decline. You’ll go there, field some basic questions, and probably get a spotlight before the ceremony. When that happens, you’re going to smile and wave; that’s it.
Hayze: Why don’t you want me to give a speech? Not that I want to, of course.
Domino: The Association has made many changes, some welcomed and others not. They know the ceremony will have backlash, so they’ll try to make you the face of their changes. How will people be mad when their hero Hayze is endorsing the Hero Association?
Hayze: But I do endorse the changes they’ve made!
Domino: Yes, but that doesn’t mean you want to be attached to them. If things go south and these changes don’t work, you don’t want people to direct their anger at you.
Hayze: I…
Domino: You aren’t a member of the Association yet. You didn’t have a say in these decisions, so it’s unfair for you to stick your neck out for the heroes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to paint the Heroes out as bad, but this is business, and we all know emotions don’t matter. They will do what’s best for them, and you need to do what’s best for you.
Hayze hangs his head.
Domino: I know this is a lot, kid, but this is your life now. You can get depressed, or you can get ready.
Hayze: Do you really think if I endorse the Association’s changes, everyone will be happy with them?
Domino takes a massive inhale of his cigarette.
Domino: Kid, you’d be a Top 10 right now if you were eligible.
Hayze: Huh? What?!
Domino: As part of the association’s changes, there’s a far heavier emphasis on popularity than ever before. As Ms. Lust’s publicist, I’ve seen the list. You’re not allowed to repeat what I’m about to tell you, got it?
Hayze: Yessir.
Domino: Vulcan is no longer #1.
Hayze stands up in shock.
Hayze: What?!
Domino: Gunslinger and Meltman have fallen off the list entirely. The Association made public opinion account for 50% of the Top 10 selection process; the other 50% is votes made by the heroes themselves, well-established reporters, and battle records. The public has spoken: they weren’t happy with the previous Top 10.
Hayze sits down and takes in Domino’s words.
Hayze: Was Ms. Lust alright?
Domino: Yes, she actually moved up.
Hayze: Really? Was the public happy with her?
Domino: Yes, and she can thank her publicist for that.
Domino pulls out a magazine. The front page is Exciton proposing to Lust.
Domino: A hero marriage does wonders for popularity.
Hayze: I saw that. I was happy for her but surprised they got engaged so quickly.
Domino: Because they’re not.
Hayze: Huh?!
Domino: It’s all smoke and mirrors. She and Exciton aren’t even seeing each other. It’s a sham to keep the public interested and happy.
Hayze: And they’re okay with this?!
Domino: Of course, Ms. Lust is young, but she’s smart. She knew this was an excellent decision for her career.
Hayze’s stomach is in knots.
Domino: Something wrong?
Hayze: This whole tabloid thing… It’s just hard to take in.
Domino: I understand. It’s tough for any hero to realize their dream job isn’t as innocent as they thought. You can cry about it, kid, but this is how the game goes. If you want to stay on top. You’ve gotta play every card you’ve got.
Hayze: I’ll be fine… I just am gonna need some time to accept that.
Domino: That’s fine, so I can assume you don’t want to fake a marriage?
Hayze: Huh? NO!
Domino: Okay.
Domino pulls out a big stack of papers and lights it on fire with his lighter.
Hayze: What are those?
Domino: Applications from up-and-coming female heroes to be your fake wife.
Domino: Don’t get a big head, kid. A fake marriage with you would put any of these girls in the Top 10 under the new system. It’s a very appetizing career move.
Hayze: I have a girlfriend! Blair!
Domino: Hm… and would she-
Hayze: No, I am not faking a marriage with her!
Domino: Pfft, your loss, but don’t be surprised if her publicist suggests it to her.
Domino starts texting on his phone.
Hayze: Wait a second… Blair also works for Ms. Lust, so doesn’t that make you-
Hayze’s door gets kicked down.
Blair: YES!
Hayze is dumbfounded.
Domino: I didn’t even say where we were…
Some time goes by.
Domino: The sister of Phoenix, the next Top 10 hero, dating Hayze? This will be great for all of you.
Blair: I still don’t see why we can’t get married…
Hayze: I’m not lying about something like that!
