《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 201 "Powerless"
The air in the stadium is tense; everyone is quiet.
Vanguard: … Ha… hahaha!
Tempest: What’s so funny?
Vanguard: I’ll admit you had me worried there for a moment, but I now see I was just paranoid. All of that for you to get some rainbow eyes? Seriously?
Vanguard continues laughing. Tempest stares at him sternly.
Adrian: (He seems… different… was what Aaron said… true?)
Blair falls to her knees in defeat.
Blair: Hayze…
Blaze comforts her; many of the others look distraught as well.
Saige: (He’s actually gone…)
Vanguard stops laughing.
Tempest: You done?
Vanguard: No, I could use another laugh. You think you can defeat me, correct?
Tempest: No, I’m going to kill you.
Vanguard smiles.
Vanguard: I love the attitude, so I’ll give you the same offer I gave Black Hollow. I want you to hit me with 100% of your strength.
Tempest continues staring at Vanguard.
Vanguard: Ask Exciton or your classmates, Aaron and Wes. I won’t dodge or block; I guarantee it.
Tempest: Oh, I trust you.
Vanguard: Well, then go ahead!
Tempest: Okay, if you say so.
Vanguard has a glint in his eye.
Vanguard: (This will be rich; I can’t believe this kid actually thinks-)
Tempest accelerates towards Vanguard and punches him in the stomach so hard he gets sent flying through the air at an extreme speed. He crashes into the wall with a monstrous thud.
Tempest: How was that?
Everyone is in shock.
Exciton: (Did he just…)
Aaron: (Holy crap!)
Wes: What the fuck was that?!
Zach: He just sent Vanguard flying!
Vanguard gets up from the rubble of the wall.
Tempest: Full disclosure, that wasn’t 100%. I didn’t want to kill you immediately. You need to suffer for what you’ve done.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt* Lucky shot!
Tempest: I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you the same offer in return.
Vanguard: Huh?
Exciton’s eyes widen.
Exciton: (What the hell is he doing?!)
Vanguard smiles.
Vanguard: Okay, now I know you’re a fool, but I guess it is only fair for me to have a turn!
Vanguard points his hand at Tempest.
Adrian: Hayze!
Exciton: Don’t let him hit you, you fool!
Vanguard fires a Deathball at Tempest.
Vanguard: Death!
Tempest, Calm, and Gale: Wall of Ice!
Suddenly, an ice wall appears before Tempest, absorbing the attack and creating thick steam between them.
Adrian: (What the hell? Ice?)
Tempest smirks.
Vanguard: What was that?! You said you wouldn’t block or dodge!
Tempest: I lied.
Tempest is leaning on the wall next to Vanguard.
Vanguard: Huh?! What do you mean you lied! You’re a hero, aren’t you? Where’s your honor? I didn’t lie!
Tempest: Maybe not about that, but you’ve been lying this whole time.
Tempest gives Vanguard a sly look.
Tempest: You’re no god.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt*
Vulcan watches in awe.
Vulcan: (He actually has Vanguard rattled, what the hell is going on here?)
Tempest stops leaning on the wall and turns to Vanguard.
Tempest: So, “God,” are you ready to die?
Vanguard: You’re one cocky bastard, aren’t you?
Tempest: Hi, Pot. The name’s Kettle.
Vanguard: Oh, I’m going to enjoy this!
Vanguard leaps back.
Vanguard: The World!
Time stops. Vanguard looks at Tempest.
Vanguard: I hope you’ve enjoyed your few seconds in the spotlight because it’s time for-
Tempest’s finger twitches.
Vanguard: (What the hell was that?!)
Vanguard stares at Tempest with a shocked expression.
Vanguard: (No, my eyes are just playing tricks on me. There’s no way he could be moving, I’ve stopped time!)
Vanguard closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
Vanguard: (He’s just a child, Vanguard, don’t let his bravado get in your head. Just eliminate him and be done with it.)
Vanguard opens his eyes; Tempest is walking towards him.
Vanguard: WHAT?!
Vanguard trembles as Tempest gets a big smile on his face.
Tempest: Fighting The World is easier when I have Impulse’s powers.
Vanguard: H- H- H- HOW!
Tempest: How what?
