《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 204 "Back in the Saddle"
Hayze and Blair are sitting together in Blair’s room late at night. Blair is reading off a card.
Blair: What do you think about the changes to the hero ranking system?
Hayze: They will change how we look at our greatest defenders. Only time will tell.
Blair: Nice, good memory.
Hayze scoffs.
Blair: What? Is something wrong?
Hayze: I didn’t say anything there. That was a bunch of words, not an answer.
Blair: I think that’s the point.
Hayze: Yeah… It’s just weird.
Blair puts her hand on Hayze’s shoulder.
Blair: Hey, we don’t have to think about this for a couple of weeks. We’ve got bigger things to worry about.
Hayze: I know. I’m not sure what to expect out of class tomorrow. Last year, Mr. Walker gave us a low-level explanation of the Final Exams. We didn’t know anything specific until the day of.
Blair: Do you think he’ll threaten to remove us from the hero course?
Hayze: No, we’re too far along at this point. But I have a feeling they’ll try and replicate the stakes.
Blair: How? Getting kicked out is hard to top.
Hayze: If they can’t threaten our present… maybe target our future.
Blair: Huh? What do you mean?
Hayze: Don’t worry about it. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.
Blair: Okay.
Hayze stands up.
Hayze: See you in the morning. It’s gonna rain so don’t forget your umbrella.
Blair: R- right.
Hayze walks to the door.
Blair: H- Hayze…
Hayze: Hm? Yeah, Blair?
Blair blushes and starts twiddling her thumbs.
Blair: I know things have been awkward for our relationship in a specific regard… because of Blaze.
Hayze tenses up.
Hayze: Yeah…
Blair: But, we’ve been dating for like 7 months now, and we’ve never… you know.
Hayze: Look, I’m sorry.
Blair: Huh?
Hayze: I know we’ve never sat down together and done it, but it’s because I was scared.
Blair: You- you were? That’s actually kind of sweet.
Hayze: I was worried we’d start fighting.
Blair: Wh- what?
Hayze sits down with Blair on her bed.
Hayze: But I’m ready to talk about it.
Blair: Talk? About what?
Hayze: The trip your mom wants us to go on. You, me, her, Blaze, Cari, Aster and Daniele. She’s been talking about it for months! I’ve been putting it off because I thought planning it would make you mad, but-
Blair is fuming.
Hayze: Uh… Blair?
Blair slaps Hayze, causing him to smash into the floor.
Hayze: *groans*
Blair: YOU JERK!
Hayze: What?!
Blair’s face turns red with embarrassment.
Blair: Just get the hell out!
Hayze: But, wait, I-
Blair: NOW!
Hayze runs out of the door and quickly closes the door behind himself.
Hayze: *sighs*
Alexis: Did you try going for the backdoor?
Alexis has emerged from her room.
Hayze: Huh? What backdoor?
Alexis: Don’t worry. Sometimes, girls like to make guys work for it. I told Aaron he couldn’t use it until he wrote an entire doctoral thesis about the tactics of Russia during the Battle of Stalingrad.
Hayze stares at Alexis.
Alexis: What? If he wants it that bad, he’s gotta prove it.
Hayze: What are you talking about?
Alexis: Butt stuff.
Hayze blushes.
Hayze: No! I did not ask Blair about that!
Alexis: Pfft, your loss. I’ve seen Blair’s ass, and let me tell you, you’re missing out.
Hayze: *sighs* How are you so open about this stuff, Alexis?
Alexis: What? You mean sex?
Hayze: Yeah…
Alexis: Because I’m an adult.
Hayze: Hey!
Alexis: Look, Hayze, we’re all about a year from entering the real world. We’ve got work studies, which are basically practice jobs. We’ve grown up, and part of adulthood is plowing each other.
Hayze: You have such a way with words…
Alexis: Blair told me you’re having trouble with the whole P.R. side of being a hero, but you can use it as a helpful metaphor for growing up. Adult life is complicated and not as simple as we’d thought when we were younger, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Nothing’s going to get easy if you mope around about it.
