《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 7 - Birth [Part 2]


Smoke, dust, awe, students, surprise. This is what the training grounds of the Avalon Academy were filled with. Everyone had their eyes fixed on the smoke, eager to know what it unravelled. No words were spoken. Only the sound of the air carrying away the smoke bit by bit.

What the gust of wind carrying away the black fog had revealed was an unconscious boy, laying flat on the grass with minor burns on his hand. And his face was completely dark.

The silence continued

No one could find any words to utter. That was when everyone recognised a presence. Heading slowly towards the stage. Everyone knew these slow footsteps. Everyone was afraid of them.

"You have got quite the show going on Mr. Tachibana. No new student has been able to cause such chaos. Not by using magic at least." Ms Yuan stated with her defining voice.

Everyone looked at me, expecting a response, I couldn't think of any words due to the attention I had on me, "Uhh, actually what happened wa-" Before I could even complete my sentence I fell flat on the ground. I could barely even feel my body.

Did I paralyse myself by using magic without actually having any prior knowledge or training about it? If that's the case then I'm totally fucked.

"It appears that after all you didn't actually know anything about magic and were just trying to boast around." Miss Yuan said, "The reason why you are in this condition right now is because you didn't know how to handle Crux particles, all you did was release every Crux particle in your body, that is, all of your magical strength was released at once, that is the mistake most of the students like you make."

"Uhh, well I did try to imitate what I saw in anime…" I said in a very low tone, not because I was embarrassed or anything but because I had no energy left in my body as Ms. Yuan just said.


She turned her sight towards Naomi, "And you, Ms. Sasaki, you should have stopped them. I didn't expect this from you." She was cold…

"I-I tried stopping them b-but they d-didn't listen to m-me… I'm really s-sorry." She was trembling.

I've never seen her this scared. It feels weird to see the world from this perspective. Just laying down on the grass.

Ms. Yuan looked at John who was also out flat on the ground, "So you decide to cause trouble because the Disciplinary Committee is busy with other stuff?" She said half to herself half to us, and then again looked at us. "You all will receive a proper punishment. Come to my office right now."

I'm getting kicked out of my academy on the very first day! Oh, this is so great! Please just take me away! ♫ ♩

"Someone help those flatbeds. They won't be able to move until tomorrow if not treated." Yeah, she really was cold.

"Umm… Miss…" Some student from the crowd spoke, and everyone moved away so she could be in sight of Ms Yuan. She was somewhat short compared to other girls, probably from first year as her uniform was the same as mine. She had Golden Brown hair tied up in messy braids, and most of her face was covered by her big circular glasses. "Yes? What is it?" Ms Yuan asked.

"Actually, I have a question…" the girl said.

"Go ahead Ms. Austin."

"A-as you said, t-this explosion happened b-because of Y-Yuki being inexperienced and it was n-no different from the other explosions that newbies caused. But Yuki's explosion was different, his explosion w-was concentrated on a p-point, that is his palm, but in other cases it blew out of whole bodies, and n-normally it's only smoke explosions, b-but Yuki's explosion h-had quite some force to it."


She stammered quite frequently, maybe she was really shy. And apparently, explosions are more interesting than my situation.

Explosions are indeed interesting

Shut up, narrator! This chapter is supposed to be narrated by me so get lost!

"The explosions are indeed different, but the cause of them is the same, the reason why they are different is because apparently, as they show in the anime Mr. Tachibana was talking about, he knew that the power of Crux particles should be concentrated at one point in his body to get a powerful move, but he didn't know the right way to do it nor did he have any kind of training to do so, for instance, take their bodies as a glass jar filled compressed air, that is, Crux particles, what usually happens is that the air expands in the jar which causes it to completely explode, but here, the air tries to escape from one particular point." Miss Yuan explained, "As the air was escaping from one small point it had more pressure behind it, that's why the explosions caused by newbies and the one caused by Mr. Tachibana are different."

"I will be leaving now. I want them in my office within 15 minutes. Someone provide them with energy, and heal Mr. Davis, if it is needed that is." With that, Ms Yuan left the place.

Dude, I'm totally fucked!

Naomi glanced at me with a distressing look, then came forward to help me, "Tch, Why must you get into trouble like this idiot, now I'll suffer too because of you." She said while transferring energy to me.

"So what will happen now, will I be kicked from here on the first day?" I asked, "I don't know, but I'll make sure that you will suffer just like me." She fumed.


In the end, I was excused for being a new student but I, Naomi and John had to go through a lot of hearing. John was punished for bullying and now he will be attending a bunch of detention classes so that's good I guess. Though I was late for the treat my new friend-cum-roommate offered me.

But after all of it that was a fun first day, like hey I didn't get punished or anything, I also made a few friends after that incident, though most of them are from second year-


Uh these people, if they could they would also break into my dorm.


Looks like I gotta go. Until we meet again.


After that Yuki celebrated the beginning of the 17th year of being a burden to this universe with his newly made friends. But these years will soon come to an end for him. That would be the conclusion for this chapter.

…But what if I were to tell you that this place really existed? If you were to believe science then I must be quite a bore to you, won't I?

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