Vanguard: How are you moving?! I’ve stopped time!
Tempest: Time can’t be stopped. You’re merely moving so fast that everyone looks frozen in time. Unfortunately for you, I can do that as well.
Vanguard: I- I- I-
Tempest puts his hand to his ear.
Tempest: Do you hear that?
Vanguard: Wh- what?
Tempest: That sound…
Vanguard: I hear nothing!
Tempest: It’s the sound of your world crumbling.
Tempest begins beating Vanguard with a barrage of punches and kicks.
Time resumes. Vanguard is sent flying into another part of the arena wall.
Houston: What the hell just happened?!
Isaiah: They were standing still a second ago!
Demetri: Something crazy is going on here!
Exciton: (What is this kid?)
Everyone watching from their TV screens is in awe.
Zaire: What… What is going on, Master?
Iota: I have no idea, Zaire…
Vanguard gets up; his wounds have already healed.
Vanguard: That barrage got you nowhere! The Gamma Ring has made all of my damage null and void!
Tempest: I’m aware.
Vanguard: Then why did you-
Tempest: Quick question, can we finish the warm-up now? I think I’m ready to go.
Everyone is shocked, including Vanguard.
Vanguard: W- warm-up?
Tempest: Yeah, if you’re ready, then I think we should get serious.
Vanguard grinds his teeth.
Vanguard: Yeah… we can get serious.
Tempest: Good.
Tempest cracks his knuckles and neck.
Tempest: This will only take 206 seconds.
Vanguard: Huh? Why so specific?
Tempest: One for each bone.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt* I’ll show you!
Vanguard teleports behind Tempest and puts him in a chokehold.
Vanguard: I’ll break your little neck!
Tempest calmly places his hand on Vanguard’s wrist.
Tempest, Impulse, and Wrath: Extreme Exorcism!
Vanguard: Huh?
Suddenly, Vanguard’s arm explodes into pink mist.
Vanguard releases Tempest and falls to his knees in pain.
Tempest: I know you can regenerate, but that’s gotta hurt.
Vanguard’s arm starts to reform.
Adrian: (Now an explosion? Neither Hayze nor any of the personalities used a move like that… unless…)
Tempest approaches Vanguard.
Tempest: You sure are on your knees a lot for a god.
Vanguard: You think you’ve won? You’re not the first one to give me a little trouble since I acquired the Delta Ring! This is merely a trick, and I will figure out how to disarm it in good time!
Tempest: Disarm is a poor choice of word.
Vanguard: The Devil!
Vanguard rewinds himself and appears behind Tempest with his arm returned.
Vanguard: DIE!
Vanguard attempts to punch through Tempest’s heart from behind.
Tempest, Gale, and Wrath: Magma Mantle!
Lava emerges on Tempest’s skin, blocking and absorbing Vanguard’s fist.
Vanguard staggers backward, looking at his melted hand in horror. Tempest flips around and points his hand at Vanguard’s torso.
Tempest, Calm, and Wrath: Steaming Steamroller!
Tempest blasts Vanguard with boiling hot steam, melting and burning his skin.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHHH!
Vanguard falls to his knees in agonizing pain.
Adrian: *grunts*
Fatal: What’s wrong, Adrian? Aren’t you happy that Vanguard is getting a taste of his own medicine?
Adrian: No, because he hasn’t yet.
Boom: What do you mean, man? Hayze is dominating Vanguard!
Adrian: Yeah, but none of these attacks are going to stick. The Gamma Ring will erase the damage soon.
Fatal: That’s true, but it’s the principle that matters. This is the first time we’ve seen Vanguard sweat.
Adrian: I know… but I’m worried about him.
Fatal: Why?
Adrian: He knows these attacks are pointless for defeating Vanguard, so there’s only one reason to use them.
Ewing: And that is?
Adrian: He’s torturing him.
Vanguard’s burnt skin regenerates.
Tempest: Ready for another round?
Vanguard: What are these attacks?! None of your counterparts could use Steam, Magma, Ice, or Explosions!
Tempest: That’s true when they’re separate, but now that they’ve become one, I can mix and match any of the elements I want.
Vanguard: What?!