Hayze is quiet for a moment.
Hayze: Yeah… I guess you’re right about that… Thanks, Alexis.
Alexis: You’re welcome, Hayze.
Alexis starts walking back to her room.
Alexis: Oh, and if you do get nasty with Blair, check the entire room for cameras.
Hayze: Uh… okay?
Alexis: Hayze, I’m not kidding. Literally everywhere.
Hayze: I’ll keep that in mind.
Hayze starts walking upstairs to return to his room.
Hayze: (Alexis is smart; I should take her advice and stop thinking so much about these things. I’m a hero, and I have Blair, be happy about that. Don’t let negative or awkward things get in the way of enjoying my life.)
As Hayze reaches the third floor, Aaron passes by him carrying a laptop.
Aaron: Oh, hey, Hayze. Could you proofread something for me?
Hayze: Sure, what is it?
Aaron passes Hayze his laptop.
Aaron: It’s a research paper I’m writing. I’m doing it for… “fun.”
Hayze stares at the laptop, dumbfounded.
Hayze: (She wasn’t kidding…)
The next day, all the students of Classes 2-A (sans Jace) gather in front of U.A. Stadium.
Wes: Does anyone get a bad vibe that Mr. Walker asked us to come here rather than the classroom?
Aaron: Nah.
Wes: Of course, you don’t…
Justus: It’s definitely ominous, I’ll give you that.
Silver: It makes me believe they’ve got something in store for us.
Demetri: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Silver: I guess we’ll find out.
Hayze approaches Blair.
Hayze: *whispers* Hey, I’m sorry about last night. After class today, do you want to talk about it?
Blair blushes.
Blair: No, it’s okay! There’s nothing to discuss!
Hayze: But, Blair, you-
Blair: I said it’s okay!
Hayze: I… alright, if you say so.
Zach looks around.
Zach: Hey, does anyone know where Jace is?
Gus: I don’t know. I didn’t see him at the dorm.
Zach: Huh… I’m going to go back and look for him. Tell Mr. Walker for me, okay?
Gus: Sure.
Zach goes to leave.
Killian: Where are you going, weakling?
Killian and all of 2-B have arrived.
Zach: Oh… hi, Killian.
Killian: What do you mean, “Hi?!” I’m trash-talking you!
Zach: Oh, I’m not good at that. Aaron, mind helping me out?
Aaron: Who is that?
Zach: Ha!
Killian grinds his teeth.
Killian: *frustrated grunt* I don’t care if nobody else gives a crap about our rivalry! I still want to see 2-B top 2-A!
Everyone stares blankly at Killian.
Killian: W- well?
Zach: Is that it? Or can I get past you?
Killian: WHAT?! Don’t act like I’m a joke! I’m-
Bruno grabs Killian from behind and covers his mouth.
Killian: *muffled*
Bruno: Sorry about him. He got cucked and then had his ass beat publicly, so he’s a little cranky.
Killian: *muffled* Don’t tell them that!
Aaron: HA! CUCKED? By who? I’ve gotta shake his hand!
Gale steps out from behind Bruno.
Gale: I’ll take credit.
Aaron shakes Gale’s hand.
Aaron: You might be my new favorite Hayze!
Hayze: Hey!
Gale: Don’t refer to me as a “Hayze.” We’ve even got our own last names now.
Saige: Oh, yeah? What did you go with?
Gale: Gale Fried.
Impulse zaps next to Saige.
Impulse: It’s great to see you, Saige! Did you get the chocolates I sent you?
Saige: Oh, yeah, thank you for those. Gus, how were they?
Impulse: Gus!
Gus: Delicious!
Impulse falls to his knees in defeat.
Saige: So what last name did you end up with, Impulse?
Calm: He’s officially Impulse Anderson.
Saige: And what about yours, Calm? What did you choose?
Calm: Waters.
They all stare at Calm.
