《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆²²· never gonna ⛥·˚
before we proceed, feast upon these amazing artworks by ! thank you so much!
y/n's mama, leto sena:
leto y/n:
the artist's oc, sato leto:
if you'd like to make a fanart of OC, you can contact me and send it through my discord or via gmail ! thank you so so so much! ^^
⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗
┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ²²· never gonna ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ
ᅟ✞︎ "the school proper is basically in charge of how the school looks. cleanliness, the wall paintings, reconstructions, everything." rimuri said. "ah-! you didn't have to!" she then said after ike offered her a cola he just bought.
"if you say so." ike said and opened the cola to drink it by himself.
shu laughed and got rimuri a can of cold soda. "here you go."
"i'll pay for it..." rimuri said and took the drink.
"no need."
"so basically..." vox said, still with his eyes on the documents rimuri gave. "you think the school proper members are being haunted."
"yes!" rimuri beamed. "we had a redesign last friday... and ever since then, everyone in the school proper has been experiencing something eerie..."
"hmm. sudden movement of things, flickering of lights, insomnia, fatigue, nightmares..." vox read.
"the sudden movement of things sounds childish." mysta mumbled.
just on cue, the wind blew cold.
they immediately glanced at rimuri who suddenly squealed. the wind wasn't hard, but her skirt was blowing up.
"have my coat. tie it on your waist." luca said after he gave his coat.
"t-thank you..."
the five glanced behind rimuri before frowning.
there was a spirit of a little boy behind her.
"we'll immediately take care of it first thing tomorrow afternoon." vox said, assuring the lady.
rimuri bowed multiple times. "thank you so much! we'll do our best to repay you!" she said.
"you should go home." vox added.
luca nodded. "you can bring back my coat tomorrow too."
rimuri bid her goodbyes and left. but the spirit was still following her.
just what did she do? the five thought.
"should we activate the ritual and use our charms?" mysta darkly said.
"no." vox immediately replied. "rituals can only be done once in 24 hours. we need to submit the report to y/n first, then she'll have the final say on this."
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
ᅟ✞︎ "hmm..." y/n hummed.
do note that the are and the are .
"shall i try bringing everyone?" y/n asked awkwardly at the guys.
that made the five older guys frown, except for shu and ike though.
"hmm... yeah, you should. for safety measure." shu said while already messaging the second years.
"and the more the merrier, right?" luca happily said despite secretly not liking the idea.
"yeah. let's all bring them." mysta just mumbled.
"we can do this after club time after all students have left the school. do you all have spare time?"
"yes, president."
"good." y/n said and stood up. "let's wait for the boys before we check up on all the redesigns the school proper made."
a few minutes later, the second years came. y/n briefly explained the case to them and how she's bringing everyone.
"once i handle everyone well, that means i could handle everything." y/n mumbled to herself. i've got this!
fulgur couldn't help but smile after overhearing the lady.
"i'm younger, but i have this feeling of being an older brother to you, senpai." fulgur said while walking beside y/n.
"i'll be your brother-in-law, then." alban said and snickered, earning a smack from fulgur.
"oh wow, that actually is smooth." sonny said and laughed with yugo.
"i'll be your gay brother-in-law, leto-senpai." uki then said, making the second years roar in laughter.
y/n just smiled and shook her head. "sorry, i'm into older guys." she stated in a joking tone.
that made them all go aww.
"you'd prefer a century old balls?" fulgur asked and laughed.
y/n was flabbergasted to hear fulgur's kettle laugh, but she didn't understand his statement so she just hummed.
"mysta, stop me." vox darkly said while pulling his sleeves up.
"no. go on. kill." mysta said darkly as well.
"no killing." ike immediately spoke up.
they went through the places on the notes rimuri submitted to them. there were a few repaints at the first year hall, a few new shelves in the faculty, the reconstruction of the home economics room, new paintings, and more.
"i haven't seen nor felt anything unusual." y/n said, and so did her club members.
they checked everything, but there wasn't anything strange at all.
"that's the final redesign right?" y/n asked.
"senpai." sonny called with his hand raised. "i don't know why it isn't written here, but the student council office had a redesign last friday as well."
y/n hummed. "i have to see shoto too. let's go there."
"this sucks. she isn't paying much attention to us." mysta mumbled.
"you bet. i feel so deprived all of a sudden." luca said, close to crying.
"whoever thought this was a good idea shall rot in hell." vox whispered.
"y/n thought of the idea of bringing everyone-"
"i mean the second years joining the club, shu!" vox whisper-yelled.
"are we really talking about this? again?" ike, annoyed.
mysta and luca just pouted while vox looked away.
"it's sonny and leto-san!" the student council officers chirped. "...and their friends."
"are you tryna pick a fight?!" mysta yelled while being held by ike and vox.
