《OCCULT CLUB》✞︎┆²¹· up ⛥·˚
⛥┊オカルトクラブ ˎˊ˗
┊₍✞︎₎ ..⃗. ꒰ ²¹· you ꒱ ⛥ೄ ・゚ˊˎ
✞︎ "here's your tea, papa."
"thank you, my sweet. i love the new set you got me." ciro said after his daughter daintily poured him tea.
"you're welcome, papa. i got help from my friends. i probably wouldn't know what to pick without them." y/n replied and sat beside her father.
"it was funny that you met half of them," y/n added while giggling.
ciro glanced at sena, only for his wife to give him a smile.
"so they're all your friends huh?" ciro asked with a smile of relief.
it was the same as sena's smile when she saw how pretty y/n that time she smiled beautifully because of the men she's friends with.
"apparently, the guy with the trash bag is mysta, the guy with a sister who called you homeless—"
"n-no need to mention that, my sweet."
"— is shu, the one with the scary metal voice that almost killed you—"
"m-my sweet—"
"is ike, the refreshing guy you said who has big gains is luca, and lastly the guy who took you here is vox." y/n finished. "they're all my club members, and my first friends ever since my seniors graduated!"
y/n was paused after she realized that she actually slipped due to the enthusiasm she felt. she gulped and glanced at her parents.
they didn't seem to notice anything. good.
or did they?
"i'm happy you got friends, my sweet." ciro said as his face crumpled a bit. "but... all boys..? uhm..."
"i see no problem." sena said before whispering at her husband. "i actually see a few but if she's happy, then we're happy, ok?!"
"y-yes..." ciro mumbled in fear.
the two of them glanced at y/n who is just smiling purely while waiting for what they had to say.
"i'm proud of you for having new friends!" ciro immediately chirped, making his daughter smile wider.
the three of them just bonded in the living room, catching up on what has been happening to their lives without ciro. in reality, it was just sena trying to argue with ciro. thank god her husband is a very patient guy who just laughs at her rebuttals.
"i'll get the phone." ciro said and stood up when the house telephone started ringing.
"are you sure?" sena asked. "the last time i heard you picking up the phone, you had a bad anxiety attack—"
"d-do you really have to even reminisce that part, honey? d-don't embarrass me to our daughter..."
"well, know your place, ciro. i'm asserting dominance to tell you that i'll always be y/n's favorite."
"t-that's not fair! the two of you have always been together and i'm barely home!"
"that's not my fault now, is it?"
"m-mama, papa, please..."
ciro just pouted and left his wife alone before picking up the phone.
[good evening, mrs. leto. may i speak to your husband?]
"it's me."
[sir ciro. you left leaving a report without an order. the team would like to ask what you'd like to do with the—]
"i don't care." said ciro darkly. "torture them till you get an answer. i don't care if you kill them too. i have more means to get what i need."
[y-yes, commander!]
"who was that?" sera asked as ciro sits back between his girls.
"it was an officer. he was asking me what we could do with the captives we've got."
"does he really have to ask you? ah, did you get a promotion?" sena asked again.
"yep! i'm a lieutenant now!"
that made sena and y/n go oooohhh as they congratulate ciro.
leto ciro, lead commander of the department of state security in the guise of a civil servant for the protection of his own family.
his job consists of hidden security and protection for those who are at the top, but at the same time, they are the heroes in the shadow of the civilians.
he hasn't told anyone, not even his wife. but knowing how smart sena is, it's possible that she has already figured it out but only chose to stay silent for y/n's sake.
after the three bonded enough for the night, y/n helped her mother in cleaning up before they all went to bed.
"i slipped another hundred thousand yen on y/n's wallet. am i good?" sena asked excitedly.
ciro laughed, but he toned it down a bit when sena started glaring at him.
"sena, honey." ciro called. "come sit here, please," he said and patted the space beside him on the bed.
"don't tell me what to do." sena mumbled and did what she was told.
ciro hummed.
"is y/n being bullied at school?"
sena's face immediately swapped to seriousness.
"i think so." sena mumbled while biting her lower lip. "i failed to notice it. maybe because she's all smiley and cute at home... i'm so stupid." she mumbled.
"no, no, it's no one's fault. let's not blame anyone including yourself okay?" ciro said while cupping his wife's cheeks.
"i'm too busy at work even on saturdays. i don't even know why i work a lot for the past few months that i'm barely bonding with our only child."
"should we give her a new one hehe—"
"don't hehe me!"
"i'm just kidding!"
"... ciro, honey. i think i'm missing my old job."
ciro smiled and gently kissed sena's forehead.
"if you want to go back, you could. that way you can spend more time with y/n while doing the thing you love."
"meh. they pay less than my current job."
"does that even matter? i send millions every month." ciro said with a pout.
"b-but that's for y/n's university! i need to work hard for the house's needs..." sena argued. "and besides, don't you think i'm too old for those kinds of research?"
"honey, even i still believe in ghosts. there will be no harm if you do too."