Wrath: *sighs* I told him it was stupid, too, but he said-
Calm: It’s a practical choice.
Wrath: Dumbass.
Blair: And you, Wrath?
Wrath: Wrath Newcomb.
Aaron: Ha! I get it.
Wrath: Good, you’d better.
Hayze: Well, it’s good to see that you guys are fitting in well with your class.
Gale: Oh, I’m doing more than just “fitting in.”
Killian: *muffled* I’M RIGHT HERE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!
Gale: Speaking of which.
Gale pulls out a paper.
Gale: So, which girls in your class are available for coitus? I know Blair here is off-limits, but I need to know about the others.
Aaron: Touch my girl, and you’re dead.
Gale crosses Alexis off his list.
Gale: See? This is productive.
The 2-B girls are all standing together.
Charlotte: Why is Gale talking to those 2-A sluts?
Whitney: I know, right? What do they have that I don’t?
Charlotte: You? More like me!
Whitney: Ha! Gale only went for you because he felt pity seeing you with Killian.
Charlotte: At least I have boobs!
Whitney: I’m a B-cup, and I don’t wet the bed!
Charlotte: *gasps* I told you that in confidence!
Charlotte and Whitney begin grappling with one another.
Sydney: What a bunch of pathetic whores.
Desiree: I know, right. Gale wasn’t even that good; he just kind of flopped around like a fish.
Sydney stares at Desiree.
Sydney: From now on, I only want people that haven’t had that buffoon inside them around me.
Desiree walks away.
Ester: It was a moment of weakness…
Sydney: You are weak!
Ester tears up and runs off.
Verity: Very harsh, Sydney.
Grace: Yeah, at least they had fun. There’s a reason the guys gave you that nickname.
Sydney: Gave me what nickname?
Grace and Verity look at each other.
Grace: Should we tell her?
Verity: She’ll probably find out eventually.
Grace: They call you the “Venus Flytrap.”
Sydney: Why?
Grace: Because if a man’s penis gets anywhere near your vag-
Sydney: SHUT UP! I don’t need to hear the rest of that sentence!
Grace is quiet for a moment.
Grace: You’ll bite it off with your crotch.
Verity: I think it’s an appropriate name. If I was a male, I’d fear for my appendage.
Sydney: It’s not my fault that all men are terrible.
Grace: Oh really? Then I guess you don’t want to know which one has a crush on you.
Sydney tries to pretend she’s not interested.
Sydney: Wh- which one?
Grace: Nah, who cares? He’s terrible.
Sydney: Just fucking tell me!
Grace points at Wrath.
Sydney: Him?!
Grace: Yup, he loves that trademark attitude of yours!
Sydney: Well, he can die! I’d never associate with someone that looks just like that asshole!
Verity: Your loss. I’ve read a lot of minds, and he’s the only one interested in you for your personality.
Sydney: Fuck off!
Zach attempts to leave again.
Zach: Alright, well, I’ll be right back. I need to find-
Walker: Stop right there, Zach. You’re staying here.
Walker, Houston, and Adrian emerge from the stadium. Houston is holding a box with a hole at the top.
Zach: But Mr. Walker! Jace isn’t here!
Walker: We will find Jace momentarily, but I can’t allow you to leave.
Everyone looks confused.
Silver: Why, Mr. Walker?
Walker: Because the Final Exams are about to start.
Everyone is shocked.
Wes: What?!
Gus: You mean as in right now!
Walker: Yes, once we handle a few logistical things.
Adrian pulls out a bag and approaches the students.
Walker: Please place all cell phones in the bag.
The students, one by one, hand Adrian their phones.
Walker: For this exam, you’ll be placed inside a simulation like the one you encountered earlier in the year and during the first licensing exam. That’s why we’re able to do this impromptu. All the preparations have been handled. You won’t know the rules until you’re inside. So, we only have to manage one thing before we can begin.
Justus: And what would that be?
Walker: Your teams.
This piques everyone’s interest.