Blair: Yeah, well, you’re lying about having an intact left testicle.
Hayze: What?
Blair punches Hayze in the dick.
Domino: I love it. Blair, you’ll accompany Hayze to the Ceremony and try to be as lovey-dovey as possible.
Blair: Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.
Domino: I’ll make some answer cards for you to memorize. I’ll be in touch; it was a pleasure to meet you both.
Domino gets up and begins leaving.
Domino: Hayze, this is a challenging game you’re about to start playing, but I’m one of the best at it. You can ignore me if you want, but I’m only trying to help you.
Domino departs.
Blair: I like him.
Hayze sits up, holding his dick in pain.
Hayze: Yeah… I just wish we didn’t have to do this.
Blair: Do what?
Hayze: The whole tabloid thing… It’s just so… fake.
Blair: That might be, but who cares?
Hayze: Huh?
Blair: As long as you’re a hero, doing what you set out to do. Does it really matter?
Hayze thinks for a moment.
Hayze: I… I guess not.
Blair: Good, and also, if you start doing what Colossus did after he got famous, I will chop off your penis.
Hayze gulps.
Hayze: You’re the only girl for me, Blair.
Blair: I know, and now speaking of penises, I’m gonna be pissed if I missed the chance to laugh at the ones shriveling in the pool.
Hayze: Alright, let’s go back with everyone.
Hayze and Blair hold hands and leave the room.
Hayze: (Blair’s right. Sure, there are parts of the hero career I’m not thrilled about, but if I focus on the aspects I enjoy, I can still be happy.)
Later, Hayze, Silver, Justus, Lilith, Ash, Eve, Blair, and Saige enjoy a steak dinner as Gus, Wes, Jace, and Zach shiver in the pool.
Zach: H- h- how cold is it supposed to get tonight?
Jace: I think I saw 40 degrees.
Wes: In May? That’s bullshit!
Lilith: Hey, guys! Are you not hungry?
Eve: Yeah, why are you still in the pool?
Wes, Jace, and Zach tense up.
Jace, Wes, and Zach: NO REASON!
Gus’ mouth is watering.
Gus: Juicy steak…
Zach: Gus… What are you thinking?
Jace, Wes, and Zach: GUS! NO!
Gus leaps out of the pool, runs to Lilith’s plate, steals, and eats her steak without utensils.
Gus: FOOD!
Lilith: AHHHHH!
Saige: DAMN!
Jace, Wes, and Zach sink into the water, dumbfounded.
Wes: Gus, you bastard…
Jace: How are we supposed to follow that up…
Zach: We can never leave this pool…
Alden, Isaiah, and Demetri are being loaded into ambulances.
Paramedic: Can you explain how all three of them tore every muscle in their arms again?
Aaron: They did over 1,500 push-ups each.
The Paramedic stares at Aaron.
Paramedic: *sighs* Alright, they’ll be back tomorrow.
The ambulances drive off as Aaron and Alexis enjoy steaks on the front steps.
Alexis: There’s something romantic about eating a nice dinner while watching those three writhing in pain.
Aaron: I know, right? Today was the best.
Alexis: And you know it can get better?
Aaron: No chance.
Alexis: Saige took Wes’ bathing suit. He and the other guys are trapped in the pool right now.
Aaron starts rolling on the floor, laughing.
Aaron: This is the greatest day ever!
Aaron transforms his arm into a grenade launcher.
Aaron: Come on, let’s go have fun.
Alexis: Why do all of our dates end in Wes getting humiliated?
Aaron: Would you have it any other way?
Alexis: Hm… No.
Walker, Houston, Fatal, and Adrian are together in a conference room.
Walker: So, are we finally in agreement on these parameters for the Final Exams?
Fatal: Yes.
Houston: I think they’re perfect.
Adrian: I’m satisfied.
Walker: Good, then I’ll begin preparations tomorrow.
Walker looks down at the roster of hero course students.
Walker: They’d better buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride once again.