"that's because you're childish as fuck, ciro."
"awts..." ciro just mumbled and laughed.
"what do we do with y/n's bullies? should i talk to the principal?"
ciro gave his wife a pretty smile that looks exactly close to y/n's. "i'll take care of it, honey. don't worry too much."
sena nodded. "then... i'll think about work."
"nooooo think about me fiiirssttt. i'm already here you knooooww."
sena just laughed at her silly husband. ciro may be a real idiot, but he is smart in some ways.
leto sena, a graphic designer.
a past senior research scientist of the supernatural and unknown.
· · ┈──────┈⛥┈──────┈ · ·
✞︎ during sunday, y/n was invited on a friendly date by . the two went to a historical museum and stayed there having fun for the whole day.
oh no! during shoto's date with y/n, they came across the lonely vox! guilty of leaving him alone, y/n has invited him to join them, only for vox to bring y/n somewhere more interesting!
the shall proceed to the .
monday came...
"alright! the teacher from class 3-c said he needs one more student for their debate activity!"
y/n glanced at the class representative before burying her face in her arms again.
debate... i'd die. she just thought.
"how about sending leto?"
can i cuss now?
"huh? why?"
"oi... you guys..."
"that's not what i meant! she's good at debating, i swear!
"yeah, we saw her essay."
"how the heck did you see her essay?!"
"i'm out of this shit."
y/n just peeked at her classmates having the real debate whether to send her or not.
i guess their fear of ike is still there. she thought.
"hey! the teacher said it's fine it send leto!"
"okay now someone go tell her."
"you bet i would. i'd never."
"i want to be in complete piece before i graduate."
y/n kept her head in her arms when she felt a paper ball thrown at her head. "leto, oi! go to class 3-c!"
"hey! what the hell?!"
"you know what happened to akari, what if she tells you to her friends?!"
"we agreed not to do something like that already, bro! what the fuck?!"
y/n just frowned and stood up. she stared at her classmates who immediately looked away from her, before she left the room with her head down low.
it was afternoon classes but their section has no teacher. unluckily, from what you guys heard, the teacher from 3-c was searching for students that can participate in the class' debate activity.
it was supposed to be voluntarily, but look at what happened.
y/n sighed. as much as she wants to complain, participating in such an activity gives additional points to her grades.
she can't pussy out once she pussy in.
"there's miss leto." oliver said.
y/n blinked. the teacher's desk is on the side, and there are twelve seats on the front, separated into two groups of six.
near the door are some people she doesn't know, and on the other side are her club members.
now it feels like oliver-sensei really meant to do this... y/n thought.
"miss leto, do you think kids should be paid money just to attend school?" oliver asked.
the way y/n's face immediately crumpled made vox and his friends cheer. "she's on our team! come here, y/n!!" vox cheered.
y/n shook her head and sat on the chair between vox and shu.
"seriously? getting paid to study?" y/n asked her friends.
"i know right? i can't believe those guys from the other team agree with it. it's so funny." ike said while suppressing his laugh.
"i can't believe i'm in the same class as them." vox also said while fighting a snicker.
"let's start! who'd like to go first?"
for the sake of not getting confused, the six opponents from the other side shall be named apple, banana, carrot, durian, and eggplant.
mysta and banana both raised a hand.
"why do i feel like rias have something to ask instead of wanting to start first." oliver said, making the class laugh.
"yeah. i wanted to ask if we're free to curse." mysta genuinely said.
"oh. well... sure. as long as it's not extreme trashtalk."
i'll take care of the extreme trashtalk, don't worry.
"okay, you guys can start." oliver said to banana. "you have three minutes or less for each side. go!"
"not everyone wants to study. but they're always told to." banana started. "some students need money more than education. if students are paid while studying, wouldn't that be hitting two birds with one stone?"
apple also raised his hand. "paying for grades is an easy way to help underprivileged children. this way, there's more financial freedom and teachers can teach students how to handle their money well if they own some themselves."
"okay. is that all for now, team a?" team a nodded. "well then, team b, your turn!"
mysta raised his hand.
"boy, another question?" vox whispered at his fox friend.
"yes, mysta?"
"are you stupid?" mysta immediately asked team a. "you're paying tuition right now, and you want the school to give back the money? you ain't scholar shit, why do you need allowance from the school? dickhead."
ike raised his hand as well. "schools could, but i don't think they should be obligated to— although science high schools give an allowance, it shall not be the same as a private or public school. schools and teachers teach students education. they're already giving something, so why give more?"
shu hummed and raised his hand. "following what ike meant, giving student rewards doesn't teach students the right attitude for learning. it's already an advantage to students that they're learning something from school, and now they want more? earning money from studying will just make students question the value of their hard work. the reason why school exists will automatically disappear — it won't be called a school anymore, it's going to be real-time work."
durian raised his hand. "but the money they'll be getting can help them during college too. and it will give students the motivation to study more."
vox raised his hand. "really? motivation? you're a fucking twat, boy. weren't you listening to what shu said? sure, money might motivate those people who really want to study, but those who don't really want to study will only keep attending school without learning shit— goes in one ear, leaves the other ear— only to gain the benefits. heck, the benefit isn't even knowledge, just money."
