《From the Ashes》25 Firestorm


After a second there was a light fluttering sound and Kadin seen a tiny flame fall like a drop of rain that stuttered and winked out, then he seen another then another slightly larger leaving a flowing trail but still burning out before it hit the ground. After only a few second the fluttering noise increased in volume and pitch as the flames continued to grow. Now looking like yellow and red hail from a high pitch scream to a low pitch whirling sound. The orcs and goblins has stopped in their attack and backed up to group with the rest the goblins looking around with wide eyes as if looking for some escape route. Even the trolls had stopped there digging to look up with their small beady black eyes, blinking in confusion as fireballs the size of coins started bouncing off their tough hides. The area around Kadin was clear to about half a meter in all directions, he watched fascinated as a fire ball about the size of his hand fell towards him but bent itself out of his way as it got close, then impacted the ground with a light thump. Now the Goblins and rocs began loud screeching and grunting as larger and larger flames hit them. The initial impacts barely leaving a mark but as the flames continued to grow they turned to little red dots, to larger white blisters to charred and burning welts. The large war party started scattering in all directions but the flames perused on of the ogres picked up a whole orc raising it above its head to protect it from the now child sized fireballs. As Kadin watched he heard a light hissing sound coming from off to the side and looking over to it there was a little patch of fare that looked like a camp fire, but this fire continued to grow and twist until a giant tornado of flame reached the sky above and as this started to snake and twist around the field in front of him, it rent even a troll to a twisted charred burning mess. The whole war party had scattered some of the goblins were clawing at the ground trying to dig a way out a few of the orcs huddled together forming a shield wall around themselves, the trolls were still blinking in confusion there small brains not understanding what there were seeing even as the impacting fire bolts were causing more and more damage to them. Kadin heard a higher pitch whistling sound as the falling storm continued to grow a fireball the size of a carriage streaked towards him where it bent away at the last second and hit the ground with a reverberating boom. The fire tornado made its way across the orc shield wall; making there wooden shields burst into flame instantly and scattering the group, Kadin even seen a couple being lifted from the ground and thrown by this tornado as their flesh melted from their bones. Finally a deep low screeching sound filled the air as the trolls finally discovered they were taking immense damage.


After almost a full ten minutes of this the air around him was burning and he could feel the heat all around him, chocking him but then it all stopped. One second he was surrounded by a world of fire the next nothing just the now gently cooling ground around him. A full circle around Kadin of clear sandy/ rocky ground , then out into what looked like a land of black glass.

The area around him cooled unnaturally quickly and after only another minute or so he could no longer feel the heat from the baking ground. Kadin took a tentative step forward then another on to the blacked ground that made a light crunching noise but other than that seemed fine. Of the multiple corpses he had been surrounded by there was no sign just the blackened ground that stretched for a few hundred feet around him. Kadin quickly got his bearing again and headed to the dip in the hillside in front of him, mind again focusing on his next steps and quarry. The problem now though was that he had used his trump card.. But he doubted that necromancer had anyone with him so hopefully things should be fine.

Quickly picking up speed Kadin had the thought of ‘so that’s what it does … I should find another scroll.’

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