"come in! the president is inside."
the 11 came inside the office. it was a big one, fit for the most powerful student of the school.
and there was shoto, sitting by the chair of the president, all focused on his stack of papers.
"kaicho, leto-san is here to see you!"
shoto immediately looked up. his eyes then turned all sparkly in such a short period of time after laying his eyes on y/n.
"kaicho! we're here for a redesign inspection." y/n said happily while waving at shoto.
the student council members have always treated y/n good, so she's less wary of them.
"sure, go ahead!"
"oh, and can we stay at school after everyone else leaves?"
"yeah, sure! i'll make an excuse slip right away!"
"thank you! you're the best!"
the second years just shook their heads, but the third-year occult club members were already occupied by the eerie feeling inside the office.
"y/n." shu called.
y/n glanced at him, only to see them looking at the painting on the left side.
y/n inhaled a sharp breath the moment her eyes landed on the painting.
"found it," she whispered.
"who is this man in the painting?" y/n asked and approached the art. the second years were about to follow when vox and the others stopped them.
"huh? oh, i don't really know." shoto answered. "the school proper redesigned the student council office. that was one of the things they placed."
"if it's not a man of importance, why place it here?" y/n asked curiously.
shoto shrugged before one of his goons answered. "maybe because kaicho and that man in the painting both looks intimidating and authoritative?"
"yeah..." y/n mumbled.
y/n cautiously roamed her eyes around the student council. there was no spirit around.
it was given since the student council has been off limits to ghosts for years, thanks to the occult club.
"can we take this painting?" y/n asked.
"yeah, sure. anything for you."
"thank you!" y/n chirped before nudging vox to take it.
"hah. scapegoat." fulgur whispered at vox.
"shut up or i'll bash this fucking painting on your ugly face."
they all bid goodbyes before leaving the student council office.
"wanna go eat first? i'm hungry." y/n said.
the 11 of them- holy crap they're a lot- went back to the club room. the third years then asked the second years to buy them food from the cafeteria since the president asked them to stay in the club room.
y/n then proceeded to tell them to make two ritual circles on two separate pieces of paper.
shu immediately perfected two. ike and vox had almost no problem while luca and mysta still had to practice more. they'll get the hang of it sooner.
while they were all eating, the second years shared what it was like in the future. the third years tried sharing the past as well, only to be called oldge and boomers.
luca didn't like it the most. he kept insisting that he isn't oldge and so are his friends. he even almost cried if it weren't for uki pulling fulgur and alban's ears.
"shoto has messaged me. he said the last student has left the school, and he's leaving as well." y/n said and stood up first.
the lady then stretched right in front of them, forgetting the word embarrassment at the moment. they all stared at her respectfully while she let out some sinful sounds.
"let's just go." ike grunted after he realized where everyone's mind was going, including his own.
everyone replied with their own stutters and left the club room one by one. y/n just stood there, confused.
"all right." y/n said after the empty hallway welcomed them. "anyone?"
the second years glanced at each other confused while the third years started thinking.
"you boys excel in this." y/n said to the boys, challenging them. "any plans on how we'll get the little boy to have an agreement with us?"
the 10 members thought of a plan for 2 minutes straight, before fulgur and vox raised a hand in unison.
the two red men glared at each other as they tried raising their hands even higher.
vox cursed under his breath while the second years clapped excitedly for fulgur.
"shu can call for other spirits related to the boy while mysta can search for him. easy, right?" fulgur said smugly.
y/n chuckled. "yes. and vox?"
vox hmp'ed. "same thing."
"okay. let's do that." y/n said.
the third years placed the ritual papers on their own, and y/n as well.
"good luck." vox said and slapped the other ritual circle he made on fulgur's forehead.
"let's work hard," ike said and placed the paper he made on yugo's forehead.
luca placed his extra on sonny's forehead.
mysta placed his extra on alban's forehead too after forcing him to meow.
shu and uki almost fought when shu placed the paper on uki's forehead. uki doesn't want it to mess with his makeup.
everyone held each other's hand, making a big circle of 11 people. they all closed their eyes as y/n chanted a few unfamiliar words.
a bright magic circle appeared under their feet. it then disappeared the moment y/n finished.
"shu. mysta."
the two immediately went down on one knee while bowing at y/n. the second years were surprised to see the third years in action. they didn't know it was this serious.
"get moving."
"yes." mysta and shu said in unison.
mysta descended his face to the portrait vox was holding before sniffing it. shu on the other hand just stood beside y/n as his whole body glowed.
"shu's like a minecraft beacon, but it doesn't go up." alban suddenly spoke up.
"minecraft beacon?" y/n mumbled.
"oh yeah. and mysta is like a minecraft phantom." sonny added.
