《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 202 "5 Minutes"
Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale slowly get up.
Gale: What the hell?
Calm: He’s separated us!
Wrath: Good, I hated that whole experience.
Impulse: Yeah, me too… but I think I’d prefer to still be fused right now…
Vanguard chuckles to himself.
Vanguard: (And here I thought I’d lost. I am a God, and nobody will stop me from achieving my goal.)
Hayze is still on his knees, staring at the ground.
Vanguard leaps into the arena.
Vanguard: Now it’s time for a little thing I like to call… Revenge.
Vanguard walks toward the five Hayze Brothers, but Adrian gets in his way.
Vanguard: What are you doing?
Adrian: You’ve got what you wanted! You defeated Vulcan; there’s no reason for you to kill them!
Vanguard: Do you think I’m stupid? I can’t allow them to merge together again. They must be eliminated.
Adrian: Killing them won’t stop Tempest from returning! You see how Khaos isn’t among them? You killed him, yet they still were able to fuse together and use his power!
Vanguard: That’s true, but I think I know a way around that!
Adrian: Huh?
Vanguard: All I have to do is kill the original.
Everyone gasps.
Blair: NO!
Adrian: I can’t let you do that!
Vanguard laughs.
Vanguard: Get out of my way.
Adrian: No!
Vanguard: Fine, then, for every minute you choose to block my path, I shall murder one of the people you care about dearly. I think Fatal will be first.
Adrian: You coward!
Vanguard: Hey, it’s not my fault you’re not following the rules. Speaking of which, get back in your seat. Now!
Adrian: *frustrated grunt*
Hayze: Adrian, let him go.
Adrian: Huh?
Hayze slowly gets to his feet, hanging his head.
Hayze: It’s my fault he’s still here. I should have killed him when I had the chance. I don’t deserve to be alive…
Adrian: Hayze! No! I won’t let him kill you!
Wrath runs to Hayze and grabs him by the collar.
Wrath: Hey, jackass! If you die, so do we, so don’t offer yourself up to him!
Hayze: He’s gonna kill us anyway, Wrath. I might as well try to protect my friends one last time…
Wrath: Why you!
Wrath tries to punch Hayze, but Calm holds back his arm.
Wrath: What are you doing?!
Calm: I disagree with his logic, but I understand why he feels that way. Hayze, we were one person. It’s all our fault we let Vanguard survive. Don’t blame yourself.
Gale: Yeah, I’m pissed at myself too.
Impulse: Same here.
Calm: Wrath?
Wrath: *frustrated grunt* Me too.
Wrath releases Hayze.
Hayze: I appreciate that, but it doesn’t matter. Nobody can stop him… we’re all as good as dead.
The group is quiet.
Vanguard: I’m glad we agree on something.
Vanguard bitch slaps Adrian to knock him out of the way.
Fatal and Hayze: Adrian!
Vanguard: I’d usually kill him, but I don’t want to initiate the fusion sequence again.
Hayze: *frustrated grunt*
Vanguard looks up at the stands.
Vanguard: Exciton, I’m going to murder this child, but before I do that, I want to give you a task.
Exciton: Huh?
Vanguard: Please select five people up there to be executed. Well, four. Vulcan is one of them. I still have to pay him back for interfering earlier. Actually, three, I’m going to kill Adrian too.
Exciton: What?!
The group in the stands gasp again.
Vanguard: Hey, now! Just for talking back, I’m moving the number back up to 4.
Exciton: Why?! Why do you need to murder anyone else!
Vanguard: Because Hayze here just made a mockery of me, and I need to show the world the consequences of his actions. I expect your selections immediately after I’ve finished killing Hayze.
Vanguard starts walking toward the personalities again.
Vanguard: Alright, children, let’s make this quick.
Wrath clenches his fists and grinds his teeth.
Wrath: I’m not gonna just sit back and die!
Hayze: Wrath! No!
Wrath launches himself toward Vanguard with a powerful Ignition: Boost.
Vanguard swats Wrath into the ground.
Wrath: *groans*
Vanguard: Well, that was amusing!
Impulse and Gale glance at each other and nod.
Impulse: That may have been stupid.
Gale: But I’d rather do that than stand here and wait to die!
Gale runs toward Impulse, who helps boost him into the air.
Hayze: What are you doing! You can’t beat him!
Impulse speeds toward Vanguard as Gale descends using Spinstorm Sky Strike.
Vanguard: Oh, this is just precious!
Impulse attempts to kick Vanguard, but he doesn’t even flinch.
Impulse: What?!
Vanguard grabs Impulse and smashes him into the dirt.
Impulse: *groans*
Vanguard then turns his attention to Gale.
Vanguard: The Emperor!
Suddenly, Gale’s course changes, and he’s sent crashing into the arena wall.
Gale: Ow…
Vanguard chuckles and continues walking toward Hayze.
Hayze: Why are they doing this?! They never stood a chance!
Calm starts walking towards Vanguard.
Hayze: Calm, not you too! You’re logical; you know you’ll just be abused by him!
Calm: Yes, I do.
Hayze: Then why… Why are you all putting yourself through this!
Calm: Because we’d rather die trying to win than stand aside and watch you be executed.
Hayze: But you can’t win!
Calm: Says who?
Hayze is taken aback.
Calm: Sea Skates!
Calm speeds toward Vanguard and tries to slice his jugular with his razor-sharp water skate.
Vanguard: Pathetic.
Vanguard uses the Emperor to transform Calm’s Sea Skates into air, causing him to fall and skid against the ground. Vanguard then kicks his side and sends him flying across the arena.
Calm: *groans*
Vanguard looks around at Calm, Wrath, Impulse, and Gale.
Vanguard: You all could have stood aside and watched as your existence was erased, but you just had to get involved. You deserve the pain I’ve inflicted upon you. Speaking of which.
Vanguard looks at Hayze.
Vanguard: It’s time for me to repay you for all that pain you put me through.
Hayze: *grunts*
Vanguard approaches Hayze. Calm’s words echo through Hayze’s head.
