《It's just me and you》Chapter 23- Unjust
I immediately lock Scarlett's office door just as she instructed me to do so, however, a new issue arises within me.
I can't seem to release my grip on the doorknob. I'm frozen, in a state of shock. My mind is going through all the possible consequences that could potentially occur if anyone finds out that I'm currently in my literature professor's office, with a fucking boner.
They're obviously going to jump to conclusions and create accusations and rumors that could ruin both me and Scarlett's future along with our reputation. I certainly can't have that.
You'd think my 'little' situation would've gone down by now seeing as how fear has overtaken my mind rather than lust, but that unfortunately isn't the case. It's still the same and hasn't gone down, not one bit. It's a fucking curse that's what it is.
Get. Yourself. Together.
I tightly shut my eyes in attempts to reduce my staggered breathing and hysterical heart rate, as well as my overthinking and negative thoughts.
I then hear a faint conversation through the door, I don't seem to understand. It pretty much sounds like mumbling to me.
However, If they're discussing outside, that surely means that I'm safe in here. I internally laugh at myself for being so unbearably anxious, what was I even thinking? It's probably just one of Scarlett's students that had a meaningless question to ask her.
My shoulders instantly relax and my breathing resurfaces back to normal and I'm overcome with a wave of relief. I then release my grip from the doorknob and turn around to examine Scarlett's office, that I didn't even know existed until today.
Never in my life would I have imagined a Literature professor having such a high end luxury office, certainly not to this extent. It's truly unexpected.
To be completely honest, I shouldn't even be all that surprised. It is Brown University after all, I guess a lot of the profits go into the staff and faculty.
I'm incredibly mesmerized, Scarlett truly has good taste in decor and interior design. If she weren't a Literature professor I'd certainly recommend her to my father, seeing as how he's the head of an architectural company and has interior designers for the buildings he creates.
Her office certainly doesn't shy away from the color black. Everything in here seems to be black. It's not depressing or dark, instead it's elegant and mysterious.
I believe black is an incredibly misunderstood color. A lot of individuals usually associate it with negative emotions and pessimism but that's far from being the case.
The fact that Scarlett's room is all black actually offers me some insight about her character and I'm glad I had the chance to witness it. I'll definitely discuss this topic with her soon.
Scarlett's office contains a fancy black couch, a black marble coffee table, which in the center of it lies a vase with red roses. Her room also features a black work desk and a beautiful black leather chair in front of it, along with two smaller chairs opposite it, for students to sit in when discussing with her, I'm assuming.
Against her office wall lies an enormous shelf with a lifetime of books to read, I slowly walk over to it.
I never understood how people could have the time to read, don't get me wrong I love reading but it takes me a while to finish a book, I just find it interesting how someone could read so many.
I then walk over to her desk and see a painting behind it, I didn't take Scarlett for a Basquiat girl. I took a course of Art, in high school, the teacher sucked but the Art certainly didn't. I'm learning so much more about Scarlett and her way of expression just by this painting.
I then focus my gaze on her desk and notice her computer in the center of it along with some papers she's been grading.
Wait, is that?
My eyes remain glued on a book that happens to be titled "Y/L/N Arch" my fathers book on architecture. I guess Scarlett's been doing her research. This certainly made me like her more.
Then, a realization immediately surfaces my mind, I quickly look down. It's not there anymore, it's gone, finally. I guess observing Scarlett's room successfully ended up distracting me...
"Let me just grab my keys from my pocket to open the door!" Scarlett says from outside the door.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I know for a fact that she simply said those words loud enough for me to hear, she's trying to warn me before entering.
I anxiously analyze every corner and possibility to hide within her room, there's only one place I could think of...
This is going to be uncomfortable...
I slowly reach into my pocket, in search of my keys. Once my finger seems to grasp onto the item, I continue with my charade and act as if they're somehow lost in my pocket.
I'm giving y/n time, time to hide. I hope she understands the gravity of the situation. If something goes wrong, I could lose my job and she could lose her education.
However, I'm not going to give it much thought. I don't want the Dean to pick up on my nerves thus raising his suspicion. I'm going to put up an act, that's what I'm going to do.
Play it cool Scarlett.
I swear to god, y/n better have acknowledged my hint, I didn't yell out my actions for nothing. She's a smart girl, I know it. Everything will be just fine.
I finally take out my keys, slowly directing them towards the doorknob and placing it inside the lock, steadily unlocking it.
Once I hear the click, my heart rate increases. Goosebumps instantly forming along the back of my neck. I hesitantly open the door....
Thank god.
There's no one in sight and no sign of suspicious activity.
I sigh "Right this way." I humbly welcome the Dean into my office.
I notice his eyes go wide and he mutters a small yet distinctive 'Damn' under his breath.
I mentally pat myself on the back. I worked extremely hard in making this office like a second home, it's where I would spend most of my time and I wanted it to be absolutely perfect.