"i also think it's an unfair approach." luca said with his two arms raised. "if there are values in rewards, those who are smart smart will gain a lot more than those who aren't."
eggplant raised his hand. "as long as they're being paid money, it will help those people who really have a little to no drive to study."
"then don't fucking study!" mysta exclaimed.
"ayo? calm down." shu said while vox held mysta down before he could stand up abruptly.
the class started cheering. everyone was liking the atmosphere in the studio right now.
"seriously? we just said that children were forced to go to school against their will! some of them also want to study but they don't have money! getting paid while studying will really help them." banana said.
y/n slowly raised her hand which killed the noise in the room.
"sorry, uhm." y/n mumbled. "those who want to study but don't have money... they study to get jobs and earn their own money. they can just attend public schools than pay for tuition unlike us."
"that's ridiculous? it'll take them years!"
"if people really want success, it must be through hard work." y/n insisted, this time with a sharper tone.
"also, there's no guarantee where the money will be used. cigarettes, drugs, paying a hitman, you name it," she added.
"and besides, this school is already filled with entitled people. getting paid while studying will only make them more entitled and arrogant." said y/n darkly.
that made the whole class gulp. chieko and kumi just rolled their eyes although they also felt scared by how y/n suddenly acted.
"rewards can be given in other ways. like the parents could say 'hey, once you're done with this homework and you got an a, i'll take you out for mcdonalds' or something."
durian raised his hand. "objection, irrelevant."
their team laughed and smacked durian while y/n and the others shook their heads with a smile.
"just admit that you guys were seduced by the sudden 'money' you'll get after all this time you stayed at school for half a day." mysta said boredly. "dicks."
"well, money for the poor isn't bad. if you really want to help those who need financial help that chose studying instead of working, you can just donate to them or give them your money. you're so kind, after all." luca said with a wide grin.
"there are pros and cons in paying students to study, this is the reason why private schools don't do it." ike followed.
"i hope we did good." shu said to his friends. "y/n, you rocked."
"you guys all had something to say. we all rocked." y/n replied with a light blush under her eye.
debating was actually fun.
well, it wouldn't be if she wasn't with her friends. in fact, she wouldn't even be able to face other students in the front like this if it weren't for them too.
she really is growing.
after the evaluation of the debate, y/n was sent back to her room.
"hey, leto! what happened over there?"
"who won?!"
"what did they say? something stupid right?"
"what was the topic though?"
y/n was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people asking her so suddenly. she never interacted this much with her classmates, so them coming up to her unexpectedly...
"n-nothing mush— much! it's about the uhm ah... should kids be paid money to study at— to study at school!"
hey she tried her best, okay?
her face was heating so brightly and her head is spinning. she could faint on spot, but that would be 10 times more embarrassing.
the class then laughed. y/n just brought her head back down and went back to her seat.
"man, she actually is pretty cute, isn't she?"
"she keeps stuttering though... maybe because she never ta— no, we never talked to her."
"is it too late now? maybe we could still talk to her."
"yamino and the others were right... it really was our fault."
y/n buried her head deeper in her arms if that was still possible. why is everyone being friendly to her? it's like a dream.
it seems unreal. there must be something going on.
she doesn't like this.
she's scared.
after classes, y/n sent a chat in their group that there are no club activities for today.
which was fortunate for the second years. sonny is busy with the student council and at the same time, fulgur is busy with 2-a.
the a sections really seem like a different world compared to the other sections. good thing sections b to d are randomly selected.
despite the no club activities, y/n was picked up by her third-year friends.
"wanna go arcade?" luca suddenly asked as they walk down the hallway.
"arcade! i like that!" mysta excitedly said.
"that would be fun." ike said and glanced at y/n. "have you been to an arcade before, y/n?" he then asked.
"mhmm? well... yeah. but i don't play."
"what? why?" luca asked with an upside-down smile.
"w-well... losing is... kinda embarrassing... especially that people are watching." y/n mumbled as she slowly and comically turned into air.
"oh..." the five also mumbled.
"i have an idea!" luca beamed.
before they could ask what, the six of them were paused by the hallway when the principal's office door suddenly opened. they got ready to greet the principal when a familiar face left before the said person.
"i'll look forward to your cooperation, mr. principal." ciro said with a smile.
"y-yes... yes, sir. thank you."
the six felt how the principal reeked fear. it was obvious from his fiddling hands, sweating face, and trembling body
ciro glanced to the side when he felt some presence. only to be welcomed by the sight of his daughter and her... friends.
"my sweet!" ciro happily called.
"my sweet?" the five guys mumbled.
"papa? what are you doing here?" y/n asked and went to ciro.
"my sweet is a weird endearment for a father to call his daughter." mysta whispered.
"so he really is y/n's papa huh..." ike mumbled. "i knew it. they were very similar to each other."
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