Hayze: *frustrated grunt*
Vanguard: What’s wrong? Are you upset that I’ve proven I’m superior? It’s alright; the whole world will also have to accept that fact. But, of course, you won’t be alive to see it.
Hayze: (Wrath… Impulse… Gale… Calm… they’re all willing to keep fighting, even after everything we’ve seen. I want to fight, but…)
Hayze falls to his knees in defeat.
Hayze: (We can’t beat him!)
“ Khaos: Because I was created from the immense hatred you built up since childhood. That’s what made me so powerful… more powerful than you because you hated yourself most of all. But… when you saved Ivy using my power… that changed. You finally began to appreciate yourself and your hatred, a.k.a. me. That’s what caused my personality to transform; I started to care about others and wanted to save them… just like you. “ - Chapter 195
Hayze: (Khaos…)
Hayze stands up.
Vanguard: So, you’d like to be executed while standing? I guess that’s the more admirable choice, but I’m just gonna knock you back down.
Hayze: Five minutes.
Vanguard: Huh? What did you say?
Hayze: Give me five minutes.
Vanguard: Five minutes? For what?
Hayze: To come up with a plan… to beat you.
Vanguard laughs loudly.
Vanguard: No.
Hayze: Why not?
Vanguard: Because I have no reason to give you anything. Arrogance almost led to my demise, so I won’t let it get me again.
Hayze: So, you’re afraid, huh?
Vanguard: Hm? Afraid of what?
Hayze: Afraid I can figure out how to take you down in five minutes.
Vanguard: I am most certainly not.
Hayze: Then why not give me the opportunity? Why are you so hesitant if you’re confident it won’t matter?
Vanguard: If you think I’m going to fall for the oldest trick in the book, you’re dumber than I thought.
Hayze: There’s another reason to give me the five minutes, then.
Vanguard: *nasal grunt* Alright, that’s enough. Time to die.
Vanguard points his palm at Hayze.
Hayze: You hear that, everyone watching? Vanguard’s so afraid that he’s gonna kill me without thinking twice. I’ve gotta say, I’m very honored to have a “god” fear me.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt*
Hayze: Dying because my all-powerful opponent was too afraid of what I could do with five minutes of prep time. Man, what a way to go.
Vanguard grinds his teeth.
Vanguard: (Dammit! He’s playing to the crowd. If I kill him now, it really will look like I’m afraid of him. I mean, I’m not! Come on, what could he possibly come up with in five minutes?) Alright, fine. But hand me the Alpha Ring again. I won’t let you hang on to that.
Hayze: Fine.
Hayze tosses Vanguard the Alpha Ring.
Vanguard: You have five minutes, no more, no less. Once 300 seconds have passed, I will destroy you.
Hayze: Thank you, Vanguard. Calm, Impulse, Gale, Wrath! Get over here!
Hayze and the personalities gather together in one part of the arena as Vanguard patiently waits.
Isaiah: So, uh… what are the chances Hayze can actually figure out a way to kill Vanguard in five minutes?
Wes: More like 4 minutes 20 seconds now…
Eve: Wes, shut up!
Wes: Oh, come on, I’m just pointing out-
Eve punches Wes.
Wes: Ow… I kind of hope we all die now.
Lust turns to Exciton.
Lust: What do you think?
Exciton: I don’t know… but we have to hope this kid can figure something out.
Adrian has been aided back into the stands.
Fatal: This might be it… if Hayze can’t make a plan… Vanguard will kill him.
Boom: And many more *gulps*
Adrian: (You’ve got this, Hayze… I know it.)
The five Hayze brothers are huddled up together.
Wrath: So, what’s the plan?
Hayze: Trying to figure that one out.
Wrath: What?! You mean you don’t have one!
Hayze: What do you think the five minutes are for?
Wrath: *frustrated grunt*
Calm: The first step should be figuring out if we have a move in our arsenal that could kill him.
Hayze: We don’t.
Impulse: What? What about Wrath’s Blast Burn?
Hayze: Vanguard knows his greatest weakness is incineration. He’s bound to have a fail-safe to keep him alive… somehow.
Gale: Well, if we can’t kill him, then we’re sunk.
Hayze: Maybe…
Impulse: Hm? What are you getting at Hayze?
Hayze: Every puzzle has a solution, and everyone has a weakness. Vanguard can’t be invincible. There has to be a way to defeat him.
Calm: That might just be sheer optimism, Hayze.
Hayze: No, there has to be something we’re missing… There are two ways that Vanguard can save himself from death. The Gamma Ring and The High Priestess. He uses the latter to deal with less traditional injuries like poisoning. If we want to defeat him, we have to find a loophole to get past those healing methods.
Calm: You forgot one.
Hayze: Hm?
Calm: The Devil allows him to use the quirks of those he’s killed, so he can access Karma’s rewinding ability.
Hayze’s eyes widen.
Impulse: Yeah, but why would he use her quirk over the High Priestess? That one doesn’t have a time limit.
Calm: I’m only pointing out necessary information.
Gale: “Necessary?” More like useless.
Hayze: No… I think Calm might have just solved this puzzle.
Wrath: Huh?
Impulse: What do you mean?
Hayze faces Calm, Gale, Impulse, and Wrath.
Hayze: Look, I want to say I’m sorry. I wanted to give you guys your own lives, and then I let my fear take over and tried to erase you all. I’m so sorry, and I will never let that happen again.
The personalities look at each other.
Wrath: How are we supposed to believe you?
Hayze: I see now that I’ve let fear control me my entire life. Not the typical fears you’d think of, but the psychological ones. I wanted to save everyone… because I feared losing those closest to me again. I ran from home for three months because I was scared of letting people into my life again. I wasn’t thinking about the memories and friendships we could make; I only thought about the ending. Everything comes back to that moment… when my world fell apart, and my parents perished. It’s time for me to stop dwelling on the past and start fighting for the future. I understand if you never want to trust me again, but I’m not the Hayze I once was figuratively…
Hayze thinks back to Khaos’ death.
Hayze: And very literally.
The personalities are quiet for a moment.
Calm: I believe you.
Impulse: Me too.
