《Don't know why ( Rewriting)(Editing)》Let the game begin


Jay stood shocked, angry and frustrated as he locked eyes with the man who used to be his cousin, his best friend...but now he just disgusts him.

' Jay grumbled under his breath but loud enough for Mayan to hear.

' Mayan whispered calmly as if talking to a child.

We? It was then, this moment when Jay noticed a girl, his girl, who was standing behind his brother, as if trying to hide herself. Looking at her closely, his brows furrowed as he noticed the symbols of married woman adorning her head and neck. He was too engulfed in his thoughts that he realised it few sec later that the said duo has already entered the house.

One by one the family members noticed them and stood with confusion and anger radiating off them.


Turning towards Jay's dad, Mayan spoke again.


Everyone was stunned. Stunned hearing about losing their home. Stunned looking at the guy they thought was a....


He walked slowly taking huge steps and stops before Aanya who now looks at his hands that slowly held hers in a firm grip.

Mayan turns back to the family gaping at him and dropped the bomb....


Aanya kept staring at their intertwined hands. This was not the plan. Mayan calling her with his name joined with hers wasn't the plan....And her heart beating so fast definitely wasn't the plan.

' Jay spit the words as he marched to where Aanya was standing with eyes blown wide a little as she tried to mask the anxiety that rushed through her veins.


Aanya had unshed tears in her eyes. She wanted to scream, cry and tell him she did nothing. But she knew it would be in vain. She had no proof against the one who framed her. The girl who is behind all the suffering Jay and herself is going through is standing just a few steps beside Jay.... Unfortunately as his wife.


Mayan tightens his hold a little on Aanya's hand, hoping she would feel a little less anxious which she did as tshe blinked and unconsciously tightened her hold as well.

' Aanya turned to face Mayan totally ignoring Jay's outburst making him gasp in disbelief. He tried to grab her other hand to stop her.


Just a single word from Mayan was enough for Jay to stop his hand from touching her but he opened his mouth to argue.


Mayan stated as if he owned the place... Well he literally did. He started walking upstairs with a doe eyed Aanya struggling to match his pace as she was rushed because of their fingers intertwined...Two shiny rings adorned on both hands twinkle together.


Heyaaa!! Finally an update🙈🙈

Do lemme know if you liked it!

Signing off


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