《The Human Luna》Part 3


It was around lunch time and everyone was out probably talking about how awful I was. Just then I heard the doorbell ring.

I dashed down the stairs and ripped open the door. There stood a man, probably in his late 20's. He had a clip board and I saw a truck behind him.

After signing the papers he helped me move everything upstairs. I immediately started setting up everything up. I started with the LED's. When they were around the whole entire room I started on the other stuff.

I built the dresser, then desk, lastly the nightstands. Then I pulled the mattress out. At IKEA I decided not to get a bed frame. I pushed the queen sized cloud into the corner of my room. Then moved the dresser and desk so they were along the walls. Lastly, the nightstands were placed around the walls.

I ripped open the sheets and made the bed. Throwing the soft, fuzzy comforter messily over the mattress. I took half of the pillows I had and set them in the corner of the bed.

I took the cushions I bought and set them on the window bench seat. I draped a fuzzy blanket on it and tossed some decor pillows on it.

Then it was all the odd stuff. The fluffy carpet, the bathroom, and all the little decor things I got. I installed the blinds for the window and fianlly my favourite part.

I went over to my door and screwed the keypad lock on my door handle. It made me feel safe and secure. I set the password and just as it beeped in comfirminaion I heard the door open and voices fill the house.

I ignored their joyful tones and looked around the attic. It was beautiful. My dream. Everything was in place. My clothes were all in the drawers and closet. I decided to take a shower.

I got some new cotton pajamas and headed to the bathroom. I took the shampoo and conditioner I bought. They matched my favourite scent. Lemons. My mom smelled like lemons.

Then the bodywash that was red and had the fragrance of sugar. I sighed in content as I massaged my scalp. When I was done I dried and changed into the sleeping clothes.


At this point it was 9pm. I was really hungry. I snuck downstairs and grabbed a plate of whatever was in the kitchen. I didnt really see what it was, I was to focused on making sure the demon family saw me. I was successful.

I went back to my haven and locked the door. Sitting on my bed I ate and grabbed my new MacBook I had got for school. It was so cool! The thing loaded so fast I thought i was going crazy!

I was in complete bliss. The soft quilt brushed up against my freshly shaven legs as i pulled it to the side. I gasped when the bed absorbed my body.

I hadn't been this comfy in around 2 years! With my final thought of content I slowly succumbed to sleep.


I ran around the corner and screamed at the top of my lungs. There was a man, with huge teeth and black pits for eyes. He looked like a monster. No human could have looked that evil. There was a spot of red on his shirt and I didn't notice until now that mommy was the one with the gun.

We were safe.

Thats what I thought.

Just then, in a split second the crazy man jumped at mommy and bit her throat. Causing a huge piece of maroon flesh fell form his mouth. Then he fell and i watched his chest stop.

I turned back to my mom. She was looking at me.

"Mommy! Mommy I love you too!" I tell her sobbing. She gives me a weak smile as I try to stop the bleeding from her neck.

"I love you Riah" My mom told me. Then i watched the joy, fear, anger, passion. Life itself. Drain out of her hazel eyes. I grabbed my chest and sobbed for 2 hours straight until my father came home.

End of Flashback

I let a small whimper sound and seeing it was 5am I cried. The tears drown my lips and I could taste the salt in them. I sobbed until my eyes felt like sand.

Then I got up, crying for 2 hours straight doesn't do anyone any good. I skillfully avoided the mirror in my room and the bathroom.


I turned the shower so it was really hot and stepped in. The heat of the water soothed my empty body.

A good 15 minutes later and I was staring to look like a raisin. Stepping out, I wrapped a new towel around my steaming body.

Then I grabbed a hoodie and leggings. It was getting closer to winter and i was always bad with the cold. Shivering I slipped everything on, careful of the new bruise I got from Dan.

When I was done I saw the clock said it was 7:30am. I grabbed all my backpack and school supplies and opened my window. Making sure to lock my bedroom door I climbed down the tree.

When I was safely on the ground I scurried past the windows and onto the street. I memorized the route to school yesterday so, every street, I checked the signs and 30 minutes later I got to a huge building.

It was long and tall and looked pretty expensive. School was the one thing Dan and Melissa paid for me. I don't really know why, but I would never question it.

So taking a breathe, I stepped into the building.

I was just on time, so I would be late. Damn it. I hated having everyone's attention. I jogged over to the secretary desk near the front door and got my schedule and locker from her.

After everything was successfully in my cubbie I followed the map of the school and found my class.

Math. Who thought it was a good idea to make kids use a big part of their brain so early in the morning?

I shyly knocked on the door and waited for it to open.

"Listen here, I will not have student strolling in aft-" The teacher started but completely stopped when he saw me.

I awkwardly stepped into the room and looked around. 1/3 of the students were glaring at me. Another third didn't bother to look at me. And the other group stared at me in awe.

I heard someone clear their throat, roughly. Oof they must have a cough. I looked and found the guy who did it. He was tall, even sitting down.

His brunette hair was long and styled with the perfect messy look. He was really built by the way his tight V neck black tshirt stretched over his arms and torso. He had a pointed jawline and really full lips. The part of him that shocked me the most were his eyes.

They were bright blue. It's like God took some diamonds and made them into an iris. I felt him running his diamond stare up and down my body and face.

I naturally wrapped my arms around my stomach in shame. Scanning the room I saw that almost everyone in here was extremely attractive.

I put my head down and told the teacher. "Um I'm new here, sorry I'm late. I promise it wont happen again."

I saw alot of people shake their heads, like coming out of a trace. Mr. Over here did the same thing then he directed me to a seat.

"You can sit next to Jac-" another cough sounded through the room and I saw diamond eyes glaring at the teacher.

"You can sit next to Ryder, Miss...."


"Mariah." I whipped my head around and locked gazes with Diamond. Did he say my name?

I sat down tentatively next to Diamond eyes. I looked forward and tried to ignore the burning stares of most of the class.

Jeez, I'm just a girl. Like, they have to have some new students here and there.

About 5 minutes into class I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slightly flinched. Then I remembered the demons that I lived with weren't here.

I looked over and saw Diamond leaning over. He was scrunching up his eyebrows and I had to admit, he looked adorable.

"Hi, I'm Ryder." Diamond stuck his hand out.

"Mariah" I told him. Slowly slipping my small cold hand in his big warm one. I gasped loudly when electrical sparks flew up my eyes.

I looked up at Ryder in alarm but he had a movie-worthy smile that touched his ears. It was breathtaking.

I pulled my hand back quickly and he looked hurt but didn't say anything.

What the hell was that!?

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