Wrath: *grunts* I guess.
Gale: Eh, I don’t see the difference, but whatever.
Hayze smiles.
Hayze: Good, then let’s take this guy down!
Vanguard watches as the five of them converse.
Vanguard: (They can’t devise a proper plan in such little time, right? What am I doing?! I’m a God! Why am I concerned over a mortal!)
Vanguard nervously looks up at the stadium clock.
Vanguard: *grunts* (It’s only been 3 minutes… should I just attack? No, that would make it seem like I’m afraid of them!)
Vanguard grinds his teeth.
Iota: (He looks… worried.)
The five minutes end.
Vanguard: Alright, it’s time for you to die!
Vanguard charges toward the five of them.
Gale: Whirlwind Wall!
Gale tries to blast Vanguard with a gust of wind, but it quickly subsides due to the Emperor.
Gale: Shit!
Vanguard pushes Gale aside, then attempts to grab Hayze by the neck.
Vanguard: DIE!
Impulse bumps Hayze out of the way, allowing Vanguard to grab him instead.
Impulse: *choking*
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt* PESTS!
Vanguard chucks Impulse. Hayze has started running away.
Vanguard: Where do you think you’re going?!
Wrath leaps onto Vanguard’s back.
Vanguard: What are you doing?!
Wrath: Ever heard of a wet willy?
Wrath lights his index finger on fire and sticks it in Vanguard’s ear.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Vanguard quickly rips Wrath off his back and chucks him away.
Vanguard: You all are-
Calm attempts to punch Vanguard, but the tyrant kicks him away.
Vanguard: Are you all done? I knew I shouldn’t have wasted my time giving you that five-minute-
Suddenly, Vanguard finds himself stunned. Hayze’s shadow has extended to his own.
Hayze: Shadow Paralysis!
Vanguard: Why you!
Calm, Impulse, Gale, and Wrath all quickly get to their feet. They have him surrounded on all sides.
Vanguard: I see… those pointless attacks were your way of positioning yourselves around me. Clever.
A fire grenade pin forms on Wrath’s inner bicep. Calm begins pooling rainwater from the roof above himself. Impulse charges electricity in his hand. Gale forms a razor wind ball in his hand. And finally, Hayze creates a myriad of sharp needle shadows.
Wrath: Infinite Assault: Blast Burn!
Calm: Torrential Tribute!
Impulse: Blackout Blitzkrieg!
Gale: Hurricane Hammer!
Hayze: Shadow Stitching!
All five launch their attacks at Vanguard.
Vanguard: The Emperor!
Suddenly, each attack shifts and aims at a new target: One of the five Hayze Brothers.
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale: Oh crap!
Calm is hit by Blast Burn, burning him substantially. Impulse is sent flying back and crashing into the arena wall by Torrential Tribute. Gale is electrocuted severely by Blackout Blitzkrieg. Hayze sustains vicious cuts from Hurricane Hammer. And finally, Wrath has many needle shadows stab at various points on his body.
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale: AHHHHHHH!
Vanguard laughs as all five lie on the ground in pain.
Vanguard: I can see why you needed to fuse to even be close to a threat!
Everyone looks worried in the stands.
Fatal: Should… should we go out there? It feels wrong watching this-
Adrian: No.
Fatal: Huh? Why not? I know Hayze has done the seemingly impossible before, but this is actually impossible!
Adrian: Rachel, what Hayze just did was really stupid.
Fatal: Yeah… so? He’s out of options!
Adrian: Mhm, and if that’s what you think…
Fatal: *grunts* That must be what Vanguard thinks as well…
Vanguard finally finishes laughing.
Vanguard: Alright, kids, since you four are so protective of your brother, I think I’ll kill all of you as well! We’ll make it a family farewell!
Vanguard begins charging five deathballs, each one pointed at a different counterpart.
Vanguard: This is the end for you!
Hayze painfully stands up.
Hayze: You’ll never beat us, Vanguard.
Impulse gets up.
Impulse: Yeah, you have no clue who you’re messing with.
Gale stands up.
Gale: We may be one guy divided into five, but we’re united.
Wrath stands up.
Wrath: Because we share a common goal.
Calm stands up.
Calm: An undying need to protect our friends, family, mentors, and the world.
Vanguard: I don’t care. IT’S TIME TO DIE!
Gale: Not if I can help it!
Gale uses a gust of wind to send all of the death balls careening into the air, where they collide with one another and explode.
Vanguard: You pest!
Wrath: Oh, Vanguard!
Wrath readies and fires another Blast Burn at Vanguard.
Vanguard: Ha! What a pathetic move! The World!
Time stops.
Vanguard: I’ll just put Hayze in front of this blast, I was going to enjoy torturing him a bit longer, but now I’m ready to kill him and end this wretched-
Impulse: Forget about me, Vanguard?
Vanguard: What? How?! I thought only Tempest could do this!
Impulse starts moving towards Vanguard.
Impulse: I’m not as fast as Tempest, but I can still move in your frozen time.
Vanguard punches Impulse, knocking him aside.
Vanguard: You’re still not as fast as me, though!
Impulse: I don’t need to be!
Impulse grabs Hayze’s shoulder, allowing him to move as well.
Hayze: Even in stopped time, we won’t back down!
Vanguard: Why did you bring him into this? He won’t help you.
Impulse: We’ll see about that, right, Hayze?
A circle of shadows appears around Hayze.
Hayze: You’re about to have an absolute meltdown, Vanguard.)
Vanguard: (No! Not that move again!)
As the shadows engulf Hayze. Vanguard charges at him and Impulse, but Impulse begins firing excessive lightning bolts to block him.
Impulse: What’s wrong? Are you afraid?!
The shadows begin jetting into the sky, slowly forming into a massive raven that lets out an enormous screech.
Vanguard: No!
Impulse: It’s time for our mighty attack to soar!
The Shadow Raven lets out an ear-piercing screech.
Hayze: Go! Nihilistic Nevermore!
The Raven dives toward Vanguard.
Vanguard: NO! NOT AGAIN!
Vanguard resumes time.