Walker: Things will be a little different this year. For this exam, you’ll be working in pairs. There are 36 of you, so we’ll have 18 groups.
Zach: But what about Jace?! He would make 37!
Walker: For arriving late, he’ll have to work on his own.
Zach: Oh no…
Houston places the box he’s been carrying on the ground.
Walker: Also different from last year, you’ll be selecting your partners.
Eve: (Awesome!)
Grace: (Sweet!)
Wes: (Oh, thank you, God!)
Walker: Everyone will draw a number from this box to keep things fair. That will determine the order in which selections are made. When it’s your turn, you can select one person from either class to be your partner. That person will have the option to say yes or no. If they agree, you’ll become a team. If they deny you, your turn is skipped, and we’ll move on to the next person. You’re only allowed to deny someone once, so choose wisely. Everyone understand?
All 36 students nod.
Walker: Good, then let’s begin.
One by one, each student takes a number from the box.
Hayze looks at his number.
Hayze: (Drawing this high number basically means I don’t have a selection. Even if we get to me, there will only be a few people to choose from.)
Aaron: (It looks like it’s Alexis’ job to pick me.)
Blair: (Dammit! We’re both so high up! If someone tries to take Hayze from me, I’ll be pissed!)
Wes: (Oh no…)
Walker clears his throat to get everyone’s attention back to him.
Walker: Alright, #1, please make your selection.
Romeo steps forward, and all of 2-B groans.
Romeo: I think I’ll take my princess! Sydney! Be my partner!
Sydney: No.
Romeo falls to his knees in defeat.
Romeo: NOOO!
Walker: Alright, onto #2, and to clarify, people who were rejected can be selected by later students.
Romeo: Why did you have to put it like that?!
Gus looks around.
Gus: (Well… I could pick Sydney since she already rejected Romeo, but that’s too scary. If Jace isn’t available… then I guess I don’t feel bad about doing this.) I choose Zach!
Zach: I’m down!
Walker: Good, then you two can stand over there. #3?
Impulse: I choose the beautiful Saige!
Saige: Sorry, Impulse, but I have to decline.
Impulse falls to his knees in defeat next to Romeo.
Impulse: NOOO!
Romeo: I know how you feel, man! Don’t worry, I’m here!
Impulse: Thanks, Ryan!
Romeo: I’m… he’s dead!
Walker: #4?
Alec looks around.
Alec: (I’d love to pick the hottie with a nice body, but I know she’ll reject me. I guess I’ll stick with someone strong.) Bruno, you’re with me.
Bruno: Right!
Bruno releases Killian and joins Alec.
Walker: #5?
Lilith: (If I pick Saige, she’ll have to be my partner, but I don’t want to do that to her.) *groans* (I’m happy with anybody, so I guess I’ll pick someone I know will reject me.) Hayze!
Blair’s eyes flame up, scaring Lilith.
Hayze: S- sorry, Lilith… but I have to say no…
Lilith: That’s okay; I was expecting that.
Blair: (Dammit! Now the next person that picks Hayze will get him automatically!)
Bruno: I was six.
Desiree: So, that means it’s my turn. I’ll go with Talon.
Talon: Thank you, Desiree.
Walker: #8?
Verity: Wes.
Wes: (FUCK! Ah, whatever… I can’t risk Isaiah picking me.) Fine.
Calm surveys the remaining students.
Calm: (Hm… this is a challenging selection. I could pick one of my brothers, but I feel that will upset them.) I choose Eve.
Everyone is surprised.
Eve: Wh- huh? Why?
Calm: I believe you will make a fine partner for this exam.
Eve: Uh… okay… I guess that’s alright. (I already know Blair’s going with Hayze, and I’m literally the last selection, so I can’t count on getting Lilith.)
Calm: Thank you.
Gale pats Calm on the back.
Gale: Nice job listening to my advice!
Eve: What advice?
Calm: He told me to-
Gale covers Calm’s mouth.
Gale: I told him to pick someone strong! *whispers to Calm* Don’t tell her what I actually said, you moron!