Tempest: Fire plus water makes steam, fire with lightning detonates explosions, wind and water create ice, and fire plus wind forms magma. You may have over 20 quirks, but now that I’ve become complete, I have my own arsenal.
Vanguard: That might be the case, but I have the rings!
Tempest chuckles.
Tempest: We’ll see about that.
Purple liquid begins oozing from Tempest’s hand.
Vanguard: (What is that?!)
Tempest: Get ready for the most toxic attack you’ve ever seen!
Vanguard quickly gets up and leaps away to build distance.
Vanguard: (He’s forgotten that I’m still a God! I’ll just use The Emperor to transform his-)
Tempest zips behind Vanguard with Lightning Speed.
Vanguard: Huh?!
Tempest, Calm, and Hayze: Poisonous Petals!
Tempest fires five venomous amaryllis flowers from his palm into Vanguard’s back, neck, and upper arms. They seep into his skin.
Vanguard: AHHHHHH!
Vanguard keels over and starts vomiting profusely.
Tempest: The Gamma Ring can fight infection, but it’s not as quick as you’d like.
Vanguard: Don’t worry, I don’t need the Gamma Ring for this! The High Priestess!
Vanguard’s infection begins disappearing.
Vanguard: Your toxic attack means nothing to me-
Tempest: I can’t believe you actually fell for that.
Vanguard: Huh?
Tempest begins charging a shadow ball coated with black flames.
Tempest: Consider this a gift from Tyson!
Vanguard: *gasps*
Tempest, Wrath, and Hayze: Inferno Darkfire!
The fireball collides with Vanguard and begins incinerating him from the inside.
Tempest smiles.
Zach: What the heck?! Why didn’t Vanguard do anything to stop that!
Isaiah: Yeah! He was so quick to stop Vulcan’s Magma Dragon, but he let that hit him point-blank!
Demetri: That doesn’t make any sense!
Aster: *from afar* It makes perfect sense.
Everyone in the stands turns to see Aster, Yul, and Tobias have arrived, carrying Alec and Killian’s unconscious bodies.
Blair: Aster?
Exciton: What do you mean, Aster?
Aster: Tyson realized before he died that Vanguard can only use one of his Tarot Quirks at a time. He used that venom attack so that Vanguard would activate the High Priestess's ability, leaving him helpless.
Yul: As Hayze would say: The first move is always a fake.
Zach: But how did Hayze know about Vanguard’s High Priestess quirk! He wasn’t at the track field during our fight!
Aster: Maybe he wasn’t, but were any of his counterparts there?
Zach: W- well, yeah…
Aster: He’s no longer Hayze; he’s all six combined. You can see it in the way he’s toying with Vanguard. That’s not how Hayze would do things.
Saige: That’s not how any of them would. Even Khaos would have killed Vanguard by now if you could.
Adrian: This is Wrath’s rage mixed with Khaos’ ruthlessness.
Fatal: Yeah, and it seems like Impulse’s love for combat has been tainted. I think he’s actually enjoying this…
Adrian: We have to figure out a way to separate them. We can’t let him stick around after this battle.
Blaze places his hand against his chest.
Blaze: *grunts*
Vanguard is lying on the ground as his organs regenerate.
Vanguard: *pained grunt*
Tempest: Maybe I should let you find the Zeta Ring, so this never has to end.
Vanguard: (He knows the weakness of my Reversed Tarot Mimicry quirk. That means I can’t use The Fool, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, High Priestess, Hierophant, Chariot, Justice, Devil, Tower, Sun, or Judgment without serious consideration. Likewise, the World, Lovers, Strength, Hanged Man, Star, and Moon are useless to me. That only leaves me with 5 Tarot! He knows about the Emperor and actively avoids it; that’s 4. He’s countered Death already; that’s 3. And the Magician only grants me added mobility.)
Vanguard grinds his teeth.
Vanguard: (That only leaves me with two tarot left. If neither of them can swing this battle, I might… No! I AM A GOD! I AM INCAPABLE OF DEFEAT! I WILL DESTROY HIM!)
Vanguard stands up.
Tempest: Good, I was hoping you’d keep fighting. “I don’t do mercy kills.”
Vanguard: Oh, I see. You think you’re in control here, don’t you?
Tempest: Am I not?
