《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 6- Birth [Part 1]


6th August

In the realm of the unknown, where shadows dance and secrets whisper, lies a tapestry woven with mystery. It is a world teeming with enigmas, unfathomable to the human mind. This obscurity gives birth to a myriad of emotions—fear, curiosity, and the insatiable quest for answers.

Within this intricate web of uncertainty, a phenomenon emerges Urban Legends. These tales, born from the depths of human imagination, are not bound by truth but rather by the uncharted territories of our fears and unanswered questions. They draw upon fragments of reality, blending them with whispers of the extraordinary, creating a tapestry of captivating narratives.

These stories serve as a reflection of our innate desire to comprehend the incomprehensible and to shed light on the dark corners of the world. They offer a glimpse into the hidden recesses of our collective psyche, where reality intertwines with folklore.

Amidst the realm of Urban Legends, there exists a captivating tale known as the legend of Elysium-olss7—an alien planet shrouded in mystery. While the scientific community dismisses it as mere fiction, there are those who hold steadfast in their belief in extraterrestrial existence and their alleged involvement in human abductions and enigmatic experiments.

Renowned scientist Steve Hawk, addressing a captivated audience at the World Science Festival in 2018, vehemently refuted the notion of Elysium-olss7's existence. "There's no place like Elysium-olss7, if aliens existed we would have met them long ago. They won't try kidnapping any of us and take us to this imaginary planet. If it existed our satellites would have found them. It's just a myth. Don't believe in it and also don't spread rumours and misinformation."

Yet, despite the scepticism of the scientific community, there remains a steadfast group of individuals who fervently believe in the existence of these otherworldly beings. They perceive Elysium-olss7 as a tangible reality, a place where alien life forms conduct clandestine activities with unsuspecting humans.

The spread of any myth, rumour or urban legend produces more variants, different versions of the same stories, many times completely changing the story itself.

Elysium-olss7 is known by different names at different places and at different times. Some examples are Valhalla, Zion, Hadeses, Avalon, Dante-oran9, Inferno-qrngu13… etc.

These names are dubbed by so-called researchers who are evidently adding fuel to the fire

These names are not of a planet, not of aliens, not of humans, not of gods…

Okay, so, you won't believe what happened to me. A few days ago my life took a really bizarre turn… like… really bizarre.

My name is Tachibana Yuki, seventeen, single. I met a girl named Sasaki Naomi, who had transferred to my class. I thought she was cute but she turned out to be the incarnation of Lilith herself.


She took me to this place called Avalon, a freaking outer dimension- no, a pocket dimension.

There's this school named The Avalon Academy of Magic here. Yes. They teach magic, I told you this is really bizarre.

As I stepped foot into the majestic Avalon Academy, I was overwhelmed by the grandeur and the air of mystery that permeated the atmosphere. The castle-like structure stood tall and proud, its ancient walls carrying the weight of centuries of magical knowledge and tradition.

The academy was a bustling hub of activity, with students of different ages and backgrounds hurrying to their classes or engaging in lively conversations. The training grounds, nestled between the two main blocks, were abuzz with the sounds of magical incantations, the clashing of swords, and the swirling of energy as students honed their skills under the watchful eyes of their instructors.

Navigating through the city complex, I marvelled at the intricately designed buildings and shops that catered to the needs and desires of the Avalon inhabitants. The streets were lined with enchanting boutiques, potion shops, and cafes, each offering its own unique charm and allure. The aroma of freshly brewed potions and the sound of laughter filled the air, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere.

However, my first day at Avalon Academy didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. Being a newcomer, I found myself lost in the maze-like corridors, struggling to find my way to the classrooms. The vastness of the academy and the complexities of its layout made it feel like a labyrinth, with hidden passages and secret doors waiting to be discovered.

To add to my misfortune, I stumbled upon the wrong classroom and inadvertently interrupted a class in progress. The stern gaze of the professor and the snickers of my fellow students burned with embarrassment. It was an unforgettable introduction to the strict academic environment and the consequences of my own clumsiness.

And I was stupidly nervous enough that I didn't even think of checking my ID card.

