《The Human Luna》Chapter 3 ‐ Mariah


When the shrill sound of ringing coursed through the classroom, students wasted no time in packing up their supplies. Getting up to leave. I scrambled to do the same. Tossing my textbook we had recieved and the class syllabus in my bag.

Another quick glance at my school schedule showed that I had CALM next. Quickly scanning the hallways I found the room a hallway over a couple minutes before break ended.

Again there were only a couple students when I walked in. The teacher wasn't present this time, so I sat down and fiddled through my phone. Noting the time was 10:17am.

The early bell rang and like a simulation students poured in once more. The red headed girl and her boyfriend weren't in this class. But I took note of two girls that sat to my left.

The student with long black hair bubbling about something while speaking with a thick Spanish accent. I found myself listening in without meaning to. Her voice was just so soothing.

The girl that she was talking to was nodding along. Looking to be paying attention without processing her words. The two of them were getting fleeting looks and quick glances by the other students around the room.

I eased away from them slightly just as the late bell rang. The teacher still wasn't present but no one seemed alarmed. This must've been a common occurrence. Around two minutes after class had started the teacher walked inside.

She was fairly short, had friendly eyes and shorter dirty blonde hair. She was dressed like a stereotypical English teacher. Complete with the long green cardigan and slip on shoes.

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