Vanguard: No! Because I have yet to devastate you with the power of The Hermit!
Zach: Oh no!
Wes: Look out!
Tempest is stunned.
Vanguard: (This is it! It’s my chance!)
Vanguard points his hand at Tempest.
Vanguard: Good riddance, you pest! Death!
Vanguard fires a death ball at Tempest.
Adrian, Blair, Saige, and Fatal: Hayze!
Suddenly, a magma dragon flies into the deathball and knocks it off course, saving Tempest.
Vanguard: What?!
The deathball crashes into the arena wall and tears through it, blowing another hole in the stadium. Vanguard angrily turns to Vulcan, who is breathing heavily on the ground.
Vanguard: You’re going to pay for that!
Vulcan: Fuck you…
Vanguard charges toward Vulcan.
Vanguard: What did I say about-
Tempest speeds over to Vulcan.
Tempest: I assume you saved me?
Vulcan: Yes, the Hermit wipes your memories over a minute or so span, stunning you in the process.
Tempest: Thank you, I wasn’t aware of this ability. I won’t let him use it again.
Vanguard: If you don’t back away from him, I’ll destroy you both!
Tempest: Shut up.
Vanguard: Wh- why you!
Tempest picks Vulcan up and chucks him into the stands. Houston rushes to catch him.
Tempest: Give Vulcan the help he needs.
Vanguard: Hey! He broke my rules, so he must die!
Tempest: Nobody’s playing by your rules anymore.
Vanguard: Says who?
Tempest gets a massive grin on his face.
Tempest: Looks like you just said the magic words.
Tempest soars into the air.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt* (I can’t fly after him!)
Tempest hovers in the air above the stadium.
Fatal: He can fly?
Adrian: Gale’s air control plus Impulse’s speed must add up to flight. But I’m just wondering what he’s going to do up there.
Dark clouds form in the sky above the arena. Loud thunderclaps can be heard.
Wes: Great… the rain’s back.
Verity: I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.
Wes: Huh?
Lightning strikes the air around Tempest.
Tempest: I told you a storm was coming, and now you will feel its agonizing assault!
Vanguard: I’m not afraid of a little rain.
Tempest: Oh… you should be!
Vanguard is struck by a continuous blast of lightning.
Tempest, Calm, and Impulse: Thunderous Thumping!
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Tempest laughs in the air at Vanguard’s pain.
Vanguard: (If I use the Emperor to transform the lightning into something else, he’ll strike me even harder! I only have one choice!)
Vanguard teleports out of Tempest's vision to another part of the arena.
Vanguard: The Hermit-
Tempest appears behind Vanguard.
Tempest: What’s that? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you up there?
Vanguard: What the-
Tempest snaps his fingers. A deafening and high-pitched noise pierces Vanguard’s eardrums.
Vanguard tries covering his ears as blood pours from them, but the sound won’t stop.
Vanguard: What is this! AHHH!
Tempest, Gale, and Impulse: Sound of Somber!
Vanguard falls to his knees, desperately trying to block out the noise.
Tempest: Go ahead, Vanguard. Use The Devil to rewind three seconds or The High Priestess to repair your eardrums instantly. I won’t do anything to you.
Vanguard: AHHHH!
Vanguard uses The Magician to teleport away from Tempest, freeing himself of the Sound attack.
Vanguard: This can’t be happening…
Tempest: Is your impending demise finally setting in?
Tempest: You’re right; it is.
Vanguard: What?
Tempest: My quirk resulted from Dr. Kelsey Moore’s most incredible creation: Project Q. Its unlimited power has been enhanced by the very side effect that made her deem the serum “flawed.” I am a product of bio-engineering, just as you’re a product of those magical rings you’re wearing. Neither of us is human, but I’m superior nonetheless.
Vanguard: *frustrated grunt* “Magic!” These rings are anything but that!
Tempest: Care to explain?
Vanguard: You probably think I’ve been referring to myself as a God because I wield these rings, but that’s not true. They’re the key to the gateway.
Tempest: Gateway?
Ewing: (This again?)
Iota stands up from his chair.
Vanguard: The Rings are not of this world. They were sent here… by the gods themselves.
Everyone is shocked.
