《From the Ashes》26 one in three


After only a few minutes he was out of the area of his fire storm scroll and the land had quickly returned to ‘normal’ barren landscape of the blasted lands, there were however the occasional lumps of charred bone, or a clump of still on fire goo that he tried hard not to think about, then thought ‘ ohh look – a leg’.

But he cleared that area fast enough so after a time the firestorm was just a black smudge on the landscape behind him – he did have time to think on it, and he wondered if the spell scroll was always that powerful or if it had been magnified by this place like it did to his own magical energies, he did decide it would be best not to try this out – but rather find someone knowledgeable in scrolls and see what they thought, Aurora was good at enchanted items and gear .. but she could probably point him in the right direction. After traveling along for a few hours and no sight or sound of anything around him, Kadin started to approach the dip in the hillside. Now being closer he could see the dip was actually a path that lead between two massive rocks, the space was cramped and tight, small enough that he had to push himself through side on, leaning his back against one wall and his chest catching on the one in front. He could see signs that someone had also passed through here recently and he had no doubt it was his target so he squeezed himself through following. After a few meters the wall in front of him began to pull back and the area around him widened, then quickly the ground in front of him fell away leaving a steep drop just in front of his boots. It was as if this hill or mountain had had a big chunk in the centre of it carved out, the drop in front of him lead to complete darkness but there was still sky (well clouds) above his head and after slowing sliding along the ledge he was on, after a while it started to widen and level out until he was on a tiny valley path halfway up the mountain, but as he finally made his way a few hundred meters further in the giant towering wall to his left and right closed in around him until he was in a small plateau with three caves in front of him, one lead down and twisted to his left, the middle one lead down at quite a steep angle and the one on the right lead up and to his left so after a few feet he would be directly over the middle cave.


The ground was bare of anything and he had no idea what cave entrance to take. He moved over to the left one and listened for a bit but there was almost no sound, only the occasional drip of a drop of water magnified a thousand fold. The middle cave leading down he tried to listen at too and he felt more than heard a deep slow rumble as if the two side of the mountain seemed to grind against each other deep underground. The last cave that lead up there was a low slow groan as of a never ending gale of wind that is just too far away to hear fully but could still hear the echo off.

Kadin decided to use his long sense again to see if he could get a feel for which way to go, he prepared and triggered his spell, he could feel the pulse expand out from him. There was no sense of anything behind him, and he could feel some minerals in the caves in front of him but after a second everything dimmed down again. He didn’t pick up anything, he decided to risk a larger pulse this time, and then immediately cursed his own stupidity. He went to the nearest tunnel, entered and went a few meters in until the cave entrance was hidden from view – then used his long sense again but this time he didn’t drop the connection (he was in a cave after all), after a few second of reaching out as far as he could he felt a bolt of lightning impact the mountain off to the side, but he could feel something more ahead of him – it wasn’t a life form it was something he couldn’t place – but it did have a magical energy to it, ahead of him and up. So with that he went to the right most tunnel and started to climb.

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