I haven't had the pleasure to share it with anyone yet, I guess the Dean would be the first. Correction, y/n would be the first.
He laughs "You sure know what you're doing." He states admirably.
I nod "Please, have a seat." I kindly direct him towards one of the chairs that happens to be in front of my desk.
He smiles and obliges to my request, making himself quite comfortable in the leather seats I had purchased for this room. They were meant for students whenever I had to speak with them but I'm glad they serve a purpose.
I then walk over to my seat which is actually directly across the Dean. My desk is basically a barrier between us both. I slowly plaster myself on the seat and offer the Dean my full attention on whatever matter he has come to me with. I just need to immediately get it over with before he finds y/n.
Where is y/n anyways?
Suddenly, my heart leaps out of my chest and my body instantly runs cold as I feel something tap my foot.
I immediately look down and recognize y/n uncomfortably crouched beneath my desk. She quickly gestures for me to be quiet. Unfortunately, I wasn't very discreet with my reaction, I gasped.
"Something wrong?" The Dean sits up worriedly as he study's me curiously.
I nervously laugh "Just a cramp, you know how women are." I joke.
He anxiously nods in agreement. I knew he wouldn't ask any follow up questions because men are usually light-headed when it comes to women and their menstrual cycles. Hopefully that little act didn't raise his suspicion.
He awkwardly clears his throat, attempting to shift from the previous topic "I'm just going to get to the point, regarding why I'm here today." He states professionally.
"As I said this is concerning a student of yours. Sadly this student isn't meeting the financial requirements to continue their journey at Brown University. They can no longer attend this school unless by some miracle they pay it off, which is highly unlikely due to their levels of income." He informs sincerely.
I glance at him concerned "Isn't there something we could do?" I ask.
He sighs and shakes his head in disapproval "I'm afraid not. The school has already compensated their financial needs more than ever. There's nothing we as staff could possibly do to aid them in this time. It's a painful thing to do, it is. However, we must follow protocol. In one week, they will no longer be able to set foot on this school as a student." He says sorrowfully.
I sigh "If you don't mind me asking, am I aloud to know who it is? or is there some sort of student confidentiality?" I ask curiously.
He chuckles softly "There's no such thing. It's Elizabeth Olsen. Does that ring a bell?" He asks.
Y/n's friend.
I slowly nod "Actually, a pretty insightful student of mine. Her writing is phenomenal, never late, and she participates every class. She could have a very bright future ahead of her if you just give her a chance-"
"There's nothing I can do, there's nothing anybody could do. In this world money is power, she doesn't have it. Therefore she has no power and no value. I'm sorry Ms. Johansson but life isn't fair and I don't appreciate you trying to advocate on her behalf, trying to play the hero." He sternly states.
I sigh and rub my temples frustratedly "Have you informed her of this dilemma yet?" I ask.
"Not yet, After this discussion." He informs.
This isn't fair, it's unjust. Money should never be a problem when it comes to education, it really shouldn't.
I don't know Elizabeth all that well but I know her well enough to know that she evidently does not deserve this. For God's sake it's her last year, we haven't even gone through half the year yet. This isn't right, her future is being robbed from her.
The Dean clears his throat "I just wanted to inform you on the issue and I apologize for the inconvenience. Trust me, if there was something I could do I would've done it a long time ago." He explains.
I nod "Thank you for letting me know." I respond formally.
I just want him to leave, I can't stand looking at him for another second. I want to yell, that's what I want to do. I know it's not his fault, it's the education system but he's here, right now, so I just want to take my anger out on him.
He sighs and slowly stands up "I'll make sure to remove her from your roster by the end of the week." He says as he walks in the direction of my door.
He then turns back, facing my direction as he gently grasps the doorknob. I think he noticed my shift in emotion because he dismisses himself by nodding apologetically as he walks out my office, softly closing the door behind him.
I immediately let out a stressful sigh into the air and hide myself with the palms of my hands as I frustratedly place them against my face as well as resting my elbows on my desk.
That wasn't exactly the conversation I was expecting. As a teacher, I'm disappointed. However, as a person, I'm fucking furious. Nobody deserves to be fucked by the educational system and the bullshit that comes along with it. I can't believe Elizabeth has to go through something as stupid as this. This whole situation is unjust, that's what it is.
I then hear a familiar individual uncomfortably clear their throat, gaining my attention. I abruptly glance under my desk and notice y/n crouched beneath it offering me a small shy smile.
I sigh "Don't talk. Don't move." I demand.
I slowly emerge from my chair, leaving it behind. I then make my way towards the door, making sure to securely lock it. I just can't take any chances, I can't.
I then return to my desk, swiftly taking a seat and studying y/n. It's an adorable sight to say the least. I never would've imagined y/n being under my desk, only under me.
Be professional.
I find it incredibly aggravating that my mind always seems to drift towards dirty thoughts whenever y/n is anywhere near me, hell sometimes she doesn't even have to be near me.