Walker: #10?
Justus: I choose Ash.
Ash: (Yes!) I agree!
Walker: 11!
Silver goes into deep thought.
Silver: (I need to pass these exams, and I know one person who can help me do that.)
Silver glances at Hayze.
Silver: (He wouldn’t be able to deny me, but what if I piss him off? I know “bros before hoes” is a concept, but does Hayze believe in it?)
Walker: Silver, choose now.
Silver: I…
As Silver looks around at his fellow students, he notices Saige wink at him.
Silver: *sighs* I uh… I pick Saige?
Saige: Yay!
Walker: Saige cannot decline, so we move on. #12.
Isaiah: (This is my chance! I can work with Hayze and pass like it’s nothing!) I CHOOSE-
Blair notices Isaiah’s smile and quickly gets behind him.
Blair: /If you choose Hayze, I will literally murder you right here. I’m ready to go to prison over this./
Isaiah: Alden!
Everyone starts laughing.
Alden: Yeah, everyone’s laughing because they know I’m too good for you. I decline!
Isaiah falls to the ground and starts crying.
Isaiah: I was so scared!
Gavin: I choose the guy crying!
Walker: Alright… 14?
Alexis: Aaron.
Aaron: Booyah!
Alec: (Lucky bitch.)
Filip: Fabio!
Ester: Charlotte!
Whitney: Gale!
Gale: Sorry, hun, but you’ll have to work harder than that.
Whitney tears up.
Demetri: (Sweet! Now I can get Hayze!) I CHOOSE-
Blair notices Demetri’s smile and quickly gets behind him.
Blair: /Who has the smaller penis, you or Isaiah?/
Demetri: Isaiah, duh!
Walker: Isaiah cannot decline, moving on to 21.
Demetri and Isaiah: NOOOOOO!
Blair wipes her brow.
Blair: (This is hard work…)
Sydney scoffs while looking through her choices.
Sydney: (There’s only one person left who would choose to work with me willingly, and I’m not working with Grace.) Ugh… I’ll choose Blair.
Blair: Nope!
Walker: #22?
Killian: Hm… Tobias? Want to work with me?
Tobias: Not particularly.
Killian: Huh?! You’re turning me down?! I’m an excellent teammate!
Tobias: I’d like to field my options first.
Killian: *frustrated grunt* Why you?!
Walker: 23 and 24 were Fabio and Ash, so that means #25 is up-
Blair: HAYZE!
Walker stares at Blair.
Walker: Alright… 26 was Saige, so #27?
Gale: (This is the perfect chance for me to court another member of my harem. Let’s see, there are four girls left. I already have Whitney, and Grace said she’d be last in 2-B, so I only have 2 choices. Sydney can’t deny me, but that might be a bad thing. I need to leave the door open for rejection so I know she’s interested. That means I have one choice.) I’ll go with Lilith.
Whitney: NOOOO!
Lilith: M- me?
Gale: Of course, we’ve technically worked together in the past, so we might as well rekindle that.
Lilith: Good point! I’ll work with you!
Gale: (Jackpot!)
Grace picks Impulse up over her shoulder.
Grace: I’m taking Pulsey.
Impulse: Yay…
Walker: Alright, so I think we’re up to 30 then.
Tobias: I’ll work with Whitney.
Whitney: Oh, okay, Tobias… I’ll work with you.
Walker: 31…
Alden cracks his neck.
Alden: I do not need a partner!
Walker: Okay, 32?
Walker: 32!
Wrath looks around. Alden, Romeo, Gavin, Sydney, and Killian are the only people left.
“ Grace points at Sydney.
Wrath: Her?
Grace: Oh yeah, she’s definitely the one for you. “ - Chapter 203
Wrath blushes.
Wrath: (Get that shit out of your head! She’s the strongest person left, you’re picking her for that reason!) Sydney.
Sydney: (Huh? Was Grace telling the truth- No! Shut up!)
Walker: Okay, then that means we’re back to Romeo.