Vanguard: I won’t go through that again!
Impulse reacts quickly, grabbing Calm, Gale, and Wrath to reposition them.
Impulse: (I need every ounce of speed I have!)
Vanguard leaps back in anticipation of Nihilistic Nevermore, allowing him to also dodge Wrath’s Blast Burn. However, he’s inadvertently placed himself between Calm, Gale, and Wrath.
Vanguard: What?!
Vanguard is suddenly engulfed in a cylinder of water.
Vanguard: (What the hell?!)
Gale uses wind to make two holes in the water prison that lead directly to Vanguard’s eyes.
Gale: Go, Wrath!
Wrath: I’m gonna enjoy this!
Wrath shoots beams of fire into the holes Gale made, blinding Vanguard.
Vanguard: *gargling* AHHHHHH!
Everyone is on the edge of their seat.
Houston: What are they doing?!
Adrian: I see… they’re trying to drown him!
Boom: Drown him? Why?
Exciton’s eyes widen.
Exciton: Because drowning isn’t an injury, the Gamma Ring can’t heal it!
Lust: And technically, his body isn’t being damaged, so the High Priestess can’t fix that either!
Adrian: And they’re blinding him, so he can’t use The Magician to teleport out!
Fatal: Or use the Emperor to transform the water!
Daniele: But there’s still one way for Vanguard to escape before running out of air!
Vanguard’s breath starts to run out.
Vanguard: (Dammit! I have to use it! Even if I have to endure the pain of that damned attack! It’s better than dying!) The Devil!
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale smile.
Impulse: ♫ You’ve doomed yourself, oh Vanguard, you should have never messed with this quintet. ♫
Gale: ♫ That’s right, you should be filled with pure regret! ♫
Wrath: ♫ We’re your biggest nightmare! You should even fear our silhouette! ♫
Calm: ♫ If only you had heeded our threat! ♫
Hayze: ♫ You should have made this fight a tête-à-tête! Don’t get upset, but… ♫
Calm, Gale, and Wrath create a second water prison. Everyone’s eyes widen.
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale: ♫ For your life, the sun is about to set! ♫
Vanguard rewinds into the other water prison.
Vanguard: (What? Nothing’s changed, but… that means… NO! NO! NOOOOOO!)
Vanguard continues to rewind between the two prisons.
Zach: I don’t get it? Why isn’t Vanguard using one of his other abilities to escape?
Exciton: Because he can’t… he’s only allowed to use one tarot ability at a time. And right now, that’s The Devil…
Lust: And that’s the only thing keeping him alive…
Exciton: If he stops using The Devil, he’ll drown, and by creating a second water prison where Vanguard was standing three seconds prior, he rewound himself into it.
Lust: He’s trapped in an infinite loop. He can only keep air inside his lungs by using The Devil repeatedly.
Exciton: He can’t escape… the Gamma Ring is ineffective against drowning, the Alpha Ring is useless in this situation, and the Delta Ring can do nothing more than preserve his life. He’s powerless.
Vanguard desperately continues rewinding between the two prisons.
Vanguard: (What do I do?! If I deactivate The Devil, I’ll run out of oxygen and die! But if I do nothing, I’ll be trapped here forever!)
Hayze breathes a sigh of relief.
Hayze: How are you feeling in there, Vanguard?
Vanguard doesn’t respond.
Hayze: Wow, it only took depriving you of oxygen to finally get you to shut up. I bet you’re wondering how you got into this mess? Well, those five minutes were all we needed. You see, Calm pointed out that you could use Karma’s rewinding ability to recover, and Impulse and Gale rightfully dismissed it. Why would you use that ability over one of your other two? That’s when I realized how we could trap you. Drowning is perfect because you can only combat it using Karma’s rewind. However, this opens you up to all of Karma’s weaknesses.
Hayze flashes back to Justus’ fight against Karma during the Sports Festival.
Hayze: Justus exploited Rewind’s greatest flaw perfectly a long time ago. If your opponent knows exactly where you’ll appear, they can devise a trap to put you in a loop. Our first move was, of course, a fake. Even though you defused us, we knew you were still afraid. You wanted to believe we couldn’t devise a plan to defeat you in five minutes, so you didn't think twice when it seemingly failed so easily. That’s when we decided to have Wrath fire a Blast Burn. We knew you’d use The World to try and kill me since you didn’t want to waste any more time. But this opened the door for Impulse to help me launch your worst nightmare.
Hayze flashes back to Vanguard’s reaction to Nihilistic Nevermore during his fight with Khaos.
Hayze: You’d do anything to avoid reliving the pain and agony of Khaos’ ultimate attack, but since The World was still active, you couldn’t stop it. So, you panicked and forgot that Impulse was technically unaffected by The World. So, with Nihilistic Nevermore approaching from one direction and the impending threat of Wrath’s Blast Burn, you go only one direction. Impulse could speedily position Calm, Wrath, and Gale to form a prison that would drown you. With your eyes perpetually burnt, you couldn’t use The Magician or The Emperor to escape. And with Calm’s waters keeping you in place, only one ability could save you: Karma’s. With that in mind, we set up our second snare. Trapping you in this perpetual state.
Hayze’s eyes narrow.
Hayze: This was a completely avoidable scenario for you, but fear is one of the most powerful influences on the human mind. We all make mistakes when we let the things we’re afraid of control our actions. Unfortunately, I’ve learned that lesson far too many times, but now… it will be your undoing!
Vanguard smiles.
Vanguard: (Is he a fool? He just described my situation perfectly! I wasn’t aware that Calm, Gale, and Wrath were constantly keeping these water prisons intact! That fool! All I have to do is wait until they exhaust, and I’ll be freed!) HAHAHA, YOU CAN’T KILL A GOD!
Hayze: Let me guess, you think you can just wait us out now, right?
Vanguard: (Huh?)
Hayze: Don’t worry, I understand. I see how you could come to that conclusion with the information you have. But the only way you can stay alive is by continuously using Karma’s quirk, and well…
“ Karma: I'm Karma Montgomery, my quirk lets me travel back in time 3 seconds or forward in time by 3 seconds, but if I overuse my quirk, I’ll become frozen in time and unable to move for a couple of minutes. “ - Chapter 6
Suddenly, Vanguard tenses up and stops rewinding over and over.
