《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 8 - The Classroom


My name is Sasaki Naomi, I'm sixteen years old and I study at Avalon Academy of Magic, pretty sure you haven't heard the name, not a very famous school you see.

I was assigned a task to get this boy named Tachibana Yuki here due to him having one of the Crux Auras, was that a hard task? I thought not, it turned out to be more than hard, that idiot was so very troublesome.

He picked a fight with one of the bullies here, and surprisingly managed to knock him down, but ended up getting knocked himself, he said he learnt doing that from some anime. I don't actually watch anime so I have no idea but I suppose he is going to learn things fast.

It's been 4 days since he arrived here and he has made a few friends too, though most of them are from my batch as he's with me most of the time, I hope he gets some friends in his batch.

As of now all he can perform is channeling his aura to different parts of his body. If he can do that perfectly he won't end up losing all his energy in a single blow.

I hope he doesn't get me and himself too into more trouble or else I'll have to kick his arse.

Well, I've been talking about him too much. I'll just end this entry here. Bai-Bai!




The scenery from the varandha of Block A was very pleasant, you could see the training grounds, classes from other block at the opposite side, on the right were the row of classrooms meant for first year students and there you could see Yuki, disrupting the pleasant environment with his loud footsteps, running towards his class.

On the opposite side of the varandha he catches a glimpse of Miss Yuan, "Oh shit! I'm dead today, she's going to kill me for being late. I need to think of something."

Yuki ran faster in an attempt to reach the class before Miss Yuan could see him. He reached the door while she was still on the other end but he couldn't land a proper turn and crashed into the class…

The classroom was very big compared to the regular ones, the desks were arranged in a staircase manner, stretching far back, facing a huge board, besides which a table and a chair were sitting. There was a huge space between the first row of desks and the board, probably for demonstration.


The disastrous thud of Yuki was followed by a loud silence for a few seconds and then everyone burst out laughing, John was also laughing hysterically, and yelled, "IS THAT THE NEW ASIAN KID? HAHAHA SERVES HIM RIGHT, HE'S DOWN ON TO HIS STATUS." "HAHA YES YES DOWN TO HIS STATUS." His minions repeated. Yuki had something else to care about for the moment, he quickly got on his feet and ran to his seat right before Miss Yuan entered.

She looked around the class before giving Yuki a cold stare. "I heard some students scream while entering the class, will you have the courtesy to tell me who they were? Otherwise I have my own ways to find out as you know." She said rather calmly. The class stayed silent. "Fine, I'll look into it later." She continued, "We will begin our today's lecture, I don't want to waste our class time because of some students," She placed down her stuff on the table and began explaining, "we will learn about the basics of handling your Aura and Crux particles, as you may know, Crux particles are the particles your aura is made of, and controlling them should come to you as natural as breathing. Now. Do as I say." She commanded.

"First. Keep your posture straight. Then concentrate on your breathing, keep it as steady as if you are meditating." The class followed. "Relax your body to the point where you will feel the slightest movements around you"

"Can you feel your own aura? Imagine yourself grabbing control over it, as if you were molding it like clay. Collect it, compress it as much as you can, don't let it leak. You'll slowly start feeling the pressure. Now. Hold it for a few minutes."

The temperature of the room was declining as the seconds passed by, but for the students it felt the polar opposite. Their bodies were burning as if they were in Satan's cookpot.

"Everyone must be feeling hot by now, that's because you have not only compressed your aura but also absorbed the energy particles around you in the process, which in turn caused the room to cool down. Just like a refrigerator absorbs the heat to cool down the food. You all can let go now." The temperature of the room started going back to normal as the students released the energy particals.

"As you may have realized, there are energy particles everywhere, each object has some kind of energy to it, these energy particles are called Crux particles. And your auras are collectively called Crux Auras. Now you will try to create an energy string through Crux particles, focus the Crux particles around you onto your fingertips and build them on each other to form a string. This process needs high concentration and is not suggested for use in combat but it's a good method to train novices."


Miss Yuan shifted towards the table, it had many things on it, mostly ones used for teaching, other than that, there was a small cylindrical container with a lid, a few rings with different colors of stones in them, her sheathed Dao, and her hand fan. She slowly opened the container's lid and there was a glow flowing throughout.

Students were trying hard to create a thread, some students had beads of sweat on their forehead while there was a glowing string a few millimeters long on their fingertips, while some didn't even strain their face but had their thread grow till almost 2 centimeters. Yuki had his experience with magic first, he was trying hard and his efforts had created a string around 2.5 centimeters long. John knew some bits of magic and how to concentrate his energy, his thread had almost reached the length of 3 centimeters.

Miss Yuan was examining everyone. She looked at the corner of the class and exclaimed "Very good Miss Austin! You are doing great." Almost everyone, along with John turned to look at her and as soon as they lost their concentration their energy threads crumbled, and they let out a wail, Yuki knew he would lose his concentration so he didn't turn around to look, but he was also curious to see what Austin did. He risked his efforts and slowly turned around to look at her, once his sight reached her fingertips his jaw opened up and his energy thread crumbled too. She had created a thread 9 centimeters long.

"Class, we're done with today's exercise, we'll be doing this everyday before starting the lectures. You all can relax and cool yourself. With that we will begin our today's lecture." Miss Yuan announced.

What? The class isn't over yet, I'm already so tired I don't know if I could even focus on the lecture, and if I dozed off… An image of angry Miss Yuan appeared in Yuki's head. I think I should focus on the lecture, Yuki gave himself a little shake.

"As I said, there are Crux particles present everywhere, in normal conditions, you can create an energy thread a few meters long, but right here you all, at the same time, were trying to extract all those particles in the environment which caused you to struggle to do so."

"As you start making use of these Crux particles, present in the environment you have to make sure you don't overdo it, your Aura can also be thought as a reserve of Crux particles, you can't exactly use them but with the help of it you can manipulate the particles around you."

"When you make sure that your Aura is charged with Crux, you can then manipulate the environment and perform magic."

"As they show in those anime," Miss Yuan emphasized while looking towards Yuki, he felt a chill go down his spine, "There are elemental affinities in Crux magic too, such are, Heat. Water. Ice. Earth. Sound. Gravity. Light and Dark. Technically speaking they don't have any limit, but you will be learning the basic ones."

"These are a broad division of the elemental affinities, many are linked to each other, and many will cause more damage to another, such as Water beats Heat, Heat beats Earth, and Earth beats Water."

"There are even organic affinities but it's too early for you to learn about them."

"If you want to use the heat affinity, you will have to use your Crux to excite the particles around you, as you may know, heat is created when atoms oscillate at high speed. When you do so the oxygen around you reaches ignition temperature and combustion begins, then you can use the fire in various ways."

She raised her finger and created a small flame on it.

"In case of Ice what you have to do is the exact opposite, you have to use your Crux to stop the movements of particles around you and that will create Ice."

This time she made the fire go out and made ice in the shape of a flame, and finally crushed it with her hand. "Any questions until now?"

A hand went up from the seat in front of Yuki and he recognised the face. It was his roommate, Antonio Giò Prada.

The moment Yuki looked at him he

remembered the day he first met him.

The exhaustive sunny evening after he just shifted into his dorm…

To be continued in Ch. 9ᐳ

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