Killian looks around. It’s just him, Romeo, Alden, and Gavin left.
Killian: (How… How did this happen to me?)
Killian falls to his knees in defeat.
Romeo: I guess I’ll go with Killian.
Killian: Fuck you!
Romeo: *sobs*
Walker: *sighs* Gavin?
Gavin: Killian.
Walker: Alright, then that’s it. Killian cannot decline, so our final teams will be Killian and Gavin, and-
Walker covers his smile.
Walker: Alden and Romeo.
Alden and Romeo: NOOOOOOO!
All 18 pairs stand together.
Walker: Good, so now it’s time for our final step.
Wes: And that is?
Adrian, Walker, and Houston put on gas masks.
Wes: *sighs* I should have guessed…
Adrian and Houston chuck gas canisters into the group, knocking everyone out.
Walker: The exams start now. Good luck.
Hayze wakes up.
Hayze: Huh?
He’s lying on a bed inside an empty room. He looks to his left and sees Blair on another bed, separated by a sheet of glass.
Hayze: (Not what I was expecting, but let’s see what we can do.)
Hayze attempts to use Shadow Sneak but is unable to.
Hayze: (No quirks… for now.) Blair! Wake up!
Blair comes to.
Blair: Huh? What’s going on?
Hayze: The exam.
Blair: What?!
Blair sits up and looks around the room.
Blair: What is this?
Hayze: Our starting point.
Blair: Well, let me try melting-
Hayze: Our quirks are disabled.
Blair: Oh… It’s alright; I’m sure Mr. Walker will be explaining the exam anytime now.
Hayze: I don’t think that’s the case…
Blair: Hm? Why?
Hayze: We both just woke up on our own, and I did before you. If the rest of our class is in the same situation, some of them could still be asleep.
Blair: Okay… so he’ll probably just wake them up when he’s ready to explain everything to us.
Hayze: Blair, this is a simulation. There’s no point in letting us sleep. In fact, there isn’t even a reason to put us into the simulation sleeping at all.
Blair: I… guess that’s true, but what does it mean?
Hayze: If they wanted to give us instructions, they would have by now.
Blair: So, we’re on our own? What are we supposed to do? Break the glass?
Hayze: That or escape this room. Either way, we need to brainstorm.
Walker, Houston, and Adrian are seated in the control room with 18 monitors watching each team.
Houston: This phase was your brainchild, Walker. I hope it goes well.
Walker: It will. Some teams might not figure it out, but they deserve to fail if that’s the case.
Adrian: It’s a test of their ability to solve problems independently. We won't be holding their hand when they get out into the real world. They need to get out of that room themselves.
Walker: Once everyone wakes up, we’ll add the first twist.
Justus rips apart his bed.
Ash: Why are you doing that?
Justus: There has to be a tool… something that will aid us in our escape.
Ash: Good thinking! If we can’t use our quirks, they must have given us something else!
Ash begins ripping her bed apart, too.
Justus: (No costumes, equipment, or instructions. We’re entirely in the dark here.)
Alexis lies back on her bed as Aaron takes apart his.
Aaron: Why are you just watching me?
Alexis: If there’s something on your side, it’s also bound to be on mine. You can look; I have no reason to mess with my comfort.
Aaron: Dammit! I hate that you’re smart!
Alexis: No, you don’t.
Aaron: Yeah… you’re right.
Verity sits down in front of the glass and stares at Wes.
Wes: What?!
Verity: Tell me about your day.
Wes: *sighs* Any opportunity, huh?
Verity: Yes.
Wes: Fine, I-
Verity looks away.
Wes: Goddammit! I know I deserved that…
Alden starts crying.
Romeo: *sobs* We can’t figure it out!
Hours go by. Each team is unable to make any progress.
Blair: There has to be something, right?
Hayze: I don’t know… maybe? It’s all about-
Suddenly, an alarm goes off inside each room.
Killian: What’s going on?!
Gavin: Maybe it’s time for a party!
Killian: Jesus Christ! Shut up!