Hayze: That’s just not going to work.
Water starts to fill Vanguard’s lungs.
Vanguard: (No… NO! NOOOOOOOOOO!)
Vanguard lets out his last set of air bubbles.
Hayze: Let this be a lesson to you, Vanguard. It doesn’t matter how powerful you are. Everyone has a weakness, and I, Adam Hayze, found yours.
Vanguard’s eyes start to flutter.
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale all smile.
Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale: Says who?
Vanguard dies.
Hayze: That’s checkmate, Vanguard!
Calm releases the water prison, and Vanguard’s lifeless corpse flops against the ground.
Hayze: (Black Hollow, Angel, Karma, Tyson, and Khaos… that was for you.)
Everyone is silent, in awe.
Demetri: It’s over…
Isaiah: He’s dead…
Everyone leaps up in joy, celebrating. Everyone watching from their screens is cheering. Iota shuts off his TV.
Zaire: Well… that was enlightening. Shall I send a team to retrieve the rings?
Iota: No… we’ll get them when we need them.
Zaire: Are you sure, Master? We could intercept their transport and-
Iota: There’s no need to expose ourselves. We have enough rings to do what we need. Gathering more before we learn more about Vanguard’s story only opens us up for failure.
Zaire: What do you mean?
Iota: Having six rings to ourselves? We’d be the biggest target on this planet if we’re not already.
Zaire: I see…
Jagger grinds his teeth.
Jagger: (Dammit… he’s too intelligent. He doesn’t know that I’m eyeing his throne, but he’s aware of how easily the rug could be pulled out from under him. No matter, I’m alright with playing things slow.)
Calm, Wrath, and Gale fall to their knees, exhausted.
Hayze: Good work, guys. That was perfect execution.
Calm: Well, we couldn’t have done it without you, Hayze.
Wrath: *sighs* As much as I hate to admit it, that was pretty good.
Gale: Yeah… I couldn’t have done it myself.
Hayze: Thanks, guys.
Zach and Isaiah leap into the arena and rush to Hayze as Lilith safely flies Blair and Ash down.
Zach: I can’t believe you did it, Hayze!
Isaiah: You killed Vanguard!
Hayze: It wasn’t just me. I couldn’t have done it without my five counterparts.
Zach: But… technically, they are you.
Hayze: They were, but they’re their own people, Zach. You should respect them the same way you would anyone else.
Hayze looks back at his counterparts; they nod to one another.
Isaiah: Uh, wait a second, did you say five? Is that a mistake?
Hayze places his hand over his white eye.
Hayze: No, no, it wasn’t.
Blair: Hayze!
Suddenly, Blair tackles Hayze to the ground.
Hayze: *groans* Blair? Why-
Blair: I thought you were gone forever!
Hayze: Well, I was, but-
Blair: Don’t ever do that to me again!
Hayze: Okay, I’ll-
Blair: Hayze, don’t ever do that to me again, or else.
Hayze gulps.
Saige: Man, Blair’s ass looks fantastic!
Isaiah: It sure does!
Blair quickly gets up and punches Isaiah across the arena.
Isaiah: *groans*
Saige, Ash, and Lilith approach the group.
Saige: You owe me a favor, Hayze!
Hayze: *sighs* Thank you, Saige.
Saige helps Hayze up.
Lilith: Uh… should we check on Isaiah?
Hayze: Yeah, actually, that reminds me, Zach, come here.
Zach: Huh?
Hayze creates a shadow dagger and cuts Vanguard’s hand off.
Hayze: Wrath? Do you mind?
Hayze tosses the hand, and Wrath blasts it with a fireball. Hayze catches the three rings and throws the Gamma Ring to Zach.
Hayze: Bring that to Recovery Girl… and Isaiah too.
Zach: Right, will do!
Zach runs to Isaiah.
Lilith: I can’t believe it’s actually over!
Gale: I can; he should have never crossed paths with me- I mean, us.
Impulse: I’m just glad I have my own body back.
Wrath: Pfft, you were only fused with us briefly. Quit complaining.
Impulse: So were you, buddy.
Wrath: Longer than you!
Impulse: Alright, quit complaining!
Wrath: *frustrated grunt* Hey! We never got to finish our fight!
Impulse: No, I’m pretty sure I won.
Wrath: Oh yeah?!
Impulse and Wrath start grappling with one another.
Ash: Well, you were definitely right about them being different people…
Hayze turns to Ash and Lilith.
Hayze: I’m glad to see you’re back, Lilith. I’m sorry it took so long to save you.
Lilith: Oh, it’s okay, Hayze. I understand that it wasn’t an easy task.
Hayze: And uh… you don’t remember anything that happened while you were in the Vanguard, right?
Lilith: N- no… why?
Blair: Yeah, Hayze… why?
Hayze starts sweating bullets.
Hayze: Anyways, Ash, I’m really sorry for what happened to you when you entered Tempest’s mind. I was in a bad place when-
Ash: It’s okay, Hayze. I understand. You don’t have to say anything to me. I think we both could have done more for our friendship, and I’m glad you’re still here so we can keep being friends.
Hayze: Right.
Everyone left in the stands hasn’t moved. They're still in awe.
Exciton: I can’t believe that kid did it.
Lust: I always knew there was something special inside of him…
Exciton: How… How did he do something that none of us could?
Evergreen: He has something that we lack.
Exciton and Lust turn around to see Evergreen standing behind them.
Recovery Girl: Evergreen, please sit down until I get the Gamma Ring!
Exciton: What do you mean, Evergreen?
Evergreen: We’ve become so dependent on our strength that we’ve lost sight of something important… something we let die with Colossus.
Lust: Hm? What?
Evergreen: Our ability to believe in the impossible.
Exciton: Huh?
