《From the Ashes》24 Ambush


The first arrow landed just off to the side of his right foot, acting on instinct Kadin evaded to the side a quick dive forwards on to his hands then a flip back to his feet, as he pushed off the ground he gave himself a twist so when he landed he was facing almost back, he had also drew hi sword while in the air. In front of him he seen more goblins with crude bows there were about twenty of them, they had snuck forwards to ambush him but with the first arrows they charged, behind the goblins were at least a dozen orcs one of them was huge about the size of a small troll – an orc chief and flanking the chief there were three trolls and an ogre. Kadin had only a second to take this in as some of the charging goblins raised there crude bows again, while some of the Orcs behind them raised there own bigger better longbows and let them fly. Throwing up a quick shield in front of him Kadin dove forwards towards the charging goblins most of the arrows missed a couple hit the shield and stopped but the shield was hit with a bolt of purple lighting causing it to collapse, one of the arrows made it through and Kadin felt it impact him on the back just below his left shoulder, fortunately it didn’t pierce his cloak. But he was now in striking distance of the goblins. The front goblin swing at him with a long sword that was far too large for its small body, Kadin caught the blow with his own sword in his left hand he parried and swung the longsword blade off the side which threw the goblin off balance and with the back swing with his own blade Kadin slit the goblins throat. Kadin right hand blade blocked the attack of another goblin where he then channelled power into his foot and gave a forwards kick to it, Kadin felt the goblins ribcage cave in with his kick and it flew back hitting a few more of those charging. He parried another blow from his left and used the momentum and his footwork to side step another attack – he stabbed a goblin through the neck with one hand and used the other to deflect a blow and cause the goblin to stumble into as few more, with Kadin moving back to keep his foes in front of him and still give him room to move. He dodged to the side to avoid a thrown spear, deflected another attack but then jumped back as a boulder of about half his size smashed into the ground just in front of him, he evaded again as he looked to the source where he seen two of the trolls digging up another massive rock for the ogre, and to make matters worse he saw another large patrol charging down the hillside towards him.


As he deflected another blow, Kadin spun around and slashed out with his off hand, this time catching an orc, the orcs skin was tougher then Kadin expected and his slash opened a shallow wound across its chest, but it was able to evade enough and make some distance, where it pulled out a health potion and downed its content before charging back into the fray, Kadin had both his blades in a reverse grip now a fully defensive form utilising his agility, parries and dodges to evade attacks and only countering, and slashing whenever he created an opening, he did also see the ogre throwing another boulder at him. He dived back as the orc that had just healed itself and two smaller goblins charged, the boulder slammed into them completely crushing the orcs skull and crunching the bones of the goblins as it fell. The other war party was almost on them now and Kadin was out of time. He hadn’t had an opportunity to use it yet and he did want to keep it as a last card to play, and that time was now. Reaching into his clock he grabbed the rolled parchment, took it out and broke the wax seal, the scroll unrolled as it lifted un into the air, Kadin could see writing a few lines along the top then a large circular symbol with wavy lines inside of its there were runes and glyphs, the writing and the symbols seemed to glow then burn as the scroll disintegrated, it was time for a tier eight Fire storm, the scroll that he found in the tower where he started this contract.

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