《Don't know why ( Rewriting)(Editing)》Never Cry For Me


Mayan stood near the window of his room, well his and Aanya's room staring at the cloudy sky while Aanya just sat on their bed, feet on the floor, palms on the sides.

Mayan knew she was upset but he also knew he was in no position to comfort her. So they just shared the silence until Aanya spoke.

' Aanya said with frustration laced voice.

Mayan whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

' Mayan added walking to the bed and laying down startling her.


Mayan stated with his eyes closed.

Aanya just sat staring at him for a while before laying down too with enough space between them. She had no energy left to argue with him.


It's been a month of staying in the house, Aanya can feel cetain thing happening between the household. : Mayan hated Jay's dad and Jay too

: Her sister was stressed and getting desperate to throw her out of the house. Maybe she felt threatened as Jay would kept staring at Aanya.

: Mayan's parents would never stand up for him or care much. His mother would look at her son with longing in her eyes but nothing much.

: Jay's mother would keep calling Mayan ' crazy' and that he should be caged or kept in an 'asylum'

She didn't get it coz Mayan ignored it or maybe tried. But why didn't his own parents say anything to stop this cruel behaviour towards Mayan?

She asked Mayan about it but all he says is that they were here to prove her innocence, so she should just ignore the rest.


Day 34,

They were all at the breakfast table, when Mayan started breathing hard and getting dizzy. Aanya rushed to him asking what's wrong.

Mayan's mom rushed too. For the first time. Mayan's eyes started rolling back. Aanya asked to call the doctor or an ambulance but no one moved, but to her surprise Jay instantly called the doctor and looked worried.


He took Mayan to the sofa and laid him down.

' Jay spoke worried as he ran to get anti allegic meds that Mayan kept.

Mayan was made to have those and the doctor arrived 15 min later. He gave him an injection.

'Thank god you gave him anti allergic pill as soon as possible otherwise it could be life threatening to him. Please be careful of his allergies.' The doctor said and left soon.

Mayan was sleeping, looking so vulnerable and for the first time Manya was scared. No matter how distant they were but that man was always by her side. Call her selfish but she wanted him to stay by her side, it was tough to be here alone. Or maybe she cared, but she would never show.

Aanya rushed to the dining table and checked his food, tasting it. She can't taste much of the nuts but they were there in his plate, finely grounded and added.

' Aanya was mad. So angry.

The maid spoke that Hima the cook, preapared the breakfast. Hima was shaking but Aanya was in no mood to be kind.


Hearing the question Hima shivered and as she opened her mouth, Maira took a step forward but twisted her ankle and fell. Everyone rushed to her side as she screamed in pain...but Aanya could see right through it. She was faking it and she knew why. It was Maira, she planned to do it...to Mayan!

Aanya walked to Hima but was interrupted by Mayan groaning and coughing. She rushed to him with some water and Mayan's mom came too. His mom was crying caressing him as he drank water Aanya was holding in one hand and the other holding Mayan's neck for support.

A few steps away, Jay silently stared at the duo with hurt, anger and frustration in his gaze until he was asked to take his wife to the room as she said no doctor was needed.


Aanya and Mayan's mom supported Mayan and carried to their room and laid him down.

It was a few hours later that he woke up again.

'' He groaned in frustration.

He got up and changed his shirt as it was wrinked. He has to go to his company. As he move d towards the door, Aanya came through.


'To my company, I missed a meeting already but I can't delay more.'

'Aanya ordered folding her hand to her chest.

Mayan was surprised but rolled his eyes and took a step towards the door but Aanya quickly turned around and locked the door raising her brows at him.

Mayan still tried to get hold of the door but with Aanya in the middle blocking the door didn't helped. So he moved his hand behind her but she held his hand, both didn't realize how close they were but once they did, time stopped.

Anya looked at him this close for the first time. His face was still red due to the allergy, his lashes were long and curled...Wow 'how does he have better lashes than mine' she thought.

Her thoughts were broken when Mayan spoke.


Aanya was taken by surprise but managed to speak.


Mayan just smiled a little and turned around walking towards the bed.


Aanya just watched him take his shoes off and lay on his bed, still in his formals. This guy!!


Thank you for reading!💜 PLEASE VOTE GUYS!

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