Evergreen: When Colossus was alive… we always believed there was a way to defeat any villain. But that was because of him, and we took that for granted. Our agencies were understaffed, and we were ill-prepared to take on Vanguard when he arrived. Colossus meant a lot to us, but he shouldn’t have meant everything. We all gave up the moment Black Hollow died. Maybe we didn’t say it, but none of us believed we could do it. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. That kid down there, even in the face of seemingly certain death… still thought he had a chance.
Big Tank: Regardless of whether we believed we could do it, none of us were powerful enough to stop Vanguard.
Big Tank joins the trio.
Evergreen: And Hayze was?
Big Tank: That’s not my point. He exploited Vanguard’s arrogance to-
Vulcan: And why couldn’t we have done that?
Vulcan approaches the group.
Big Tank: Vulcan, you can’t seriously be ignoring the elephant in the room. Vanguard was powerful enough to wipe all of us out long ago. We shouldn’t let result-oriented thinking cloud our-
Vulcan: Results are what we’re paid to get.
Big Tank: *grunts*
Vulcan: Evergreen is right. Colossus was a crutch for the rest of us to lean on… he wasn’t perfect; he was far from it. But I know if he was alive today… he wouldn’t have thrown in the towel the way we did. We have to learn from our mistakes… It's time for us to change the way that heroes operate.
Exciton: I agree. With Vanguard’s defeat, we’ve been given a second chance to right our wrongs. We can’t waste it.
Everyone nods in agreement.
Recovery Girl: Here you go, Justus. This will help.
Recovery Girl uses the Gamma Ring to heal Justus.
Justus: *groans* Thank you, ma’am.
Silver offers Justus his hand.
Silver: Need help?
Silver helps Justus to his feet.
Justus: I’m sorry, I don’t remember what I did, but… I know it was wrong.
Silver: You were under his control, don’t worry about it.
Justus and Silver glance at Hayze.
Silver: You know, that was supposed to be us.
Justus: Yeah… I’ve learned a lot from him, and he deserves praise for his actions.
Silver: Mhm, he may have beat Vanguard, but I won’t give up. I know I can surpass him.
Justus: Why are you telling me this?
Silver: Because I want to make sure you feel the same way.
Justus stares at Silver for a moment.
Justus: Of course I do.
Daniele runs to Aster and Yul.
Aster: Dani, I’m glad you’re okay.
Daniele: Is what Hayze said true? Is Tyson really gone?
Aster and Yul go quiet.
Aster: Yeah… he is.
Daniele: Oh god…
Aster: His sacrifice wasn’t in vain. He gave us the crucial information we needed to take down Vanguard.
Daniele: That’s good, but… I just…
Aster: I know… I’m sorry.
Aster hugs Daniele to console her. Daniele glances at Yul; he smiles, gives her a thumbs-up, and walks away.
Aster: I never thought I’d know what it’s like to lose a friend this young. It really makes you think about how short life really is.
Daniele: Yeah… it does.
Both are quiet for a moment.
Daniele: Aster.
Aster: Huh? Yeah, Dani?
Daniele: I love you.
Aster: Wh- HUH?!
Aaron joins the group in the arena.
Aaron: Well, well, just when I thought I’d seen it all, you go and do that.
Hayze: Hey, Aaron, I’m sure you had a lot of fun wiping out the rest of the Vanguard.
Aaron: Yup, Alexis is taking Recovery Girl back to where we fought all of them. She’s got her work cut out for her. She needs to heal almost the whole student body.
Saige: Hooray!
Blair: No! Not hooray!
Aaron: I honestly thought you were done for there, Hayze. I guess I haven’t learned to stop underestimating you even after all this time.
Hayze: Don’t start saying that. Next, you’ll promise me another fight.
Aaron: Oh, we’ll fight again, but I’m gonna wait on that.
Hayze: *nasal grunt* Right.
Aaron notices Hayze’s eye.
Aaron: Are you blind in one eye now?
Hayze: No… this is Khaos’ eye. Unfortunately, he’s gone… forever.
Aaron: Damn, but isn’t that a good thing? He was the psycho one, right?
Wrath and Impulse are still punching each other.
Saige: You’re gonna have to be more specific.
Hayze: In a way… Yeah, but he was changing for the better. I wish he would have stuck around to see if he liked it.
Aaron: Well, I’m alright with only five versions of you running around either way.
Blair: Anything’s better than you all staying fused as Tempest…
Hayze: Speaking of which…
Blaze approaches the group.
Hayze: Does this mean what I think it does?
Blaze: I… I don’t know…
Adrian: Unfortunately, yes.
Adrian, Fatal, and Ewing have arrived.
Ewing: Blaze can never return to his timeline with that fragment gone.
Everyone is shocked except Blaze.
Aaron: Hey, I don’t know much about this ring stuff. But shouldn’t there be a version of that ring in our timeline?
Adrian: Yes, but the Epsilon Ring has paradox-correcting properties that make it difficult for Blaze to leave this timeline. So the only way he could have accurately returned to his original reality was by using the fragment he came here with.
Hayze looks at Blaze. He doesn’t seem distraught at all.
Hayze: Blaze… did you know?
Blaze: Know what?
Hayze: That the ring could be used like that. To reverse a person’s individual timeline?
Blaze goes quiet for a moment.
Blaze: Yes… I did.
Hayze: So, you planned to use that to separate Tempest yourself… even though you knew it would trap you here? Why?
Blaze: I already lost you once. I didn’t want it to happen again… and I was willing to pay the ultimate cost.
Everyone is taken aback.
Hayze: Thank you… son.
Everyone smiles.
Ewing: I hate to break up the sunshine parade, but we need to talk, Hayze.
Hayze: About what?
Ewing: Don’t give me that attitude! I won't let the results dictate my response! You led a coup to overthrow the teachers of this school! Some of your classmates are dead, and many more could have met the same fate. This is a serious situation, young man.
Hayze stares blankly at Ewing.
Ewing: What do you have to say for yourself?
Hayze is quiet for a few moments. He then looks into the TV cameras.
Hayze: Everyone watching from their homes or wherever else this is being broadcast. My brothers and I defeated the greatest villain this world has ever known, and I couldn’t have done it without my education at U.A.