Honestly, I think I just have some built up tension. Sexual tension. I've had very little activity lately and when I do somehow receive action, down there, it's mediocre to say the least. I mean don't get me wrong it feels good for a couple seconds but then I'm left unsatisfied and disappointed.
Anyways, I just need y/n to leave immediately before my thoughts become actions. She certainly can't leave this room until her thing goes down, there's no way in hell I'm letting her go out in public. I wonder how much more time she requires.
"Give me an estimate on how much longer you think it'll take." I sternly ask.
Y/n furrows her brows in confusion "Care to elaborate?" She responds curiously.
I sigh impatiently "Your incapability to control your own penis, y/n. How much longer?" I ask bitterly.
I immediately notice y/n's cheeks flash a subtle crimson red and I almost instantly feel guilty.
Way to go Scarlett. It's not even her fault, it's mine. This whole situation is my fault, if I hadn't been so goddam childish we wouldn't have gone through the suspenseful encounter.
I'm not even angry with y/n, I'm simply agitated with the whole Olsen situation and I guess I accidentally ended up taking it out on her.
Suddenly, the room is filled with soft heartwarming laughter and it's seems to be coming from y/n. I didn't know she laughed like that, it's incredibly wholesome and beautiful. I could listen to that sound forever and I swear I would never grow tired.
She glances up at me and smiles "Way to bruise my ego, Johansson." she says teasingly.
She then twists and turns beneath my desk, eventually crawling out and standing tall. I gaze up at her, seeing as how I'm still seated on my leather chair, and she looks down upon me, with dominance masking her eyes.
Where's her sudden confidence coming from?
Y/n then lowers herself to my peripheral, gently placing each hand on the sides of my arm chair, successfully keeping me in place.
She slowly leans forward, inches away from my lips "For your information, no one with a penis can control when it goes up or when it goes down." She states in a serious tone.
As I'm about to respond, she quickly distracts me by placing a strand of my hair behind my ear and leans towards it "I'm not going to apologize for my 'incapability to control my penis'. Its not my fault that I can't control myself when I'm around you, have you looked in the mirror?" She whispers seductively, causing shivers to run down my spine.
I nervously clear my throat "Don't forget who I am."
The corners of her lips curve slightly upwards "Why don't you show me who you are." She teases.
I sigh irritatedly "You need to leave." I state.
She slowly nods "I know but you want me to stay."
I scoff "What gives you that impression?" I ask curiously.
She shrugs "Just a... feeling." She playfully responds.
I laugh "Well, your feeling is wrong." I bitterly say as I release myself from her trap, as well as standing up.
She clicks her tongue "You're a terrible liar."
I impatiently cross my arms "Okay, y/n. Please enlighten me why you think I 'want' you to stay." I hiss.
She smiles cheekily and quickly glances down at my lips "I thought you'd never ask." She says.
She then bends down connecting her lips with mine, kissing me passionately. I feel her soft wet lips gently moving against mine, making me feel a heartbeat in a place I shouldn't be feeling. I eventually reciprocate the action and kiss her hungrily, I do want this. I want her.
I aggressively grab her shirt pulling her into me, deepening the kiss, wanting more. Needing more.
All of a sudden an incredibly annoying sound fills the walls of my room, causing me to briefly detach myself from y/n's grasp. It's a ringtone, definitely not my ringtone. I then realize that It's y/n's device ringing chaotically in the pocket of her pants.
I glare up at her disapprovingly.
She smiles softly and awkwardly clears her throat "I'll turn it off." She informs.
I smile in return and nod as she desperately reaches into her pocket trying to end the aggravating sound that doesn't seem to stop. She finally retrieves her phone and glances at it with a concerned look across her face. She sighs frustratedly and frowns while giving me an apologetic look.
She sighs "It's my father, he only calls if it's important." She states disappointedly.
I nod understandingly "No need to explain, I understand." I say as I begin to fix my composure.
She smiles softly at me "I'm sorry, at least women don't get blue balls."
I laugh "Go, answer your father y/n before he starts worrying." I demand.
She offers a sly smirk "We're certainly going to continue this." She teases.
I smile "No, we're certainly not. It was in the heat of the moment and your father happened to save me from making a mistake." I sternly say.
Y/n bends down and gently wipes my bottom lip with her warm thumb. She then leans in so close that I could practically feel her warm breath against my lips making me freeze in place.
She laughs "I said it before and I'll say it again. You're a terrible liar."
I sarcastically scoff "Leave. Now." I demand.
She nods "Yes m'am." She teases as she leaves my room, closing the door behind her.
I then walk back to my desk, plastering myself on my seat. I sigh and look at the ceiling.
Is it so bad that I wished her father would've never called her. Things happen for a reason, I guess it would've been a little cliché for me to have sex with a student in my office. The thing is she's not just a student, she's y/n.
What the fuck am I doing?
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