"yeah yeah, that!"
"cool... time's frozen again..." yugo gaped outside by the window where everything was unmoving. "these talismans are sugoi. but do we really have to wear it on our foreheads?"
"not really. but where will you put it if not there?" y/n joked.
"shove it up our ass."
"alban you bastard!"
"we don't just casually say that to leto-senpai, alban."
y/n just giggled, watching uki and fulgur scold alban like parents and son.
"y/n." shu and mysta called in unison.
"hi." y/n greeted the spirit with shu. "yes, mysta?"
"he's at school, but i can't track him with just the painting." mysta said. "s-sorry."
"no, it's fine, you did great. you don't have to say sorry. thank you." y/n said while caressing mysta's cheek who seems to be rubbing his cheek back on her palm.
"he's like a dog." alban said. "i-i want that too!"
"i could call him." the lady spirit said, who seems to be a student in the school before. "that boy comes whenever i call him. he's still in this school, searching for that... that painting." she pointed the one in vox's possession.
"thank you." y/n thanked the spirit. "thank you, shu." she also thanked him.
"do i get a cheek rub too-? o-oh feels good..." shu asked, but y/n has already beaten him up to it.
"i really want that too." alban mumbled.
"don't we all?" ike said and chuckled.
after a few minutes of waiting, the boy vox and the others saw before, suddenly appeared.
"interesting." y/n mumbled.
that made the spirit jump and hide behind the lady spirit.
"is he shy?" mysta asked. "you and me, bro."
"i-i don't want to talk to them! i don't need their help!" the boy said and pointed at y/n.
"a-and i've heard a lot about her! she kills spirits, doesn't she?! and people at school talks weird of her too!"
"she does kill, but i mostly do." vox unsheathed his sword while threatening the spirit with his looks.
y/n shook her head at vox before she glanced at yugo.
he's harmless. yugo mouthed.
thank you. y/n mouthed back.
"what's your name?" y/n asked.
"why should i tell you?" the spirit replied before disappearing into thin air.
"permission to chase it?"
"declined." y/n replied to mysta, making him whimper.
the lady spirit bid her goodbye before disappearing into thin air as well. shu and y/n didn't forget to thank her before she left.
y/n then took out a chalk and started drawing a perfect magic circle, the same as the one she drew at the carnival before.
since the floor at school is different from the cement outside, the drawing isn't much clear.
it would be weak. y/n thought, but y/n just swallowed the fear.
"fulgur, come here." y/n offered her hand.
fulgur took it before he jumped on the circle.
y/n held his hands before they both closed their eyes.
"s-senpai!" fulgur mumbled in pain as his hold tightened on y/n's hands.
y/n held his hand with the same intensity but dared not to say any word. the others on the other hand just watched the two and the magic circle glow while y/n does a chant.
"fuck." fulgur mumbled and tumbled in place, so uki had to hold him.
"i didn't remember it to be this painful." yugo said while rubbing fulgur's back.
"i'm sorry, i tried making it less painful." y/n apologized as she held onto vox and ike.
"was this more painful than the pool? if we knew, we wouldn't insist on this." ike said, full of concern.
"it would be painful either way." y/n said. "i'm really really sorry fulgur. can you still do what i'll tell you?"
"what? you gonna pussy out now?" vox asked with a grin.
fulgur grinned back. "of course not." he answered and turned to y/n. "i'm good now, senpai. tell me right away."
y/n nodded. "i promise i'll make it up to everyone."
"i want you to come with mysta. search for the boy and bring him back to me with your charm."
mysta gave fulgur a shoulder pat. "better catch up, cyborg. i'm really fast."
that made fulgur chuckle. "bring it on, rias-senpai."
and just on cue, mysta and fulgur disappeared with the dust they made by running.
"alban, it's your turn."
"wait." ike immediately came in between. "i'm really worried. or is it just me? it really looks painful. don't you feel any pain, y/n?"
y/n shook her head. "it only drains my stamina. b-but i'm trying my best to make it less painful for them, so don't worry!"
"i don't think eveland-senpai is worried about us. he's worried about you, senpai." alban said.
"h-hey, i'm worried about the juniors too. i-it's just that..."
"hehe. we understand."
"you don't have to worry about us, senpai. we're way more invulnerable than what you think." uki reassured.
"o-okay. thank you. i really promise to make it up to everyone." y/n shyly said.
alban happily took y/n's hands before he jumped in the middle of the circle.
"come the fuck back here!" fulgur yelled.
his jaw just dropped when mysta was already running on the walls and wasn't falling because of his speed. he can't believe he's seeing his ridiculous senpai being serious for the first time.
mysta's eyes dilated like a fox's when he saw the white silhouette of the spirit.
"fulgur, now!"
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