Adrian: (The gods themselves? What is he saying?)
Vanguard: Once I’ve collected them all, I can open the gate… to the world of the Gods, and I will become one of them and rule this world as the God it rightfully deserves!
Vanguard laughs maniacally.
Exciton: (He’s pushed Vanguard over the edge.)
Tempest: If that’s true, then where did the “fake” story of the origin of the rings come from?
Vanguard: I don’t know, but I can only assume that they were deemed too dangerous by your government long ago, so they decided to spend generations passing down a false tale. Hoping that after years the real story would be long forgotten. To protect the world.
Tempest: (That explains why the rings have such weird properties: they can’t be destroyed, and their powers have no adverse effects, unlike typical quirks. But…) Explain to me how you know the “real” story then.
Vanguard: Because one man didn’t agree with hiding the truth. He traveled to my village and left us a key… one that led me to the Gate many, many years later.
Tempest: So you’ve actually seen this gate!
Vanguard: Yes… and someday I will cross through it.
Iota sits down in his chair in deep thought.
Zaire: Master, are you alright?
Iota: Zaire… we must find that gate.
Zaire: You believe him?
Iota: No, but that’s why we must locate it. I need to confirm this story… because if it’s true… It changes everything.
Tempest’s eyes narrow.
Tempest: Why say all of this? What’s the point?
Vanguard: To remind myself that the end goal is within my grasp! I’ve defeated Vulcan, the strongest hero alive. My only adversary left is Iota, and that bastard can’t even use his rings!
Tempest: *clears his throat*
Vanguard: You’re no threat to me.
Tempest laughs.
Tempest: So, what have the last 15 minutes been?
Vanguard: A fluke.
Tempest: Boy, I didn’t think you’d get delusional this quickly, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re about to die.
Vanguard has his hand behind his back, holding a piece of volcanic rock from his earlier battle with Vulcan.
Vanguard: (I have one tarot quirk left, and it’s the only one I need to destroy him.)
Vanguard uses the Emperor to transform the volcanic rock into a seed.
Vanguard: The World!
Time stops.
Vanguard: I have to act fast!
Vanguard charges toward Tempest.
Vanguard: I’ll make you swallow this seed and eviscerate you by growing a fucking tree in your stomach!
Vanguard reaches for Tempest’s mouth.
Vanguard: DIE!
Tempest catches Vanguard’s hand.
Vanguard: I- I- I-
Tempest: You must be pretty desperate if this was your best idea.
Vanguard: I- I- I-
Tempest breaks Vanguard’s wrist.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Tempest: For the next 1 minute and 48 seconds, this frozen stasis is your hell.
Tempest begins savagely beating Vanguard, breaking a different bone with each attack.
Vanguard: (I can’t do anything to stop this! I’m powerless!)
Vanguard flashes back to the destruction of his village.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
After two minutes, time resumes. Vanguard is lying on the ground, healed but not moving.
Vanguard: How… How can this be happening to me? I won… I WON!
Tempest: The biggest bitch contest? Yeah, you got the gold medal.
Vanguard sits up.
Tempest: Oh… you want to talk about death, huh? How many people have you killed?
Vanguard: What?
Tempest: Let me guess, you think everything you’ve been doing up to this point has been justified by some tragic backstory, right?
Vanguard: I don’t need to be justified. I-
Tempest uses lightning speed to rip Vanguard’s tongue out.
Tempest: I’m not done talking.
Vanguard: *unintelligible*
Tempest: I’m not religious, but I don’t knock people for believing in a higher power. However, what drives me nuts is people who use their religion as an excuse. You said you watched your family die, but I’ll take a shot in the dark and say that was your fault.
Vanguard: *unintelligible*
Tempest: You’ll have plenty of time to speak when your tongue regenerates. But I don’t need words to know that I’m right. You probably blamed your God for this and chopped their deaths up to divine intervention to avoid the fact you were the one who killed them.
Vanguard looks pissed.
Tempest: I thought so. I can piece it all together now. You couldn’t accept that your family’s blood was on your hands, so you took your hatred out on your God. But unlike a normal person, you had a key that could lead you to him. That’s when you became the man before us, the biggest hypocrite on the planet.
Vanguard’s tongue regenerates.