Silver gulps.
Silver: (Something is about to happen.)
All of the glass panels changed to black.
Hayze: Huh? Blair!
A screen appears on the wall beside each of the students.
Walker: I’m sure you’re a little confused, but I’m willing to help.
Hayze, Justus, Silver, and Aaron: (What’s the catch?)
Walker: Part of being a hero is popularity, especially now more than ever. So, let’s see how well you have done with that amongst yourselves.
The screens transition to pictures of the 34 other students.
Hayze: Huh?
Walker: Each of you will have five minutes to select the three students you like the most. You may not vote for yourself or your partner.
Alden and Romeo: Rats!
Walker: Anyone who receives 5 or more votes will earn a clue to completing phase one of the exam.
Hayze: (So, this is only the first part… interesting.)
Walker: Oh, and just so you know, your votes will remain anonymous. Your time starts now.
Hayze examines the list of students.
Hayze: (That’s right… Last year was focused on teaching us failure, how to work in teams, and how to strengthen ourselves. This year was tapped in on our hero careers. We were placed in Mock Hero Agencies and started our work studies. So, a popularity contest is strange but not unorthodox. Those with a solid social standing are bound to show promise in the real world.)
Zach looks concerned.
Zach: (Where’s Jace?)
Alden laughs.
Alden: Looks like I’m about to get showered with clues! But the real question is, which of these peasants should I give my last two votes to? I have to give my darling Ash my first one! I know; I’ll pity Isaiah and Demetri. At least they can say they got one vote!
Saige quickly votes for Hayze, Blair, and Alexis.
Alec: *nasal grunt* I don’t even like most of the people in my class!
Alec eyes Alexis’ picture.
Alec: Well, I guess I don’t have to vote for them.
Alec selects Aaron and Hayze as well.
Alec: (I don’t like them, but I’d rather use my votes for people I respect than throw ‘em away.)
Gavin smiles as he votes for Alden, Romeo, and Sydney.
Aaron: I can’t vote for Alexis, so I’ll vote for Hayze. Do I give Wes a pity vote? Nah!
Wes votes for Aaron.
Wes: I’m not getting Verity’s vote, so you’d better give me one back, you dick!
Wrath scoffs and votes for Impulse, Calm, and Gale.
Wrath: (If we all vote for each other, we need just one more to get a clue. Figure that out, morons!)
Justus votes for Hayze, Silver, and Aaron.
Justus: (My rivals are also my closest friends, so this was an easy choice.)
Bruno stares at his board.
Bruno: (Verity will most likely receive several votes, so I won’t choose her. I’ll try and help Sydney reach the five she needs. Wrath might need some help as well… so he can be second. Finally… I’ll try to make amends with Wes.)
Impulse votes for Saige, Calm, and Gale while still moping.
Calm: (Hayze will likely receive enough votes on his own, so I must assist my brothers.)
Tobias votes for Justus, Aaron, and Saige.
Tobias: (I know this doesn’t make up for my previous actions, but I’m trying.)
Silver votes for Hayze, Justus, and Aaron.
Silver: Maybe I shouldn’t vote for Hayze since he’ll get five easily, but I should show my respect anyway.
Isaiah and Demetri smile while voting for Charlotte, Whitney, and Ester.
Isaiah and Demetri: (This is my chance to get in good with the 2-B girls! That’s an untapped goldmine!)
Lilith shakes her head frantically.
Lilith: (I can’t vote for one of Ash, Eve, Alexis, and Blair! But who? Oh no…)
Eve votes for Blair, Ash, and Lilith with zero hesitation.
Gale: Oh yeah… this is all coming together…
Alexis votes for Eve, Blair, and Saige.
Alexis: (Sorry, Ash and Lilith, but I’m voting for the stronger members of our friend group out of respect.)
Sydney scoffs.
Sydney: I guess I’ll choose Verity and then two more morons.
Blair examines the screen.