Ewing: Huh?
Adrian and Fatal smile.
Hayze: I understand this school has given you many reasons for losing faith, and I’m not asking you to trust this establishment. I just want you to hear what I have to say and come to whatever conclusion you want. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without U.A. Was it pretty the whole time? No, but I wouldn’t have defeated Vanguard without my teachers, Mr. Walker, Adrian, and Fatal. Look around at my friends and the other students in the stands. I have faith that they will be the next great protectors of our world. They are heroes, and I know they’ll only continue to progress as time goes on. So, if you’re angry at this school for allowing Vanguard to grow and become what he did. Just remember, they also produced my brothers and me. The ones who stopped him.
Everyone watching the broadcast nods in approval.
Viewer #1: If they made this kid… I guess they deserve another chance.
Viewer #2: I don’t like it, but I like this guy, so I’ll trust him.
Viewer #3: U.A. has my support!
People celebrating in the streets begin chanting.
The crowd of Viewers: Hayze! Hayze! Hayze!
Hayze turns to Ewing.
Hayze: Sorry, sir, but you were saying?
Ewing stares at Hayze.
Ewing: Don’t get used to this; you’re on thin ice. Adrian and Rachel, come with me. We have to make A LOT of phone calls… but first.
Ewing holds out his hand, and Hayze gives him the Alpha and Delta Rings. The trio then departs.
Adrian: (The kid knew that he could use his newfound public support to convince them to forgive U.A. and get Ewing off his back. Not bad, Hayze, not bad at all.)
A few days later, all of Class 2-A and 2-B plus Ivy, Blaze, Aster, Yul, Daniele, and the personalities are gathered at a graveyard. The families of Karma, Angel, and Tyson are having a funeral for their children.
Lilith: Poor Karma…
Eve: I know, we’ll all miss her.
Hayze, Blair, and Blaze stand off to the side, watching the ceremony for Karma.
Hayze: Are you okay, Blair?
Blair: I’m okay, but… I’m gonna miss her a lot.
Hayze: Me too…
Wrath, Impulse, Gale, and Wrath are at the entrance to the graveyard, watching all of the ceremonies from afar.
Gale: Does it feel weird to be here for you guys too?
Impulse: A little, yeah.
Gale: I mean, I barely even talked to those guys, but with Hayze’s memories, I still feel bad.
Wrath: It’s whatever. Let’s just stay back and pay our respects from here.
Calm: I agree. We may know them, but we’re still strangers in many ways.
Zach, Gus, Demetri, Isaiah, and Jace are gathered around Angel’s grave.
Zach: We’re gonna miss you, buddy.
Jace: Thanks for always being there for us.
Gus: *sobs*
Alden falls to his knees in anguish at Angel’s grave.
Alden: I’m going to miss you so much!
Jace: Man, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you care about someone else, Alden.
Zach: Do you want to say some words?
Alden wipes tears from his face.
Alden: You were a great friend to me… you always treated me better than anyone else.
Jace: That’s great, Alden, now-
Alden: I’ll never forget that stupid way you asked for food.
Zach: Wait, what?
Gus: Huh?
Alden: Here you go, buddy.
Alden places a chicken nugget on the grave.
Zach: Alden… whose funeral is this?
Alden: Jack’s.
Zach, Jace, Isaiah, Demetri, and Gus start beating the shit out of Alden.
Alexis and Aaron are sitting on a bench together.
Aaron: If you need to talk to anyone, I’m here. I know you two were close.
Alexis: Thanks, Aaron. We had our rough patches, but she was a good friend.
Alexis leans on Aaron’s shoulder; he puts his arm around hers.
Aaron: (I need to know that I’m strong enough to protect her. I never want to have to go to one of these for her.)
Aaron notices three other ceremonies happening with 2-B students gathered.
Aaron: Uh… what’s 2-B doing here?
Alexis: Hm? Oh, I think three of them died.
Aaron: What?! When?!
Alexis: Uh… That kid Reed got hit by a semi trying to cross the street. The gooey one, Ryan, had a massive coronary after eating 25 deep-fried Oreos. And that girl Hailey died from a brain bleed.
Aaron: When did that girl get a brain bleed? When she fought Tara-
Alexis pulls out a sticky note and writes on it.
Alexis: *note* I think she has this place bugged.
Wes has Verity draped over his shoulder.
Wes: Will you let go of me! I have to pay my respects!
Verity: This was part of our agreement.
Wes: No, it wasn’t!
Verity pulls out a stack of papers.
Verity: I beg to differ.
Aster and Daniele approach Hayze, Blair, and Blaze while holding hands.
Blair: Hey, Aster, are you doing okay?
Aster: Yeah, they just finished up Tyson’s ceremony. I don’t really want to talk about it.
Blair: Okay…
Aster: So, what’s the plan for you now, Blaze? Should I start bragging that I’m an uncle?
Blaze: I’m not really sure. Adrian and Ewing said I’ll probably be allowed to use the Epsilon Ring to travel through time again if I want, but I’d only get one shot, so I’m not sure what I’ll do.
Hayze: If that’s the case… I actually have an idea.
Blaze: Huh?
Hayze: When you turn 17, we’ll use the Epsilon Ring to send you into the future, and you can join U.A. then.
Blaze: Y- you think so?
Hayze: Of course, I’m sure Ewing and Adrian can leave their letters of recommendation lying around for a decade or two. And that way, you’ll have parents that aren’t a few years older than you.
Blaze: I… won’t that be hard on you, though? You won’t see me for such a long time.
Hayze: I can’t speak for Blair, but giving you a normal life will be worth the wait.
Blair: I’m happy with whatever you want, Blaze.
Blaze: Hm… I’m not sure.
Ivy: You should listen to your dad.
Blaze: Huh?
Ivy has approached the group.
Ivy: He’s very good at helping people get a second chance at the life they deserve.
Hayze smiles.
Blaze: I guess I’ll think about it then.
Ivy: Can I actually ask you a question, Blaze?
Blaze: Hm? What is it?
Ivy: You nearly sacrificed yourself for me… Why?