Vanguard: (I only have one option left. It’s humiliating, but I’ll use the Alpha Ring to command him to join my side! He can’t stop that!)
Vanguard quickly lunges at Tempest.
Vanguard: OBEY ME!
Vanguard attempts to tap Tempest’s forehead with the Alpha Ring. However… The ring and the finger it was attached to are gone.
Vanguard: Wh- what the hell?!
Tempest: Looking for this?
Tempest is holding the Alpha Ring.
Vanguard: Wh- wh- what?!
Tempest: I had a feeling you’d try to control me, so while “time was stopped,” I chopped off your finger with a strike that also incinerated it.
Vanguard: H- how?!
Tempest fires a plasma beam from his palm into Vanguard’s crotch, incinerating it.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Tempest, Impulse, and Hayze: Plasma Piledriver!
Vanguard keels over.
Tempest: You didn’t even notice your finger was missing because of the excruciating pain I put the rest of your body through. Humorous.
Adrian stands up.
Fatal: Adrian, what are you doing?
Adrian: I’ve seen enough.
Adrian leaps down into the arena.
Fatal: Adrian!
Adrian: *yelling* Hayze! It’s time to stop!
Tempest turns his attention to Adrian.
Tempest: I go by Tempest now if you haven’t heard, and I don’t think it is.
Adrian: You could have taken all three rings, but you only stole the Alpha Ring. I know why.
Tempest: Do tell.
Adrian: You’re trying to torture him, but that’s not how heroes act!
Tempest: Really? Tell me where that is in the job description, and I’ll happily stop!
Adrian: *grunts* Tempest, don’t do this! Take the Gamma and Delta Rings now!
Tempest: And what, spare his life? That’s not happening!
Adrian: Without those rings, he’s harmless! There’s no reason to kill him!
Everyone is taken aback.
Tempest: He’s killed too many people! He deserves to feel every form of pain there is!
Vanguard’s crotch regenerates, and Tempest blasts it with another plasma beam.
Vanguard: AHHHHHH!
Tempest: How many people have you killed! HOW MANY!
Vanguard: 6…
Tempest: Say their names.
Vanguard: I…
Tempest blasts Vanguard’s crotch again.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Vanguard: Battlin’ Boxer… Black Hollow… Tyson Ross… Karma Montgomery… Angel Northcroft… Metro Mole…
Tempest blasts Vanguard’s crotch again.
Tempest: You forgot one.
Vanguard: WHO?!
Tempest: Khaos…
Tempest blasts Vanguard with another piping-hot steam cloud.
Vanguard: AHHHHHHH!
Nobody moves.
Adrian: (I want to stop him, but he’s the only one who can beat Vanguard. Until he takes those rings from him, we can only watch…)
Tempest grabs Vanguard by the collar and throws him into the arena wall.
Tempest: You killed my friends… and I didn’t stop you. You would have killed so many more! Angel and Karma had futures! They had families, AND YOU KILLED THEM!
Vanguard tries to get up, but he’s suddenly hit with the same deafening sound attack from earlier.
Tempest: You will pay… YOU WILL PAY!
Everyone continues watching in terror.
Zach: I can’t believe I actually feel bad for Vanguard.
Demetri: This is just getting out of hand. He could have ended this long ago…
Isaiah: What is wrong with Hayze…
Saige: This is what Hayze has been bottling up his entire life… unleashed.
Everyone looks at Saige.
Aaron: What do you mean, Saige?
Saige: When Hayze’s parents died… he was alone. We are his friends… and, by extension, his family. His greatest fear is losing us… that is why he started absorbing Wrath, Calm, Gale, and Impulse, because that fear was becoming a reality, and there was only one way for him to stop it from happening. Khaos’ killer instinct, Wrath’s fury, Impulse’s thrill for combat, Calm’s intelligence, and Gale’s ego. They’ve all merged with Hayze’s fear to create the monster before us. He’ll do anything to save us… and he’ll make anyone who threatens or ends our lives pay… dearly.
Everyone goes quiet.
Tempest: I could have saved them… If I had just appeared sooner! It’s my fault! But unlike you, Vanguard, I’m willing to admit that and do everything I can to get revenge on the man who ended their lives. THEIR SACRIFICES WILL NOT BE IN VAIN!