Blair: (Do I vote for people I think won’t receive enough votes, or do I just vote for people I like? Either way, I know I’m going to help Eve.) *sighs* (And Saige, I guess…)
Hayze takes a deep breath.
Hayze: (Okay, I’ll play along, Mr. Walker. Saige might need my vote, so I’ll help her. Should I go for Justus and Silver? No, they don’t need my help compared to Impulse and Gale.)
Hayze locks in his votes.
Hayze: Here we go.
Inside the control room, the results appear on the screen.
Walker: Fascinating.
Houston: 10 students received enough votes. Thus, 9 teams will receive clues out of 18. Exactly half.
Adrian: I’m surprised to see some names appear where they are.
Walker: Yes, seeing Zach receive 0 is surprising.
Houston: And I can’t believe Sydney got enough.
Walker: Well, let’s see the aftermath.
Walker appears on the screens again.
Walker: It’s time to reveal the votes. You will only see how many you received. If you have five or more, a clue will be arriving shortly.
The screens change to reveal the final results.
Zach: I got none… what?
Aaron: Exactly what I thought.
Alden and Romeo: HUH?!
Killian: OH, COME ON!
Alexis: (Aaron and I were tied with Hayze and Blair for the most votes combined… interesting.)
Sydney: Well, that’s what I… expected!
Ash: Phew…
Justus: (Not enough… dammit!)
Eve: (So close!)
Silver: (This is what I get for not taking friendships seriously for so long.)
Wes: (Wait a second? Three? THAT’S MORE THAN I THOUGHT I’D GET! YEAH!)
Calm: (Not bad, but I need to do better.)
Suddenly, a piece of paper appears inside Bruno, Hayze, Aaron, Verity, Alexis, Ash, Sydney, Saige, Gale, and Tobias’ rooms.
Hayze: (Alright… let’s see.)
Hayze examines the clue. It’s merely a single image.
Hayze: Huh… What the hell does this mean?!
Walker smiles.
Walker: Alright, kids, figure it out.
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The Black Knight of the Demon King
I was once like everyone else. I had a family, went to school, played sports, and had a decent amount of friends, but then one day that all changed. What was the thing that had happened to me you might ask? Well, in short, I was abducted, but if we're being technical, what actually happened was me being summoned to this world called Atalan. However, I wasn't summoned as a hero or this great sage or a wizard or any of that stuff. No, I, Donovan Rutherford, had been transported to this world to be the one and only Black Knight of the Demon King and to defeat the Hero and his companions.(The Cover Photo is from DnD, aka Dungeons and Dragons, which isn't something I own. Well, I own one of the boardgames, but you all know what I mean. Anyways, like my other story I consider it more of a 2D world, but that's just me.)
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Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess
**NOT MY ORIGINAL TRANSLATION OR STORY, for offline reading purpose only. Credits to original author and translator. Read original through novelupdates.com**DescriptionHer best friend turned into her younger sister, destroyed her appearance, broke her legs, snatched her powerful fiancé, and designed to kill her mother. Unsatisfied, she locked her up in a mental asylum to be tortured until death!Yun Hua returned to 13 years of age with hatred. This time, the debt of blood would be paid in blood.Oppress the poisonous sister, beat up the scumbag fiancé, become the top student, become a scholarly expert, become a manhua artist. In the end, she became the chief anchorwoman on the largest global broadcast...With one careless mistake, she accidentally took the gold medal during the Olympic swimming competition. The entire country cheered for the champion without knowing that she had no such intentions...But all along the way, that unapproachable man protected her from nearby.He spoke: For you, I would block deities. For you, I would fight gods. For you, I would kill Buddha!He spoke again: If you don't leave me, I won't give you up either. I would rather turn my back on the world than slight my darling.Associated Names薄先生,情不由己重生初中:學霸女神,超給力Language ChineseAuthor(s) Qīng Hú Zui, 青湖醉Artist(s) N/AYear N/AStatus in COO 2225 Chapters + 7 epilogues (Completed)Original Publisher Yunqi
8 173