In the end, I had to ask Miss Yuan to guide me. She sure didn't look pleased with my stupidity- Oh god… why does this always happen with me TwT

But this isn't the end. This isn't even The beginning. Our first class was just about the basics, nothing special. After that I finally got assigned a room in the student dorms I had come here a day before so I had to live in the temporary dorms in the city complex. That was when the actual shit happened.

Things went like this; Naomi was showing me around the campus while on our way to the city so I won't get lost again. We were about to cross the training grounds and that's when we came across this group of punks, it was a typical group of bullies, with one guy being the leader and others just his minions.


All of the bullies looked American, their leader had dyed his hair blonde with sides trimmed off and was wearing his uniform like a mediocre delinquent. Waistcoat buttons left open, black flame tattoos on his arms and ear piercings.

How could someone look more like a typical delinquent than this?

"Aye, aren't you the new student who didn't know where his class was?" The bully said, "Just how stupid can you be lmao." He started laughing hysterically with his minions, "Right right, how stupid can someone be." His minion repeated after him.

Naomi and I were both very pissed at them, "Then what are you here in the first place." Naomi addressed them, "Aren't you supposed to be attending your extra classes, junior?"

"So some punks who are not even attending their class are trying to pick on me huh!?" I tried to mock them.

"Who said you can speak, dipshit?" He roared.

"I don't need to take permission from some punk like you."

"You've got some nerve going against me haven't you? So now a guy who joined yesterday will be challenging me hah?" He prided himself.

"Hey John, why waste our time on this dweeb right?" The guy on his right spoke, "He hasn't learnt the ways of this place yet, that's why he's rocketing off. Let's just let him-"

"So you're saying I shall just let him insult me huh? Actually… maybe you're right! He hasn't learnt the ways, so why not we, his lovely classmates teach that to him?" John's face was split apart by his large grin.

"Oh? So that's how it is. Let's do it then." The guy agreed with John.

"Hey you dipshit-" John pointed at my location to see I and Naomi were already past him. "HEY WHO SAID YOU CAN GO OFF YOUR WAY!? WE AREN'T DONE YET!"

I turned around and replied to him loudly, "Huh? You were talking with that guy so we thought you were done with us-"


Geez, this guy really likes to interrupt others, doesn't he?

"Listen, I'll say it straight, I don't like you and those retards around you, so leave us alone and go your way!"

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU ASSHOLE!" He had gotten really worked up by now. At this point, I was only provoking him, "What can you all-mouth-no-hands dipshits even do huh!"

"You have crossed your limits you pig, Imma show it to you now." And he started advancing to me with those words.

"Ho? You're approaching me?" Here I went on with my references again.

"Yes dweeb! Get ready to get your ass beat!"

"Hoho. Then come as close as you want!" At that, I also started advancing.

Naomi tried to stop me but I just gave her a grin and silenced her, then faced back at John.

Yuki's movement was confident enough to show he had a plan.

Yes. I did have a plan.

"Hey John, don't go around using magic without permission! You know the consequences will be bad!"

"Yuki stop! Don't do this!" Both of the parties were trying to stop us too but we were absorbed enough to not hear them. We didn't even realize that many students had gathered around and watched us two.

Our both's movement had come to a stop and now we were only a meter away from each other. "Your mouth runs really fast for a newcomer." He commented. Did he suddenly not wish to fight? "You know what else is fast?" I asked in response. "Who? Your mom? Hahahahaha" he laughed hysterically. "Wrong. It's my hand." With that, John was thrown aback by my punch that directly landed on his off-guard face.

Finally, I'm putting my basketball physics to some good use.

Looks like he came back to his senses quickly. "You b-bastard. You'll regret this!" He took a deep breath and drew back his fist. That's when my instincts kicked in. I felt the air around my ears swoop past me as if he was holding a vacuum cleaner. I knew whatever he was going to do now was really dangerous. His fist glowed as it shot towards me.

And that's when I held my palm towards him and let out an explosion of smoke directly on his face.

Everything in front of me went down quickly in smoke. Everyone was astonished as no one could properly see this quick chain of events.

Haha, they must be thinking, "How did this newcomer take down John with an explosion like this?" Well, they all do have their jaws dropped…

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