A dark fire grenade pin forms on Tempest’s inner bicep. His palm turns black and steams with heat.
Tempest: It’s time for you to be erased.
Vanguard looks at Tempest.
Vanguard: (I’ve failed… brother… sister… I’m sorry. I should have killed him when I had the chance.)
Vanguard stares into the sky with anguish.
Vanguard: (I’m such a fool… I let my arrogance cloud my judgment.) I’M SORRY!
Tempest: Now isn’t the time to apologize. You’re far beyond redemption.
Vanguard: I had the perfect plan… everything was going so well… where did I go wrong?
Tempest: Probably from the start.
Vanguard looks up at Tempest.
Vanguard: Before I die… can I ask one question?
Tempest: Go ahead.
Vanguard: How did that boy, the one with the obsidian sword, how did he know I was about to kill Ewing?
Blaze: Huh?
Tempest: What?
Vanguard: If he hadn’t arrived out of nowhere… I would have killed Ewing and obtained the Delta Ring in secret. I could have remained undercover for so long… getting more rings without anyone knowing. He changed everything… I need to know how… HOW DID HE KNOW?!
Tempest: Because he’s from the future.
Vanguard’s eyes widen.
Vanguard: What…
Tempest: He came from a reality in which everything you just said happened.
Zaire’s eyes widen.
Zaire: (That’s how he knew about us as well!)
Vanguard is in stunned silence.
Tempest: That boy is my son, genetically, at least. He’s actually Hayze’s child.
Tempest looks back at Blaze.
Tempest: And Hayze was very proud of him for coming back in time to save this world from your tyranny.
Blaze smiles.
Vanguard: A time traveler? You’re telling me… I was going to win, BUT A MERE CHILD TRAVELED ACROSS TIME TO SCREW ME OVER-
Vanguard’s eyes widen.
Vanguard: (Wait… there’s only one way he could have traveled to the past, but he doesn’t have…)
Vanguard recalls the white gem around Blaze’s neck.
Vanguard: I- I- I-
Tempest turns his attention back to Vanguard.
Tempest: There, now you know. Goodbye, Vanguard-
Tempest: Huh?!
Vanguard teleports into the stands and charges toward Blaze.
Tempest: (What is he doing?!)
Aaron and Grace try to protect Blaze, but Vanguard bitchslaps them away and grabs Blaze by the collar.
Tempest: LET GO OF HIM!
Tempest uses Lightning Speed to zoom toward Vanguard.
Vanguard: (Just as I thought everything had been lost… A WAY OUT EMERGES AGAIN!)
Vanguard rips the Epsilon Ring fragment from Blaze’s neck.
Tempest: I’LL KILL YOU!
Just as Tempest is about to strike Vanguard, the mad tyrant turns around and points the fragment at Tempest.
Vanguard: REVERSE!
Suddenly, Tempest stops as a blinding white aura surrounds him.
Zach: What’s going on?!
Isaiah: ME TOO!
Demetri: ME THREE!
Vanguard starts laughing maniacally.
Tempest: What is this?!
Vanguard: The end for you!
Vanguard kicks Tempest in the chest, sending him flying into the arena.
Vanguard: With the power of this ring fragment, I can reverse your flow of time, Tempest!
Tempest: No! You can’t!
Vanguard: I have!
The ring fragment fades into dust.
Tempest: No… No… NOOOOOOOO!
Suddenly, Tempest splits apart, and Hayze, Wrath, Calm, Impulse, and Gale are sent flying in five opposite directions.
All Five: *groan*
Everyone looks at the group with horror in their eyes.
Lust: Ho-
Fatal: Lee-
Exciton: Crap…
Vanguard laughs maniacally.
Vanguard: I’VE WON!
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Axel Alexanders was once a professional player of the FPS Knives and Guns, after a series of unfortunate events, he lost his job and was forced to give away his account. This incident caused him to lose his love for games. With the release of the first Virtual Reality MMORPG, he decides to revive his love for games, in a completely new genre. Follow Axel and experience his journey in Freedom Fantasy! Normal Schedule: Every 3 Days! Schedule for when I am busy: Every Week!
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