Blaze: Let’s just say that you’re very important to this timeline.
Ivy: I… I am?
Blaze: Yes, you are.
Walker: *from afar* Hey, Hayze.
Everyone turns to see Walker standing beneath a tree not far from them.
Walker: I need to speak with you.
Hayze: Okay, I’ll be right back, guys.
Hayze approaches Walker.
Hayze: What is it you need, Mr. Walker?
Walker offers Hayze his hand.
Walker: I want to apologize.
Hayze: I- for what?
Walker: I reacted harshly to your decision to help that girl, Ivy, and I’m sorry. I can see that you were right… and I was wrong.
Hayze shakes Walker’s hand.
Hayze: I’m sorry that I didn’t consider your wishes, sir, but I… I just felt too strongly about my decision.
Walker: I understand, but I need to add a condition to my apology.
Hayze: Huh?
Walker: I’ll be training Ivy myself from now on. She’ll stay at my home, and I’ll teach her everything she needs to know about heroics and regular human life.
Hayze: R- really?
Walker: Yes, I’ll admit she has good in her, but I will watch her closely. I still don’t trust her completely.
Hayze: That’s fine, sir! I’m sure she’ll be thrilled!
Walker: One more thing…
Hayze: Hm?
Walker: Starting after Winter Break, you’re back in Class 2-A. That’s not optional.
Hayze: Thank you, sir.
Walker: I’ll be seeing you.
Walker starts walking away.
Hayze: Mr. Walker! Wait!
Walker: Hm?
Hayze: Not to seem insensitive, but since I’m back in 2-A… there are four open spots in Class 2-B…
Walker: And?
Hayze: I know where you could find some new students.
- In Serial30 Chapters
(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun
After winning the lowest prize from Divine Lottery, a young man was thrown, by Goddess of Fortune, into a fantasy world and became a God. With only a small land as his sanctuary, he strives to protect his shrine from being destroyed…This is hardly an original idea, but the concept caught my interest so I decided to write it just for fun.There are a bunch of holes and gaps in the story line since I’m just making it up to fit my interests as I go. I warned you~ Read at your own risk of getting irritated over some details.Status: Starting Volume Two
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The fool's paradise (dungeon novel)(complete)
A twisted man who Lives for a third time finds himself reincarnated as a dungeon core. He wasn't born twisted, but living several lives tends to do that, now he just wants to have fun and maybe get some answers, however, greedy adventurers, ambitious leaders, and craving mages won't give him time to catch his breath as he has to balance defending himself, and coming to terms with his new form that is further twisting his mind. Author's note. This novel is completed with 851 pages and is now in the editing phase, it may be slow as I might start a new novel, so expect horrific chapters in the beginning.
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World of Fantasy: Golden Impact
For two decades, an RPG reigned supreme as the global king of MMOs. Then years of scandals and lawsuits, increasing microtransactions, retconning and nonsensical lore, and multiple progression-system changes, caused once-loyal players to form dissatisfied alliances and to leave in hordes, putting the developers on the edge of financial ruin. Now, NOVisionWizard is back to right all wrongs and to lead the gaming world again with their new, full-dive MMO: World of Fantasy: Golden Impact! Little does everyone know that the devs are secretly harbouring a lot of ill feelings towards their former playerbase... Book 1 - Beyond the Portal: Monsters & Humans It’s the comback of the new century for gaming company and tech giant NOVisionWizard. Via a mix of bribery and nostaligia, they’ve managed to entice a million players into the epic new game they’ve developed. Beta testers raved good things and everyone is on the edge of their seat to find out whether this company has really made up for the past and delivered a game that will take players into a new golden age of MMORPGs. For Quill, Jane, and many others, diving into Golden Impact is about more than a fun new role playing game with action and magic, it’s personal. And they’re about to experience a whole lot more than anyone ever expected. Join them in Stormstadt for the opening ceremony! litrpg, gamelit, fantasy, satire Please note: This story may start off slower, and take longer to get into progression, than some litrpgs. It has a more traditional writing style (for now).
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And the world breaks
Amamiya Ren, 16 years old, Student, Influencer and Star, also Leader of The Phantom Thieves. The world is filled with distortion, In his quest for Rehabilitation he challenges the metaverse, to change society, to save his friends, however... as he delves deeper and deeper into this harsh new world, he and his friends slowly descends into madness, Small changes to the metaverse lead to world-changing events, wrong choices lead to a Darker approach to the story. The phantom thieves will never be the same... This Fiction is rated MA, Containing graphic gore and sexual content, slow burn, it also contains elements from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure franchise, specifically certain concept of stands, and that's it... Special thanks to Megami Tensei wiki! Cover rights goes to: lemontea Disclaimer: Rights to the persona series lay with ATLUS, not me!
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Sword Quest of Enigmatic Souls
For twenty years, the island states of Molovar have been walled off from the world of Dirac by the great Mist Dome, a thick fog that appeared on the mysterious 'Day Left in Grey'. Within the dome, the different cultures began turning on each other, in a fight for supremacy of their caged world.On the island of Takanova, the proud Teutons are reaching their limits in the fight against the practiced Wolverine Army, and desperately hope for one of their budding youths to become the next 'Heir to the Sword', a knight who will uphold the Teuton's will to protect their land.Cedric, a troubled teen who happens to be the most highly touted candidate, has always dreamed of being a knight. With his chance at glory ahead of him, the enigmatic boy must face the world head on in a quest to find himself and end the war, while discovering the world's secrets hidden throughout the dome.
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Warfare Between Lost Hearts
During the long awaited war crisis in Manila, every legal-aged inhabitant, specifically voters, are required to work for the government in order to reestablish the living land and battle against a mass terrorist attack. The country where the terrorist originated are still in the unknown and under further research. Juveniles haven’t got any choice yet to live by themselves. Building a town, planting food crops, hunting animals and even manslaughter is required in the generation by means of survival. Keisha and his brother, Jaden, are left alone haunted by vicious brutes hiding from the shadows. Until then they found hope wherein they can rule over and persist the ongoing catastrophe.
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