《The Human Luna》Chapter 2 - Mariah


"Are you coming..?" Sara's voice shook me out of my internal struggles as I garbled out an answer. Grabbing my stuff and hopping out of the car.

I followed slightly behind the two girls. Figeting with the sleeve of my flannel. I was thankful I threw it on when the breeze sprinted by, coating my form.

The fall leaves were swirling and crunching on the ground. Making the place look deserted as we walked to the front entrance. Melissa had us leave early so that we could go get schedules and all before the rush got there.

And I was glad for her decision in my head when we were able to walk in without anyone else around. Sophia held the door for us before leading the way to the front office. She smiled at the man at the front desk.

He was wearing a button up with a blazer vest over top. Black hair pulled back and brown eyes looking at us curiously.

"Hi there! My name is Sophie Klassen and this is my sister Sara. This is our first day. We were wondering if we could have our schedules?"

I bit my lip slightly when Sophia excluded me from her introduction. To be honest, she probably didn't even notice that it happened. But I should've expected it. I was quite old enough to sign myself in.

The man was quick to gain the things that the sisters needed. Handing them papers, lock combinations and giving run down explanations on where they should go to find things.

Sophie thanked the man politely before her and Sara walked away. Presumably towards their lockers. Leaving me to fend by myself. I took a quick second to hype myself up before stepping up to the waiting man.

"Hello," I greeted. Way less sure then Sophie, "My name is Mariah Gideon and it's also my first day. I was wondering if I could have my things?"


The man showed me the same amount of patience and care that he had taken with my stepsisters. Showing me down the hall to where my first class period was.

I thanked him profusely before heading down a hallway to try and find my locker. Sophia and Sara were nowhere to be seen. Probably already settling in their classrooms.

I headed down a row of black and red lockers. Counting numbers until I found mine. I put the code into the built in lock and sighed in relief when the door popped open. I didn't really have anything to put in it yet though.

Usually I would put my textbooks and binders in there but I didn't have any yet so I settled for closing it back up. Preparing to set off and find my first period room.

I had four classes a day. This semester it was English, Social Studies, Career and Life Management, or 'CALM' and lastly was Foods.

I had English first, so I wandered the halls until I eventually found the right door number. Trying my best to memorize things on the way here.

It took me a bit of time before I found my room, which showed when a bell rang and students start filling up the halls. I looked at the schedule and saw that this was "Welcoming Bell," The one that showed buses were starting to arrive.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I headed into the room and took a seat closer to the back of the class. There was a teacher in the room. A young looking man with glasses.

Thankfully though he was focused typing on his computer so I avoided the attention for now. There was another student in the room. A boy with wavy dirty blonde hair and a rounder face. Brown eyes focused on his phone.


I swallowed quietly before pulling out my phone. Mindlessly scrolling through the weather app. Trying to appear like I was busy. Around ten minutes later, another bell sounded and kids started piling into the classroom.

A few other early birds had come in before but this was the major rush of students. I got thrown more than a few curious glances but was mostly ignored as people took their seats. A girl who looked around my height came and sat beside me.

Her thick red hair fell down her back as she sent a freckled smile my way. I tried to return the gesture but her ice blue eyes had already trained on the desk on the other side of her. For the first time since entering, I watched as the brown haired boy looked up from his phone and sent a shy looking smile to the fiery girl.

To my surprise, the girl went over and stood in front of his chair. Greeting him sweetly as he stayed sitting but moved his hands to hold her thighs so she stayed close to him.

Definitely a couple, I noted to myself.

I scanned the classroom until a third bell rang. Kids started returning to their seats. Which meant that that must've been the late bell. A few students rushed into the room and threw their stuff onto desks before shoving themselves into desks.

I was watching a black haired boy attempt to pull a binder from his bag when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Swinging around full force, I was met with the wide eyes of the girl from earlier.

She smiled at me again before speaking, "Hey there! My name's Annabelle! Nice to meet you," The girl's voice was light and airy seemingly matching her freckled covered face and rosey cheeks perfectly.

"Hi I'm Mariah," I smiled at her. Feeling mostly at ease with this girl. She seemed bubbly and sweet but this was also only her first impression of her.

Annabelle opened her mouth to speak again before the teacher started up. Like a switch clicking, the red headed girl turned her body towards the front and gave the man her full attention.

I stopped watched her but only to copy her posture. Sitting straight and posed in my seat. Listening intently to what the man was talking about.

So far this had been going well.

I could only hope that it would continue going well.

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