- In Serial12 Chapters
Dark Street
Life comes at you fast, and Julian Marco’s life is one flat tire away from being the worst kind of country song. But the blues may soon feel like an afterthought, once Julian wakes up in a hellish shadow dimension, with no idea how he got there or why. Forced to fight for his very survival may cost him his remaining sanity. Well, that or the fresh pair of fangs and burning lust for blood. Little does Julian realize what happens in the darkness could have drastic consequences for the rest of earth. And discoveries await that may just contain some dark secret from humanity’s ancient past. Note: This is a story I wrote years ago. It isn't complete, but I had a lot of fun with it. Since my primary focus is on Evil Eye: Hexcaller, chapters will be slow to update. I'm going to shoot for once a week, but we shall see! I hope you enjoy it!
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Tales of Regventus Book Five: Protector
**Book 5 in the Tales of Regventus Series see books 1-4 first** After the death of someone important to them all, the group in Keene Manor has focused on healing the sickness in the kingdom. Griffa is plagued by dreams of losing Ansel, fearing their relationship may not be possible. The danger grows as the powers in Aurumist, led by Philo, work to dispose of the queen as quickly as possible. Griffa's relationship with her protector will be tested as she is tempted to choose another to benefit the kingdom.
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The Land of the Unknown
A school field trip gone wrong, two friends, Tommy and Antonio, come across an underground laboratory while exploring and sneaking into the caverns at night. After a bit of scuffle with another intruder, a girl named Maggie, the three activated a portal, which sucked them right in. When the trio got out, they found themselves trapped in another world, unlike their own. This strange new world contained much dangerous stuff that they have to be careful of, such as Dinosaurs, elemental hazards, different realms to explore, among other things. Tommy, Antonio, and Maggie must work together to try to stay alive. They must find a way out of there as soon as possible. The trio will need to survive the dangers and figure out who to trust in this new world, including each other.
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A Skazka
The book will contain short stories. Major themes will be shared! The book stories will be like crispy snacks for everyone. Enjoy! Inspired by: The Grim Brothers Japanese mythology
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Doctor // Kidnapped Dreamnotfound AU
Why would anyone bother going to the hospital when they have an injury when you can just kidnap your own personal doctor?Dream. A serial killer who often gets into some messy situations with rivals. Those messy situations tend to leave Dream battered, bruised, and shot. He's not the best doctor, but he knows who is. George. A doctor in training at the hospital that he's had his eye on for more time than he'd like to admit.More explanation: Dream's a serial killer & kidnapper who normally works alone. However he does occasionally work with his friends, one of those friends being Sapnap, but we'll get into all of those people later. Dream isn't good at treating bullet wounds or cuts, despite having to do so quite often. So he does something that he IS good at. Kidnapping. Only this time instead of playing mind games with his captive and killing them after, he's going to be kidnapping someone who can help him whenever he gets hurt, which unluckily for the both of them, will be pretty often. Despite George technically still being in training as a doctor, Dream wouldn't dream of passing up an opportunity to not only gain the much needed help in treating his wounds, but also a very pretty boy that would be under his control.TW's! I will explain everything about TW's in the first chapter as well as other stuff in the first chapter.Updates: Once a week. I kind of just update whenever I want though.The reason being for this is because I have actually written a book in the past and I've found that if I have much more time to write the chapters, they tend to be much higher quality and longer. Which means a better reading experience for you guys as well as a better writing experience for myself.I started writing this at like 3am and didn't account for the fact that I have like- no idea how to treat wounds (overall) but uh- too late now I guess...Cover art by wanderlustlily on tumblr
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Mission: Impossible Fallout
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: join CIA agents, August Walker and Courtney Jenkins, as they team up with agents from the IMF to stop a group of terrorists, known as the Apostles, from blowing up the world. Will the agents stop them in time or will it be too late? Will Walker and Jenkins fall in love or will their hands be tied forever? Will there be secrets uncovered along the way or will someone be hiding their identity? What if the IMF were the villains?- I DON'T ANY OF THE CHARACTERS EXCEPT FOR MY OWN -- I CAN CHANGE THE PLOT FROM THE ORIGINAL MOVIE IN THE BOOK BECAUSE I OWN THE BOOK -
8 79